Statius Bibliography by Author

ordered in inverse chronological order and alphabetically

Abad Del Vecchio, Julene, "On the Use of carcer at Stat. Achil. 1.625," Philologus 165 (2021): 326–30
Carcer at Ach 1.625 refers both to a prison and to a starting gate, echoing the equine and racetrack imagery Statius uses to refer to the poem (Silv. 4.7.22-24). Link.

Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Rege sub uno: On the Politics of Statius' Achilleid,: in C.W. Marshall, ed., Studies in Latin Poetry and its Reception: Essays for Susanna Braund (Abingdon-on-Thames: Routledge, 2021), 56-74
• Traces of imperial ideology in the Achilleid.

Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Di Achille, Alessandro Magno, e tirsi in abbondanza (Stazio, Achilleide 1, 150-1; 615-8, 855-6)," in Simone Beta and Silvia Romani, eds., Tirse per Dioniso: a Giulio Guidorizzi, Hellenica: Testi e strumenti di letteratura greca antica, medievale e umanistica 95 (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso), 17-22
• On morifs from the life of Alexander the Great (especially from Plutarch and Diodorus Siculus) in the Achilleid.

Anderson, Harald, "On the Frequency of Ancilia in Medieval Manuscripts," in H. Anderson and David T. Gura, eds., Between the Text and the Page: Studies on the Transmission of Medieval Ideas in Honour of Frank T. Coulson, Papers in Mediaeval Studies 33 (Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 2020), 132-45
• Statistics on various types of marginal and ancillary texts (including commentary, vitae, and accessus) in the medieval manuscripts of Statius, intended as comparanda for other authors.

Anderson, Harald, "Publius Papinius Statius," Catalogus Translationum et Commentariorum 13 (2020) 53-346
• Summary of Statius' medieval reception from antiquity to modern times, together with a list and description of pre-17th century commentaries and translations of his works.
• Review: C. Kallendorf, Seventeenth-Century News 78.3-4 (2020): 182-84

Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Testo e frammento nell'Achilleide di Stazio," in 2020, Massimiliano Papini, ed., Opus Imperfectum: Monumenti e testi incompiuti del mondo greco e romano, Sapienza Università di Roma 14-15 marzo 2019, Scienze dell’Antichità 25.3 (Rome, 2020), xx-xx
• An examination of possible structures, themes, and interpretations of the intended Achilleid.

Bessone, Federica, "Allusive (Im-)Pertinence in Statius' Epic," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 133-168

Bessone, Federica, "'Nimis mater': Mother Plot and Epic Deviation in the Achilleid," in Alison Sharrock and Alison Keith, eds., Maternal Conceptions in Classical Literature and Philosophy, Phoenix, Supplementary Volume 57, Studies in Gender Volume 2 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2020), 80-112
• In the Ach., Thetis is not timid and deceitful. Rather, Statius has her change between her roles as mother of a child, interfering with epic, to mother of a hero, an ancillary figure.

Coffee, Neil, and James Gawley, "How Rare are the Words that Make Up Intertexts? A Study in Latin and Greek Epic Poetry," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 409-420

Coffee, Neil, Christopher Forstall, Damien Nelis, Lavinia Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020)

Gervais, Kyle, "Dominoque legere superstes? Epic and Empire at the End of the Thebaid," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 111 (2020) 385–420
•"An intertextual reading of Theb. (12.810-19) reveals influences of Lucretius, Horace, Virgil, Ovid, and Lucan and demonstrates' Statius' deep unease with the purposes of imperial Roman epic and an attempt to carve out a new kind of poetic immortality."

Heslin, Peter, "Lemmatizing Latin and Quantifying the Achilleid," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 389-408

Jäger, Nils, Amphiaraus: Ritual und Schwelle in Statius' Thebais, Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 145 (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2020)

Lovatt, Helen, "Meanwhile Back at the Ranch: Narrative Transition and Structural Intertextuality in Statius Thebaid 1," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 21-42

Newlands, Carole, "Statius' Post-Vesuvian Landscapes and Virgil's Parthenope," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 349-72

Ripoll, François, "Ulysses as an Inter (and Meta-)textual Hero in the Achilleid of Statius," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 243-258

Rosati, Gianpiero, "The Redemption of the Monster, or: The 'Evil Hero' in Ancient Epic," in N.Coffee, C. Forstall, D.Nelis, L. Milić Galli, Intertextuality in Flavian Epic Poetry: Contemporary Approaches, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 64 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), 283-304

Augoustakis, Antony, "Haec Pietas, Haec Fides: Permutations of Trust in Statius' Thebaid," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature (Toronto, 2019), 132-46
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26

Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, "Campania in the Flavian Poets' Imagination," chapter 1 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Augoustakis, Antony, Emma Buckley and Claire Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature, Phoenix Supplementary Volumes (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2019)
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26

Baptista, Natan, and Leni Leite, "Recusatio e encômio a Domiciano nos proêmios épicos de Estácio (Theb. 1.1-45; Ach. 1.1-19) - Recusatio and Praise to Domitian in Statius' Epic Proemia (Theb. 1.1-45; Ach. 1.1-19)," Ágora. Estudos Clássicos em Debate 21 (2019) 117-35
• "The proemia to Statius' epic poems are analyzed as dedications to Domitian. The proemia are central to these works since it is through them that Statius builds the ideal motif underlying the imperial praise and the justification of his choice of mythological themes. Through the use of the concepts of ethos and scenography, from French Discourse Analysis, the poet's excusatio, as it appears in the poems, contributed to determine his poetic place and to shape his ethos as a poet-client." Includes Portuguese translations of several passages.

Baumann, Helge, Das Epos im Blick: Intertextualität und Rollenkonstruktionen in Martials Epigrammen und Statius' Silvae, Millennium-Studien 73 (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2019)

Bernstein, Neil W., "Nec tibi sufficiat transmissae gloria vitae: Otium and Ambition from Statius to Ennodius," Classical Journal 115.1 (2019) 63-85

Bernstein, Neil W., "'A Greater Love': Fides in Statius' Silvae," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature (Toronto, 2019), 68-81
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26

Bessone, Federica, "Quam Romanus honos et Graia licentia miscent: Cultural Fusion, Ethical Temper, and Poetic Blend in Statius' Ideal Campania," chapter 10 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Bessone, Federica, "Quam Romanus honos et Graia licentia miscent: Cultural Fusion, Ethical Temper, and Poetic Blend in Statius' Ideal Campania," chapter 10 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Bessone, Federica, "Tebe nella Commedia: Tra Ovidio e Stazio," in Carlota Cattermole and Marcello Ciccuto, eds., Miti, figure, metamorfosi: L'Ovidio di Dante, Quaderni della Società Dantesca Italiana 11 (Florence: Le Lettere, 2019), 139-63

Briguglio, Stefano, "Ipsipile tra Ovidio e l'epica flavia: Ritratti di signora," in Federica Bessone and Sabrina Stroppa, eds., Lettori latini e italiani di Ovidio: Atti del convegno, Università di Torino, 9-10 novembre 2017, Quaderni della Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale 18 (Pisa: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2019), 41-49
• "Valerius Flaccus offers a glorifying epic variation on Hypsipyle's story, following Apollonius. Almost as a response to that, Statius took the Ovidian material and narrative techniques as his starting point. Thus, as Hypsipyle remembers, expands, and corrects her elegiac past, Statius creates an ambivalent tale and seems to instigate suspicion about narrative truthfulness, something Ovid is well known for," from rev. by Pere Fagrave;bregas Salis, Bryn Marw Classical Review 2020.03.13

Buongiovanni, Claudio, "Literary Representations of Naples in Flavian Poetry," chapter 2 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Esposito, Paolo, "Campanian Geography in Statius' Silvae," chapter 8 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Fielding, Ian, "Statius and his Renaissance Readers: The Rediscovery of a poeta Neapolitanus," in Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019), 271-84
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Hu, Alice, "Vive, superstes: Survivors and Problems of Survival in Statius' Thebaid," PhD Dissertation (Univ. of Pennsylvania, 2019), Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations 3634
• Survival is a central preoccupation of the Thebaid and is a traumatic experience, as characters feel they have lived past the point when they think they should have died. This "overliving" becomes a way for Statius to reflect on his place in the epic canon and to figure his own problem of poetic belatedness.

Keith, Alison, "Women's Fides in Statius' Thebaid," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature (Toronto, 2019), 109-31
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26

Kozák, Dániel, "Trust and Mistrust in the Achilleid," in A. Augoustakis, E. Buckley and C. Stocks, eds., Fides in Flavian Literature (Toronto, 2019), 147-67
• Review: E.V. Mulhern, BMCR 2020.07.26

Lóio, Ana, "Through the Past to the Future of Naples: Text and History in Silvae 4.8," chapter 11 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

McClellan, Andrew M., Abused Bodies in Roman Epic (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2019)
• In chapter 2, argues that "Tydeus recalls the Flavian civil war with his excesses on the battlefield."
• Review: N.W. Bernstein, BMCR 2020.09.47

Putnam, Michael C.J., "Statius Silvae 1.3: A Stream and Two Villas," Illinois Classical Studies 44.1 (2019) 66-100

Ripoll, François, "En attendant Achille (Stace, Achilleacute;ide, 1.467-513): Enjeux dramatiques, éthiques et politiques d'une scegrave;ne de transition," Dictynna: Revue de poétique latine 16 (2019), unpaginated
• The scene at Aulis (1.467-513) presents a neo-Iliadic esthetic that differs from the elegiac and Alexandrian nature of the rest of the poem. It also provides a deescalation of the drama in the poem and, through literary references, compares Homeric society with contemporary Rome.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Laudes Campaniae: Myth and Fantasies of Power in Statius' Silvae," chapter 9 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "Semirutos ... de pulvere vultus: Vesuvius, Statius, and Trauma," chapter 12 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019)
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Spinelli, Tommaso, "The Argos Narrative in Statius' Thebaid: A New Ovidian Perseid?," The American Journal of Philology 140.2 (2019) 291-315
• The Theb. (1.312-2.743) is modelled after Met. 4.610-5.249. Statius uses his Ovidian model to "competitively renegotiate his relationship with his Augustan models." The poem hence responds to Flavian politics.

Zissos, Andrew, "Closure and Segmentation: Endings, Medial Proems, Book Divisions," in Christiane Reitz and Simone Finkmann, eds., Structures of Epic Poetry, Vol. I: Foundations (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2019), 531-64
• A discussion of conclusions and sphrageis in epic (Iliad, Odyssey, Apollonius, Virgil, Ovid, the Thebaid, and Silius shows how they developed "as a formal device for imparting closure."

Abrantes, Miguel Carvalho, "The Mystery of Achilles' Death," Humanitas (Coimbra) 71 (2018) 71-79
• On the myth of the death of Achilles in ancient art.

Babnis, Tomasz, "Iranian Themes in the Poetry of Statius," Classica Cracoviensia 21 (2018): 5-30
• Analysis of references to the Parthians and Achaemenid Persia in the Thebaid and Silvae, including cultural, military, and political references (particularly the Armenian War).

Bessone, Federica, "Signs of Discord: Statius's Style and the Traditions on Civil War," in Lauren Donovan Ginsberg and Darcy A. Krasne (ed.), After 69 CE: Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome, Trends in Classics, Supplementary volume 65 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), 89-108
• Review: Jessica Blum-Sorensen, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.01.14
"Flavian authors engage with their predecessors through an established language of civil war."

Bessone, Federica, "Visions of a Hero: Optical Illusions and Multifocal Epic in Statius's Achilleid," Helios 45.2 (2018) 169-94

Grotto, Francesco, "Egregivs formaqve animisqve : Un Marcello 'virgiliano' in Stazio, Silvae IV 4," Maia 70.2 (2018) 312-19

Krasser, Helmut, "Poesie und Freundschaft: Zu literarischen und sozialen Dimensionen der Catull-Rezeption im 1. Jhdt. n. Chr.," Millennium: Jahrbuch zu Kultur und Geschichte des Ersten Jahrtausends n. Chr. 15 (2018) 1-18
• On the reception of Catullus in Statius, Martial, and Pliny the Younger.

Morelli, Alfredo Mario, "Un simposio per le acque: Stazio e il balneum di Claudio Etrusco (Silu. 1.5)," Studi italiani do filologia classica 2018.1 (2018) 71-101
• Clio, as an uninhibited guest, programmatically depicts the bridge between Statius' epic and occasional personas. Relationship with Catullus 27, which also influenced S. 1.6.53-64.

Nassichuk, John, "Stace et Valerius Flaccus aux palinods normands de l'epoque de Charles IX: Trois epigrammes latines de Jean Rouxel (1571-1573)," Latomus 77.2 (2018) 441-63

Pontiggia, Ludovico, "La folgore di Giove e la teomachia di Capaneo nella Tebaide di Stazio," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 80 (2018) 165-192

Rebeggiani, Stefano, The Fragility of Power: Statius, Domitian and the Politics of the Thebaid (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2018)
• Review: Ginsberg, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.12.03

Scioli, Emma, review of K. Gervais, Statius, Thebaid 2: Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford, 2017), CJ-Online, 2018.11.05

Shumilin, Mikhail, "A Possible Corruption in Verg. Aen. 12.510," Museum Helveticum 75 (2018) 85-87
• The reading longe for longa is supported by an echo at Theb. 9.108.

Simms, Robert Clinton, "Iam pater est: Oedipus in Statius's Thebaid," Illinois Classical Studies 43.1 (2018) 234-57

Škraban, Kajetan, "Spol, žanr in nasledstvo: recepcija Stacijeve Ahileide v baročni operi [Gender, Genre, and Succession: The Reception of Statius' Achilleid in Baroque Opera]," Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 20 (2018) 105-129

Stover, Timothy, "Civil War and the Argonautic Program of Statius's Thebaid" in Lauren Donovan Ginsberg and Darcy A. Krasne (ed.), After 69 CE: Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome, Trends in Classics, Supplementary volume 65 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), 109-22
• Review: Jessica Blum-Sorensen, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.01.14

van der Schuur, Marco, "Civil War on the Horizon: Seneca's Thyestes and Phoenissae in Statius's Thebaid 7," in Lauren Donovan Ginsberg and Darcy A. Krasne (ed.), After 69 CE: Writing Civil War in Flavian Rome, Trends in Classics, Supplementary volume 65 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2018), 123-44
• Review: Jessica Blum-Sorensen, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.01.14

Abbamonte, G., "Papinio Stazio e il monte Gaurus produttore di vino," Vichiana 54 (2017) 119-127

Anagnostou-Laoutides, Eva, "Drunk with Blood: The Role of Platonic Baccheia in Lucan and Statius," Latomus 76.2 (2017) 304-323

Beconi, Marco, "Per una revisione dell'edizione di Sweeney del Commentum in Thebaida di Lattanzio Placido," Unpublished Tesi di Laurea (Perugia, 2017)
• Critical observations on Sweeney's 1997 edition. Link.

Bennardo, Lorenza, "On Statius, Theb. 8.26 serunt animas and its Interpretation in Later Readers," Mnemosyne 70.3 (2017) 436-449

Briguglio, S., Fraternas acies: Saggio di commento a Stazio, Tebaide 1.1-389, Millenium 9 (Alessandria, 2017)
• Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.06.26

Cannizzaro, F. "Elementi argonautici nel monile di Armonia (Stat. Theb. II 269-305)," Maia 69.3 (2017) 524-36

Galzerano, Manuel, "Ending with World Destruction: A Closural Device in Lucretius' De rerum natura and its Influence on Later Latin Poetry," Graeco-Latina Brunensia 22 (2017) 43-55
• Virgil, Manilius, and Statius (Theb. 7.809-817) apocalyptic passages are based on Lucretius 1.1104-1117, 2.1105-1174, and 6.596-607.

Gervais, K., Statius, Thebaid 2: Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford, 2017)
• Review: Martínez Zepeda, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2018.08.40; Emma Scioli CJ-Online 2018.11.05

Gervais, Kyle, "Odi(tque moras): Abridging Allusions to Vergil, Aeneid 12 in Statius, Thebaid 12," The American Journal of Philology 138 (2017): 305-29

"Various allusions to Aeneid 12 in Thebaid 12 abridge the earlier narrative, cutting out difficult scenes so that Theseus and Creon's duel becomes a more straightforward battle between right and wrong than that of Aeneas and Turnus."

Graziano, Maria Rita, "Eros e potere nel Bellum civile di Lucano: Proposte di lettura per un confronto con Stazio," Atti del III Seminario nazionale per dottorandi e dottori di ricerca in studi latini (CUSL) [special issue], La Biblioteca di CC 5 (2017): 327-41

Hogenmüller, Boris, "Wann hat das Fest bei Adrastos stattgefunden?: Eine Untersuchung zu Stat. Theb. 1.692-693," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 57 (2017) 461-70
Theb. 1.692-693 refers to an actual astronomical event, the fading of a star in Ursa Major.

Kronenberg, Leah J., "A Petronian Parrot in a Neronian Cage: A New Reading of Statius' Silvae 2.4," Classical Quarterly N.S. 67 (2017) 558-572
• "Many read Silv. 2.4, a poem about a dead parrot dedicated to Atedius Melior, as picking up on the metapoetic strand in his Ovidian model (Am. 2, 6), in which the parrot may be interpreted as a poet figure. Oddities about the dead parrot and its relationship to its dominus have not been explained. This article argues that the parrot stands in for a specific dead poet/writer, namely Petronius, and that the dominus of the poem is Nero. The dominus is mentioned in the first line but is never addressed and there is no indication of a close relationship with Statius. The name Melior is withheld until line 32, and by this time Statius has provided his readers with the tools necessary to decode this complex poem.

Lagière, Anne, La Thébaïde de Stace et le sublime, Collection Latomus 358 (Bruxelles, Societété d'Études Latines de Bruxelles - Latomus, 2017)
• Review: Kyle Gervais, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2020.01.39

Leite, Leni Ribeiro, "Silvas em três tempos: Emulação e engenho em Estácio, Poliziano, Quevedo," Alea: Estudos Neolatinos 19.3 (2017) 525-37

Manasseh, James, "A Commentary on Statius' Thebaid 1.1-45," Unpublished MA Thesis, University of St. Andrews, 2017

Mancini, A., "Sul significato di mitis in due passi della Tebaide di Stazio (I 334; II 382)," Maia 69.3 (2017) 537-542

Putnam, Michael C.J., "Statius Silvae 3.2: Reading Travel," Illinois Classical Studies 42.1 (2017) 83-139

Ricchieri, Tommaso, "Funus Olynthi: Una presunta corruttela in Stazio, Theb. 12, 510 (con una nota virgiliana a Aen. 6, 621-622)," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 78 (2017) 183-94

Smith, R. Scott, "Mythographical and Literary Notes on the Catalogs of Argive and Theban Allies in Statius' Thebaid," Mnemosyne 70.2 (2017) 240-61

Augoustakis, Antony, "Achilles and the Poetics of Manhood: Re(de)fining Europe and Asia in Statius' Achilleid," Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (2015-2016) 195-219
• "Examination of the Europe/Asia binarism in Statius's Achilleid as a means of understanding the polarities of male/female, West/East, Greek/barbarian, and ultimately Roman/non-Roman. Helen's abduction by Paris and the discourse on the succession of empires in Statius's poem reflect Thetis's own transformation of Achilles into a woman. Through his cross-dressing and the impregnation of Deidamia, marked in the text as a violent attack, Achilles comes of age on the liminally-other island of Scyros by replicating Paris's rapina. The 'European' Achilles incorporates both the effeminate traits of the East and the warlike manliness of the West; he also ultimately embodies the 'Asian' other, which he is destined to conquer."

Augoustakis, Antony, "Burial and Lament in Flavian Epic: Mothers, Fathers, Children," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)

• Study of female lament in Flavian poems and male lament in Thebaid, "arguing that whereas female lament undermines society's structures, male lament confirms them" (from Davis' review).
• Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04

Augoustakis, Antony, Statius, Thebaid 8. Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016)
• Rev. A.M. McClellan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 20170332

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Le codex Buslidianus des épopées de Stace: La Haye, Koninklijke Bibliotheek, 128 A 38," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 60 (2016) 420-432
• Identification of the codex Buslidianus collated in editions from Bernartius' on.

Berlincourt, Valéry, "The Statius of Gronovius (Amsterdam, 1653) and the Manuscripts London BL Royal 15.C.X and 15.A.XXI," Classical Quarterly 66 (2016) 376-383
• Gronovius' 1653 edition is the most significant stage in the evolution of the printed text of the Thebaid before the late 19th century. In accordance with contemporary practice, Gronovius selectively corrected a printed textus receptus. Gronovius's corrections are usually of great value and many of them promote readings that are still considered correct today. Regarding his sources, this article compares what Gronovius says in the commentary with his hitherto unstudied documents, in particular his collations, which are preserved in Leiden. Identification of two additional manuscript sources he used.

Bernstein, Neil W., "Light on the Water in Silius Italicus' Punica and Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 69 (2016) 1050-1057
• Among other points, the reception of the Hannibal passage (Sil. 7.143-145) in Statius (Theb. 12.270-273) and the use of both in Claudian (Rapt. Pros. 3.444-446).

Bessone, Federica, "The Hero's Extended Family: Familial and Narrative Tensions in Statius' Achilleid," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)

• "Achilleid's family dynamics are much more fluid than Thebaid's, and therefore closer to those of Ovid's Metamorphoses than those of Statius' own earlier work" (from Davis' review).
• Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04

Bitto, Gregor, Vergimus in senium: Statius' Achilleis als Alterswerk, Hypomnemata 202 (Gottingen, 2016)

Bognini, Filippo, "Classical Characters in the First Commentary on the Rhetorica ad Herennium: Unpublished Glosses from Ms. München, BSB, Clm 29220.12," in Forme di accesso al sapere in età tardoantica e altomedievale. 6, Raccolta delle relazioni discusse nell'incontro internazionale di Trieste, Biblioteca statale, 24-25 settembre 2015, ed. Lucio Cristante and Vanni Veronesi [special issue], Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica 19 (Trieste: EUT, 2016), 59-74
• Edition and analysis of glosses on the Rhetorica ad Herennium attributable to Menegaldus. The glosses uses characters from Terence, Statius, Virgil, and Sallust in discussions of misericordia e mentitio (Rhet. Her. 2.31.50 and 3.2.3).

Bonadeo, Alessia, "A Iove principium (Silv. 1, praef. 19): Stazio si presenta," Latomus: Revue d'études Latines 75 (2016) 943-959
• An examination of how the narrator presents himself, his poetic style, and his work. Includes a discussion of the origins of the formula a Iove principium and its usage in Statius.

Carderi, Flavia, "Ekphrasis e non-ekphrasis nella Pharsalia di Lucano: Suggestioni lucanee in Stazio," in Fabrice Galtier and Rémy Poignault, edd., "Présence de Lucain, Caesarodunum bis 48-49 (Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l'Antiquité, 2016), pp. 123-137
• The use of Lucan. 9.511-527 and 10.111-126 in Theb. 12.481-496 and 1.144-151, respectively.

De Cristofaro, Alessandra, "La lezione tegit di Stat. Silv. 1.1.51," Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d'Informazione Bibliografica 46 (2016) 587-592, with plate
• The reading tegit is preferable to terit on the basis of a coin from 95-96 d.C. (British Museum 1978, 1021.5 ; RIC 2.1 D 797), in which the personification of the Rhine appears under the hoof of Domitian's horse.

De Gussem, Jeroen, "Animal Imagery in Statius' Thebaid: A Common Place for Man and Woman," Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica N.S. 113 (2016) 159-177
• "On the use of animal images in Stazio's Thebaid in relation to male and female figures. Their occurrence is linked to the transgression of qualities or expectations of this kind, for men the corruption of the virile virtus, for women the refusal of their maternal role and the ambition to self-affirm and acquire independence. In both cases the transgression is determined by the anger that dominates the epic poem. Animal metaphors become a point of convergence, a common place where gender roles oscillate and social limina vanish in favor of primitive chaos."

Delarue, Fernand, "De Lucain aux épiques flaviens: Dieux et hommes," in Fabrice Galtier and Rémy Poignault, edd., "Présence de Lucain, Caesarodunum bis 48-49 (Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l'Antiquité, 2016), pp. 237-258
• Influence of Lucan on Valerius Flaccus and Statius.

Dominik, William J., "Epigram and Occasional Poetry: Social Life and Values in Martial's Epigrams and Statius' Silvae," in A Companion to the Flavian Age of Imperial Rome, ed. Andrew Zissos, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Chichester: John Wiley, 2016), 412-433

Dupuy-Hémar, Virginie, "Définir les frontières du sanctuaire: Religion, poésie et iconographique dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in Hugues Berthelot et al., edd., Vivre et penser les frontières dans le monde méditerranéen antique: Actes du colloque tenu à l'Université Paris-Sorbonne, les 29 et 30 juin 2013, Scripta antiqua: Ausonius 89 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2016), pp. 91-104 with plates
• The representation of borders of sacred spaces in the Thebaid and fourth-style wall painting.

Ginsberg, Warren, "Models of Translation: Ovid, Dante," chapter 2 of Tellers, Tales, and Translation in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015)
• On Dante's Statius episode.
• Review: Meyer-Lee, The Medieval Review 16.10.30

Heslin, P., "Ovid's Cycnus and Homer's Achilles Heel," in L. Fulkerson and T. Stover, edd., Repeat Performances: Ovidian Repetition and the Metamorphoses (Madison, WI, 2016), pp. 69-99
• Statius' myth of Achilles' heel is derived from Ovid.

Heslin, Peter, "A Perfect Murder: The Hypsipyle Epyllion," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)

• On the genre of epic vs epyllion in Statius and Statius' critique of Valerius' Argonautica.
• Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04

Keith, Alison, "Sisters and Their Secrets in Flavian Epic," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)

• Exploration of Statius' representation of sisters and quasi-sisters, both human and divine, in the Thebaid.
• Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04

Kozák, Dániel, "Weaving 'Catullan' Song: Achilles' Performances in Statius' Achilleid," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (2016) 65-80
• Achilles' first song (Ach. 1.188-194) has close parallels to Catullus 64. This intertextual relationship is also apparent in Achilles' other songs (1.572-583 and 2.157-158). All three passages also have weaving metaphors, emphasizing the relationship with Catullus.

Leite, Leni Ribeiro, "Épica, 2: Ovídio, Lucano e Estácio, Bibliotheca Latina (São Paulo: Ed. da Universidade de São Paulo, 2016; also Campinas: Unicamp, 2016)

Manioti, Nikoletta, "Becoming Sisters: Antigone and Argia in Statius' Thebaid," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)

• An analysis of sisters-in-law in epic indicates that Statius constructs their relationship to be sisterly, with typical sibling rivalries.
• Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04

McAuley, Mairéad, Reproducing Rome: Motherhood in Virgil, Ovid, Seneca, and Statius (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016)
• Reviews: Chinn, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016; Pyy Classical Review N.S. 66 (2016) 423-424

Newlands, Carole, "Fatal Unions: Marriage at Thebes," in Nikoletta Manioti, ed., Family in Flavian Epic, Mnemosyne suppl. 394 (Leiden, 2016)

• "On marriage in Statius. After brief consideration of Deidamia and Achilles, Newlands discusses the unconsummated betrothal of Ismene and Atys, the blighted marriage of Argia and Polynices, and the catastrophic relationship of Jocasta and Oedipus, arguing that polluted marriage is the cause of civil war in Thebes (p. 169)" (from Davis' review).
• Review: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2017.03.04

Onorato, Marco, "Amore e Venere nel c. 11 di Sidonio Apollinare: Tra culto della varietas ed aemulatio staziana," Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d'Informazione Bibliografica 46 (2016) 79-109
• "The praise of Ruricio and Iberia in Sidonius' poem show how the author's varietas affects both the formal and the articulation of the composition, reminiscent of Silvae 1.2."

Putnam, Michael C.J., "The Sense of Two Endings: How Virgil and Statius Conclude," Illinois Classical Studies 41 (2016) 85-149
• A comparison of the end of the Aeneid and the Thebaid shows that Statius eliminates eroticism and emphasizes clementia, as private violence yields to universal mourning.

Rabboni, Renzo, "La 'Tebaide' di Cornelio Bentivoglio: La stesura collaborativa, la parte del Frugoni e la princeps," La parola del testo 20 (2016) 105-14

Ripoll, François, "La mutilation oculaire: formes et sens d'un motif guerrier de la Pharsale aux épopées flaviennes," in Fabrice Galtier and Rémy Poignault, edd., "Présence de Lucain, Caesarodunum bis 48-49 (Clermont-Ferrand: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol-Présence de l'Antiquité, 2016), pp. 259-280
• Influence of Lucan on Statius and Silius Italicus.

Segato, Maria, "Un inedito volgarizzamento dell'Achilleide di Stazio: Edizione critica e commento," Unpublished PhD Dissertation (Università di Padova, 2016)
• Edition of a 14th-century translation-cum-commentary of the Achilleid.

Stachon, Markus, "Zu den verlorenen Werken Lucans," Maia 68 (2016) 689-700
• Testimony of the Silvae and other works.

Van den Broek, Pieter, "The Narrative of Adrastus in Statius' Thebaid as a Case Study of Intratextual Poetics," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 56 (2016) 43-63
• Adrastus' narrative (Theb. 1.577-668) is full of repetitions of words and is echoed in later parts of the epic, especially in the Nemean episode (Books 4-6). The repetitions of words emphasize motifs that play an important role in the poem and combine characters, events, motifs and episodes. This intratextuality leads to the impression of uniformity, discontinuity, or ambiguity.

Voigt, Astrid, "The Power of the Grieving Mind: Female Lament in Statius's Thebaid," Illinois Classical Studies 41 (2016) 59-84
• "Statius makes moral agency a feature of female lamentation in the Thebaid and reasserts the social value of grief and its ritual performance. This agency is developed in a vacuum of male values" (from LAPH).

Zurli, Loriano, "Per una discussione 'metodica' di Stat. Silv. V 3, 127," Myrtia: Revista de Filología Clásica 31 (2016) 413-17
• "Velie graius" at Silv. 5.3.127 is an embedded gloss. Read "Graia refert Elea esse, unus qua puppe magister / excidit."

Zurli, Loriano, "Sul famigerato v. 8 di Stat. silv. I 6," Bollettino di Studi Latini: Periodico Semestrale d'Informazione Bibliografica 46 (2016) 169-173
• At Silvae 1.6.8, read parce for parcen/noctem, maintaining the syntax of ebriam diem at line 7.

Abbamonte, G., "Naples: A Poet's City: Attitudes Towards Statius and Virgil in the Fifteenth Century," in J. Hughes and C. Buongiovanni, edd., Remembering Parthenope: The Reception of Classical Naples from Antiquity to the Present (Oxford, 2015), pp. 170-88

Ahl, Frederick, "Transgressing Boundaries of the Unthinkable: Sophocles, Ovid, Vergil, Seneca and Homer Refracted in Statius' Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 240-265

Ash, Rhiannon, "War came in disarray... (Thebaid 7.616): Statius and the Depiction of Battle," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 207-220
• On the construction of the battle-scenes in Statius.

Augoustakis, Antony, "Statius and Senecan Drama," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 377-392
• Comparison of the necromancy of Theb. 4 and the Oedipus and the cannibalism at the end of Theb. 8 and the Thyestes.

Bellandi, Franco, "Stazio e Domiziano: Epica e potere: A proposito di un recente libro sulla Tebaide," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 412-435
• On Bessone 2011.

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Innuptae ritus imitata Minervae: Une comparaison chez Claudien et ses connexions flaviennes," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 12 (2015)
• The scene at DR 1.84, Claudianus echoes Il/ 5.720-732 but his language echoes Silius Italicus (ritus imitata, 4.768-769) and the Thebaid (innuptae... Minervae, 12.529-539).

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Early Modern Thebaid: The Latin Commentary Tradition," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 543-561
• On the commentaries on the poem in the 16th and 17th centuries.

Bernstein, Neil W., "Family and Kinship in the Works of Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 139-154

Bessone, Federica, "Love and War: Feminine Models, Epic Roles, and Gender Identity in Statius's Thebaid," in Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Alison M. Keith, edd., Women and War in Antiquity (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015), pp. 119-137
• On the characterization of Argia, comparing Theb. 4.200-210 and 12.134-136 and 177-186 with Plato (Smp. 179) and Ovid (Epist. 13.31-42).
• Reviews: Weiberg, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016

Bessone, Federica, "Sondaggi di stile: A proposito di uno studio sulla Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 183-192
• On Sacerdoti's 2012 edition.

Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Drei römische Dichter über Strassenbau und Reiseverkehr," in Vorträge und Aufsätze zur lateinischen Literatur der Antike und des Mittelalters, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 170 (Bern: Lang, 2015), pp. 375-388
• On Horace, Statius, and Ausonius.
• Review: Schmitz, Forum Classicum 59 (2016) 176-178

Bonadeo, Alessia, "Il Culex e la Batrachomachia in Stazio e in Marziale: Modelli canonici e coscienza di genere di una poesia minore," Sileno 41 (2015) 95-125
• On the meaning of Martial's and Statius' references to the poem.

Braund, Susanna, "Naturalizing Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 578-599
• On the translations of Statius into English between 1648 and 1767.

Charlet, Jean-Louis, "L'hexamètre de Corippe dans la Johannide et dans le Panégyrique de Justin II," in Corippe: Un poète latin entre deux mondes, ed. Benjamin Goldlust, Collection Études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain 50 (Paris: De Boccard, 2015), 337-346
• On Corippus' use of hexameters in comparison with Virgil, Statius, Claudian, and Prudentius.

Charlet, Jean-Louis, "L'hexamètre de Dracontius dans les Romulea," Vox Latina 191-192 (2015) 143-153
• A metrical comparison of Dracontius' Romulea shows that he used a verse structure closer to that of Statius and Valerius Flaccus than Virgil and Ovid.

Chinn, Christopher M., "Intertext, Metapoetry, and Visuality in the Achilleid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 173-188

Citroni, Mario, "Edito e inedito, pubblico e privato: Marziale, Stazio e la circolazione dei testi scritti in età flavia," Segno e testo: International Journal of Manuscripts and Text Transmission 13 (2015) 89-123
• On the publication and diffusion of works during the Flavian age on the basis of evidence from Martial and Statius.

Clément-Tarantino, Séverine, "Les personnifications de la peur dans l'épopée latine, de Virgile à Stace," in Sandrine Coin-Longeray and Daniel Vallat, edd., Peurs antiques, Mémoires / Centre Jean-Palerne 38 (Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2015), pp. 91-107
• Reviews: Bottineau, Revue des études anciennes 118 (2016) 618-623

Coffee, Neil Andrew, "Gift and Society in the Works of Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 106-122
• Statius constructs a concept of reciprocal gifts in the Thebaid and Silvae that centers around a concept of pleasure. He hence differs from Martial and Seneca.

Consolino, Franca Ela, "Le mot et les choses: epigramma chez Sidoine Apollinaire," in Paola Francesca Moretti et al., edd., Culture and Literature in Latin Late Antiquity: Continuities and Discontinuities, Studi e testi tardoantichi 13 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), pp. 69-98
• Comparison of the epigrammain Sidonius with Martial, Pliny the Younger, and Statius.

Criado, Cecilia, "La inevitable inconsistencia del Zeus/Júpiter épico," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 35 (2015) 263-277
• The inconsistencies in Jupiter in the Thebaid are not due to the poet's carelessness but have more to do with the modern reader's expectations.

Criado, Cecilia, "The Constitutional Status of Euripidean and Statian Theseus: Some Aspects of the Criticism of Absolute Power in the Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 291-306
• On the presence of Theseus in the Thebaid (especially 12.464-808) and its relationship with Euripides' Supplicants.

Davis, Peter J., "Statius' Achilleid: The Paradoxical Epic," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 157-172
• The generic and thematic paradoxes of the poem, in particular surrounding Achilles.

Dietrich, Jessica Shaw, "Dead Woman Walking: Jocasta in the Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 307-321

Dominik, William J., "Similies and Their Programmatic Role in the Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 266-290
• On the similes in the poem in comparison with the Aeneid. Includes a catalog of the 236 similes in the poem.

Dominik, William J., Carole Elizabeth Newlands, and Kyle E. Gervais, edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015)
• Review: McClellan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.

Finkmann, Simone, "Polyxo and the Lemnian Episode: An Inter- and Intratextual Study of Apollonius Rhodius, Valerius Flaccus, and Statius," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 12 (2015)
• A comparison of Polyxo in Apollonius of Rhodes (1.668 and 675-696), Valerius Flaccus (2.316 and 322-325), and Theb. 5.103-142 shows the critical role she plays in the Lemnian episode. In contrast with others, Statius has her share in the frustration of the Lemnians.

Fucecchi, Marco, "Ambitions de primauté et épopée inclusive: les poètes flaviens devant le couple Virgile-Ovide," in Séverine Clément-Tarantino and Florence Klein, edd., La représentation du couple Virgile-Ovide dans la tradition culturelle de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Cahiers de philologie 32: Série: Apparat critique (Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Pr. Universitaires du Septentrion, 2015), 41-56
• On the Virgil-Ovid couple in Theb. 12.810-815, Valerius Flaccus and Silius Italicus.

Fuhrer, Therese, "Teichoskopia: Female Figures Looking on Battles," in Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Alison M. Keith, edd., Women and War in Antiquity (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015), pp. 52-70
• Study of the role and function of women in teichoskopias, especially in Homer (Il. 3.426-436), Horace (Carm. 3.2.1-14, Theb. 11.359-365, and Valerius Flaccus (6.503-506, 575-582, 657-663 and 717-720).

Galán Vioque, Guillermo, "Jacques Philippe d'Orville en Turín," Maia 67 (2015) 167-180
• On d'Orville's research and work at Turin in 1726, especially on the Antologia Planudea, Theocritus, Heliodorus, and the Thebaid (Oxford, Bodleian Library, mss. D'Orville 260, 269, 433, 455, 190).

Galli Milić, Lavinia, "Valérius Flaccus et Stace à Carthage: La matrice flavienne du Romul. 10 de Dracontius," in É. Wolff, ed., Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale, Collection des études Augustiniennes (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015)

Galli Milić, Lavinia, "Valérius Flaccus et Stace à Carthage: La matrice flavienne du Romul. 10 de Dracontius," in Étienne Wolff, ed., Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale, Collection des études augustiniennes. Série Antiquité 200 (Paris: Institut d'études Augustiniennes, 2015), pp. 323-340

Galli Milić, Lavinia, "Valérius Flaccus et Stace à Carthage: La matrice flavienne du Romul. 10 de Dracontius," pp. 323-40 of étienne Wolff, ed., Littérature, politique et religion en Afrique vandale. Collection des études Augustiniennes, Série Antiquité 200 (Paris: Institut d'études Augustiniennes, 2015)
• "Investigates Dracontius' Romuleon 10 for its intertextual borrowings from Valerius Flaccus and Statius, concluding that the Vandal poet refashioned the traditional stories according to his 'disenchanted' worldview," (from Bryn Mawr Classical Review).

Ganiban, Randall T., "The Beginnings of the Achilleid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 73-87

Gervais, Kyle G., "Notes on Statius, Thebaid 2," Classical Quarterly N.S. 65 (2015) 411-14
• On Theb. 2.319-321, 496-502, 630-633, 682-686 and 692-693.

Gervais, Kyle G., "Parent-Child Conflict in the Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 221-239
• Discussion of disfunctional families in 1.557-668 and 5.17-498 and the addressing the poem itself as a child (12.810-819).

Gervais, Kyle G., "Tydeus the Hero?: Intertextual Confusion in Statius, Thebaid 2," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 69 (2015) 56-78
• "A close intertextual reading of Tydeus' monomachy (2.527-723) uncovers a surprising range of self-contradictory heroic and monstrous models for his actions, drawn from throughout Latin epic. This intertextual confusion reflects a failure of traditional heroism in a poem dominated by civil war and Oedipal behavior" (from LAPH).

Gibson, Bruce, "Negative Stereotypes of Wealth in the Works of Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 123-138

Heerink, Mark, "Valerius Flaccus and Statius," chapter 4 of Echoing Hylas: A Study in Hellenistic and Roman Metapoetics, Wisconsin Studies in Classics (Madison, The University of Wisconsin Press, 2015): 113-153

• An examination of the treatment of the Hylas myth in Hellenistic and Roman poetry from a metapoetic perspective. Statius "treats the Hylas myth in a short passage of just four lines [5.441-44] that... Function as a mise-en-abyme of the construction of the Thebaid itself," according to Harden.
• Review: Harden, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.12

Ibáñez Chacón, Álvaro, "Adulter taurus/notarius: A propósito de Schol. Stat. Ach. 192 y la exégesis palefatea del Minotauro," FlorIlib 26 (2015) 23-43
• The anonymous commentary on the Achilleid contains a unique exégesis palefatea (Schol. Stat. Ach. 192), based on Servius (Aen. 6.14). This explanation of the Minotaur differs from Greek tradition and is based on a verbal misunderstanding.

Ibáñez Chacón, álvaro, "El valor mitográfico del Anonymi in Statii Achilleida commentum," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 35 (2015) 79-100
• The commentum in Statii Achilleida results from a simplification of classical myths, transmitted from late antiquity into the Middle Ages.

Kaufmann, Helen, "Papinius noster: Statius in Roman Late Antiquity," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 481-496
• On the reception of Statius in late antiquity, particularly in Claudian, Sidonius, and Dracontius,as well as Servius and Lactantius Placidus.

Lombardo, Stanley, trans., Achilleid / Statius, with an introduction by Peter Heslin (Indianapolis, IN: Hackett, 2015)
• Review: Landrey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.07.40

Lovatt, Helen, "Death on the Margins: Statius and the Spectacle of the Dying Epic Hero," chapter 5 of Anastasia Bakogianni and Valerie M. Hope, edd., War as Spectacle: Ancient and Modern Perspectives on the Display of Armed Conflict, Bloomsbury classical studies monographs (London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015
• "In this chapter the works of Statius are examined, in order to discuss how the location of a character, within the broader context of a scene, can influence how the reader/listener can react or relate to that character" (from Matthew's review).
• Review: Matthew, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.07.05

Lovatt, Helen, "Following after Valerius: Argonautic imagery in the Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 408-424
• On the relationship between the Thebaid and and Apollonius of Rhodes and Valerius Flaccus, especially on Theb. 8.211-214 and 254-258, which refer specifically to the Argonauts.

Lovatt, Helen, review of P. Chaudhuri, The War with God: Theomachy in Roman Imperial Poetry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014). Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.07.26

Lutterotti, Daniele, "Barbitos in Orazio, Ovidio e Stazio: Una parola-motto," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 9 (2015) 175-193
• On the term barbitos in Horace (Carm. 1.1.29-36, 1.32.1-5, 3.26.1-6), Ovid (Epist. 15.1-8), and Silvae 5.4.57-60.

Lutterotti, Daniele, "Barbitos in Orazio, Ovidio e Stazio: Una parola motto," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 59.3/4 (2015) 175-93
• "Barbitos in Horace, Ovid and Statius. The word was always of secondary importance in Latin literature, used as a motto indicating a programmatic reference to Alcaeus.

Marinis, Agis, "Statius' Thebaid and Greek Tragedy: The Legacy of Thebes," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 343-361
• Comparison of the poem with Aeschylus and Euripides.

McNelis, Charles, "Similes and Gender in the Achilleid, in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 189-204
• The first two similes of the poem (1.159-166 and 180-181) create an expectation of Achilles' gender in the rest of the poem. Includes a comparison with Callimachus (Lau.Pall. 17-32) and passages in Virgil.

Micozzi, Laura, "Statius' Epic Poetry: A Challenge to the Literary Past," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 325-342
• A comparison of the characters in the poem with their predecessors, in particular Ovid's Met, which illustrates the intertextual irony in the poem.

Myers, Karen Sara, "Ambiguus vultus: Horatian echoes in Statius' Achilleid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 75 (2015) 179-188
• The depiction of Achilles as warrior and passionate lover echoes Horace.

Myers, Karen Sara, "Statius on Invocation and Inspiration," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 31-53
• Statius' innovations in the invocation of the Muses show his poetic originality. Discussion of his relationship with Callimachus.

Newlands, Carole E., "Statius in an Ideological Climate," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 600-611
• On the reception of Statius in 17th century England and 19th century France.

Noens, Tim, "Cirrhaei in limine templi / constitit (Theb. 1.641-642): A Ritual Reading of the Coroebus Episode in Statius' Thebaid," QUCC N.S. 111 (2015) 125-145
• A study of the myth of Apollo and Coroebus in Book 1 shows that it posits an alternative to the traditional opposition between pietas and nefas. A description of the sacrifice in the light of anthropological theories of A. van Gennep and V. Turner.

O'Sullivan, Timothy, "Aurati laquearia caeli: Roman Floor and Ceiling Decoration and the Philosophical Pose," in Kathleen M. Coleman, ed., Images for Classicists, Loeb Classical Monographs 15 (Cambridge, MA, 2015)
• "The stupefying flattery of Statius (Silv. 4.2) makes Domitian's palatial dining room ceiling into an image of the vault of heaven. Heaven itself by now is alleged to have coffers,... Manilius (Astr. 1.532-6) [proves] it. Looking upwards, in the tradition of Thales and Socrates, might be dangerous, but it was the philosophical pose, the admired posture from Plato onwards. The wealthy homeowners who commissioned handsome floor mosaics and painted ceilings, O'Sullivan suggests, conceived them as facilitating philosophical thinking while they simultaneously served as symbols of moral decline. They succeeded in having and eating their cakes" (from Lateiner's review).
• Review: Lateiner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.08.13

Pagán, Victoria E., "Georgics 2.497 and Thebaid 1.19-20: Allusion and Inspiration," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 362-376

Parkes, Ruth, "Love or War?: Erotic and Martial Poetics in Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Classical Journal 110 (2014-2015) 471-492
• "A treatment of genre, love, and violence in De raptu Proserpinae, with particular reference to the precedents of Ovid's Metamorphoses and Statius' Achilleid" (from LAPH).

Parkes, Ruth, "Reading Statius Through a Biographical Lens," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 466-480
• On Statius' construction of his persona and its role in his reception.

Shackleton Bailey, D. R. and Christopher A. Parrott, edd., Silvae, ed. and transl. by D. R. Shackleton Bailey with corrections by Christopher A. Parrott, Loeb Classical Library 206 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2015)

Rimell, Victoria, The Closure of Space in Roman Poetics: Empire's Inward Turn (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015)
• In chapter 4, "Statius (Silv. 1.5), Martial, and Vitruvius provide examples of this rich theme in Roman literature. Chapter five concerns the spaces where public and private meet, with readings of passages from the Georgics, Lucan and Statius' unfinished Achilleid, in which the author shows how small spaces provide a possibility for poetic intensity within the grandiosity of epic. Achilles must be enclosed in the tight rooms of the women on the small island of Scyros to manifest all his energy and manliness and to become the conquering epic hero" (from Ferenczi).
• Review: Ferenczi, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2016.10.26

Ripoll, François, "Les interactions entre Stace et Silius Italicus," Revue des études anciennes 117 (2015) 621-637

Ripoll, François, "Stace entre Virgile et Ovide dans l'Achilléide," in Séverine Clément-Tarantino and Florence Klein, edd., La représentation du couple Virgile-Ovide dans la tradition culturelle de l'Antiquité à nos jours, Cahiers de philologie 32: Série: Apparat critique (Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Pr. Universitaires du Septentrion, 2015), pp. 57-71

Ripoll, François, "Statius and Silius Italicus," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), 425-443
• Study of the relationship between Statius and Silius, including the dates of their literary activities.

Roche, Paul, "Lucan's De bello civili in the Thebaid," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 393-407

Roman, Luke, "Statius and Martial: Post-Vatic Self-Fashioning in Flavian Rome," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 444-461
• On the construction of the poetic persona in Statius and Martial.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "The Silvae: Poetics of Impromptu and Cultural Consumption," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 54-72
• A study of Silv. shows how Statius separates himself from Callimachus, Horace, and others.

Rühl, Meike, "Creating the Distinguished Addressee: Literary Patronage in the Works of Statius," in William J. Dominik et al., edd., Brill's Companion to Statius (Leiden: Brill, 2015), pp. 91-105
• A study of the events for which both Statius and Martial composed poems (especially Atedius Melior).

Sharrock, Alison R. "Warrior Women in Roman Epic," in Jacqueline Fabre-Serris and Alison M. Keith, edd., Women and War in Antiquity (Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2015), pp. 157-178
• On woman warriors in Latin epic, esp. Camilla (Aen. 7.805-807 and 11.603-607), sur Callisto and Atalanta (Met. 8.315-325), Hippolyta (Theb. 2.635-638), and Asbyte (Silius Italicus 2.77-81).

Soerink, Jörn, "Statius' Nemea: Paradise Lost," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 12 (2015)
• The Nemean episode Theb. 4.646-7.104) is not a digression but rather presents epic and political themes. The battle between the Nemeans and the Argives recalls Caesar and Pompey (from Lucan). The serpent recalls Georg. 3.425-439. The passage results in the destruction of the pastoral world and the impossibility of the Golden Age, taken from Ecl. 4.

Taous, Tatiana, "Les dénominations du champ de bataille dans l'Iliade, l'Ilias latina, la Thébaïde et le Roman de Thèbes: Linguistique et poétique," in Marie-Ange Julia, ed., Nouveaux horizons sur l'espace antique et moderne: actes du symposium "Invitation au voyage" juin 2013, Lycée Henri IV, Scripta receptoria 2 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2015), pp. 245-271 with plate
• A study of battlefields in Homer, Baebius Italicus, and Statius, and the motifs of blood, dirt, and desolation.
• Reviews: Bretin-Chabrol, Vox Latina 193-194 (2016) 264-265

Vélez Latorre, José Manuel, "'¿Vale todo en una guerra?': Subversión del código épico-heroico (y re-homerización) en el libro 10 de la Tebaida de Estacio," in Ianua classicorum: Temas y formas del mundo clásico : Actas del XIII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, ed. Jesús de la Villa Polo, Patricia Cañizares Ferriz, and Emma Falque Rey, 3 vols. (Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2015), 2:547-553
• Book 10 of the Thebaid is modeled on Iliad 10 and Aeneid 9 but there are also interactions with Aeneid 2: "Faced with the teleological epic of the 'Aeneid' (the fall of Troy will lead to a more glorious destiny, determined by Jupiter and a positive fatum), in the fight for Thebes there are no winners: all are losers."

Voigt, Astrid, "The Intertextual Matrix of Statius' Thebaid 11.315-23," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 12 (2015)
• In Theb. 11.315-323, Statius uses several other passages (esp. Hom. Il. 22.437-476, Verg. Aen. 9.473-480, Theb. 4.562 and 569, Sen. Phoen. 363-367) to depict Jocasta as a pious, grieving, Theban, Roman, and epic mother.

Agri, Dalida, "Marching Towards Masculinity: Female pudor in Statius' Thebaid and Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica," Latomus 73 (2014) 721-747
• A study of pudor in Statius (esp. Argia and Deipyle) and Valerius Flaccus. Pudor in women is linked to self-restraint. Widows, however, are depicted as masculine heroines and have an epic drive akin to masculine pudor

Arena, Antonelli, "Ad Statium: Le auctoritates linguistiche nel commento di Lattanzio Placido alla Tebaide di Stazio," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014), pp. 271-86
• Study of the authorities cited by Lactantius and his method of commentating.
• Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25

Basile, Anna, "Alcune riflessioni sulla rappresentazione letteraria delle ville campane in età flavia," in Olivier Devillers, ed., Neronia 9, La villégiature dans le monde romain de Tibère à Hadrien: Actes du IXe congrès de la SIEN, Scripta antiqua/Ausonius 62 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2014), pp. 79-87
• On villas in Persius, Martius, Pliny the Younger, and Statius.

Bellido Díaz, José Antonio, "Estacio, Tebaida I 214-218: Una oculta alusión al cíclope Pyracmon," Emerita 82 (2014) 291-312
• Statius refers to the cyclops Pyracmon at 1.218 in incudibus ignes.

Bessone, Federica, "Polis, Court, Empire: Greek Culture, Roman Society, and the System of Genres in Statius' Poetry," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 215-233
• "The Thebaid and the Silvae are connected by a unitary conception of poetry as a socially prestigious profession, a trade on which authority is conferred by comparison with archetypes of Greek literature: the Homeric aoidos, the lyric singer in the manner of Pindar, the figures of the mythic vates, or the god of poetry, Apollo. Statius's construction of his poetic identity is thus a mixture of the archaic and the contemporary. The historically different experiences of Greek literature are integrated into the ecumenical frame of the Roman empire, and almost into an ecumenical poetics," (from LAPH).

Brantegem, Nick, "Elements of Horror in Statius' Thebaid," thesis, Faculteit Letteren & Wijsbegeerte, Uni-Gent, 2014.
• Available here.

Bremmer, Jan N., "The Self-Sacrifice of Menoeceus in Euripides' Phoenissae, II Maccabees and Statius' Thebaid," Archiv für Religionsgeschichte 16 (2014) 193-207
• The self-sacrifice of a man has a higher psychological effect than a virgin's would have.

Briguglio, Stefano, "Perversa vota: Edipo, Tisifone e la poetica della Tebaide," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 4 ser. 12 (2014) 235-250
• Oedipus' prayer to Tisiphone has a rich tradition and sets the scene for the themes of the Thebaid. Oedipus is presented as a authorial figure with a poetic conscience.

Bruzzone, Antonella, "Ovidio (e altri) in Sidonio Apollinare, carme 6," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), pp. 305-332

Busch, Austin, "Pederasty and Flavian Family Values in Statius, Silvae 2.1," The Classical World 107 (2013-2014) 63-97
• Statius represents Melior's relationship with the boy Glaucias as both paternal and erotic. Statius subtly likens their relationship to the treatment of slave boys that Domitianic moral legislation rendered illicit. Silvae 2 in fact contains a number of consolatory poems that raise questions about the treatment of slaves.

Caballero González, Manuel, "Athamas dans une lampe du Musée National Romain de Rome," Revue des études anciennes 116 (2014) 43-59 and plate
• A lamp in Rome (Museo delle Terme, Inv. 62164) is not derived from Seneca's Thyestes but rather from Valerius Flaccus and Statius, as Athamas and not Atreus is the central image.

Canobbio, Alberto, "Generi grandi e generi piccoli in Marziale e in Stazio," BStudLat 44 (2014) 442-470
• In contrast with Martial, who keeps different poetic genres separate, Statius freely combines and contaminates different poetical forms.

Cardinali, Luca, "A proposito della cronologia e dell'origine di Lattanzio Placido: Osservazioni sulla questione," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014)
• The commentary of Lantatius Placidus date to the second half of the fifth century or the first decades of the sixth.
• Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25

Cariou, Morgane, "Le topos de l'ineffable dans les catalogues poétiques," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3e sér. 88 (2014) 27-58
• Statements of poetic inability to describe a situation are a form of captatio benevolentiae. Discussion of Verg., Aen. 6.625-627 and Georg. 2.42-43 ; Ovid, Ars 1.433-434; Theb. 12.797-799; Triph. 664-667; Opp., C. 4.12-15, etc.

Chaudhuri, Pramit, The War with God: Theomachy in Roman Imperial Poetry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).
• An investigation of ancient theomachy as a context for Statius' Capaneus.
• Review: Lovatt, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.07.26

Clay, Diskin, "Dante's Parnassus: Raphael's Parnaso," Arion: A Journal of Humanities and the Classics 22.2 (2014) 3-32

Coleman, Kathleen, "Melior's Plane Tree: An Introduction to the Ancient Garden," in Kathleen Coleman and Pascale Derron, edd., Le jardin dans l'antiquité: Introduction et huit exposés suivis de discussions, Entretiens sur l'antiquité classique 60 (Vandɶuvres: Fondation Hardt pour l'é de l'Antiquité classique, 2014
• A discussion of Atedius Melior's garden (S.2.3) and its plane tree as a means of introducing the generic themes of gardens in antiquity.

De Cristofaro, Alessandra, "Ricerche sulle Silvae di Publio Papinio Stazio: L'epistola prefatoria a Lucio Arrunzio Stella (Silv. 1 praef.) e il carme celebrativo della statua equestre di Domiziano (Silv. 1,1): Testo, traduzione e commento," Unpublished PhD Dissertation (University of Naples, 2014)
• Edition of and commentary on Silv. and 1.1. Link.

Delarue, Fernand, "L'eau et l'imaginaire: Les villas des Silves de Stace," in Olivier Devillers, ed., Neronia 9, La villégiature dans le monde romain de Tibère à Hadrien: Actes du IXe congrès de la SIEN, Scripta antiqua/Ausonius 62 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2014), pp. 89-98

Filosini, Stefania, "Ovidio nell'epitalamio per Ruricio ed Iberia (Sidon. Carm. 11)," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), pp. 349-376

Fuhrer, Therese, "Teichoskopie: Der (weibliche) Blick auf den Krieg," Hyperboreus 20 (2014) 23-41
• On ancient "views from the walls" in the Iliad,, Statius, Valerius Flaccus, and Horace. The narrative role is usually given to women (or to individuals who cannot fight, for some specific reason, because of physical weakness or on account of their profession).

Fusi, Alessandro, "Imitazione e critica del testo: Qualche esempio (Catullo, 51 11 sg. ; Marziale, I 116 2, IX 71 7)," in Giorgio Piras, ed., Labor in studiis: scritti di filologia in onore di Piergiorgio Parroni (Rome: Salerno, 2014), pp. 23-47
• Inter alia, on the imitation of Catullus 51.11-12 in Theb. 2.31.

Hecquet-Noti, Nicole, "Le temple de Dieu ou la nature symbolisée: La dédicace de la cathédrale de Lyon par Sidoine Apollinaire (Epist. 2.10)," in Florence Garambois and Daniel Vallat, edd., Le lierre et la statue: La nature et son espace littéraire dans l'épigramme gréco-latine tardive, Mémoires du Centre Jean Palerne 37 (Saint-Étienne: Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2013), pp. 217-231 and plates
• The poem collects allusions to the Silvae to describe the cathedrale at Lyon.
• Reviews: Cosenza, BStudLat 44 (2014) 323-325; Martin, Revue des études latines 92 (2014) 356-357; Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard, Vox Latina 191-192 (2015) 220-222; Richer, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3e sér. 87 (2013) 250-251; Tissi, L'Antiquité classique 85 (2016) 345-348

Hernández Lobato, Jesús, "El carmen 16 de Sidonio Apolinar: Muerte y resurrección de la poesía," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), 407-420

Hulls, Jean-Michel, "Greek Author, Greek Past: Statius, Athens, and the Tragic Self," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 193-213
• "In the Silvae, Statius portrays himself as a Latin poet and shows his independence from his literary tradition through the reversal and amalgamation of the plots, scenes, and characterizations of Greek tragedy. The Athens of Greek tragedy, a city that symbolizes the ideals of its society, is taken over by Statius and used to express a set of Roman and Flavian themes. In the Thebaid, he rejects the opportunity to write about Domitian's conquests and avoids mythological themes that might legitimize the current imperial regime. This was not a choice made by Statius's contemporaries, Valerius and Silius. The Greek theme allows Statius to look forward to a literary future where Roman literary mores control the Greek predecessors" (from LAPH).

Karakasis, Evangelos, "Homeric Receptions in Flavian Epic: Intertextual Characterization in Punica 7," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 251-266
• The passage is best understood when read against its Homeric, Virgilian, Lucanean, and Statian backgrounds.

Kozák, Dániel, "Si forte reponis Achillem: Achilles in the Ars poetica, the Metamorphoses, and the Achilleid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 72 (2014) 207-221

Leite, Leni Ribeiro, "O livro e o templo: Poesia flaviana e arte cotidiana," Letras Clássicas 18 (2014) 85-93
• "The ecphrasis of everyday objects in the poems of Martial and Statius is considered as an indication of social and cultural transformations in the Flavian period."

López Cruces, Juan Luis, "Licurgo en la Hipsípila de Eurípides," in Francesco De Martino and Carmen Morenilla, edd., El teatro clásico en el marco de la cultura griega y su pervivencia en la cultura occidental. 17, Teatro y sociedad en la Antigüedad clásica: a la sombra de los héroes, Le Rane 60 (Bari: Levante, 2014), pp. 161-188 with plates
• On the depiction of Licurgus in Euripides. The version in Statius Theb 5.653 represents an archaic tradition.
• Reviews: Marques, Humanitas (Coimbra) 67 (2015) 242-244; González Vázquez, Minerva 28 (2015) 385-389; Frade, Euphrosyne N.S. 43 (2015) 414-415

Marks, Raymond David, "Statio-Silian Relations in the Thebaid and Punica 1-2," Classical Philology 109 (2014) 130-139
• A discussion of parallels between the siege of Saguntum in Punica 1-2 and events in the Thebaid.

Marrón, Gabriela, "Resonancias del sintagma candida bucula en el De raptu Helenae de Draconcio," Maia 66 (2014) 390-398
• Relationships with Ovid, Am. 3.5.10 and Silv. 4.8.25-31.

Parkes, Ruth, "The Argonautic expedition of the Argives: Models of Heroism in Statius' Thebaid," Classical Quarterly N.S. 64 (2014) 778-786
• The Thebaid engages with the Flavian as well as the Hellenistic Argonautica if we assume that Valerius Flaccus's text up to (at least) the depiction of the arrival of the Argonauts at Colchis (5.177) was accessible to Statius. This allows Statius to include nautical images as a pseudo-maritime episode, a common epic theme otherwise missing from the Thebaid. It also enables Statius to reinforce positive and negative character traits.

Parkes, Ruth, "The Epics of Statius and Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica," in Mark A.J. Heerink and Gesine Manuwald, edd., Brill's Companion to Valerius Flaccus (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 326-339
• On Statius' intertextual relationship with Valerius and his position as the later poet.
• Reviews: Blum, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015; Dee, Classical Review N.S. 66 (2016) 136-138

Pavarani, Cecilia, "La memoria di Stazio in Claudiano: Commento intertestuale," unpublished PhD Dissertation (Universita` degli studi di Milano, 2014)
• Available at:

Piras, Giorgio, "Ludus e cultura letteraria: la prefazione al Griphus ternarii numeri di Ausonio," in Giorgio Piras, ed., Labor in studiis: scritti di filologia in onore di Piergiorgio Parroni (Rome: Salerno, 2014), 111-41
• On the prefaces in Ausonius with reference to Martial and Statius.
• Reviews: Feraco, BStudLat 45 (2015) 787-790; Salanitro, Sileno 41 (2015) 442

Pyy, Elina, "In Search of Peer Support: Changing Perspective on Sisterhood in Roman Imperial Epic," Arctos 48 (2014) 295-318
• A discussion of the motif of sisterhood in Roman literature: Dido and Anna in Virgil and Silius Italicus, Procne and Philomela in Ovid, and Ismene and Antigone in Statius.

Rabboni, Renzo, "Viaggi d'epica nella Tebaide del Bentivoglio," La parola del testo 18 (2014) 103-22

Reitz, Christiane, "Ursprünge epischer Helden: Mythologie, Genealogie und Aitiologie im Argiverkatalog von Statius' Thebais," in Christiane Reitz and Anke Walter, edd., Von Ursachen sprechen: Eine aitiologische Spurensuche = Telling Origins: On the Lookout for Aetiology Spudasmata 162 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2014), pp. 59-77
• Reviews: Chassignet, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 67 (2014) 241-244; Fry, Museum Helveticum 72 (2015) 235

Río Torres-Murciano, Antonio, "Monstrare lyra ueteres heroas (Stat., Ach., I, 118): Música y épica de Homero a Estacio," Nova Tellus 31 (2014) 185-198
• Statius uses the ancient tradition of music and Il. 9.186-189 in his depiction of Achilles singing.

Ripoll, François, "Mémoire de Valérius Flaccus dans l'Achilléide de Stace," Revue des études anciennes 116 (2014) 83-103
• "The classification and study of different types of Valerian reminiscences in the Achilleid from the point of view of its intellectual genesis (incident memory, derived memory, combined memory, diffuse memory, and allusive memory) throws light both on Statius' poetical technique and on Valerius' literary posterity" (from LAPH).

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Memory, Myth, and Power in Statius's Silvae, in G. Karl Galinsky, ed., Memoria Romana: Memory in Rome and Rome in Memory (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2014)
• "Statius was conscious of his role as vates and as poeta laureatus in Flavian society, and so lays claim to the function of poetry as a primary instrument of Roman cultural memory. The poet carries out an essential role as a mediator in the construction of a communal cultural memory: he raises up private and contingent facts to a public and lasting dimension" (from LAPH).
• Reviews: Vout, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015; Popkin, Classical Review 65 (2015) 526-528; Usherwood, Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015) 419-420; Demarolle, L'Antiquité classique 85 (2016) 468; Syson, Classical Philology 111 (2016) 300-304

Russell, Craig M., "The Most Unkindest Cut: Gender, Genre, and Castration in Statius' Achilleid and Silvae 3.4," The American Journal of Philology 135 (2014) 87-121
• "The Achilleid and Silv. 3, 4, composed roughly contemporaneously, use their central characters for similar explorations of issues of gender and genre. Similarities in plot, character, and language invite a close reading of both poems together as part of Statius's exploration of the generic boundaries connected with epic's self-definition through gender and masculinity" (from LAPH).

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "Quis magna tuenti / somnus?: Scenes of Sleeplessness (and Intertextuality) in Flavian Poetry," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 13-29
• "The intertextual fabric of the poetics of sleep and dreams in Statius is indebted to Homer and Apollonius Rhodius. Though belonging to a different literary genre, Statius' Silvae comprise, just as the epic poems do, an array of passages dedicated to sleep and wakefulness, in a unique recurrence of themes that not only reminds us of the Thebaid and the Achilleid and their earlier models, but also develops along original lines. In the Silvae, sleep and sleeplessness reveal on the one hand the theme of cosmic distortion of natural and biological rhythms and on the other hand the dynamics of continuity and diffraction, when compared to the epic poems of Statius," (from LAPH).
• Reviews: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014; Manioti, Classical Review N.S. 65 (2015) 466-468; Dominik, Euphrosyne N.S. 43 (2015) 313-320; Ripoll L'Antiquité classique 85 (2016) 323-325

Santini, Carlo, "Scolastica staziana: Lattanzio Placido e le due ultime edizioni," in Concetta Longobardi et al., edd., Scholae discimus: Pratiques scolaires dans l'antiquité tardive et le haut Moyen Âge, Collection du Centre d'études et de recherches sur l'Occident romain, Nouvelle série 46 (Paris: de Boccard, 2014), pp. 305-321
• Comparison of Jahnke's and Sweeney's editions of Lactantius Placidus.
• Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015

Santini, Carlo, "Scoliastica staziana: Lattanzio Placido e le due ultime edizioni," in Concetta Longobardi, Christian Nicolas, Marisa Squillante, edd., Scholae discimus: pratiques scolaires dans l'Antiquité tardive et le Haut Moyen Âge, Collection études et Recherches sur l'Occident Romain - CEROR, 46 (Lyon: CEROR, 2014)
• Review: Dickey, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.08.25

Sfyroeras, Pavlos Vlassios, "Like Purple on Ivory: A Homeric Simile in Statius' Achilleid," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014)
• On Ach 1.308. The image refers to the similar of Menalaus (Il. 4.141-147). In contrast with Ennius, Catullus, Virgil, and Ovid, Statius (1) does not limit his treatment of the simile to one passage but breaks it up into its constitutive parts, which he scatters across his Achilleid; and (2) recognizes in the Homeric simile the simultaneous presence of feminine and masculine elements, which he restores to create an emblem for his reading of the epic tradition as a whole.
• Reviews: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014; Manioti, Classical Review N.S. 65 (2015) 466-468; Dominik, Euphrosyne N.S. 43 (2015) 313-320; Ripoll L'Antiquité classique 85 (2016) 323-325

Simms, Robert C., "Chronology and Canonicity in Jocasta's Intercessions in Statius' Thebaid," Illinois Classical Studies 39 (2014) 171-189
• Comparison with Jocasta's efforts to prevent the conflict between her sons in Statius with Stesichorus, Euripides, and Seneca. Statius's is unique, as Jocasta never stands between her sons. This modification of a traditional narrative creates uncertainty, adding to the suspense of the duel.

Soerink, Jörn, "Tragic/Epic: Statius' Thebaid and Euripides' Hypsipyle," in Antony Augoustakis, ed., Flavian Poetry and its Greek Past, Mnemosyne Suppl. 366 (Leiden: Brill, 2014), pp. 171-191
• A comparison of the Nemean episode (4.646-7.104) with Euripides's Hypsipyle. "[The] Thebaid is profoundly tragic not only in that it reworks several Greek tragedies, but also in that its poetic universe is more like Seneca's nefas than the teleological world of Virgilian epic," (from LAPH).
• Reviews: Davis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014; Manioti, Classical Review N.S. 65 (2015) 466-468; Dominik, Euphrosyne N.S. 43 (2015) 313-320; Ripoll L'Antiquité classique 85 (2016) 323-325

Taisne, Anne-Marie "Présence de Stace dans les Carmina de Sidoine Apollinaire," in Rémy Poignault and Annick Stoehr-Monjou, edd., Présence de Sidoine Apollinaire: Actes du colloque international, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, 19-20 octobre 2010, Caesarodunum bis 54-55 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 2014), 283-293

Walter, Anke, Erzählen und Gesang im flavischen Epos, Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, Beihefte, Neue Folge 5 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2014)
• Reviews: Jäger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015

Wenskus, Otta, "Von Statius zu Dante: Amphiaraos' Hadessturz und das Beben des Läuterungsberges," A&A 60 (2014) 141-151
• The earthquake at Purgatorio 20.124-138 recalls Amphiaraus' entry to the underworld.

Abbamonte, G., "La ricezione della Silva di Stazio sulla Villa Sorrentina di Pollio Felice nei commentari umanistici," in P. Galand and S. Laigneau-Fontaine, edd., La silve. Histoire d'une écriture libérée en Europe de l'Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle (Turnhout, 2013), pp. 337-72

Álvarez Morán, María Consuelo and Rosa María Iglesias Montiel, "La Hipsípila de Estacio leía a Eurípides," in Francesco De Martino and Carmen Morenilla, edd., El teatro clásico en el marco de la cultura griega y su pervivencia en la cultura occidental 16, Teatro y sociedad en la Antigüedad clásica: palabras sabias de mujeres, Le Rane 59 (Bari: Levante, 2013), pp. 15-45
• Evidence that the fragmentary Hypsipile of Euripides was known to and used by Statius.

Augoustakis, Antonios, ed., Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)
• Reviews: Stocks, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 68 (2015) 174-177; Simms, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015; Basile, BStudLat 45 (2015) 764-766

Baumann, Helge, "Der ewige Gärtner: Statius' Silve 2,3 als Geburtstagsgeschenk zwischen Intertextualität und Gartenbaukunst," A&A 59 (2013) 89-111
• On intertextuality in Silv. 2.3, especially as regards the use of a tree to symbolize birth. The poem also discusses Roman garden construction interprets Pan as gardener.

Berlincourt, Valéry, Commenter la Thébaïde (16e-19e s.): Caspar von Barth et la tradition exégétique de Stace, Mnemosyne Supplement 354 (Leiden: Brill, 2013)
• An examination of the 16th and 17th century commentators on the Thebaid, especially Barth, and the ways they responded to the poem. Provides insights into the early modern reception of the poem and the construction of early modern commentaries. Summary here.
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014-05-11

Bonadeo, Alessia, "Nella biblioteca di Stazio: Spigolature dalle Silvae," BStudLat 43 (2013) 37-86
• List of the poets whom Statius uses and cites directly or indirectly as his models in the Silvae.

Broganelli, Letizia, "Ne consanguineis certetur comminus armis: La rappresentazione artistica della guerra civile (e la figura dei Dioscuri) nell'In Gildonem di Claudiano," RCCM 55 (2013) 95-115
• Claudian summarizes the Thebaid in ll. 1-348 as a way of comparing contemporary Africa with Thebes, and makes the Dioscuri an example of concordia fratrum.

Caltot, Pierre-Alain, "Terror habet vates (Theb. III, 549): L'effroi du prophète face à la mort chez Lucain et Stace," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 1 (2013) 169-201
• A discussion of the originality of the depictions of prophets in Lucan and Statius shows that Statius gives his prophets more autonomy.

Centlivres Challet, Claude-Emmanuelle, Like Man, Like Woman: Roman Women, Gender Qualities and Conjugal Relationships at the Turn of the First Century (Bern: Lang, 2013)
• Reviews: Dressler, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014; Vandersmissen, L'Antiquité classique 84 (2015) 369-370

Chinn, Christopher M., "Statius' Ovidian Achilles," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 67 (2013) 320-342
• An examination of Statius' engagement in the Achilleid with Ovid's Centauromachy (Met. 12.182-535). Statius comments not only on Ovid's presentation of these two centaurs, but also on Ovid's engagement in the centaur scene with Catullus (C. 64) and Lucretius (5.882-889). In the end Statius provides a complex meditation on hybris by examining Ovid's conceptions of species, gender, culture and, ultimately, poetics" (from LAPH).

De Paolis, Paolo, "Le letture alla scuola del grammatico," Paideia 68 (2013) 465-487
• On the ancient authorial canons. In the Republic, it comprised mostly archaic poets. In Augustus' time, it incorporated contemporary poets. Later authors - Lucan, Statius, and Martial - were included in the canon only in the late antique period (4th century).

Dufallo, Basil, The Captor's Image: Greek Culture in Roman Ecphrasis (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)
• Reviews: Elsner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013; Höschele, Sehepunkte 14 (2014); Pagán, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 68 (2014) 189-191; Rijser, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 68 (2015) 860-864

Fantuzzi, Marco, "Achilles and the improba virgo: Ovid, Ars am. 1.681-704 and Statius, Ach. 1.514-35 on Achilles at Scyros," in Theodore D. Papanghelis, Stephen J. Harrison, and Stavros Frangoulidis, edd., Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature: Encounters, Interactions and Transformations, Trends in Classics, Supplementary volume 20 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013), pp. 151-168
• Calchas' speech is a retelling of Ovid's narrative, that Achilles would adhere to his twin destiny as martial hero and great lover. Statius' Calchas has the same tone of indignation over the destiny of the character Achilles that Ovid had in the Ars. There are echoes of this later when Achilles adresses his own transvesticisim (1.619-639). Discussion of the expression improba uirgo at (1.535).
• Reviews: Pieri, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014; Hudson, Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015) 414-415

Galand, Perrine and Sylvie Laigneau, edd., La silve: histoire d'une écriture libérée en Europe de l'Antiquité au XVIIIe siècle, Latinitates 5 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013)
• Reviews: Charlet, Revue des études latines 91 (2013) 323-327; Furno, BiblH&R 76 (2014) Furno; T. Penguilly, "Une histoire de la silve: l'aventure d'un principe d'écriture dans les littératures européennes," Acta fabula: La recherche en litt&eeacute;rature 15 (2014)

Gervais, Kyle G., "Statius, Thebaid 2.473: Iam Telamona solo, iam stratum Ixiona linquens," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 66 (2013) 312-313
• Emend to iam natum Ixione, supported by Ovid, Met. 8.309-470.

Gosserez, Laurence, "Figurations latines du phénix, de l'élégie érotique à l'épitaphe," in Laurence Grosserez [sic], ed., Le phénix et son autre: poétique d'un mythe: (des origines au XVIe siècle) (Rennes: Pr. Universitaires de Rennes, 2013), pp. 47-59
• Ovid's use of the phoenix and Statius' use of Ovid.
• Reviews: Kossaidi, Revue des études latines 91 (2013) 292-294; Bakhouche, Vox Latina 189-190 (2014) 233-235; André, AntTard 22 (2014) 354-358

Heinen, Dustin, "Poetics of Elision in the Silvae," Illinois Classical Studies 38 (2013) 159-185
• "Lengthy descriptions in Statius's Silvae evolved from, but stand in unique contrast with, earlier examples found in epic and epigrammatic poems. Statius's poetics of elision - the practice of gapping or suppressing visual information in favor of verbal description or emotional response - is a means through which Statius propagates Flavian cultural and political ideology. Statius's focus on vivid descriptions and artistic representation in his ekphrastic works is crucial to the success of these poems" (from LAPH).

Huelsenbeck, Bart, "A Nexus of Manuscripts Copied at Corbie, ca. 850-880: A Typology of Script Style and Copying Procedure," Segno e testo 11 (2013): 287-309 and pll. 1-10
• Manuscripts produced at Corbie were actively collated and corrected. Implications for the Puteanus manuscript.

Iodice, Maria Grazia, "Ancora sulla paternità del Culex nell'Appendix Vergiliana," PhilolAnt 6 (2013) 103-108
• Suggests that there actually was a Virgilian Culex in antiquity, but one that is different from the one that has come down to us. It may have been composed in Flavian or post-Neronian times, perhaps with some link to Statius.

Keith, Alison M., "Sexus muliebris in Flavian Epic," Eugesta 3 (2013) 282-302
• The lexicon of sexual difference in Valerius Flaccus, the Thebaid, and Silius Italicus and explores the dynamics of gender in these long epics. "The Flavian epic poets test the conventions and contradictions of normative Roman femininity (and masculinity) in scenes that rehearse different models of epic femininity: lamenting mother, sacrificial maiden, terrifying witch, faithful wife, and Amazonian warrior. Their narratives repeatedly measure the female sex against the standards of masculinity, and are acutely sensitive to contemporary contestations of the territorial assignments of gender in Flavian Rome" (from LAPH).

Kersten, Markus and Evelyn Syré, "Trajan, sein Pferd, sein Triumph und ein verschlungener Weg zu den Göttern: Zur Poetik der Apotheose im Panegyricus des jüngeren Plinius," Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 16 (2013) 419-436
• In his description of Trajan, Pliny deviates intentionally from Flavian imagery, especially Silv. 1.1. At the same time, Pliny cannot avoid using previous apotheoses.

Krzywy, Roman, "Silvae I Sylwy - Glosa history cznolitera cka do pew nego nieporoz umienia" - "Silvae and Silvas - A Literary History Gloss to the Misunderstanding," Pamiętnik Literacki CIV 3 (2013) 145-51
• In Polish literary studies, silva refers to works derived from Statius' collection and private home books containing notes of a various nature. An attempt to disentangle the two uses.

Li Causi, Pietro, "Dimenticare Colono: Tracce e metamorfosi del mito di Edipo nella letteratura e nella cultura romane," in Patrizia Pinotti and Massimo Stella, edd., Edipo: Margini Confini Periferie, Testi e studi di cultura classica 57 (Pisa: ETS, 2013), pp. 21-70
• On the themes of Oedipus - the Sphinx, patricide, incest, and fratricide, in Roman literature.

Liberman, Gauthier, "Edward Courtney's Review of My Edition and Critical Commentary on Statius, Silvae: A Short Reply," Exemplaria Classica: Revista de Filología Clásica = Journal of Classical Philology 17 (2013) 531-535
• Response to Courtney 2012.

Manolaraki, Eleni, "'Consider in the Image of Thebes': Celestial and Poetic Auspicy in the Thebaid," in A. Augoustakis, ed., Ritual and Religion in Flavian Epic (Oxford, 2013), 89-107
• Amphiaraus' augury is intentionally vague and brings the reader into a "sign-inference" process similar to augury. Thus Statius makes the Theb. a work of divination itself and criticizes the public role of augury in imperial Rome.

Manolaraki, Eleni, Noscendi Nilum cupido: Imagining Egypt from Lucan to Philostratus, Trends in Classics, Supplementary Volume 18 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013)
• Egypt in Lucan, Philostratus (Vita Apollonii), Valerius Flaccus, Statius (Thebais and Silvae) and Plutarch (De Iside et Osiride).

Marina Sáez, Rosa María, "La construcción de la imagen del poder femenino en la poesía altoimperial: propaganda y denostación," in María Almudena Domínguez Arranz, ed., Política y género en la propaganda en la Antigüedad = Gender and politics in propaganda during Antiquity: Antecedentes y legado = Its precedents and legacy , Estudios Históricos La Olmeda, Piedras Angulares (Gijón: Trea, 2013), pp. 279-297
• Juvenal's, Martial's, and Statius' treatment of the image of women.
• Reviews: López, Archivo Español de Arqueología 86 (2013) 308-310; Gutiérrez, Gerión 31 (2013) 445-447; Huerta, SHHA 31 (2013) 174-180

Marrón, Gabriela A., "Imago rapti: La ira de Ceres en Claud., Pros. III 260-268," Emerita 81 (2013) 137-150
• Claudian's text is derived from the Thebaid, Iliad. 16, and a fragment of Ambrosius' Hexameron.

Monno, Olga, "Saggio di scavo nella bibliotheca di un grammatico: Servio, Virgilio e Stazio," in F. Stok, ed., Totus scientia plenus: Percorsi dell'esegesi virgiliana antica (Pisa, Edizioni ETX, 2013), 125-44

Montone, Francesco, "Vergilian Wolves in the Panegyric on Avitus by Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.361-368)," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (2013) 287-300
• In describing the Vandals as wolves, Sidonius uses Virgil, Statius, Silius, Valerius Flaccus, and Lucan.

Newlands, Carole E., "Impersonating Hypsipyle: Statius' Thebaid and Medieval Lament," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 10 (2013) (unpaginated)
• A study of the uses of the laments in Statius, especially Theb. 5.48-548, in medieval literature.

Newlands, Carole, "Architectural Ecphrasis in Roman Poetry," in Theodore D. Papanghelis, Stephen J. Harrison, and Stavros Frangoulidis, edd., Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature: Encounters, Interactions and Transformations, Trends in Classics, Supplementary volume 20 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2013), pp. 55-78
• "A cultural shift in the 1st cent. A.D. from negotium to otium, from the public monument to the villa, fostered the development of a new form of encomiastic poetry, much of it celebrating private life. Architectural ecphrasis is a mainstay of Statius' Silvae ; the occasional poem emerges as a new literary genre of the 1st cent. A.D." (from LAPH).
• Reviews: Pieri, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2014; Hudson, Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015) 414-415

Penwill, John, "Imperial encomia in Flavian Epic," in Gesine Manuwald and Astrid Voigt, eds., Flavian Epic Interactions (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013), 29-54
• The encomia and recusationes in Flavian epics must be read in the context of Lucan. Theb. 1.16-34 is ironic and emphasizes the inability of rulers to learn from history (cf. 11.656-57). Ach. 1.14-19 is also ironical and emphasizes Achilles as a stand-in for Domitian.

Poortvliet, Harm Marien, "Textual Problems in Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica" Mnemosyne Ser. 4 66 (2013) 791-793
• Examination of Arg. 6.708-710 on the basis of parallels in Silv. 5.1.211 And Lucretius 2.847.

Rebeggiani, Stefano, "The Chariot Race and the Destiny of the Empire in Statius' Thebaid," Illinois Classical Studies 38 (2013) 187-206
• "Statius incorporates and gives poetic expression to Roman anxieties about imperial succession. In the chariot race in Theb. 6, Statius's presentation of Polynices as a new Phaethon connects him to Nero, the unworthy successor. Conversely, both the chariot race and the scene of Amphiaraus's death encourage the reader to regard the seer as a positive ruler figure. This strategy paves the way for Statius's description of Amphiaraus's succession in Theb. 8, an account that seems to be influenced both by the political debate on succession current in the late 1st cent. and by accounts of imperial acclamations" (from LAPH).

Rosati, Gianpiero , "Un aedo in posa: Stazio e la coscienza di un poeta professionista," in H. Casanova-Robin and A. Billault , eds., Le poète au miroir de ses vers: Études sur la représentation du poète dans ses oeuvres (Grenoble, 2013), 81-100
• Statius depicts himself professional poet with an important civic role: to interpret and explain the codes that govern his contemporary world.

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "Da poesia a poesia: Note sulle traduzioni (e altri aspetti) di due recenti studi su Marziale e P. Stazio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 7 (2013) 139-152
• On G. Nuzzo, ed., Achilleide (Palermo, 2012).

Santini, Carlo, "Pertinenza della similitudine del Nilo con la siccità della Argolide: Intertestualità, paradossografia e scoliastica nel quarto libro della Tebaide di Stazio," in Vir bonus peritissimus aeque: Estudos de homenagem a Arnaldo do Espírito Santo, ed. Maria Cristina Pimentel and Paulo Farmhouse Alberto (Lisboa: Centro de Estudos clássicos, 2013), 255-263

Seo, Joanne Mira, Exemplary Traits: Reading Characterization in Roman Poetry (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013)
• Reviews: Rimell, Classical Philology 109 (2014) 274-281; O'Hara, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 68 (2014) 366-368; Uden, Classical Review N.S. 64 (2014) 466-468; Roman, Journal of Roman Studies 105 (2015) 412-414

Augoustakis, Antony, "Per hunc utero quem linquis nostro: Mothers in Flavian Epic," pp. 205-23 of Lauren Hackworth Petersen and Patricia Salzman-Mitchell, edd., Mothering and Motherhood in Ancient Greece and Rome (Austin, TX: University of Texas Pr., 2012)
• In the Thebaid, Valerius Flaccus, and Silius Italicus, non-Roman mothers are depicted as Others, either having destructive powers that undermine the predominant male ideological code, or being a constructive apparatus that affirms the achievements of the male protagonists toward the manufacture of an imperial ideology. These make Romanness an idealized and utopian concept.
• Review: Johnson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.55

Augoustakis, Antony, "Per hunc utero quem linquis nostro: Mothers in Flavian Epic," pp. 205-23 of Lauren Hackworth Petersen and Patricia Salzman-Mitchell, edd., Mothering and Motherhood in Ancient Greece and Rome (Austin, TX: University of Texas Pr., 2012)
• In the Thebaid, Valerius Flaccus, and Silius Italicus, non-Roman mothers are depicted as Others, either having destructive powers that undermine the predominant male ideological code, or being a constructive apparatus that affirms the achievements of the male protagonists toward the manufacture of an imperial ideology. These make Romanness an idealized and utopian concept.
• Review: Johnson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.10.55

Baier, Thomas and Ferdinand Stürner, Götter und menschliche Willensfreiheit von Lucan bis Silius Italicus, Zetemata 142 (München: Beck, 2012)
• Reviews: Delarue, Revue des études latines 90 (2012) 400-402; Schafer, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 67 (2014) 316-319; Augoustakis, The Classical World 107 (2013-2014) 553-554; Evenepoel, L'Antiquité classique 82 (2013) 349-351

Basile, Anna, "Stazio e Pollio Felice: Caratteristiche di un elogio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 6 (1-2) (2012): 77-89
• Analysis of how Statius addresses Pollius Felix and how Statius justifies his art to his patron.

Basile, Anna, "Stazio e Pollio Felice: Caratteristiche di un elogio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 6 (1-2) (2012): 77-89
• Analysis of how Statius addresses Pollius Felix and how Statius justifies his art to his patron.

Blänsdorf, Jürgen, Die wiedergefundene Bibliothek: Antike und mittelalterliche Autoren in Pergamentfragmenten der Mainzer Martinus-Bibliothek, Aus der Martinus-Bibliothek Mainz 9 (Mainz: Martinus-Bibliothek, 2012)

Bonadeo, Alessia, "Martem... aequare canendo: (Stat. Silv. 5.3.11): Divagazioni sulla concezione della poesia nelle Silvae," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 68 (2012) 111-151
• Statius' relationship with his muse and his inspiration helps reconstruct the poetic experience of the author and how Statius depicts his poetical production.

Consolino, Franca Ela, "Echi pagani e cristiani nell'epitafio del vescovo Vittore: Per un'esegesi di Ennodio, Carm. 2, 95 (215 V)," in Marina Passalacqua et al., edd., Venuste noster: Scritti offerti a Leopoldo Gamberale, Spudasmata 147 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2012), pp. 419-441
• The poem echos the apotheoses in Virgil and Statius.

Dominik, William J, review of Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius (2009), Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77

Elm, Dorothee, "Die Entgrenzung des Alter(n)s: zur Kaiserpanegyrik in der Dichtung des Statius und Martial," pp. 237-60 of Thorsten Fitzon, Sandra Linden, Kathrin Liess, and Dorothee Elm, edd., Alterszäsuren: Zeit und Lebensalter in Literatur, Theologie und Geschichte (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012): 237-60.
• Statius and Martial (Liber Spectaculorum) portray Domitian as eternally young and compare this with mythical and historical parallels. Discussion of Domitian's death as a watershed in Martial's works.
• Reviews: Wagner-Hasel, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.11.42; Brandt, Sehepunkte 12.4 (2012)

Elm, Dorothee, "Die Entgrenzung des Alter(n)s: Zur Kaiserpanegyrik in der Dichtung des Statius und Martial," pp. 237-60 of Thorsten Fitzon, Sandra Linden, Kathrin Liess, and Dorothee Elm, edd., Alterszäsuren: Zeit und Lebensalter in Literatur, Theologie und Geschichte (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012): 237-60.
• Statius and Martial (Liber Spectaculorum) portray Domitian as eternally young and compare this with mythical and historical parallels. Discussion of Domitian's death as a watershed in Martial's works.
• Reviews: Wagner-Hasel, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.11.42; Brandt, Sehepunkte 12.4 (2012)

Floridi, Lucia, "De Glaucia inmatura morte praevento: Riflessioni su Auson. ep. 53 Gr.," Eikasmos 23 (2012): 283-300
• Ausonius' epitaph on the young Glaucia is derived from S. 2.1) and Martial 6.28-29, with Ausonius changing the view of love for a young boy to suit the tastes of his own time.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Textkritisches zu den Epen des Statius," Latomus 71 (2012) 451-468
• On Theb. 1.283-285, 643-648, 661-666; 2.710-712; 3.240-243, 281-286, 360-365, 499-501, 698-699; 4.443-446, 518-519, 556-560, 649-651, 825-830; 5.426-430; 6.355-364, 403-404; 7.203-206, 295-304; 8.317-323, 506-512, 633-640; 9.387-392; 10.837-839; 11.504-508; and Ach. 1.662-667.

Hardie, Philip, Rumour and Renown: Representations of "Fama" in Western Literature, Cambridge Classical Studies (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012): Chapter 6
Review: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013-02-13

Invernizzi, Simone, "Presenze ovidiane nelle glose alla Tebaide ascritte a Ilario d'Orléans," in Filippo Bognini, ed., Meminisse iuvat: Studi in memoria di Violetta De Angelis (Pisa, 2012), 473-94
• Citations from Ovid in the in principio commentary on the Thebaid.

Lehar, Hannes, "Dem ignis languidus auf der Spur: Kann man von einem römischen Dichter Heiztechnik lernen?" in Elisabeth Trinkl, ed., Akten des 14. österreichischen Archäologentages am Institut für Archäologie der Universität Graz vom 19. bis 21. April 2012, Veröffentlichungen des Instituts für Archäologie der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz 11 (Wien: Phoibos, 2014), pp. 239-246
• The mention of the hypocaust at Silv. 1.5.58 f. seems to mention the fire in the praefurnium and the movement of the heated air. Using a computer model, the authors show that this is possibly an accurate description of how the hypocaust worked. Further studies are needed.

Leite, Leni Ribeiro, "Arquitetura de uma poética nova: Estácio, Silvae, 3.1," Phaos: Revista de Estudos Clássicos 12 (2012) 29-44
Silv. 3.1, Statius describes the dedication of a temple of Hercules in Sorrento. The new temple is sung in a new way by a poet who, writing a work that is characterized by the mixture of genres, has been identified by recent criticism as an icon of a literary and cultural change carried out during the Flavian era. A reading of 3.1 is offered as the celebration not only of the Temple of Hercules but also of the new imperial poetics.

Liberman, Gauthier, "Edward Courtney's Review of My Edition and Critical Commentary on Statius, Silvae: A Short Reply," ExClass 17 (2013) 531-535
• Response to E. Courtney's review in ExClass 16 (2012) 295-301.

Lóio, Ana Maria, "Commemorating Events: the Victoria Sosibii in Statius, Silvae 4.3," Classical Quarterly N.S. 62.2 (2012): 281-85
• The intertextual references in the Via Domitiana to Callimachus, Victoria Sosibii (Fr. 384 Pfeiffer) (4.3.90) give new insights into how Statius used Callimachus.

Manolaraki, Eleni, "Aeriae grues: Crane migrations from Virgil to Statius," Classical Journal 107.3 (2011-12): 290-311
• Examination of the topos of crane migrations illustrates the ideological and meta-poetical development of this motif in its home genre. Each poet's adaptation of his predecessors' crane motifs alludes to the characters, themes, and ideological underpinnings of his own epic. Influence of Lucan on Statius and the heuristic value of migration as a cultural and literary experience.

McCarter, Stephanie Ann, "Maior post otia virtus: Public and Orivate in Statius, Silvae 3.5. and 4.4," Classical Journal 107.4 (2011-12): 451-81
• On how Statius situates himself and his poetry amid the social complexities of Domitianic Rome. Silv. 3.5 and 4.5 offer carefully constructed recusationes that expose Statius' deep ambivalence toward his public role as a writer of epic and panegyric, and his persona in these poems is analogous to that of Horace in his first book of Epistles. Though Statius desires public reknown and in 4.4 shows how his public and private poetry are interconnected in a complex manner, his essentially private nature precludes his taking on the most public and potentially-dangerous topic of epic song: Domitian.

McCullough, Anne, review of Liberman, Gauthier, Statius, Silves (2010), Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 177-80

Moul, Victoria A., "Quo rapis? Tone and Allusion at Aulis in Statius' Achilleid," Classical Quarterly N.S. 62.1 (2012) 286-300
Ach. 1.397-559, the gathering of the troops at Aulis, mirrors the themes and structure of the work as a whole, especially in the epic blend of erotic or elegiac material. References to Aen. 2 invites us to read Statius' pre-Iliad as a post-Aeneid, in which Achilles' future glory and the fall of Troy are only a prelude to the reinvigoration of Trojan power in the form of Roman greatness.

Mulligan, Bret, "Animal Play: Bilingual Onomastics and the Arrangement of Statius, Silvae 2," Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 16 (2012) 548-81
• On the relationship between Melior and the structure of S. 2. In particular, part of the structure of the book is formed by bilingual puns and wordplay.

Newlands, Carole E., "Sordida rura?: Pastoral Dynamics in the Sphragis to Statius' Silvae," TiC 4 (2012) 111-131
Sordere at Silv. 3.5 is a new turn of the contrast between city and country in bucolic. Statius plays off Virgil, Propertius, and possibly Calpurnius Siculus to make Rome ugly and unsympathetic. Statius uses Ecl. 1.82-83 to bring Naples to the center of the bucolic world.

Newlands, Carole E., Statius: Poet between Rome and Naples, Classical Literature and Society (London: Bristol Classical Press, 2012)
• Review: G. Brunetta, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.05.50

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "Sordida rura? Pastoral dynamics in the sphragis to Statius' Silvae," TiC 4.1 (2012): 111-31
• The word sordere in (Silv. 3.5) indicates a new direction in the contrast between city and land found in bucolic. The word implies moral and social concepts that Statius reflect Virgil, Propertius, and perhaps Calpurnius Siculus to show Rome as ugly and unfriendly while Naples is the proper place for a husband and poet. Statius also modernized Virgilian bucolic and brings is back to Naples and puts the villa in the center.

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "Sordida rura? Pastoral Dynamics in the Sphragis to Statius' Silvae," Trends in Classics 4.1 (2012) 111-31
• Forms of sordere in Silv. 3.5 (3.5.17 and 3.5.112) indicate a new direction in the contrast between city and land found in bucolic. The word implies moral and social concepts that Statius uses to reflect Virgil, Propertius, and perhaps Calpurnius Siculus to show Rome as ugly and unfriendly while Naples is the proper place for a husband and poet. Statius also modernized Virgilian bucolic and brings is back to Naples and puts the villa in the center.

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, Statius, Poet Between Rome and Naples, Classical Literature and Society (London: Bristol Classical Pr., 2012)

Nuzzo, Gianfranco, ed., Achilleide: Publio Papinio Stazio (Palermo: Palumbo, 2012)
• Reviews: A. Sacerdoti, "Da poesia a poesia: Note sulle traduzioni (e altri aspetti) di due recenti studi su Marziale e P. Stazio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 7 (2013) 139-52; Bitto, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013; Ripoll, Revue des études latines 90 (2012) 342-34

Parkes, Ruth, ed. and trans., Statius, Thebaid 4 (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 2012)
• Reviews: Newlands, Classical Review N.S. 63 (2013) 447-449; Dewar, ExClass 17 (2013) 467-471; Bernstein, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 66 (2013) 862-864; Lovatt, Journal of Roman Studies 104 (2014) 335-336

Pavan, Alberto, "Il trionfo all'antica di Massimiliano I Imperatore: Il motivo del funerale epico e dei ludi funebri dal VI libro della Tebaide di Stazio al Bellum Noricum di Ricardo Bartolini: Imitazione letteraria ed esigenze di propaganda," Humanistica Lovaniensia 61 (2012): 447-77

Reitz, Bettina, "Tantae molis erat: On Valuing Roman Imperial Architecture," pp. 315-44 of Ineke Sluiter and Ralph M. Rosen, edd., Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity, Mnemosyne Supplement 350 (Leiden, 2012)
• Vitruvius' De architectura and Silv. 1.1 and 3.1 were supposed to encourage Roman viewers to appreciate architecture in a particular way and may not provide evidence of how Romans actually viewed and valued architecture.

Reitz, Bettina, "Tantae molis erat: On Valuing Roman Imperial Architecture," pp. 315-44 of Ineke Sluiter and Ralph M. Rosen, edd., Aesthetic Value in Classical Antiquity, Mnemosyne Supplement 350 (Leiden: Brill, 2012)
• Texts such as Vitruvius' De architectura and Silv. 1.1 and 3.1 may not provide evidence of how Romans actually viewed and valued architecture, but they were supposed to encourage Roman viewers to appreciate architecture in a particular way.

Ripoll, François, "La découverte d'Achille à Scyros dans l'Achilléïde de Stace (I.841-855): De l'iconographie à l'anthropologie," Latomus 71 (2012) 116-132
• I contrast with his sources, Statius takes the scene from a dramatic one to a psychological and anthropological one thanks to showing us the scene through the hero's eyes.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Muggiti nel foro: Su un'immagine di Stazio, Silvae 1.1.69," pp. 443-49 of Giampaolo Borghello, vol. 1: Linguaggi, culture, letterature: studi in ricordo (Udine: Forum, 2012)
• Statius' description of the Forum re-casts the legends of the origins of the city to indicate a new foundation. .
• Review: Manco, AION(ling) N.S. 1 (2012): 329-37

Sacerdoti, Arianna, Novus unde furor: Una lettura del dodicesimo libro della Tebaide di Stazio, Altera 2 (Pisa: Serra, 2012)
• Review: Bessone, Federica, "Sondaggi di stile: A proposito di uno studio sulla Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 183-192

Simons, Benedikt, "Der Trevi-Brunnen, Statius und Homer: Das Modell Nicola Salvis und die Bauten Clemens' XII," Philologus 156.2 (2012) 328-45
• An analysis of Ach. 1.51b-52 and Il. 13.25-31 indicates that Salvis' model of the Fountain of Trevi was influenced by Statius' and Homer's epiphanies of Neptune/Poseidon. A discussion of how Statius adapted his Homeric model.

Uccellini, Renée, L'arrivo di Achille a Sciro: Saggio di commento a Stazio Achilleide 1.1-396, Tesi, Classe di Lettere 9 (Publication: Pisa: Ed. Della Normale, 2012)
• Reviews: L. Fratantuono, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2013.11.03; N. Jaeger, Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 16 (2013): 1293-1299; Kozák, Classical Review N.S. 64 (2014) 472-474; Heslin, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 144 (2016) 231-233

Abbamonte, G., "La Silva Somnus (5,4) di Stazio nella tradizione esegetica umanistica con un commento inedito di Aulo Giano Parrasio," Paideia 66 (2011) 41-51

Augoustakis, A., review of Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31 (2011)

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Emericus Cruceus' Conjectures on the Thebaid and the Achilleid (1620). A Supplement to the New Edition of Statius' Epics," Mnemosyne 64.2 (2011): 285-94
• Discussion of Cruceus' emendations and their sources. Passages include Théb. 1.227, 284-285, 439-440, 461; 2.17-19, 219, 401; 4.153, 481-482; 9.99-100, 500-501, 976; 10.16-17, 215-216; 11.54; 12.58-59, 620; Ach. 1.243-244; 2.93, 132-134.

Bessone, Federica, La Tebaide di Stazio: Epica e potere, Biblioteca di Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 24 (Pisa: Serra, 2011)
• Review: Jäger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.09.12; F. Bellandi, "Stazio e Domiziano: Epica e potere: A proposito di un recente libro sulla Tebaide," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 143 (2015) 412-435

Bessone, Federica, La Tebaide di Stazio: Epica e potere, Biblioteca di Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 24 (Pisa: Serra, 2011)
• Review: Jäger, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.09.12

Blake, Sarah, "Saturnalia clamata: Noise and Speech in Flavian Literary Saturnalias," Mouseion (Canada) 11 (2011) 361-380
• "Analysis of the noise and speech associated with the Saturnalia in the poetry of Martial and Statius illuminates some political aspects of individual and collective speech and noisemaking in Flavian Rome" (from LAPH).

Bonadeo, Alessia, "Torvus: Valenze poetiche e metapoetiche di un lessema in Stazio," Athenaeum 99.1 (2011): 81-101
• An analysis of related passages shows that Silv. 5.3.63 (toruo... Maroni) is an allusion to epic as opposed to occasional poetry. This is an example of Statius' emulative dynamic.

Bonadeo, Alessia, "Torvus: Valenze poetiche e metapoetiche di un lessema in Stazio," Athenaeum 99.1 (2011): 81-101
• An analysis of related passages shows that Silv. 5.3.63 (toruo... Maroni) is an allusion to epic as opposed to occasional poetry. This is an example of Statius' emulative dynamic.

Chinn, Christopher Matthew, "Statius, Orpheus, and Callimachus: Thebaid 2.269-96," Helios 38.1 (2011) 79-10

Corradi, Maria Teresa, "Lo scudo in Grecia e a Roma: Il sema e la sua rappresentazione," RCCM 53.1 (2011): 87-97
• Different depictions of the shields of the Argive heroes reveal different aspects of the characters in Aeschylus, Euripides, and Statius.

Criado, Cecilia, "Teologías y teodiceas épicas: Estacio y la perspectiva ovidiana," Emerita 79.2 (2011): 251-75
• Jupiter in Statius is a mixture of Ovid's rector Olympi and Seneca's ciuitatis rector, making the figure theological and political.

Criado, Cecilia, "Teologías y teodiceas épicas: Estacio y la perspectiva ovidiana," Emerita 79.2 (2011): 251-75
• Jupiter in Statius is a mixture of Ovid's rector Olympi and Seneca's ciuitatis rector, making the figure theological and political.

Dangel, Jacqueline, "Genre, genericité et transgenericité: Le personnage d'Oedipe en enigme tensionnelle de la tragédie de Seneque à l'epopée de Stace," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2011.1 (2011) 154-73

Falcone, Maria Jennifer, "Nostrae fatum excusabile culpae: Dal modello elegiaco ovidiano all' Ipsipile di Stazio," Athenaeum 99.2 (2011): 491-98
• The Hypsipyle passage used the language of the abandoned heroine adopted from elegy, which highlights the ideological distance: the passionate love of the protagonist is completely absent.

Fantham, Elaine, Roman Readings: Roman Response to Greek Literature from Plautus to Statius and Quintilian, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 277 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011)

Floridi, Lucia, "De Glaucia inmatura morte praevento: Riflessioni su Auson. ep. 53 Gr.," Eikasmos 23 (2012): 283-300
• Ausonius' epitaph on the young Glaucia is derived from S. 2.1) and Martial 6.28-29, with Ausonius changing the view of love for a young boy to suit the tastes of his own time.

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Finir l'histoire: La voix du poète aux chants 11 et 12 de la Thébaïde de Stace," pp. 285-98 of Emmanuelle Raymond, ed., Vox poetae: Manifestations auctoriales dans l'épopée gréco-latine: Actes du colloque organisé les 13 et 14 novembre 2008 par l'université Lyon 3, Collection du Centre d'études romaines et gallo-romaines, n.s. 39 (Paris: de Boccard, 2011)
• The Thebaid as two endings: the double death of Etheocles and Polynices in Book 11 and the victory of Theseus in Book 12. This is evident by the two epilogues of the poem: 12.797-809 and the sphragis (12.810-891). The voice of the poet is present in both cases.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Zwei textkritische Bemerkungen zum dritten Buch der Thebais des Statius," Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica 29 (2011): 275-82
• At Th. 3.380, read <Bl>anditusque iterum reuocet socer; at 3.710, read care pater <te> iterum fortasse rogabo.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Zwei textkritische Bemerkungen zum dritten Buch der Thebais des Statius," Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica 29 (2011): 275-82
• At Th. 3.380, read Blanditusque iterum reuocet socer; at 3.710, read care paterte iterum fortasse rogabo.

Ganiban, Randall, "Crime in Lucan and Statius," in Paolo Asso, ed., Brill's Companion to Lucan (Leiden: Brill, 2011), pp. 327-344
• "On the ways in which the Bellum ciuile functioned as a model for the Thebaid in employing the idea of unspeakable crime as a narrative theme" (from LAPH).
• Reviews: Gärtner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012; Galli Milić, Museum Helveticum 69 (2012) 219-220; Kimmerle, Sehepunkte 12 (2012; Roche, Classical Review N.S. 62 (2013) 122-124; Buckley, Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013) 331-332; Habermehl, Altertum 59 (2014) 56-60

Heinen, Dustin, "Dominating Nature in Vergil's Georgics and Statius' Silvae," Diss. U Florida (2011)

Hulls, Jean-Michel, "Poetic Monuments: Grief and Consolation in Statius Silvae 3.3," pp. 150-75 of Valerie M. Hope and Janet Huskinson, edd., Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2011)
• It is misleading to classify S. 3.3 (written for Claudius Etruscus, the equestrian patron of Statius and Martial, to commemorate the death of his unnamed father) as a consolatio. The poem taps into the tradition of consolation, but resists easy categorization and fails to provide a genuine sense of consolation to its addressee. The poem displays competing forms of memorialization, funereal and poetic, and is underpinned by an analysis and critique of differing modes of mourning and the impact on them of the contemporary Flavian political climate.
• Reviews: Emmerson, Journal of Roman archaeology 25.2 (2012): 719-21; Harlow, Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012): 330-32

Hulls, Jean-Michel, "Poetic Monuments: Grief and Consolation in Statius Silvae 3.3," pp. 150-75 of Valerie M. Hope and Janet Huskinson, edd., Memory and Mourning: Studies on Roman Death (Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2011)
• It is misleading to classify S. 3.3 (written for Claudius Etruscus, the equestrian patron of Statius and Martial, to commemorate the death of his unnamed father) as a consolatio. The poem taps into the tradition of consolation, but resists easy categorization and fails to provide a genuine sense of consolation to its addressee. The poem displays competing forms of memorialization, funereal and poetic, and is underpinned by an analysis and critique of differing modes of mourning and the impact on them of the contemporary Flavian political climate.
• Reviews: Emmerson, Journal of Roman archaeology 25.2 (2012) 719-21; Harlow, Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012) 330-32

Invernizzi, Simone, "Le glosse alla Tebaide attribuibili a Ilario d'Orléans (libri VII-XII)," Unpublished PhD Dissertation (Università degli Studi di Milano, 2011)
• Edition of the in principio commentary on Theb. 7-12.

Korneeva, Tatiana, Alter et ipse: Identità e duplicità nel sistema dei personaggi della Tebaide di Stazio, Testi e studi di cultura classica 52 (Pisa: ETS, 2011)

Korneeva, Tatiana, Alter et ipse: Identità e duplicità nel sistema dei personaggi della Tebaide di Stazio, Testi e studi di cultura classica 52 (Pisa: ETS, 2011)

Lóio, Ana Maria, "Commemorating Events: the Victoria Sosibii in Statius, Silvae 4.3," Classical Quarterly N.S. 62.2 (2012): 281-85
• The intertextual references in the Via Domitiana to Callimachus, Victoria Sosibii (Fr. 384 Pfeiffer) (4.3.90) give new insights into how Statius used Callimachus.

Maggiali, Giovanni, "La presenza di Catullo nelle Silvae di Stazio," pp. 77-90 of Giuseppe Gilberto Biondi, ed., Il Liber di Catullo: Tradizione, modelli e Fortleben, Quaderni di Paideia 14 (Cesena: Stilgraf Editrice, 2011)
• Catullus has a strong presence in the Silvae in contrast to the Achilleid.

Maggiali, Giovanni, "La presenza di Catullo nelle Silvae di Stazio," pp. 77-90 of Giuseppe Gilberto Biondi, ed., Il Liber di Catullo: Tradizione, modelli e Fortleben, Quaderni di Paideia 14 (Cesena: Stilgraf Editrice, 2011)
• Catullus has a strong presence in the Silvae in contrast to the Achilleid.

Marinčič, Marko, "L'angoscia dell'influenza, angoscia della morte: La morte di Achille tra Catullo, Virgilio e Stazio," Incontri di Filologia Classica 10 (2010-2011) 81-96
• Discussion of the depiction of Achilles in Catullus 64.323-380, Eclogues 4 and Georgics 4, and the Achilleid. Achilles is an ambiguous depiction of the Roman leader-statesman pretending to immortality.

Marshall, Adam R., "Spectandi Voluptas: Ecphrasis and Poetic Immortality in Statius' Silvae 1.1," Classical Journal 106.3 (2011): 321-47
• Statius is concerned to define his own position in the traditions of ecphrasis. The poem may be read as the first in a series of moments in the Silvae where Statius explores the relationship between poetry and the visual arts.

McCarter, Stephanie Ann, "Maior post otia virtus: Public and Private in Statius, Silvae 3.5. and 4.4," Classical Journal 107.4 (2011-12): 451-81
• On how Statius situates himself and his poetry amid the social complexities of Domitianic Rome. Silv. 3.5 and 4.5 offer carefully-constructed recusationes that expose Statius' deep ambivalence toward his public poetic role as a writer of epic and panegyric, and his persona in these poems is analogous to that of Horace in his first book of Epistles. Though Statius desires public reknown and in 4.4 shows how his public and private poetry are interconnected in a complex manner, his essentially private nature precludes his taking on the most public and potentially-dangerous topic of epic song: Domitian.

McClure, Jason, "Thebaid 2.239, 2.729 and the Problem of Aracynthus," Mnemosyne 64.1 (2011): 58-81
• Statius mentions Mount Aracynthus twice. The first recalls Propertius 3.15.42, recalling to mind the myth of Dorce. The second refers to a second MOunt Aracynthus, which we are unable to locate: Sextus Empiricus (Aduersus Mathematicos 1.257-258) locates it in Attica or Boeotia.

McCullough, Anna, "One Wife, One Love: Coniugalis amor, Grief and Masculinity in Statius' Silvae," pp. 175-91 of Dana LaCourse Munteanu et al., edd., Emotion, Genre and Gender in Classical Antiquity (London: Bristol Classical Pr., 2011)
• Men in the Silvae who display devotion to their wives in life and extreme grief at their death are part of a broader contemporary discourse on masculinity at Rome.
• Reviews: Lateiner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.01.04

McCullough, Anna, "One Wife, One Love: Coniugalis amor, Grief and Masculinity in Statius' Silvae," pp. 175-91 of Dana LaCourse Munteanu et al., edd., Emotion, Genre and Gender in Classical Antiquity (London: Bristol Classical Pr., 2011)
• Men in the Silvae who display devotion to their wives in life and extreme grief at their death are part of a broader contemporary discourse on masculinity at Rome.
• Reviews: Lateiner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.01.04

Micozzi, Laura, "Elogio dell'esegesi: Note testuali alla Tebaide di Stazio," MDAI 67 (2011): 152-82
• On 1.71-72, 1.109-111, 1.227-231, 1.303-305, 2.26-31, 2.737-738, 4.22-23, 4.76-78, 4.317-319, 5.121-122, 5.268-269, 5.497-498, 9.805-807, 10.137-139, 11.644-647, 12.69-70, 12.166-168.

Mulligan, Bret, "Sacer Argus: Bilingual Wordplay in Statius Silvae 5.4.11-13," Mnemosyne 64.3 (2011): 471-80
Sacer is to be read in both its Latin and Greek contexts.

Newlands, C.E., "Martial, Epigrams 96.61 and Statius, Silvae 2.3: Branches from the Same Tree?" Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 20 (2011): 93-111
• "Argive innocence is opposed in several ways to Theban guilt in Statius's Thebaid. Construction and deconstruction of these oppositions reveal disjunction between the initial narrative portrayal of a virtuous Argos dragged into war by an unjust Jupiter and the counter story of past Argive sin. Cracks in Ornytus's rhetorical attempt to condemn Creon's behavior at 12.155-157 demonstrate the difficulty of assigning simple moral judgments within the poem's complexities."

Newlands, Carole E., "Straight From the Horse's Mouth: Arion in Silvae 1.1," Mouseion: Mouseion: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société canadienne des études classiques 11 (2011) 341-360
• Although the reference to the horse Arion at the center of Silv. 1.1 is brief (52-55), it nevertheless opens up different ways of reading the poem generically and politically. Arion played a significant role in the Thebaid as king Adrastus's horse; in Silv. 1.1, Arion's imagined reaction to Domitian's equestrian statue offers an interpretive crux in the encomium. Through allusion to his own epic, Statius suggests a possible method of reading the first of his Silvae as a critical complement to his epic in contemporary Rome" (from LAPH).

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "Martial, Epigrams 9.61 and Statius, Silvae 2.3: Branches from the Same Tree?" Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity N.S. 20 (2011) 92-111
• "Martial 9.61 and Statius, Silv. 2.3 provide a test case for the interaction between Martial and Statius. While both poems draw on literary topoi about trees from Horace through Ovid and Lucan, they interact with one another in word and theme. This intersubjective form of literary engagement involves both opposition and complementarity ; read as a diptych, these poems reveal the literary and political potential of the occasional genre" (from LAPH).

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, Silvae Book II, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 2011)
• Reviews: Boandeo, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.11.52; McCullough, Classical Review N.S. 62.1 (2012): 177-80; Parkes, Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012): 392-93; Zeiner-Carmichael, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 66 (2013) 342-343; Dewar, Mouseion (Canada) 12 (2012) 266-269

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, Silvae Book II, Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics (Cambridge: Cambridge University Pr., 2011)
• Reviews: Boandeo, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.11.52; McCullough, Classical Review N.S. 62.1 (2012) 177-80; Parkes, Journal of Roman Studies 102 (2012) 392-93

Newlands, Carole, "The First Biography of Lucan: Statius' Silvae 2.7," in Paolo Asso, ed., Brill's Companion to Lucan (Leiden: Brill, 2011), pp. 435-451
• Reviews: Gärtner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012; Galli Milić, Museum Helveticum 69 (2012) 219-220; Kimmerle, Sehepunkte 12 (2012; Roche, Classical Review N.S. 62 (2013) 122-124; Buckley, Journal of Roman Studies 103 (2013) 331-332; Habermehl, Altertum 59 (2014) 56-60

Parkes, R.E., "Tantalus' Crime, Argive Guilt and Desecration of the Flesh in Statius' Thebaid," Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 20 (2011): 80-92
• The Thebaid contrasts Argive innocence with Theban guilt, but the poem undercuts this throughout. Problems in Ornytus's rhetorical attempt to condemn Creon's behavior at 12.155-157 demonstrate the difficulty of assigning simple moral judgments within the poem's complexities.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Amare il tiranno: Creazione del consenso e linguaggio encomiastico nella cultura flavia," pp. 265-80 of Gianpaolo Urso, ed., Dicere laudes: Elogio, comunicazione, creazione del consenso: Atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 23-25 settembre 2010, I convegni della Fondazione Niccolò Canussio 10 (Pisa: ETS, 2011)
• A reconsideration of Statius' and Martial's relationship with the political powers. The two saw themselves as official interpreters of the current trends and provided the people with an idealized view of the emperor.
• Review: Sannicandro Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.08.11

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Amare il tiranno: Creazione del consenso e linguaggio encomiastico nella cultura flavia," pp. 265-80 of Gianpaolo Urso, ed., Dicere laudes: Elogio, comunicazione, creazione del consenso: Atti del convegno internazionale, Cividale del Friuli, 23-25 settembre 2010, I convegni della Fondazione Niccolò Canussio 10 (Pisa: ETS, 2011)
• A reconsideration of Statius' and Martial's relationship with the political powers. The two saw themselves as official interpreters of current trends and provided the people with an idealized view of the emperor.
• Review: Sannicandro Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2012.08.11

Rosati, Gianpiero, "I tria corda di Stazio, poeta greco, romano e napoletano," pp. 15-34 of Alessia Bonadeo, Alberto Canobbio, and Fabio Gasti, edd., Filellenismo e identità romana in età flavia: Atti della VIII giornata ghisleriana di filologia classica (Pavia, 10-11 novembre 2009) (Como: Ibis, 2011)
• In the Silvae, Statius depicts himself with the traits of an archaic Greek poet, as a Roman vates, and as Neapolitan, which is used to integrate the other identities.
• Review: Basile, BStudLat 42.2 (2012): 831-33

Rosati, Gianpiero, "I tria corda di Stazio, poeta greco, romano e napoletano," pp. 15-34 of Alessia Bonadeo, Alberto Canobbio, and Fabio Gasti, edd., Filellenismo e identità romana in età flavia: Atti della VIII giornata ghisleriana di filologia classica (Pavia, 10-11 novembre 2009) (Como: Ibis, 2011)
• In the Silvae, Statius depicts himself with the traits of an archaic Greek poet, as a Roman vates, and as Neapolitan, the last of which integrates the other identities.
• Review: Basile, BStudLat 42.2 (2012): 831-33

Valenti, Veronica, "Stazio e Anfiarao: Effetto soterico della parola," Studi classici e orientali 57 (2011): 261-302
• In Roman literature, the vates inhabits a separate plane from the living and exists vertically, that is, connected with the gods more than with men. In contrast, Statius depicts a shared world, making Amphiaraus' death a programmatic device.

Ambühl, Annemarie, "Sleepless Orpheus: Insomnia, Love, Death and Poetry From Antiquity to Contemporary Fiction," in Emma Jane Scioli and Christine Walde, edd., Sub imagine somni: Nighttime Phenomena in Greco-Roman Culture Testi e studi di cultura classica 46 (Pisa: ETS, 2010), pp. 259-284
• The significance of insomnia in ancient literature, esp. Call. Fr. 27 Pf., Verg., G. 4.464-515, Ovid, Met. 10-11, and Silv. 5.4.

Anderson, H., "On the editio princeps of Statius' Epics," SSRN Working paper (May 14, 2010). Available at:

Asso, Paolo, "Queer Consolation: Melior's Dead Boy in Statius' Silvae 2.1," The American Journal of Philology 131.4 (2010): 663-97
S. 2.1 shows the social expectations for how grief and love between a man and a boy should be expressed and offers insight into the Roman understandings of sexuality, personal comportment, and public morality.

Bajard, Sophie, "Pygmées et Amazones dans la Silve I, 6 de Stace," Revue des études latines 88 (2010) 188-205
• The comparison of gladiators fighting dwarfs and women fighting pygmies and Amazons supports Domitian propaganda.

Barreda, Pere-Enric, ed., Aquil·leida, fragment de la guerra de Germània. P. Papini Estaci. Introd., text revisat, trad. I notes, Col·lecció dels clàssics grecs I llatins 377 (Barcelona: Fundació Bernat Metge, 2010)

Berlincourt, V., review of J. B. Hall, A. L. Ritchie, M. J. Edwards (ed.), P. Papinius Statius. Thebaid and Achilleid (2007), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.04.10 (2010)

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Indiscrétion et désobéissance: Stratégies de construction du récit dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in Therese Fuhrer and Damien P. Nelis, edd., Acting with words: Communication, Rhetorical Performance and Performative Acts in Latin Literature, Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, n.F., 2. Reihe 125 (Heidelberg: Winter, 2010): 101-28
• The embassy of Tydeus to Thebes (Theb. 2.375-3.406) provides us with direct and indirect discourse. Statius uses this to underscore the artificiality of epic.

Bessone, Federica, "Feminine Roles in Statius' Thebaid: The Heroic Wife of the Unfortunate Hero," in Marco Formisano and Therese Fuhrer, edd., Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Gender-Inszenierungen in der antiken Literatur, Iphis 5 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verl. Trier, 2010), 65-93

Bonadeo, A., ed., L'Hercules Epitrapezios Novi Vindicis: Introduzione e commento a Stat. Silv. 4,6, Studi latini 72 (Napoli: Loffredo editore, 2010)
• Reviews: Henderson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.10.25; Rossana Ingellis, Aufidus 24.70 (2010): 115-17; Enrico Maria Ariemma, BStudLat 41.1 (2011): 351-54; Linda Cermatori, Prometheus 37.1 (2011): 92-94

Braden, Gordon, "Statius," in A. Grafton, G.W. Most, and S. Settis, edd., The Classical Tradition (Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2010): 907-908

Carderi, Flavia, "L'inno a Minerva (Stat., Theb. 2.715-74): Ekphrasis del tempio e ekphrasis votiva," Paideia 65 (2010): 103-16
• The hymn is partly derived from epic tradition and partly from Virgil, G. 3.10-49

Casali, Sergio, "Autoriflessività onirica nell'Eneide e nei successori epici di Virgilio," in Emma Jane Scioli and Christine Walde, edd., Sub imagine somni: Nighttime Phenomena in Greco-Roman Culture Testi e studi di cultura classica 46 (Pisa: ETS, 2010), 119-141
• Dreams in epic poetry, especially Enn. Fr. 29 Sk., Aen. 4.351-353, 6.893-899 and 10.636-642, Ovid, Met. 14.120-124, Valerius Flaccus 1.38-50, and Silv. 5.3.

Cazzuffi, Elena, "Un paesaggio termale tra natura e ars: Claudiano Aponus (carm. min. 26)," in Lucio Cristante, ed., Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 8, 2008-2009, Incontri triestini di filologia classica 8 (Trieste: Università di Trieste, 2010): 135-54
• Claudian's passage confronts imperial literary loci amoenissimi: Silv. 1.2 and 1.3; Pliny, Epist. 8.20; and Ausonius, Mos. 341-344.

Chinn, Christopher, "Nec discolor amnis: Intertext and Aesthetics in Statius' Shield of Crenaeus (Theb. 9.332-338)," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 64.1/2 (2010): 148-69
• Statius' use of water- and color imagery at Theb. 9.332-338 constitutes an intertextual metaphor that reveals the poet's aesthetics of description.

Coleman, Kathleen M., "Parenthetical Remarks in the Silvae," in Eleanor Dickey and Anna Chahoud, edd., Colloquial and Literary Latin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 292-317
• "The tonal range of parenthetical remarks in Statius' Silvae is wide and adds to the poems' atmosphere and character. Various sorts of expressions that commonly occur parenthetically - such as exclamations, exhortations, or expressions of credulity and sufficiency - are identified. The effects for which longer parentheses are habitually employed are discussed. With an appendix of parentheses," (from LAPH).

Coleman, Kathleen M., "Parenthetical Remarks in the Silvae," in Eleanor Dickey and Anna Chahoud, edd., Colloquial and Literary Latin (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010): 292-317

Criado, Cecilia, "La casa de Edipo en la Tebaida ovidiana," in José Francisco González Castro and Jesús de la Villa Polo, edd., Perfiles de Grecia y Roma: Actas del XII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Valencia, 22 al 26 de octubre de 2007, 2 (Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2010), pp. 849-855

Delarue, Fernand, "Hypsipyle et Lemnos dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in Marc Baratin et al., Stylus: La parole dans ses formes: mélanges en l'honneur du professeur Jacqueline Dangel, Rencontres 11 (Paris: Classiques Garnier, 2010), pp. 775-788
• On the Hypsipyle episode (4.646-6.946). As she is outside the norm, she allows Statius to rewrite the myth as a lesson on human responsibility.

Delarue, Fernand, "Titre(s): D'Homère à Stace, le combat contre le fleuve," Lalies: Actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature 30, La Baume, 24-28 août 2009 (Paris: Éd. Rue d'Ulm, 2010): 233-41
• Statius' adaptation of Iliad 21 (Th. 9.225-569) shows the aesthetic of Statius' period, creating a phantasia or imaginary description that puts the impossible "before the eyes" of the reader.

Dominik, William, "Statius" (review of Smolenaars, Johannes J. L., Harm-Jan van Dam, and Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, 2008), Classical Review 60.2 (2010): 465-67

Dunshirn, Alfred, "(An)gebundenes Delos? Zum Text des homerischen Apollonhymnus, Vers 53," Wiener Studien 123 (2010): 5-10
• Emendation based on Statius' partuque ligatam Delon (Theb. 8.197-98).

Durbec, Yannick, "Stace, Achilleide, 20-51 et l'Alexandra de Lycophron," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 65.372 (2010): 208-12
Alex. 20-27 is a model for Statius.

Fabbrini, D., "Nota esegetica a Stazio, Silvae 1.6.18," Athenaeum 98.1 (2010): 249-53
massis non perustis (18) suggests an eternal Domitian spring.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Der Ninos-Roman als Vorbild fur die Hochzeitshandlung im ersten Buch der Achilleis des Statius," Hermes 138.3 (2010): 296-307
• Thematic elements, the relationship between Achilles and Lycomedes, and linguistic similarities suggest that Statius was influenced by the story of Ninus and Semiramis, which is found in papyrus dating to the second half of the first century.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Eine hartnäckige Korruptel im hexastichischen Argumentum zu Stat. Theb. 1," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 175 (2010): 48
• Read sociant for cecini in line 4 after Theb. 1.457-65, esp. 460.

Gibson, Bruce John, "Causation in Post-Augustan Epic," in John F. Miller and Anthony John Woodman, edd., Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic Interactions, (Leiden: Brill, 2010): 29-47
• Study of aspects of causation in post-Virgilian epic in Lucan, Statius, Silius Italicus, and Valerius Flaccus, esp. the causation of wars, the role of rumors, ideas of moral decline, and effects of speeches.

Guipponi-Gineste, Marie-France, "Cauchemars de femmes dans l'épopée latine: Atalante, Thétis et Cérès chez Stace et Claudien," in Jean-Marie Husser and Alice Mouton, edd., "Le cauchemar dans les sociétés antiques: Actes des journées d'étude de l'UMR 7044, 15-16 novembre 2007, Strasbourg, Études d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne / Université des Sciences humaines de Strasbourg (Paris: de Boccard, 2010), pp. 93-109
• On the nightmares of Atalanta (Theb. 9.570-637), Thetis (Ach. 1.127-140) and of Ceres (Claudian, Rapt. Pros. 3.67-116).

Guipponi-Gineste, Marie-France, "Cauchemars de femmes dans l'épopée latine: Atalante, Thétis et Cérès chez Stace et Claudien," in Jean-Marie Husser et Alice Mouton, edd., Le cauchemar dans les sociétés antiques: Actes des journées d'étude de l'UMR 7044, 15-16 novembre 2007, Strasbourg, Études d'archéologie et d'histoire ancienne - Université des Sciences humaines de Strasbourg (Paris: de Boccard, 2010): 93-109
• The nightmares of Atalanta (Th. 9.570-637), Thetis (Ach. 1.127-140), and Ceres (Claudien, De raptu 3.67-116) result from the preoccupations of the dreamer. These suggest that nightmares result from negative emotions and feelings of shame in the dreamer. Includes a study of the terms associated with nightmares.

Harrauer, Christine, "Why Styx? Some Remarks on Statius's Achilleid," Wiener Studien 123 (2010): 167-75
• Statius was responsible for the myth of Thetis dipping Achilles in the River Styx.

Henderson, John, review of Bonadeo, A., ed., L'Hercules Epitrapezios Novi Vindicis (2010), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.10.25

Herbert de La Portbarré-Viard, Gaëlle, "Venance Fortunat et l'esthétique de l'ekphrasis dans les Carmina: L'exemple des villas de Léonce de Bordeaux,"Revue des études latines 88 (2010) 218-237
• On the descriptions of villas by Venantius Fortunatus. Use of Statius.

Hersch, Karen K., The Roman Wedding. Ritual and Meaning in Antiquity (Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2010)
• See K. Klaiber, "Nuptiae Romanae: The Wedding Ceremony in Roman Literature and Culture," Dissertation, Rutgers, 2002.

Hindermann, Judith, "Similis excluso a vacuo limine recedo: Plinius' Inszenierung seiner Ehe als elegisches Liebesverhältnis," in Marco Formisano and Therese Fuhrer, edd., Gender Studies in den Altertumswissenschaften: Gender-Inszenierungen in der antiken Literatur, Iphis 5 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verl. Trier, 2010), pp. 45-63
• On Pliny's praise of his wife. Pliny's use of Propertius, Ovid, and Statius.

Hulls, Jean-Michel, "Replacing History: Inaugurating the New Year in Statius, Silvae 4.1," in John F. Miller and A.J. Woodman, edd., Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic Interactions, Mnemosyne Supplement 321 (Leiden: Brill, 2010): 87-104
Sil. 4.1 plays with the notions of history, time, and historical writing. The poem is also part of a larger project in the book to rework different literary genres as short occasional poems. The poet also subverts Domitian, a theme that runs through the book.

Kershner, Stephen M., "Statius as Horatian Priest of the Muses in Silvae 2.7," in Carl Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 15, Collection Latomus 323 (Bruxelles: Éditions Latomus, 2010): 311-34
• Statius' praise of Lucan and his self-representation as a Horatian priest of the Muses serve to promote Statius' Statius own role as poet.
• Review: Crane, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.07.39

Laes, Christian, "Delicia - Children Revisited: The Evidence of Statius' Silvae," in Véronique Dasen and Thomas Späth, edd., Children, Memory, and Family Identity in Roman Culture (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 245-72
• In Silvae 2.1,2.6, 3.4, and 5.5, Statius evoques the use of slaves born in houses.

Liberman, Gauthier, ed., Silves / Stace ; Édition et commentaire critiques (Paris: Calepinus, 2010)
• Reviews: Soubiran, Revue des études latines 88 (2010) 295-297; Laguna Mariscal, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 65 (2012) 845-849; Courtney, ExClass 16 (2012) 295-301; G. Liberman, "Edward Courtney's Review of My Edition and Critical Commentary on Statius, Silvae: A Short Reply," ExClass 17 (2013) 531-535; Anne McCullough, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 177-80

Lovatt, Helen, "Cannibalising History: Livian Moments in Statius' Thebaid," in John F. Miller and A. J. Woodman, edd., Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic Interactions, Mnemosyne Suppl. 321 (Leiden, 2010): 71-86
• The death of Tydeus (Th. 8.757-762) has an analogue in Livy's account of the aftermath of Cannae (22.51.9). In the Thebaid, the Argives are frequently mapped onto defeated Romans, while in tragic mode the Thebans take on Roman roles. In contrast with Silius Italicus, Statius takes bits and pieces of history and puts them into new contexts.

Lovatt, Helen, "Interplay: Silus and Statius in the Games of Punica 16," in A. Augoustakis, ed., Brill's Companion to Silius Italicus (Leiden: Brill, 2010): 155-76  

Marinčič, Marko, "Grška mitologija pri Staciju: Dante, Harold Bloom in meje politične psihologije [Greek Mythology in Statius: Dante, Harold Bloom, and the Limits of Political Psychology]," Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 12 (2010) 189-215 with plate
• Statius' supposed crypto-Christianity stems from Dante's psychological reading of the Thebaid, in which civil war results from a denial of faith. This stems in turn from a political-psychological reading of Flavian literature, in which repression (in Harold Bloom's concept of "anxiety of influence") prevents discussion of current events. The poem becomes a reaction to Virgil.

McAuley, Mairéad, "Ambiguus sexus: Epic Masculinity in Transition in Statius' Achilleid," Akroterion 55 (2010) 37-60
• "The complex post-Ovidian representation of gender in the Achilleid bears implications for our understanding of Roman epic as a genre. As Achilles struggles toward his literary destiny as the ultimate Homeric warrior, the poem's allusive exploration of gender ultimately reorients the tense relationship of the epic hero to women and amor, and of the epic genre to its own institutionalized masculinity," (from LAPH).

Merli, Elena, "La lima e il testo da Ovidio a Marziale: Poetica e comunicazione," CentoPagine 4 (2010) 79-96
• On the use of lima and correction in Ovid, Martial, and Statius.

Micozzi, L., Stazio: Tebaide, Mondadori Classici (Milan, 2010)
• Italian translation.

Monno, Olga, "Tenuissima virtus di corridori, inseguitori e fuggiaschi in Virgilio e Stazio," InvLuc 32 (2010): 105-13
• Servius ad Aen. 9.556 suggests that Virgil is the source for Th. 6.568 and hence Turnus is a model for Parthenopeus in this scene.

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "'Fastos adulatione foedatos?' (Tac. Hist. 4, 40, 2): Stazio sui Fasti di Ovidio," in Giuseppe La Bua, ed., Vates operose dierum: Studi sui Fasti di Ovidio, Testi e studi di cultura classica 48 (Pisa: Edizioni ETS, 2010): 155-68

Newlands, Carole, "The Eruption of Vesuvius in the Epistles of Statius and Pliny," in John F. Miller and A. J. Woodman, edd., Latin Historiography and Poetry in the Early Empire: Generic Interactions, Mnemosyne Suppl. 321 (Leiden, 2010): 105-22
Silv. 3.5 and 4.4 and Pliny (Ep. 6.16 and 6.20) used the epistolary form instead of epic to create a consoling perspective. Both poets largely avoid the themes of portents and the anger of the gods and blur the boundaries between poetry and history, fiction and plain-speaking. In contrast, Martial 4.44 uses the Hellenistic genre of epideictic epigram.

Pagán, V.E., "The Power of the Epistolary Preface from Statius to Pliny," Classical Quarterly 60.1 (2010) 194-201
• "In form, tone, and content, Epist. 3.5 resembles the epistolary prefaces to Statius' Silvae to such a degree that the resemblance may be more than coincidental. Statius appends an epistolary preface, each of which rehearses the contents of the book, to each of the first four books of the Silvae. Both letters and prefaces are highly stylized literary forms whose traditional conventions and rigid structures legitimate overt posturing and self-fashioning," (from LAPH).

Parkes, Ruth, "Dealing with Ghosts: Literary Assertion in Statius' Thebaid," Ramus 39.1 (2010): 14-23
• The portrayal of ghosts in Statius, Th. 4.553-645 can be read as a meditation on the poem's place in the literary tradition, especially against Ovid, Metamorphoses and Seneca, Oedipus.

Pavarani, Cecilia, "Un modello di puer: Onorio in Claudiano," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 144 (2010) 209-234
• Claudian uses the concept of puer from Virgil's fourth Eclogue, and Statius' Parthonopeus and Achilles.

Risi, Alessandro, "Achille nell'Achilleide staziana e nella figura di Podeto nel XIVo libro dei Punica," in Florian Schaffenrath, ed., Silius Italicus: Akten der Innsbrucker Tagung vom 19.-21. Juni 2008, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 164 (Bern/Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2010): 167-184
• Podaetus in Book 14 is a fictional character derived from both Statius' and Virgil's Achilles.

Rosati, Gianpiero, review of Rühl, M., Literatur gewordener Augenblick (2006), Gnomon 82.1 (2010): 25-29

Russell, C., "Boy Interrupted: Liminalities of Gender and Genre in Statius's Achilleid and Silvae 3.4," summary available at SSRN: (May 14, 2010).

Scioli, Emma Jane, "Incohat Ismene: The Dream Narrative as a Mode of Female Discourse in Epic Poetry," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 140 (2010) 195-238
• "Ismene's nightmare in Book 8 of Statius's Thebaid is examined by contextualizing it within the epic's narrative, comparing it with the dream narrations of other female characters in epic poetry, and aligning it with other typically female modes of subjective expression in epic, such as weaving, teichoscopy, and lamentation. By exposing the difficulties inherent in retelling a dream, Statius demonstrates sympathy with the female perspective on the war that constitutes the central action of his poem and foreshadows the subsequent inadequacy of words in reaction to its horror," (from LAPH).

Seager, Robin, "Domitianic Themes in Statius' Silvae," in Francis Cairns and Miriam Griffin, edd., Health and Sickness in Ancient Rome: Greek and Roman Poetry and Historiography, Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 14 (ARCA 50) (Cambridge: Francis Cairns Publications, 2010): 341-74
• "On: Domitian and divinity; continuity, renewal, permanence, and the dynasty; peace, war, and Rome's imperial mission; and Domitian as the sole source of preferment. In appendix: iussus or ausus in" (from LAPH).

Seager, Robin, "Domitianic Themes in Statius' Silvae," in Francis Cairns and Miriam T. Griffin, edd., Papers of the Langford Latin seminar 14: Health and Sickness in Ancient Rome: Greek and Roman Poetry and Historiography, ARCA: Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 50 (Leeds: Cairns, 2010), pp. 341-374
• "On: 1) Domitian and divinity ; 2) continuity, renewal, permanence, and the dynasty ; 3) peace, war, and Rome's imperial mission ; and 4) Domitian as sole source of preferment. In appendix: iussus or ausus in 1. ep. 19?" (from LAPH).

Ventura, Mariana S., "The Death of the Father: A Contribution to the Study of the Flavian Reception of Virgil (Stat. Silv. 5.3)," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 64 (2010): 201-16
Aen. 6 as a model for Silv. 5.3.

Vidal, José Luis, "Nec tu diuinam Aeneida tempta: La sombra de la Eneida (y otras sombras) en la épica flavia," in José Francisco González Castro and Jesús de la Villa Polo, edd., Perfiles de Grecia y Roma: Actas del XII Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos, Valencia, 22 al 26 de octubre de 2007, 2 (Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2010), pp. 747-787
• The influence of the Aeneid on Silius, Statius, and Valerius Flaccus.

Wolff, Étienne, "Retour sur la datation et l'origine de Lactantius Placidus, commentateur de Stace," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 64.3/4 (2010): 423-29
• Arguments for dating Lactantius' Commentum to the Thebaid of Statius between 410 and 468.

Wood, Susan, "Who was Diva Domitilla? Some Thoughts on the Public Images of the Flavian Women," American Journal of Archaeology 114.1 (2010): 45-57, with plate
• The identity of Domitilla, who had died before the Flavians came to power but who was deified early in the principate of Domitian, remains controversial. Numismatic evidence points to the mother of Domitian as the diua. Silv. 1.1 suggests that it is actually Domitian's sister.

Adkin, Neil, "More Additions to Maltby's Lexicon of Ancient Latin Etymologies and Marangoni's Supplementum Etymologicum: The Scholia to Statius," Acta Classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 45 (2009) 45-56

Álvarez, María Consuelo, Iglesias, Rosa María, "Estacio, poeta áulico," in P.P. Conde Parrado and I. Velázquez, eds., La Filología latina: Mil años más, 3 vols., Beltenebros 26-28 (Madrid: Sociedad de Estudios Latinos, 2009), 1:17-532
• An analysis of Statius' relationship with his patrons and Domitian's court in the Silvae shows that Statius knew how to please his patrons and did not hesitate to do so.

Andersen Vinilandicus, Peter Hvilshøj, "Wie Melusine den Drachen verdrängte: Eine sagengeschichtliche Untersuchung zum Unverwundbarkeitsmotiv," Fabula: Zeitschrift für Erzählforschung = Journal of Folktale Studies 50.3-4 (2009) 227-46 and plate
• Achilles' heel appears first in Apollodorus and the bathing in the River Styx appears first in Statius. Discussion of Statius' Achilles as a model for Seigfried.

Anderson, H., The Manuscripts of Statius, 3 voll. (Arlington, VA, 2009)
• Reviews: Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2011.04.31; William J. Dominik, Classical Review 62.1 (2012): 175-77

Bartolomé, Jesús, "El proemio de la Farsalia de Lucano y su recepción. 1," Cuadernos de Filología Clásica. Estudios Latinos 29 (2009) 25-44
• On the influence of the preface to Lucan's De bello civile in his literary successors. Special focus is on the reception of Lucan in Statius' Thebaid.

Bernstein, N.W., review of Ripoll, F., and J. Soubiran, Stace. Achilléide (2008), Gnomon 81.7 (2009): 654-56

Bernstein, Neil Warren, "Cui parens non erat maximus quisque et vetustissimus pro parente: Parental Surrogates in Imperial Roman Literature," in Growing Up Fatherless in Antiquity, ed. Sabine Hübner and David M. Ratzan (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009), 241-256
• "Despite its relatively high incidence, fatherlessness presented a social challenge to young aristocratic Roman men who aspired to a political career. Such men often negotiated this challenge by associating themselves with paternal surrogates who had no familial connection to them. The rhetorical strategies used by Statius (Silv. 5.2, an encomium to the fatherless Crispinus) and by Pliny the Younger in his Letters to assert the legitimacy of the political aspirations of the fatherless are explored. Anthropological studies of shared parenthood and fosterage in West African states provide valuable parallels."

Bessone, Federica, "Clementia e philanthropia: Atene e Roma nel finale della Tebaide," Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici 62 (2009) 179-214
• An analysis of the conception of clemency shows Statius' desire to present opposing ideas of the tyranny and a benevolent sovereign, which shows an integration of Greek and Roman culture.

Bevegni, Claudio, "Poliziano lettore dei Moralia di Plutarco: Alcuni dati di ordine statistico," Studi Umanistici Piceni 29 (2009) 205-219
• On Politian's knowledge of Plutarch in, among other works, his commentary on the Silvae.

Cameron, Alan, "Young Achilles in the Roman World," Journal of Roman Studies 99 (2009): 1-22 and plate
• Common features in the representation of Achilles in Roman poetry and art and, in particular, of Roman interest in his childhood support the hypothesis that illustrated mythographic handbooks existed. Statius' Achilleid bears a relationship to a cycle of scenes representing Achilles' early years known from wall-paintings, mosaics, sarcophagi and the 4th-cent. A.D. Achilles plate from the Kaiseraugst treasure. Although the surviving book of the Achilleid concerns the pre-Troy years, Statius' real focus was the Trojan War itself.

Chaudhuri, Pramit, review of Smolenaars, Johannes J. L., Harm-Jan van Dam, and Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius (2008), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.07.13 

Coffee, N., "Statius' Theseus: Martial or Merciful?" Classical Philology 104.2 (2009): 221-28
• "In Theb. 12, Theseus is identified with Mars and contrasted with the Altar to a greater extent than has yet been recognized. Through the figure of Theseus, Statius expresses significant reservations about the use of kingly power even in the service of a virtuous cause."

Coffee, Neil Andrew, The Commerce of War: Exchange and Social Order in Latin Epic (Chicago: University of Chicago Pr., 2009)
• Review: Bernstein, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009-11-11.

Cowan, Bob, review of Ganiban, R., Statius and Virgil (2007), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.06.31

Dangel, Jacqueline, "L'héritage des genres grecs à Rome: épopée et tragédie, une généricité traversière?," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2009.2: 146-164
• On the relationship between tragedy and epic, with emphasis on the Pharsalia and Thebaid.

De Angelis, Alessandro, "Tra dati linguistici e fonti letterarie: Per un'etimologia del gr. kentauros divoratore di viscere," Glotta 85 (2009): 59-74
• Arguments for the etymology are taken from Homer and Statius (Ach. 2.99-100), among others.

Dewar, Michael, review of Lovatt, H., Statius and Epic Games (2005), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.10.04

Dietrich, Jessica Shaw, "Death Becomes Her: Female Suicide in Flavian Epic," Ramus: Critical Studies in Greek and Roman Literature 38.2 (2009) 187-202
• "Statius (Th. 12.177-179), Valerius Flaccus (1.749 ff.), and Silius Italicus (2.675-680) all offer up depictions of female characters who take their own lives. But unlike their literary sisters, whose suicides are an aspect of or the result of their gender, the Flavian epic heroines commit suicide despite their gender. These episodes owe more to the historical accounts of suicide in the Julio-Claudian era than to their epic predecessors. This connection may account for why these suicides seem overtly political in their opposition to tyranny. The negative depiction of female suicide may also be indicative of a cultural backlash against the kinds of political suicides prominent in the 1st cent. A.D."

Fumagalli, Edoardo, "Il lauro e il mirto. Osservazioni e dubbi sullo Stazio di Dante," in N. Agapiou, ed., Anagnorismos, Studi in Onore di Hermann Walter per i 75 Anni, Farrago: Philologie & Typographie Néolatines (Bruxelles: Maison d'Érasme, 2009): 191-216

Gärtner, Thomas, " Buchgrenzen in der lateinischen Epik als Kristallisationspunkte intertextueller Bezugnahmen," Maia 61.2 (2009): 260-73
• The division of books in post-Augustean epics has its roots in archaic Latin epic.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Eine übersehene Parallele zwischen Petron und Statius und die Datierung des Satyricon," Classica et mediaevalia 60 (2009) 305-309

Gervais, Kyle G., review of Jane Wilson Joyce (ed.), Statius, Thebaid: A Song of Thebes, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.06.26 (2009)

Haynes, Melissa, "Written in Stone: Literary Representations of the Statue in the Roman Empire," PhD Dissertation (Harvard University, 2009)
• Summary in ProQuest dissertations database, ID 304891112; Discussion of Ovid's Metamorphoses, Pliny the Younger, Tacitus, Favorinus' Corinthian oration, Propertius 4.2, Silv. 1.1 and 4.6, Petronius 126-132, and a fictional letter of Alciphron.

Klodt, C., "Der kleine Achill: Ironische Destruktion homerischen Heldentums in der Achilleis des Statius," in R.F. Glei, ed., Ironie. Griechische und lateinische Fallstudien, Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium 80 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009): 179-228  

Klodt, C., "Homerisches in der Thebais des Statius?" in B. Effe, R.F. Glei, and C. Klodt, edd., Homer zweiten Grades: Zum Wirkungspotential eines Klassikers, Bochumer Altertumswissenschaftliches Colloquium 79 (Trier: Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2009): 171-226 

Klodt, Claudia, review of Ganiban, R., Statius and Virgil (2007), Gnomon 81.6 (2009): 505-14

Krasser, H., "Statius and the Weeping Emperor (Silv. 2.5): Tears as a Means of Communication in the Amphitheatre," in Th. Fögen, ed., Tears in the Greco-Roman World (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2009), 253-75  

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, "El otro griego en la Roma flavia: Estacio y Juvenal," in A. Cruz Casado and M. Raders, edd. Estudios de Literatura General y Comparada. Literatura y alianza de civilizaciones. Prólogo y paratexto. Bohemios, raros y olvidados (Lucena (Córdoba): Ayuntamiento de Lucena, 2009): 45-62

Liberman, Gauthier, "Quelques cas de calque dans la littérature grecque et latine de l'époque impériale, en particulier flavienne (Stace, Valerius Flaccus, Flavius Josèphe)," in B. Bortolussi, M. Keller, S. Minon, and L. Sznajder, edd., Traduire, Transposer, Transmettre dans l'Antiquité gréco-romaine, TIMA: Textes, Images et Monuments de l'Antiquité au haut Moyen Age (Paris: Picard, 2009): 135-46

Marshall, A.R., "Statius and the Veteres: Silvae 1.3 and the Homeric House of Alcinous," Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 18 (2009) 78-88

Martelli, Francesca, "Plumbing Helicon: Poetic Property and the Material World of Statius' Silvae," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 62 (2009) 145-77

McCullough, A., "Heard But Not Seen: Domitian and the Gaze in Statius' Silvae," Classical Journal 104.2 (2008-2009): 145-62
• Although S. 1.1, 1.6, and 4.1-3 attribute positive virtues to Domitian, they focus on his power and its effects, or his divine nature, but almost never on the man himself. Domitian himself appears only twice. He does not interact or converse with his subjects, and is physically isolated. This coincides with the picture drawn by ancient historians of a Domitian who shunned the public eye.

McNelis, C., "In the Wake of Latona: Thetis at Statius, Achilleid 1.198-216," Classical Quarterly 59.1 (2009): 238-46

Micozzi, L., "Ille referre aliter saepe solebat idem: Ripetizione e sperimentalismo narrativo nella Tebaide in Stazio," in R. Ferri, J.M. Seo and K. Volk, edd., Callida Musa: Papers on Latin Literature in Honor of R. Elaine Fantham, Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 61 (Pisa: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2009): 211-28
• Summary in Kershner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.08.46
Statian epic shows a tendency to provide different versions of a story. For example, the discussion of Tydeus at 2.482-743 is repeated by Tydeus himself in Book 3. Similarly, 6.242-248 retells 4.746-765.

Morzadec, F., Les images du monde: Structure, écriture et esthétique du paysage dans les œuvres de Stace et Silius (Bruxelles: Éditions Latomus, 2009)

Nagle, R., "Statius' Horatian Lyrics, Silvae 4.5 and 4.7," The Classical World 102.2 (2009): 143-57
• Statius makes use of Horatian forms and motifs, such as the simple house in the country and the literary help of a friend, but his tone is fervent and sincere, rather than dry and ironic. Statius is also fully aware of Horace's generic choices, but makes different choices for his own work with no apparent anxiety. With many literary allusions, the poor and humble poet praises the wealth and public accomplishments of Septimius Severus and Vibius Maximus, and at the same time shows how like-minded they are in their attitudes to literature, friendship, and wealth.

Nau, Robert, "A Note on Statius, Thebaid 8.5," Classical Quarterly 59.2 (2009): 664-65 

Newlands, C., "Statius' Programmatic Apollo and the Ending of Book 1 of the Thebaid," in L. Athanassaki, R.P. Martin, and J.F. Miller, edd., Apolline Politics and Poetics (Athens: Hellenic Ministry of Culture/European Cultural Centre of Delphi, 2009): 353-78

Newlands, C.E., "Statius' Prose Prefaces," in R. Ferri, J.M. Seo and K. Volk, edd., Callida Musa: Papers on Latin Literature in Honor of R. Elaine Fantham, Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 61 (Pisa: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2009): 229-42
• Summary in Kershner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.08.46
• The prefaces present the work to the patron and the public and show Statius' reflections on literary criticism, in that the poems are not to be taken individually but as a group.

Newlands, C.E., "Statius' Self-Conscious Poetics: Hexameter on Hexameter," in W.J. Dominik, J. Garthwaite, and P.A. Roche, edd., Writing Politics in Imperial Rome (Leiden: Brill, 2009): 387-404  
• On, especially, Silv. 1.5, 3.2, and 3.5.  
• Review: Faversani, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.12.26

O'Sullivan, T.M., "Waiting on a Friend: Statius, Silvae 4.7," in R. Ferri, J.M. Seo and K. Volk, edd., Callida Musa: Papers on Latin Literature in Honor of R. Elaine Fantham, Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 61 (Pisa: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2009): 125-43
• Summary in Kershner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.08.46

Ottaviano, Silvia, "Nota a Aen. 3.360," Materiali e Discussioni per l'Analisi dei Testi Classici 62 (2009) 231-237
• Emendation of the passage on the basis of Theb. 2.529-530.

Parkes, R., "Hercules and the Centaurs: Reading Statius with Vergil and Ovid," Classical Philology 104.4 (2009): 476-94
• "On the relationship between the Thebaid and Virgil's Aeneid and Ovid's Metamorphoses in their treatment of Hercules and the Centauromachy. Not only does Statius draw on the comparative tactics employed by Vergil and Ovid in their inclusion of Hercules, he also systematically mines and combines relevant passages from them. In the process, he manipulates our reading of these texts."

Parkes, R., "Who's the Father? Biological and Literary Inheritance in Statius' Thebaid," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 63.1-2 (2009): 24-37
• "The accounts of Parthenopaeus' footrace in Book 6 and boar-hunt in Book 4 evoke previous literary representations of characters who are, or might be held to be, his parents, specifically Hippomenes, Meleager, the two Atalantas from Ovid's 'Metamorphoses', and Milanion as depicted in Gallan elegy."

Parkes, Ruth, "Sed tardum (Ach., 1.47): Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica as Prequel to Statius' Achilleid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 63 (2009): 107-13
• An intertextual analysis shows how Statius relies on Valerius to explain the futility of Thetis' efforts to save Achilles.

Pavan, A., La gara della quadriche e il gioco della guerra: Saggio di commento a P. Papinii Statii Thebaidos liber VI 238-549 (Alessandria, 2009)

Pavan, A., ed., La gara delle quadrighe e il gioco della guerra: Saggio di commento a P. Papinii Statii Thebaidos liber VI 238-549, Minima philologica 6 (Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso, 2009)
• Review: F.C. de Rossi, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.02.33

Río Torres-Murciano, Antonio, "Las secuelas del fortunati ambo (Verg., Aen. IX 446-449): epopeya e imperio," Emerita 77.2 (2009): 295-315
• The tension in Virgil's definition of epic and the problems it created for Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Silius Italicus, and Statius.

Seo, J. Mira, "Statius Silvae 4.9 and the Poetics of Saturnalian Exchange," in R. Ferri, J.M. Seo and K. Volk, edd., Callida Musa: Papers on Latin Literature in Honor of R. Elaine Fantham, Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 61 (Pisa: Fabrizio Serra editore, 2009): 243-56  
• Review: Kershner, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.08.46
On Statius' use Catullus 14 and Martial 4.88.

Serrao, Manuela, "Il tropo dell'iperbole nell'opera epica di Stazio," in Aspetti di stile e di aemulatio fra Plauto e Stazio con appendice dantesca (Florence: [s. n.], 2009), 127-81

Stover, T., "Apollonius, Valerius Flaccus, and Statius: Argonautic Elements in Thebaid 3.499-647," The American Journal of Philology 130.3 (2009): 439-55

Wasdin, Katherine, "The Reluctant Bride: Greek and Roman Wedding Poems," PhD Dissertation (Yale University, 2009)
• Summary in ProQuest dissertations database, ID 305042031; Discussion of Sappho, tragic wedding songs and choral odes, Aristophanic wedding songs, Theocritus Id. 18, Catullus 61, 62 and 64, Seneca's Medea, and the wedding poems of Statius and of Claudian.

Aricò, Giuseppe, "Leves libelli: Su alcuni aspetti della poetica dei generi minori da Stazio a Plinio il Giovane," CentoPagine 2 (2008): 1-11
• On new perspectives on the relationship between epic and non-epic poetry in the post-Augustan period, with focus on Statius, Martial, and Pliny the Younger.

Augoustakis, A., "An Insomniac's Lament: The End of Poetic Power in Statius' Silvae 5.4," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin literature and Roman History XIV, Collection Latomus 315 (Bruxelles: éditions Latomus, 2008): 339-47
• This poem, on an insomciac, occupies a key position between two epicedia for the dead at the end of the Silvae. This gives Somnus an infernal role and the loss of poetic power. The poem has intertextual allusions to Virgil's Dido and Ovid's exile.

Berlincourt, V., "'In pondere non magno satis ponderosae...': Gronovius and the printed tradition of the Thebaid," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 1-18

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Texte et commentaires de la Thébaïde de Stace à l'ère de l'imprimerie: Transmission et histoire culturelle (1470-1851)," Dissertation, NeuchÂtel, 2008

Bernstein, N.W., In the Image of the Ancestors: Narratives of Kinship in Flavian Epic, Phoenix. Supplementary Volume 48 (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008)

Bessone, Federica, "Epica e potere: Forma narrativa e discorso politico nella Tebaide di Stazio," in Renato Uglione, ed., "Arma virumque cano...": L' Epica dei Greci e dei Romani. Atti del Convegno Nazionale di Studi. Torino, 23 - 24 aprile 2007, Associazione Italiana di Cultura Classica (Alessandria: Edizioni dell' Orso, 2008): 185-208
• Neither the myth nor the structure of the Thebaid suggests a correspondence with contemporary events, but it does provide positive and negative exempla about power.

Bessone, Federica, "Teseo, la clementia e la punizione dei tiranni: Esemplarità e pessimismo nel finale della Tebaide," Dictynna: Revue de Poétique Latine 5 (2008): 3-56
• A reexamination of the end of the Thebaid shows Statius' opposition to tyranny. A comparison with Euripides' Supplicants and Seneca's Hercules furens shows the comparison of democracy and tyranny.

Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Ein neues Handschriftenfragment der Achilleis des Statius. Mainz, Martinus-Bibliothek, frag. lat. I (frM): Ach. I, 579 - 636, 2, 25 - 82," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 151 (2008): 326-50

Campana, Pierpaolo, "Gli occhi di Fileto e l'elmo di Partenopeo (su Stat. silv. 2.6.42)," Philologus 152.2 (2008): 352-59
• Read, blandique seuero igne oculi (similis demissa casside uisu Parthenopaeus erat) simplexque.

Campana, Pierpaolo, "Tre note a Stat. Silv. 5, 3," Museum Helveticum 65.1 (2008): 53-60
• On Silv. 5.3.92, 5.3.94, 5.3.127, and 5.3.155.

Centlivres Challet, C.-E., "Not So Unlike Him: Women in Quintilian, Statius and Pliny," in F. Bertholet, A.B. Sánchez, and R. Frei-Stolba, edd., Egypte - Grèce - Rome. Les différents visages des femmes antiques. Travaux et colloques du séminaire d' épigraphie grecque et latine de l' IASA 2002 - 2006 (Bern: Lang, 2008): 289-324

Chaudhuri, Pramit, "Theomachy: Ethical Criticism and the Struggle for Authority in Epic and Tragedy," PhD Dissertation (Yale University, 2008)

• Summary in ProQuest dissertations database, ID 304389932. Discussion of Homer's Iliad, Attic tragedy, Seneca's Hercules furens, and Statius' Thebaid.

Chinn, Christopher M., "Libertas reverentiam remisit: Politics and Metaphor in Statius Silvae 1.6," The American Journal of Philology 129.1 (2008): 101-24
Silv. 1.6 reenacts the political contestation over the meaning of libertas at Rome.

Coleman, K.M., "Stones in the forest: Epigraphic allusion in the Silvae," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 19-44

De Rosalia, Antonino, " Tesi, controtesi e qualche idea nuova su P. Papinio Stazio visto da Dante," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 1.471-90
• An examination of Statius' affinity to Christian virtues.

Delarue, F. "Guerre et Amour: Unité et cohérence de l'Achilléide," Vox Latina 178 (2008) 73-83

Delarue, Fernand, "Prélude aux ténèbres: Le temps et la nuit dans le chant I de la Thébaïde," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 1.445-70
• Study of time in Theb. 1. In contrast with the Aeneid, Statius obfuscates the process of time.

Dewar, M., "The Equine Cuckoo: Statius' Ecus Maximus Domitiani Imperatoris and the Flavian Forum," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 65-84

Esposito, Paolo, "Virtus e morte esemplare del leo mansuetus: Stat. silv. 2, 5 e Lucano IV," in Paolo Arduini, ed., Studi offerti ad Alessandro Perutelli (Roma: Aracne, 2008): 1.451-60
• The amplificatio in the death of the lion shows his aristeia, recalling Lucan 4.

Fantham, E., "The perils of prophecy: Statius' Amphiaraus and his literary antecedents," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 147-62
• In the Thebaid, Statius subordinates the motif of domestic treachery associated with Amphiaraus so as to give full importance to his moment of truth at the taking of the auspices at Argos (Theb. 3.449-496). Three aspects of this episode in relation to the Greek and Roman epic tradition are considered: the forms of divination practiced by Melampus and Amphiaraus, the nature of the portent sent to them by the gods, and the reaction of both prophet and poet to human foreknowledge of evil destiny."

Flammini, Giuseppe, "La strofe alcaica dopo Orazio," Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia della Università di Macerata 40-41 (2007-2008) 39-59
• Use of the Alcaic strophe in Statius, Prudentius, and Claudian.

Franchet D'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Principe féminin et principe conjugal dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in P. Galand-Hallyn and C. Lévy, edd., La villa et l'univers familial dans l'Antiquité et à la Renaissance (Bonchamp-Lès-Laval: PUPS, 2008): 191-204
• Statius ceates a enw form of feminin in the Thebaid: the virile woman who puts her courage to the service of her spouse. This is in contrast to the normally passive women in epic.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Selbstmord in der römischen Epik der Nachaugusteischen Zeit," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 48.3-4 (2008) 365-385
• Comparison of suicide in different authors. In Lucan (4.520-574) the fanatical, furor-like suicide of the Caesarians is a way out of a desperate situation. Suicide in Valerius Flaccus presents itself as a rationally planned act, which serves to attain personal peace. Statius is particularly familiar with defiant suicide, through which the powerless individual expresses his inner autonomy vis-à-vis the mighty tyrant. Silius Italicus had all these types in mind and combined them. With him, however, the moral judgment is overlaid by his strong bias in favor of the Romans.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Der Epilog zur Thebais des Statius," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 32 (2008): 137-57.
• In the concluding verses, Statius uses Lucan 9.980-986, in which the emulation of Homer is changed to Virgil, although his citation of Ovid does harken back to Homer. Comparison is made to the self-imitation in Silv. 4.7.

Gasti, Fabio, "Tema e variazioni su Stazio: Anth. Lat. 189 Sh.-B. (= 198 R.)," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 1.665-79
• 189 Sh.-B. is modeled on the Achilleid.

Giardina, Giancarlo, " Emendamenti al testo di vari poeti e prosatori latini: (Catullo, Cons. ad Liviam, Columella, Petronio, Stazio, Valerio Flacco)," Prometheus 34.1 (2008): 48-52
• Conjectures to, inter alia, Silv. 1.2.2-3 and 1.2.170-171.

Gibson, Bruce J., "The Silvae and Epic," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 163-84
• As most of the Silvae were written in hexameters, this article considers how they drew from epic. This includes a discussion of their generic status and Statius' treatment of Domitian, overlap between the poems and epic poetry, and how content can be shaped or modified by genre.

Gibson, Bruce, "Battle narrative in Statius, Thebaid," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 85-110

Hall, J.B., and A.L. Ritchie, edd., and transs., Thebaid and Achilleid, 3 voll. (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2007-08)
• Review: Berlincourt, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2010.04.10

Hardie, Ph.R, "Statius' Ovidian poetics and the tree of Atedius Melior (Silvae 2, 3)," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 207-22
Silvae 2.3 and 2.4 contain allusions to Ovid's Metamorphoses and Am. 2.6. Silvae 2.3 "cooks up a narrative and descriptive confection that combines Horatian topics of praise and self-praise with an Ovidian tale of metamorphosis."

Hardie, Philip R., "Lucretian Multiple Explanations and Their Reception in Latin Didactic and Epic," in Marco Beretta and Francesco Citti, edd., Lucrezio, la natura e la scienza, Biblioteca di Nuncius 66 (Firenze: Olschki, 2008): 69-96
• Lucretius' tendency to give multiple alternative explanations affected later epics, including Virgil, Ovid, Lucan, and Statius.

Heslin, Peter J., "Statius and the Greek Tragedians on Athens, Thebes and Rome," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 111-28

Hill, D.E., "Jupiter in Thebaid 1 again," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 129-42

Hill, Donald E., "Statius' Debt to Virgil," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 26 (2008): 52-65
• There is remarkable structural symmetry between Aen. 1.1-304 and Theb. 1.1-311, but Statius alerts his readers also to a significant contrast between the two epics. Examination of other passages in the Thebaid (e.g., 1.336-341 and 1.390-400) shows Statius' pessimism.

Hulls, Jean-Michel, "Raising one's standards? Domitian as model in Ammianus 14.1.10," AClass 51 (2008): 117-24
• Ammianus describes Gallus at 14.1.10 as "raising the standards of his obstinacy". The unusual phrase is framed by a double allusion to Aen. 2.304-307 and 2.496-499 and must be a reference to a description of the emperor Domitian at Statius S. 4.2. Whereas Ammianus' normal practice in alluding to Statius is to use him simply as a repository of arresting phraseology, here he makes a more pronounced political point through intertextual allusion.

Joyce, J.W., Thebaid: A Song of Thebes, Translated, with Introductions, Commentary, and a Glossary (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2008)
• Review: Gervais, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.06.26

Keith, Alison M., "Etymological Wordplay in Flavian Epic," in Papers of the Langford Latin Seminar 13: Hellenistic Greek and Augustan Latin Poetry, Flavian and Post-Flavian Latin Poetry, Greek and Roman Prose, ed. Francis Cairns, Sandra Cairns, and Frederick Williams, ARCA: Classical and Medieval Texts, Papers and Monographs 48 ( Cambridge: Cairns, 2008, 231-53
• Etymological wordplay in the Argonautica and theThebaid are sophistically deployed for local and broader structural effects.

Kershner, Stephen M., "Self-Fashioning and Horatian Allusion in Statius's Silvae, PhD Dissertation (State University of New York at Buffalo, 2008)

• . Summary in ProQuest dissertations database, ID 304381579

Kytzler, Bernhard, "Improvised myths in the Siluae of Statius," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 2.813-21
• Discussion of the means of improvization in mythological scenes in the Silvae.

La Penna, Antonio, "Stazio, Theb. 5.355," Prometheus 34.2 (2008): 181-83
• For the transmitted uultu read cultu.

Lefèvre, Eckard, "Sinn und Sinnlosigkeit menschlichen Handelns in Statius' Thebais," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 2.885-905
• An examination of the Trojan myth through the Thebaid, shown through the hyperboles of cruelty and inhumanity.

Lévy, Carlos, review of La Penna, Antonio, Eros dai cento volti (2000), Gnomon 80.5 (2008): 401-405

Lösch, Sabine, "Dulce loqui miseris ueteresque reducere questus: Zur Lemnos-Episode bei Statius (Theb. 5,49-498)," in S. Freund and M. Vielberg, edd., Vergil und das antike Epos: Festschrift für Hans Jürgen Tschiedel, Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium: Interdisziplinäre Studien zur Antike und zu ihrem Nachleben 20 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2008): 367-86
• Hypsipyle's narrative illustrates the potential for multiple narrators within an epic without breaking the narrative.

Lovatt, Helen, "The Female Gaze in Flavian Epic: Looking Out From the Walls in Valerius Flaccus and Statius," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 59-78  
• "A study of the teichoscopies performed by Statius' Antigone (Theb. 7 and 11) and Valerius Flaccus' Medea (Book 6). Statius' version is a radical reworking of teichoscopy, where Antigone takes a female oppositional stance toward epic but also becomes a version of the dangerous lamenting fury who perpetuates battle. Medea's perspective and attitudes differ from that of the narrator and his ideal readers. Her contradictions map onto the contradictions of the female gaze."

Marshall, A.R., "Allusion and Meaning in Statius: Five Notes on Silvae 1," Mnemosyne 61.4 (2008) 601-18
• On 1.1.18-21, 1.3.83-89, 1.3.99-104, 1.5.1-5 and 1.5.10-14, which contain layers of literary allusion that point the reader towards a fuller and richer interpretation of the text.

Masterson, M., "The Silvae," rev. of M. Rühl, Literatur gewordener Augenblick. Die Silven des Statius im Kontext literarischer und sozialer Bedingungen von Dichtung, Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 81 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2006), Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 483-85 

McNamara, J., "Apostrophe in the Thebaid," rev. of S. Georgacopoulou, Aux frontières du récit épique: L'emploi de l'apostrophe du narrateur dans la Thébaïde de Stace, Collection Latomus 289 (Brussels: Latomus, 2005), Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 487-88  

McNelis, C., "Ut Sculptura Poesis: Statius, Martial, and the Hercules Epitrapezios of Novius Vindex," The American Journal of Philology 129.2 (2008): 255-276

Mira Seo, J., "Statius Silvae 4.9 and the Poetics of Saturnalian Exchange," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 61 (2008): 243-56

Most, Glenn W., "Das Kind ist Vater des Mannes: Von Rushdie zu Homer und zurück," Gymnasium 115.3 (2008): 209-36
• A comparison between Achilles' wrath in the Iliad and the protagonist in Rushdie's Fury. The portrayal of Achilles as a youth in comparison with the Achilleid shows that Achilles as a youth is seen as a smaller version of the grown Achilles, this the ancient view of a human as having a constant character. Discussion of the role of childhood stories in ancient literature.

Nau, R., "Merit and meruisse in the Thebaid," Latomus 67.1 (2008): 130-37
• The reading meruisse should be seen as more likely than sperare in Theb. 10.938-939. Discussion of the rule of merit in the poem and of the interpretation of the death of Capaneus.

Nauta, R.R., "Statius in the Silvae," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 143-174

Nazzaro, Antonio, " Lo sbarco notturno dei Greci (Aen. 2.250-67) e l'ambigua immagine della tacita luna," in Antonio V. Nazzaro, ed., Prime giornate virgiliane (S. Giorgio del Sannio (Benevento): Liceo classico Virgilio, 2008): 72-107
• Discussion of reception of per amica silentia lunae (2.255) in Ovid (Met. 7.180-185), Theb. 2.58-59, and modern authors.

Parkes, R., "The Return of the Seven: Allusion to the Thebaid in Statius' Achilleid," The American Journal of Philology 129.3 (2008): 381-402
• On implicit allusions to the Thebaid in Ach. 1.1-19, 1.20-94, 1.251-82, 1.283-317, 1.397-559, 1.675-926, and 1.927-2.85.

Pollmann, Karla F. L., "Ambivalence and Moral: Virtus in Roman Epic," in Stefan Freund and Meinolf Vielberg, edd., Vergil und das antike Epos: Festschrift Hans Jürgen Tschiedel, Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 20 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2008): 355-66
• Generally speaking, the value of uirtus deteriorates over time. In Statius, it is often flawed and becomes morally oscillating, also as a personification. Moreover, it is missing in episodes where one would expect its positive mention. Successful uirtus seems only possible in the private sphere, performed by women, in the context of burial, as a manifestation of religion and humanity. The increasing awareness of the ambiguity of moral values is matched, especially in the Thebaid, by the emphasis on the ambiguity of reality as a whole.

Puccini-Delbey, Géraldine, "Sexus ambiguus et viol: Le métamorphose d' Hermaphrodite chez Ovide et le travestissement d' Achilles chez Stace," in J.-M. Fontanier, ed., Amor Romanus. Amours romaines. Études et anthologie, Collection 'Interferences' (Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2008): 175-86  

Rabboni, Renzo, "La prima stesura della Tebaide del Bentivoglio," in Claudio Griggio and Fabio Vendruscolo, edd., Suave mari magno...: Studi offerti dai colleghi udinesi a Ernesto Berti (Udine: Forum, 2008): 195-216

Rabboni, Renzo, "La prima stesura della Tebaide del Bentivoglio," in C. Griggio and F. Vendruscolo, edd., Suave mari magno: Studi offerti dai colleghi udinesi a Ernesto Berti (Udine, 2008), 195-216

Ripoll, F., "La construction d'un pays imaginaire: l'ile de Scyros dans l'Achilleide de Stace," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2008.1 (2008): 146-62
• On Statius' mixture of real and fantastic elements in creating the island in a way that underscores ambiguity and reinforces Achilles' transformation.

Ripoll, Françoisand Jean Soubiran, Stace. Achilléide, Traduction et commentaire des classiques latins 1 (Louvain: Peeters, 2008)
• Review: Bernstein, Gnomon 81.7 (2009): 654-56

Rosati, G., "Statius, Domitian and acknowledging paternity: Rituals of succession in the Thebaid," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 175-94

Sacerdoti, Arianna, " Balsami, palme e milizie: gli epici flavi e la Giudea," in Stefano Manferlotti and Marisa Squillante, edd., Ebraismo e letteratura (Napoli: Liguori, 2008): 21-34
• Silius Italicus, Valerius Flaccus, and Statius mention Judea in relationship to the political-military conquest but also show an interest in the land and people.

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "Balsami, palme e milizie: gli epici Flavi e la Giudea," in Stefano Manferlotti and Marisa Squillante, edd., Ebraismo e letteratura (Napoli: Liguori, 2008), 21-34

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "Seneca's Phaedra and the Last Book of Statius' Thebaid: Properate, Verendi Cecropidae," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 62.3-4 (2008): 281-89

• "By recalling the beginning of Seneca's Phaedra at the end of his epic, Statius creates a strong link between the two texts, which also implies themes such as the importance of Athens and Theseus in Theb. 12; the problem of family conflicts in both the poets; and the status of epic genre."

Sanna, L., "Dust, water and sweat: the Statian puer between charm and weakness, play and war," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 195-214

Scaffai, Marco, "Citazioni di Omero nelle note di Lattanzio Placido alla Tebaide di Stazio," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 2.1481-1502
• Scholia in Lactantius Placidus show a knowledge of Homer and suggest that some of the notes are ancient. It also includes the first citations from the Ilias latina.

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "Ideology and Poetics along the Via Domitiana: Statius Silv. 4.3," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 223-44  
• Although some have seen Silv 4.3 asanti-Domitianic, it is not. It combines themes of Domitianic propaganda with a description the construction of the road. "Emphasis is on the poem's encomium of Domitian's rule, phrased by the poet, the river-god Vulturnus, and the Cumaean Sibyl in a scene influenced by Virgil, Aen. 6 and Ecl. 4."

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "Statius Thebaid 1.72: is Jocasta Dead or Alive? The Tradition of Jocasta's Suicide in Greek and Roman Drama and in Statius' Thebaid," in J.J.L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 215 ff.

Smolenaars, Johannes J. L., Harm-Jan van Dam, and Ruurd R. Nauta (edd.), The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Supplement 306 (Leiden: Brill, 2008)
• Review: P. Chaudhuri, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.07.13; W. Dominik, Classical Review 60.2 (2010): 465-67

Taisne, A.M., "Presence d'Homere dans l'Achilleide de Stace," Vox Latina 178 (2008): 94-103

Taisne, Anne-Marie, "Quelques images du furor belli dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 2.1545-1561
• Analysis of furor belli at Theb. 1.193-194; 3.317-323, 432-439, 671-676; 5.704-709; 7.560-561, 625-627; 8.423-427, 460-465, 864-869; 11.114-118; 12.650-655, 728-729.

Tillard, M., "Le masculin et le feminin dans l'Achilleide de Stace," Vox Latina 178 (2008): 84-93

Van Dam, H.-J., "Multiple Imitation of Epic Models in the Silvae," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2008): 185-206
• Examples of the imitation of epic models in Silv. 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, and 3.4. "Virgil is the most privileged author in the Silvae. Long narrative mythological insets occur in several poems, embellished by speeches, where epic scenes from more than one author are imitated at the same time. Ovid's possible role in Statius' epic imitations is considered."

Van Dam, Harm-Jan, "Wandering Woods Again: From Poliziano to Grotius," in Johannes J. L. Smolenaars, Harm-Jan van Dam, and Ruurd R. Nauta, edd., The Poetry of Statius, Mnemosyne Supplement 306 (Leiden, 2008): 45-64

Vinchesi, Maria Assunta, " L'episodio del serpente libico nel 4 libro dei Punica di Silio Italico e il gusto del sensazionale nell'epica flavia," in Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, edd., Amicitiae templa serena: Studi in onore di Giuseppe Aricò (Milano: Vita e Pensiero, 2008): 2.1585-1606
• Silius' passage is derived from Ovid and Statius.

Wetherbee, W., The ancient flame: Dante and the poets (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2008)

White, Heather, "Further Studies in the Texts of Latin Poets," Minerva 21 (2008): 101-17
• Notes on passages in Avianus and Silvae 1.1.63-65, 1.3.29-33, 1.3.70-74, 1.6.70-71, 2.2.150-153, 2.3.27-30, 3.3.76-78, 3.3.179-180, 4.1.25-35, 4.4.70-73, 4.5.9-12, 4.5.25-28, 4.8.14-16, 5.2.107-110, 5.2.165-167, and 5.3.231-233.

Anzinger, S., Schweigen im römischen Epos: zur Dramaturgie der Kommunikation bei Vergil, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus (Berlin: W. de Gruyter, c2007)

Augoustakis, A. and C.E. Newlands, "Introduction: Statius's Silvae and the Poetics of Intimacy," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 117-25

Augoustakis, A., "Unius Amissi Leonis: Taming the Lion and Caesar's Tears (Silvae 2.5)," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 207-21

Baier, T., "L'Ara Clementiae nella Tebaide di Stazio (XII 481-518)," Aevum 81.1 (2007): 159-70

Bernstein, N.W., "Fashioning Crispinus through his Ancestors: Epic Models in Statius Silvae 5.2," Arethusa 40.2 (2007) 183-96

Bonadeo, Alessia, "I classici nella paideia di P. Papinio (Stat. Silv. 5,3)," in A. Bonadeo and E. Romano, edd., Dialogando con il Passato. Permanenze e innovazioni nella cultura latina di età flavia. (Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze): Le Monnier Università, 2007): 160-76

Bruggisser, Philippe, "Claude le Gothique, arbiter deorum. Une réminiscence de Stace dans les contexte de la propagande constantinienne," in G. Bonamente and H. Brandt, edd., Historiae Augustae Colloquium Bambergense, Historiae Augustae Colloquia, n.s. 10. Munera 27 (Bari: Edipuglia, 2007): 83-94
• Review: Paschoud, AntTard 15 (2007): 357-62
• An expression inHist. Aug. Claud. 10.3 recallsTheb. 4.751-52, suggesting an imperial propaganda intended to show Constantine's apotheosis.

Bussi, Chiaffredo, "L'ira di Venere tra Stazio e Apuleio," Acme 60.2 (2007): 281-94
• The passages Theb. 5.57 ff. and Apul. Met. 4.29 ff. are influenced individually by Seneca's De ira.

Camera, Elisa, "Marziale e Stazio tra inimicizia ed emulazione," in Ferruccio Bertini, ed., FuturAntico 4 (Genova: D.AR.FI.CL.ET. Francesco Della Corte, 2007): 155-90
• Comparison of the two authors, in particular their ways of flattering the emperor and indications of their rivalry.

Campana, Pierpaolo, "Uno strano elogio, ovvero La lunga carriera del padre di Claudio Etrusco: (su Stat. Silv. 3, 3, 76-78)," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 135.3 (2007): 309-20

Chinn, Ch., rev. of Ch. McNelis, Statius' Thebaid and the Poetics of Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.06.01

Cowan, Bob, "Statius and the Telchines," rev. of C. McNelis, Statius' Thebaid and the Poetics of Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press 2007), Classical Review 60.1 (2010): 133-35

Delarue, F., rev. of Heslin, P.J., The Transvestite Achilles (2005), Gnomon 79.8 (2007): 755-57

Egelhaaf-Gaiser, U., "Kolossale Miniaturen: Der Holzfäller Hercules in Statius' 'Wäldern' (Silve 3,1)," Millenium 4 (2007): 63-92

Fögen, Th., "Statius' Roman Penelope: Exemplarity, Praise and Gender in Silvae 3.5," Philologus 151.2 (2007): 256-72
• "Silv. 3.5 and Plin. Epist. 4.19 are stylized as private communications, addressed to two female characters, each of whom embodies the ideal of an honorable wife. Both Statius and Pliny praise the moral qualities of their wives, and, in addition, of two other female figures. Yet by defining all of these women's existence completely in terms of their relationships with men, the authors transform their depiction of the women into an extensive portrayal of themselves. This demonstrates how private and public facets of genres that purport to be occasional or even ephemeral are interconnected. It is precisely the epideictic character of such texts that cautions against reading them as realistic descriptions of their authors' lives."

Fucecchi, Marco, "Camilla e Ippolita, ovvero Un paradosso e il suo rovescio," CentoPagine 1 (2007): 8-17
• Statius' discussion of Hippolyta (Theb. 12.105 ff.) as based on Virgil's Camilla.

Fucecchi, Marco, "Tematiche e figure trasversali nell'epica flavia," in Alessia Bonadeo and Elisa Romano, edd., Dialogando con il passato: Permanenze e innovazioni nella cultura latina di età flavia, Le Monnier Università, Lingue e Letterature (Firenze: Le Monnier, 2007): 18-37
• Reviews: Ripoll, Revue des études latines 85 (2007): 353-55; Jacobs, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.4; Balbo, BstudLat 38.1 (2008): 299-301; Soldevila, ExClass 12 (2008): 415-21; Prioux, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3 ser. 81.1 (2007): 198-202
• On the use of Trojan motifs in the treatment of the Argonauts and the Seven against Thebes in Valerius Flaccus, Statius, and Silius Italicus, with particular attention to Nestor, Tydeus, Hipsypile, Amphiaraus, Orpheus, and the Dioscuri.

Ganiban, Randall, Statius and Virgil: The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid (Cambridge, 2007)
• Reviews: Heslin, Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008): 243-45 Parkes, Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 485-86; Cowan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.06.31; Klodt, Gnomon 81.6 (2009): 505-14

Gärtner, Th., "Zwei textkritische Anmerkungen zum Auftakt der statianischen Achilleis," Maia 59.1 (2007): 62-64
• On 1.66-70 and 1.151-55 as illustrations of the differences between the Puteanus and the vulgate tradition.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Saevos mediae veniemus in ignes: (Stat. Theb. XII 446)," Maia 2007 59 (1): 60-61
• The phrase is derived from Lucan 3.30-31.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Zur Sinnentendenz von Claudians mythologischer Dichtung De raptu Proserpinae," Classica et mediaevalia 58 (2007): 285-317
• Compared to the traditional narratives of the Proserpina myth, especially Ovid Met. 5, Claudian stresses the aspect that the rape of Proserpina is a symptom of a larger violent conflict between Dis and Jupiter. Claudian adopts this aspect from Theb. 8.

Habermehl, P., rev. of D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Statius. Silvae, Thebaid Books 1 - 7, Thebaid Books 8 - 12, Achilleid (Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 2003), Gymnasium 114 (2007): 272-75

Hankey, A. Teresa, "Dante and Statius," in John C. Barnes, ed., Dante and his Literary Precursors: Twelve Essays, Publications of the UCD Foundation for Italian Studies (Dublin, 2007), 37-50

Harrison, S.J., rev. of L. Micozzi, Il catalogo degli eroi. Saggio di commento a Stazio, Tebaide 4, 1-344, Testi e commenti 4 (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2007), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.11.04  

Harrison, Stephen J., "Exile in Latin Epic," in Writing Exile: The Discourse of Displacement in Greco-Roman Antiquity and Beyond, ed. Jan Felix Gaertner, Mnemosyne Supplement 283 (Leiden: Brill, 2007), 129-154
• "Latin epics inherited exile as a plot feature from the Greek epic tradition, especially the theme of ktistic or foundational exile, where a hero leaves his homeland to set up a new culture. The theme of exile is traced in the six best-preserved Latin epics : Vergil's Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses, Lucan's De bello civili, Silius's Punica, Valerius Flaccus's Argonautica, and Statius's Thebaid. Such a theme illustrates and promotes the central concerns of each poem."

Henderson, J., "Bringing It All Back Home: Togetherness in Statius Silvae 3.5," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 245-77

Hersch, K.K., "Violentilla Victa," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 197-205 

Heslin, Peter J., rev. of R.T. Ganiban, Statius and Virgil. The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007) and C. McNeils, Statius' Thebaid and the Poetics of Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008): 243-45

Howell, A., and B. Shepherd, Silvae: A selection (London: Anvil Press Poetry, 2007)

Hulls, J.-M., "Lowering One's Standards: On Statius, Silvae 4.2.43," Classical Quarterly 57.1 (2007): 198-206

Hulls, J.-M., "Statius' Catalogue," rev. of L. Micozzi Il catalogo degli eroi. Saggio di commento a Stazio Tebaide 4, 1 - 344, Testi e Commenti 4 (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2007), Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 488-90  

Hulls, J.M., "The role of kingship in Statius' Thebaid," diss. University College London, 2007 

Keith, A.M., "Imperial Building Projects and Archtiectural Ecphrases in Ovid's Metamorphoses and Statius' Thebaid," Mouseion 7.1 (2007): 1-26
• Statius' Thebaid is indebted not only to Met. 3.1-4 and 605, but also to the larger literary and imperial programs of the Metamorphoses. Statius' descriptions are examined in relation both to the architectural settings of the Metamorphoses and contemporary architectural programs. Particular focus is on the layout, decoration, and use-patterns of the royal households of Thebes (1.46-52, 7.243-252, and 8.607-654) and Argos (1.386-536), as well as on the palace-temples of Jupiter, Mars, and Dis (1.197-212, 7.40-63, and 8.21-83) in conjunction with their Ovidian and contemporary imperial models.

Koster, Severin, "... des Springquells flüssige Säule: Beschreibungen des elegischen Distichons," Gymnasium 114.4 (2007): 337-55
• The influence of descriptions in Horace, Propertius, Ovid, and Statius on the Weimar poets.

Kozák, Dániel, "The Dawn of Achilles: Light Imagery in the Iliad and Statius' Achilleid," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 47.4 (2007): 369-85
• All three descriptions of dawn in the Achilleid (1.242-245, 1.819-820, and 2,1-4) are tightly connected with the transformations of Achilles in the poem. They also recall the dawn opening of Iliad 19 and the Homeric system of metaphors and symbols comparing the hero's return into battle to the arrival of light and dawn. The genitor coruscae lucis in th ethird passage can be identified as Jupiter.

Kytzler, Bernhard, "Vive Precor: On the Nachleben of the Sphragis in Statius' Thebaid," in J. Hilton and A. Gosling, edd., Alma Parens Originalis? The Receptions of Classical Literature and Thought in Africa, Europe, the United States, and Cuba (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2007): 257-68  

Lindheim, Sara H., review of Heslin, P.J., The Transvestite Achilles (2005), Classical Philology 102.3 (2007): 323-28

Lovatt, Helen, "Statius on Parade: Performing Argive Identity in Thebaid 6.268-95," Cambridge Classical Journal 53 (2007): 72-95
• "Theb. 6.268-295 describes an anomalous funeral procession which takes place nine days after the pyre has been burnt. This study explores the parade in the context of Statius' Thebaid. Parades are similar to ecphrasis but enriched and complicated by the play on social and cultural contexts. Allusions to Pindar, N. 10, 1-18; Sophocles, El. 504-515; and Virgil, Aen. 7.789-792, among others, let the parade be read on a number of levels."

Lovatt, Helen, "Statius, Orpheus, and the Post-Augustan Vates," Arethusa 40.2 (2007) 145-63

Lovatt, Helen, "Statius, Orpheus, and the Post-Augustan Vates," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 145-63
• "The figure of Orpheus can be put together with the idea of the uates to explore the poetics of the Silvae. Statius struggles to be a serious and political poet. Orpheus is a reflection of both the power and the powerlessness of poetry: the poet and the patron in the world of the Silvae have intermittent power over the natural world, but neither has control over grief. The Orpheus of Statius's poems of lament is a voiceless vates: the effectiveness of poetry in the world is severely limited. Poems considered are 2.2-2.7, 3.1, 5.1, 5.3, and 5.5.

Malamud, M.A.,"A Spectacular Feast: Silvae 4.2," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 223-44

McKeown, Niall, "Had They No Shame? Martial, Statius and Roman Sexual Attitudes Towards Slave Children," in Sally Crawford and Gillian Shepherd, edd., Children, Childhood and Society, IAA Interdisciplinary Series, Studies in Archaeology, History, Literature and Art 1, University of Birmingham BAR International Series 1696 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2007): 57-62

McNelis, C., "Looking at the Forest? The Silvae and Roman Studies: Afterword," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 279-84

McNelis, C., Statius' Thebaid and the poetics of civil war (Cambridge, 2007)
• Review: Chinn, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.06.01; Cowan, Classical Review 60.1 (2010): 133-35; Heslin, Journal of Roman Studies 98 (2008): 243-45

Micozzi, L., "A lezione di ars amatoria nell'Achilleide," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 59 (2007): 127-44
• Statius uses Ovidian elegiac imagery in creating Achilles.

Micozzi, Laura, Il catalogo degli eroi: Saggio di commento a Stazio, Tebaide 4, 1-344, Testi e commenti 4 (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2007)
• Reviews: Harrison, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2008.11.04; Hulls, Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 488-90

Miletti, Lorenzo, "Calderini, Poliziano, Barbaro e il 'ritorno' di Temesa nell'Umanesimo," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica N.S. 1, 1-2 (2007) 39-52
• At the end of the 15th century, Domizio Calderini, Angelo Poliziano, and Ermolao Barbaro entered into a learned debate on the ancient city of Temesa in their commentaries on Pliny the Younger and Statius.

Panoussi, Vassiliki, "Threat and Hope: Women's Rituals and Civil War in Roman Epic," in Maryline G. Parca and Angeliki Tzanetou, edd., Finding Persephone: Women's Rituals in the Ancient Mediterranean, Studies in Ancient Folklore and Popular Culture (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Pr., 2007): 114-34
• Reviews: Clarot, Les Études Classiques 76.4 (2008): 401-403

Parkes, R., "The Thebaid and the Aeneid," rev. of R.T. Ganiban, Statius and Virgil. The Thebaid and the Reinterpretation of the Aeneid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007), Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 485-86

Pavan, Alberto, "Onorio cavaliere divino: Un episodio della fortuna di Stazio Tebaide 6: il Panegirico per il IV consolato di Onorio di Claudiano," Paideia 2007 62: 563-589
• On Claudian's use of Thebaid 6.

Perutelli, Alessandro, "Forme dell'immaginario nell'età dei Flavi," Maia 59.2 (2007): 315-26
• Examination of passages in Statius and Valerius Flaccus to illustrate the conjunction of poetry and figurative art in the Flavian period.

Pierini, R. Degl' Innocenti, "Pallidus Nero (Stat. Silv. 2.7.118 s.): Il "personaggio" Nerone negli scrittori dell' età flavia," in A. Bonadeo and E. Romano, edd., Dialogando con il Passato: Permanenze e innovazioni nella cultura latina di età flavia (Bagno a Ripoli (Firenze): Le Monnier Università, 2007): 136-59

• Context of Statius' Nero between Lucan, who made him a poet-martyr, and Pliny the Elder (Nat. 7.45-46 and 30.14-16).

Ripoll, F., "Regum placidissimus: le roi Lycomede dans l'Achilleide de Stace," Vox Latina 177 (2007): 50-62

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "L'area semantica di squalor nell'epica post-virgiliana," Invigilata lucernis 27 (2007): 229-40
• From a commentarius on Gellius (2.6) on Virgil's use of squaleo (Aen. 10.314), a discussion of the term in Seneca the Younger, Lucan, Statius, Valerius Flaccus, and Silius Italicus.

Sanna, Lorenzo, "Achilles, the Wise Lover and His Seductive Strategies (Statius, Achilleid 1.560-92)," Classical Quarterly n.s. 57.1 (2007): 207-15
• In Statius' Achilleid love becomes the central experience in relation to the development of the young Achilles. The rape of Deidamia at Ach. 1.560-592 symbolizes the determining link of the ephebic transition, that is, of the evolution of the hero's personality. The violence of the stuprum represents the result of the seduction tactics recommended by Ovid in his Ars, but at the same time mark the departure from such strategies.

Turner, Andrew, "Frontinus and Domitian: laus principis in the Strategemata," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 103 (2007): 423-49
• No conclusions can be drawn about Frontinus' true opinion of Domitian on the basis of the Strategemata alone. The laus of Domitian in Frontinus' Strategemata does not substantiate the claims of Pliny, Paneg. 54, 3-4 that under such tyrannous emperors sycophantic praise was all-pervasive in speeches made by senators. It also provides a strong contrast to the types of praise found in the works of contemporary professional poets, such as Statius' Silvae or Martial.

Turner, Andrew, "Frontinus and Domitian: laus principis in the Strategemata," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 103 (2007): 423-49
• No conclusions can be drawn about Frontinus' true opinion of Domitian on the basis of the Strategemata alone. The laus of Domitian in Frontinus' Strategemata does not substantiate the claims of Pliny, Paneg. 54, 3-4 that sycophantic praise was all-pervasive in speeches made by senators. It also provides a strong contrast to the types of praise found in the works of contemporary professional poets, such as Statius' Silvae or Martial.

Walter, H., ed., C.S. Lewis: Collected Letters, Vol. 3 (London, 2007).
• Discussion of sponsus. On pp. 658-59: Theb. 2.230-35 and 2.255; pp. 660-61: Theb. 2.256 and 8.626-27; pp. 663-65: Theb. 2.233 and 8.626-27; pp. 718-19, esp. n. 80: 2.230-5. On Dante and Statius, pp. 718-19 and 1658-61.

White, Heather, "Notes on Statius' Thebaid," Myrtia 22 (2007): 331-39
• Discussions of Shackelton Bailey's 2003 Loeb, including discussions of Theb. 1.231-232, 2.32-34, 3.559-561, 5.330-334, 5.346-347, 5.741-743, 6.283-285, 6.340-341, 6.602-605, 6.921-923, 7.700-702, 8.127-130, 8.544-547, 8.633-635, 10.18-19, 10.104-106, 10.696-697, 11.295-296, and 11.548-552.

Wray, David Lamar, "Wood: Statius's Silvae and the poetics of genius," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 127-43
• The various meanings of silua in Statius contain a more robust notion of poetic value than has been accepted. At Silv. 1.3.13-19 Statius seems to use ingenium to mean not just native wit but also native matter, thus drawing ingenium into the semantic range covered by Latin silua when it calques on Greek hyle.

Zeiner, N.K., "Perfecting the Ideal: Molding Roman Women in Statius's Silvae," Arethusa 40.2 (2007): 165-81
• Statius creates portraits of Violentilla (Silv. 1.2) and Priscilla (5.1) that both reflect these historical figures and embody the feminine ideals appropriate to the celebratory occasions and poetic genres in which they appear. Statius exploits his feminine constructs to fulfill his primary poetic purpose, namely to create distinction (symbolic capital) for the poems' male addressees.

Berlincourt, Valéry, "à propos des conjectures dans le texte de la Thébaïde de Stace: L'enseignement des premiers incunables," Museum Helveticum 63.2 (2006): 100-103
• an examination of the first editions of the Thebaid indicates variants that may be derived from lost mss.

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Queen Dirce and the Spartoi: Wandering through Statius' Theban past and the Thebaid's Early Printed Editions," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne Suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2006): 129-46
• An examination of 17th-19th century commentaries' interpretations of the origins of the spring Dirce (Theb. 1.38-40, 3.204-205, 4.374-377) and the genesis of the Spartoi (Theb. 3.180-183, 4.440-442) illustrate the usefulness of early modern commentaries in modern discussions. "The various and contrasting attitudes of the exegetical tradition show that the complex interweaving that is characteristic of Statius' poem cannot be reduced to a rigid system."

Bernstein, N.W., rev. of Rühl, M., Literatur gewordener Augenblick: Die Silven des Statius im Kontext literarischer und sozialer Bedingungen, Untersuchungen zur antiken Literatur und Geschichte 81 (Berlin: de Gruyter, 2006) in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.02.26

Bernstein, N.W., review of Heslin, P.J., The Transvestite Achilles (2005), The American Journal of Philology 128.1 (2006): 142-45

Bessone, Federica, "Un mito da dimenticare: Tragedia e memoria epica nella Tebaide," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 56 (2006): 93-127

Blänsdorf, Jürgen, "Achilleus in Mainz: ein in der Martinus-Bibliothek neu gefundenes Handschriftenfragment von Statius' Achilleis als Zeugnis der spätmittelalterlichen Priesterausbildung," Mainzer Zeitschrift: Mittelrheinisches Jahrbuch für Archäologie, Kunst und Geschichte 2006 101: 29-35
• Im Rahmen der Schullektüre von der Spätantike bis ins späte Mittelalter vertritt die oft gelesene und abgeschriebene Achilleis das Epos. Sie machte mit dem im ganzen Mittelalter bekannten und für Allegorien beliebten Trojanischen Krieg vertraut und stellte wegen des manierierten Stils an das Textverständnis hohe Anforderungen. Ein Vergleich der insgesamt 116 Verse aus beiden Büchern der Achilleis in der neu gefundenen Handschrift mit neueren textkritischen Ausgaben ergibt, dass die Qualität des Textes recht gut ist. Mit Überblick über weitere im mittelalterlichen Schulunterricht beliebte Texte.

Braund, S., "A Tale of Two Cities: Statius, Thebes, and Rome," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 60.3/4 (2006): 259-73
• On the uses made of the ancient Theban legend by Latin poets, with a specific focus on Statius. Thebes provides a vehicle for discourse about civil war and that it invites reflection on the inescapability of one's origins.

Campana, Pierpaolo, "Two Notes on Silvae, Book 5," Museum Helveticum 63.4 (2006) 208-10
• On Silv. 5.2.145 and 5.3.140.

Coffee, N., "Eteocles, Polynices, and the Economics of Violence in Statius' Thebaid," The American Journal of Philology 127.3 (2006): 415-52

Cowan, Bob, "Into the Woods," rev. of B. Gibson Statius, Silvae 5 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), Classical Review 58.1 (2008): 161-64

Dareggi, Gianna, "L'Eracle epitrapezios di Novius Vindex: Un caso di 'collezionismo' della prima età imperiale," in Carlo Santini, Loriano Zurli, and Luca Cardinali, edd., Concentus ex dissonis: Scritti in onore di Aldo Setaioli, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Filologia e Tradizione greca e latina Università degli Studi di Perugia, 4 (Napoli: Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2006): 1.269-82
• Discussion of Silv. 4.6 and Mart. 9.43-44 on Novius Vindex' collection.

Davis, Peter J., "Allusion to Ovid and others in Statius' Achilleid," Ramus 35.2 (2006): 129-43
• Statius' central characters simultaneously recall their Ovidian prototypes and differ markedly from them.

de Angelis, V., "Une percorso esemplare della lezione sui classici nel Trecento: Giovanni Del Virgilio e l' Achilleide di Stazio," in L. Gargan and M.P. Mussini Sacchi, I Classici e l' Università Umanistica. Atti del Convegno di Pavia 22 - 24 novembre 2001, Percorsi dei Classici 10 (Messina: Centro Interdipartimentale di Studi Umanistici, 2006): 225-60

Delarue, F., "La fonction de Corébus dans la Thébaide de Stace," in J. Champeaux and M. Chassignet, edd., Aere Perennius. En hommage à Hubert Zehnacker (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris - Sorbonne, 2006): 365-76

Dominik, W.J., "The Silvae" (review of Newlands, C.E., Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire, 2002), Classical Review 56.2 (2006): 359-60

Dominik, W.J., review of Nagle, B.R., The Silvae of Statius (2004), Classical Review 56.1 (2006): 247-48

Faber, R.A., "The Description of Crenaeus' Shield in Thebaid IX, 332-338 and the Theme of Divine Deception," Latomus 65.1 (2006) 108-14

Flobert, P., "De Stace à Pétrone," in J. Champeaux and M. Chassignet, edd., Aere Perennius. En hommage à Hubert Zehnacker (Paris: Presses de l' Université Paris - Sorbonne, 2006): 433-38

Franchet D'Espèrey, S., "A propos du travestissement d'Achille dans l'Achilléide de Stace: Sexe, nature et transgression," in J. Champeaux and M. Chassignet, edd., Aere Perennius. En hommage à Hubert Zehnacker, Roma antiqua (Paris: Presses de l' Université Paris - Sorbonne, 2006), 439-54

Gauly, Bardo Maria, "Das Glück des Pollius Felix: Römische Macht und privater Luxus in Statius' Villengedicht Silv. 2.2," Hermes 134.4 (2006) 455-70

Gibson, Bruce, Silvae 5, Edited with an Introduction, Translation, and Commentary (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006)
• Reviews: Habermehl, H-Soz-u-Kult 12.11.07; Heslin, Journal of Roman Studies 97 (2007): 324-26; Mulligan, Brown, Farmer, Freeman, Macchione, and Spear, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.06.19; Rühl, Gnomon 81.1 (2009): 23-25; Cowan, Classical Review 58.1 (2008): 161-64; Newlands, ExClass 12 (2008): 403-406; Ripoll, Revue des études latines 84 (2006): 321-23; White, Veleia 23 (2006): 434-36

Giraud, François, "Coup de théÂtre à Skyros: la révélation d'Achille: interprétation d'un sarcophage attique conservé au Musée du Louvre," Latomus 65.1 (2006): 119-23 and pll.
• Study of a third-century sarcophagus in the Louvre, including iconographical and literary influences, including the Achilleid.

Habermehl, P., rev. of B. Gibson, Statius, Silvae 5. Edited with introduction, translation, and commentary (Oxford, 2006), H-Soz-u-Kult 12.11.07

Hibst, P., "Furor - ira - pietas: Untersuchungen zur Funktion des Gewaltmotivs in der Thebais des Statius unter Berücksichtigung von Vergils Aeneis," i. J. Styka, ed., Violence and Aggression in the Ancient World, Classica Cracoviensia 10 (Kraków: Ksiegarnia Akademicka, 2006): 51-72  

Hulls, J.-M., "What's in a Name? Repetition of Names in Statius' Thebaid," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 49 (2006): 131-44

Johannsen, N., Dichter über ihre Gedichte: Die Prosavorreden in den "Epigrammaton libri" Martials und in den "Silvae" Statius, Hypomnemata 166 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2006)
• Reviews: Grewing, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.7.10; Berlincourt, Museum Helveticum 64.4 (2007): 246; Lorenz, Classical Review n.s. 58.1 (2008): 157-58; Merli, Gnomon 80.4 (2008): 358-59

Jones, Frederick M.A., "Names and Naming in Soft Poetry," in Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 13, Collection Latomus 301 (2006): 5-31
• On name choice in lyric and elegiac poetry, especially Catullus and the Silvae.

Krasser, Helmut, "Statius und die Tränen des Kaisers (Silvae 2.5): Weinen als Form amphitheatralischer Kommunikation," Zeitschrift für Semiotik 28.2-4 (2006): 271-92
• Imperial crying as a topos is to be seen as derived from the amphitheater and capture the emotion of spectators.

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, "Satirical Elements in Statius' Silvae: A Literary and Sociological Approach," in R.R. Nauta, H.-J. van Dam, and J.J.L. Smolenaars, edd., Flavian Poetry, Mnemosyne suppl. 207 (Leiden: Brill, 2006): 245-56  

Leigh, M., "The Sublimity of Statius' Capaneus", in Clarke et. al., edd., Epic Interactions: Perspectives on Homer, Virgil, and the Epic Tradition Presented to Jasper Griffin by Former Pupils (Oxford, 2006)

Lorenz, Sven, "Prose Prefaces," rev. of N. Johannsen, Dichter über ihre Gedichte. Die Prosavorreden in den Epigrammaton libri Martials und in den Silvae des Statius, Hypomnemata 166 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck and Ruprecht, 2006), Classical Review 58.1 (2008): 157-58  

Maugan-Chemin, Valérie, "Les couleurs du arbre chez Pline l'Ancien, Martial et Stace," in A. Rouveret, S. Dubel, and V. Naas, edd., Couleurs et Matières dans l' Antiquité: Textes, techniques et pratiques, Études de Littérature Ancienne 17 (Paris: éditions Rue d' Ulm/Presses de l' école normale supérieure, 2006): 103-26
• Reviews: Boulogne, Les Études Classiques 74.2 (2006): 180-81; Monaco. ASAA ser. 3 5.2 (2005): 521-24; Bradley, Classical Review n.s. 57.2 (2007): 548-50; Sandoz, Museum Helveticum 64.4 (2007): 264-65; Brunet, Dialogues d'histoire ancienne 34.1 (2008): 196-99; Bouffier, Revue des études anciennes 110.1 (2008): 261-62

Mulligan, B., J.L. Brown, M.C. Farmer, T.J. Freeman, M. Macchione, and E.H. Spear, rev. of B. Gibson, Statius. Silvae 5. Edited with Introduction, Translation and Commentary, Oxford Classical Monographs (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.06.19  

Nauta, Ruurd Robijn, "The recusatio in Flavian Poetry," in Flavian Poetry, ed. Ruurd Robijn Nauta, Harm-Jan Van Dam, and Johannes Jacobus Louis Smolenaars, Mnemosyne Supplement 270 (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 21-40
• "Comparison is made to the use of recusatio by Callimachus and the Augustan poets with Flavian poets such as Valerius Flaccus, Statius, and Martial. Recusatio was still widely used in Flavian poetry to highlight the poet's choices in terms of style, theme, and genre ; and his attitude toward the emperor."

Newlands, C., "Book-Ends: Statius Silvae 2.1 and 2.7," Ramus 35.1 (2006): 63-77
• "The first and last poems of Silv. 2 (1, on the death of a child of low birth, and 7, on the death of Lucan) have been dismissed as wearisomely rhetorical and have been largely overlooked in scholarship on consolationes as they endorse lamentation, elaborate upon it, and thus run counter to philosophical strictures against overt grief. Issues of class also surely play a role in their dismissal as trivial poems. A proper understanding of the social circumstances in which these poems are embedded, however, will show that they can offer insight into contemporary Flavian society."

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "Mothers in Statius's Poetry: Sorrows and Surrogates," Helios 33.2 (2006): 203-26
• Despite the reverence for the idea of the mother in Roman society, there are no ideal mothers in the poetry of Statius. In the Silvae, Statius envisages an alternative family structure in which men usurp women's traditional role of childrearing. Examples include Theb. 3.135-146, 9.360-362. and 12.791-793; Silv. 3.3.119-121, 5.2.75-79, 5.3.64-66 and 241-245, 5.5.81-85; and other passages.

Perutelli, Alessandro, "Ulisse a Sciro (e Giasone in Colchide): Stat. Ach. 1.734 ss.," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 56 (2006): 87-91
• A comparison of Ulysses' arrival in Scyros with Jason's arrival in Colchis shows the innovation of the Achilleid against the models of Valerius Flaccus. Statius constantly innovates the narrative form and strategy to increase the psychological depth of his characters.

Reitz, Christiane, review of Pice, Nicola, La similitudine nel poema epico (2003), Gnomon 78.8 (2006): 725-26

Riboldi, Chiara, "Venere nei carmi nuziali di Claudiano," in Quesiti, temi, testi di poesia tardolatina: Claudiano, Prudenzio, Ilario di Poitiers, Sidonio Apollinare, Draconzio, "Aegritudo Perdicae," Venanzio Fortunato, "Corpus" dei :Ritmi Latini", ed. Luigi Castagna and Chiara Riboldi, Studien zur Klassischen Philologie 153 (Bern, Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2006), 13-35
• On Claudian's creative originality in his two epithalamia for Honorius and Maria and Palladius and Celerina. Claudian is simultaneously independent and dependent on his models.

Ripoll, François, "Adaptations latines d'un thème homérique: La théomachie," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 60.3-4 (2006): 236-58
• The topos of the Theomachia (Il. 20-21) appears in four Latin epics. Petronius and Silius try to reproduce the Homeric schems. Virgil renews the topos into political allegory. Statius accentuates the anthropomorphism to enhance the hero Capaneus.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Luxury and Love: The Encomium as Aestheticisation of Power in Flavian Poetry," in Flavian Poetry, ed. Ruurd Robijn Nauta, Harm-Jan Van Dam, and Johannes Jacobus Louis Smolenaars, Mnemosyne Supplement 270 (Leiden: Brill, 2006), 41-58
• "By celebrating luxury and aestheticizing power, Martial and Statius suggested a cultural and political role for themselves as poets in the service of the imperator. Luxury was culturally legitimized and revealed its functionality as a political instrument not of disintegration (the traditional accusation of moralists) but of social cohesion. By aestheticizing power, Flavian encomiastic poetry moderated the severity of power and masked its aggressive characteristics. Flavian poetry shows that the reformulated language of the encomium, the product of the foreign political culture of Hellenistic monarchies, could be an instrument for the legitimization of autocratic power."

Rühl, M., Literatur gewordener Augenblick: die Silven des Statius im Kontext literarischer und sozialer Bedingungen (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2006)
• Reviews: Bernstein, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.02.26; Ariemma, BStudLat 38.1 (2008): 297-99; Masterson, Classical Review 58.2 (2008): 483-85; Rosati, Gnomon 82.1 (2010): 25-29

Rühl, M., rev. of B. Gibson, Statius, Silvae. 5. Edited with an introduction, translation, and commentary (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2006), Gnomon 81.1 (2009): 23-25

Sanna, Lorenzo, "Le similitudini animali nell'epica flavia: Cuccioli ed eroi fanciulli," Paideia 61 (2006): 631-52
• On Statius' and Valerius Flaccus' comparing the young hero to baby animals.

Schlingmeyer, Katja, "Gelegenheitsdichtung als Medium am Beispiel der römischen Dichter Statius und Martial," diss. Bielefeld, 2006  

Soubiran, J., "Ulysse navigateur (Stace, Achilléide, I, 691-694). Note technique et critique," in J. Champeaux and M. Chassignet, edd., Aere Perennius. En hommage à Hubert Zehnacker (Paris: Presses de l'Université Paris - Sorbonne, 2006): 657-64

Taisne, A.-M., "Avatars du Dialogue des orateurs de Tacite, dans les Silves de Stace et les Epitres de Pline," in P. Laurence and F. Guillaumont, edd., Epistulae Antiquae IV. Actes du IVe Colloque International, "L'Epistolaire Antique et ses Prolongements Européens," (Université François-Rabelais, Tours, 1-2-3 décembre 2004 (Louvain: Peeters, 2006): 161-69  

Villaseñor Cuspinera, Patricia, "La expresión del dolor: Un sentimiento prescrito (Quint., Inst. Or., VI. pr., y Stat., Silv., V.V.)," Nova Tellus: Anuario del Centro de Estudios Clásicos 24.1 (2006) 91-121
• A discussion of a passage in Quintilian and Silv 5.5 to illustrate the difference between consolationes, epicedia and lamentationes from a rhetorical point of view.

Ware, C.M., "The poetics of Claudian: Panegyric in the ancient epic tradition," diss. Trinity College Dublin, 2006
• A poet who specifically associates himself with Homer, Ennius, and Vergil, and whose work alludes to the epics of Ovid, Lucan, Valerius Flaccus, Silius Italicus, and Statius, Claudian's reliance on their works and his varied techniques for the incorporation of allusion is essential to the full understanding and appreciation of his poetry.

Adkin, N., "Statius, Silvae 4,7,12: Castior amnis," Eirene 41 (2005): 85-86
• The phrase is to be explained as one of the very few instances in Latin literature of the rhetorical figure of transumptio.

Aricò, Giuseppe, "... fugit omnia linquens (Stat. Theb. 11.441): Adrasto come Pompeo?," in Modelli letterari e ideologia nell'età flavia: Atti della 3a giornata ghisleriana di filologia classica (Pavia, 30-31 ottobre 2003), ed. Fabio Gasti and Giancarlo Mazzoli, Studia Ghislerian (Como: Ibis, 2005), 77-95
• The preparation for Adrastus' flight recalls Pompey in Lucan 7.689 ff.

Aricò, G., "... fugit omnia linquens (Stat. Theb. 11, 441): Adrasto come Pompeo?," in Fabio Gasti and Giancarlo Mazzoli, edd., Modelli letterari e ideologia nell' età Flavia. Atti della III Giornata ghisleriana di Filologia classica (Pavia, 30 - 31 ottobre 2003) (Studia Ghisleriana) (Pavia: Ibis, 2005): 77-95

Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Masculinity in the 90's: the education of Achilles in Statius and Quintilian," in Michael Paschalis, ed., Roman and Greek imperial epic, Rethymnon classical studies 2 (Herakleion: Crete UP, 2005), 47-75

Bernstein, N.W., "Mourning the Puer Delicatus: Status Inconsistency and the Ethical Value of Fostering in Statius, Silvae 2.1," The American Journal of Philology 126.2 (2005) 257-80

Bisanti, Armando, "Il fior del giglio nella tradizione poetica latina e medievale (note ad Alessandro Neckam, Suppl. defect. 1.331-46)," MLatJb 40.1 (2005): 85-95
• Use of Statius to illustrate the brevity and fleeting nature of life and of existence, and the ephemerality of the flower.

Cecchini, E., "Giovanni Boccaccio da Dante a Stazio," in R. Raffaelli, R.M. Danese, M.R. Falivene, and L. Lomiento, edd., Vicende di Ipsipile da Erodoto a Metastasio. Colloquio di Urbino, 5-6 maggio 2003, Letteratura a Antropologia 9 (Urbino: Edizioni Quattro Venti, 2005): 217-26.

Chinn, Ch., rev. of N.K. Zeiner, Nothing ordinary here: Statius as creator of distinction in the Silvae (New York and London: Routledge, 2005), in Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.10.12

Chinn, Christopher M., "Statius Silv. 4.6 and the Epigrammatic Origins of Ekphrasis," Classical Journal 100.3 (2004-2005): 247-63
Silv. 4.6, writes its own literary history and "implicates itself within certain rhetorical strategies found in the ekphrastic-epigrammatic tradition."

Coleman, Kathleen M., "'Truth severe, by fairy fiction drest': Reality and the Roman Imagination," in History and Fiction: Six Essays Celebrating the Centenary of Sir Ronald Syme, ed. Miriam T. Griffin and Roger S.O. Tomlin (London: Grime & Selwood, 2005), 40-70
• On "Syme's concept of the 'coherence of fiction.' ... Examples from art, literature (especially Statius), and theater show that the blending of myth and reality was normal in the daily lives of ordinary Roman people. To impose a sharp distinction between the world of the Roman imagination and daily reality creates a dichotomy that is demonstrably false."

Cowan, Bob, rev. of P.J. Heslin, The Transvestite Achilles. Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.04.53

Cowan, R., introduction to Dilke, O.A.W., ed., Achilleid, edited with introduction, apparatus criticus and notes by O.A.W. Dilke and a new introduction by Robert Cowan (Exeter: Bristol Phoenix Press, 2005)

Dominik, W.J., "Statius," in J. Miles Foley, ed., A Companion to Ancient Epic, Blackwell Companions to the Ancient World (Oxford: Blackwell Publishing, 2005): 514-27

Dunkle, J.R., rev. of H. Lovatt, Statius and Epic Games. Sport, Politics and Poetics in the Thebaid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), Journal of Roman Studies 96 (2006): 257-58

Esteves, Aline, "Color epique et color tragique dans la Thebaide de Stace: Recits de nefas et strategies narratives (VIII, 751-765 et XI, 524-579)," Latomus 64.1 (2005): 96-120

• Statius uses color motives as part of his description of the evolution of the hero. Special focus on Tydeus and Polynice.

Fabbrini, Delphina, "Callimaco, SH 260A, 8 e le sorti di Molorco in Marziale, IV 64 e Stazio, Silvae III 1: il tema dell'ospitalità umile nella poesia celebrativa e d'occasione di età flavia," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 4th ser., 3.2 (2005): 195-222
• Examples of the Flavian desire to out-exemplify the virtues of simplicity and poverty. In Statius, the mention of the pauperis arua Molorchi is an anti-exemplum of humble hospitality, showing dominion over nature.

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., Aux frontières du récit épique: l'emploi de l'apostrophe du narrateur dans la Thébaïde de Stace, Collection Latomus 289 (Bruxelles: Latomus, 2005)
• Reviews: Sacerdoti, BstudLat 36.1 (2006): 302-303; Ripoll, Revue des études latines 84 (2006): 394-95; Fry, Museum Helveticum 64.4 (2007): 247; Lesueur, Revue des études anciennes 109.1 (2007): 327-28; Steiniger, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 61.1-2 (2008): 61-67; McNamara, Classical Review n.s. 58.2 (2008): 487-88; Laigneau, RBPh 86.1 (2008): 182-83

Heslin, Peter J., The Transvestite Achilles: Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005)
• Reviews: Bernstein, The American Journal of Philology 128.1 (2006): 142-45; Cowan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.04.53; Delarue, Gnomon 79.8 (2007): 755-57; Lindheim, Classical Philology 102.3 (2007): 323-28; Lovatt, Classical Review 57.1 (2007): 124-26

Heslin, Peter J., rev. of N.K. Zeiner, Nothing Ordinary Here: Statius as a Creator of Distinction in the Silvae (New York: Routledge, 2005) and B. Gibson, Statius Silvae 5 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006), Journal of Roman Studies 97 (2007): 324-26

Jamset, Claire, "Marginal men: gender and epic identity in Statius' Parthenopaeus and Achilles," diss., Oxford, 2005
• An investigation into the intersection of notions of masculinity and the conception of the epic hero in Statius.

Keith, A., "Ovid's Theban narrative in Statius' Thebaid," in D. Nelis, ed., Aetas Ovidiana, Hermathena 177-178 (2004-2005): 181-208
• Statius acknowledges his interest in Ovid's Metamorphoses in the prolog to his Thebaid where he reviews the history of Thebes that he will not narrate (1.4-17). The subjects he eschews constitute the core of Ovid's Theban narrative (Met. 2.836-834 and 603). The affiliation of the poems is not limited to theme. The Thebaid can be interpreted, in part, as an exploration of the themes, settings, characters, and literary genealogy of Ovid's narrative.

Klodt, C., "Ad uxorem in eigener Sache. Das Abschlussgedicht der ersten drei Silvenbücher des Statius vor dem Hintergrund von Ovids Autobiographie: (Trist. 4, 10) und seinen Briefen an die Gattin," in M. Reichel, ed., Antike Autobiographien. Werke - Epochen - Gattungen, Europäische Geschichtsdarstellungen 5 (Köln: Böhlau, 2005): 185-222  

Kragelund, Patrick, "History, Sex and Scenography in the Octavia," Symbolae Osloenses, auspiciis Societatis Graeco-Latine 80 (2005): 68-114
• Examines the claim that the Octauia is dependent upon historians of the Flavian reign, but concludes that the case is unproven. Similarities with the love poetry of Statius are coincidental.

Lauletta, Mario, "Parrasio e l'Achilleide di Stazio," AION (filol.): Annuali dell'Universitì degli Studi di Napoli "L'Orientale" 27 (2005): 155-64
• Notes on Parrhasius' glosses in Napoli, BN, IV.E.46, the incunable Napoli, BN, S.Q.X.F.6, as well as the Praefatio in Achilleidem of Parrhasius in Napoli, BN, V.D.15.

Lovatt, Helen, "The Achilleid," rev. of P.J. Heslin, The Transvestite Achilles. Gender and Genre in Statius' Achilleid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), Classical Review 57.1 (2007): 124-26

Lovatt, Helen, Statius and Epic Games: Sport, Politics and Poetics in the Thebaid (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2005)
• Reviews: Dunkle, Journal of Roman Studies 96 (2006): 257-58; Newlands, Classical Review 56.2 (2006): 360-62; Dewar, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2009.10.04

Masterson, M., "Statius' Thebaid and the Realization of Roman Manhood," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 59.3/4 (2005) 288-315

Myers, K.S., "Docta otia: Garden Ownership and Configurations of Leisure in Statius and Pliny the Younger," Arethusa 38.1 (2005): 103-29

Nau, Robert, "Capaneus: Homer to Lydgate," Dissertation, McMaster U., 2005

Newlands, C.E., "The Thebaid," rev. of H. Lovatt, Statius and Epic Games: Sport, Politics and Poetics in the Thebaid (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005), Classical Review 56.2 (2006): 360-62

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "Animal Claquers: Statius Silv. 2.4 and 2.5," in William W. Batstone and Garth Tissol, edd., Defining Genre and Gender in Latin Literature: Essays Presented to William S. Anderson on his Seventy-Fifth Birthday, Lang classical studies 15 (New York: Lang, 2005): 151-73
Silv. 2.4 and 2.5 rewrite Ovid for the Flavian age, placing a positive value on luxury and withdrawal. Drawing on the traditions of the fable, Statius can be seen as a new authoritative voice that locates social criticism in praise itself.

O'Gorman, E.C., "Beyond recognition: Twin narratives in Statius' Thebaid," in M. Paschalis, ed., Roman and Greek imperial epic, Rethymnon classical studies 2 (Herakleion: Crete UP, 2005): 29-45

Parkes, R., "Men Before the Moon: The Relevance of Statius Thebaid 3.275-284 to Parthenopaeus and his Arcadian contingent," Classical Philology 100 (2005): 358-65

Parkes, Ruth, "Men from Before the Moon: The Relevance of Statius Thebaid 4.275-84 to Parthenopaeus and his Arcadian Contingent," Classical Philology 100 (2005) 358-365
• "Statius' seemingly irrelevant digression on primeval Arcadian customs at Theb. 4.275-284 contributes to the wider themes of the work, especially the idea of decline."

Parkes, Ruth, "Model Youths? Achilles and Parthenopaeus in Claudian's Panegyrics on the Third and Fourth Consulships of Honorius," Illinois Classical Studies 30 (2005): 67-82
• Examination of the parallels between Statius' poetry and Claudian's poems on the third and fourth consulships of Honorius allows us to appreciate the coherence and cleverness of Claudian's overall strategy in writing panegyric to a young emperor with little in the way of achievements. Claudian's solution involves the sustained evocation of characters from Statius' Thebaid and Achilleid in his characterization of Honorius. Attention is thereby particularly drawn to the emperor's youth, which is held out as an excuse for inachievement, a sign of future promise, and the reason for the regency of Claudian's patron Stilicho.

Pavan, Alberto, "Consenzio o le virtù dell'auriga: Una rielaborazione della gara delle quadrighe di Stat. Theb. VI in Sid. Ap. carm. 23 ad Consentium 304-427," Aevum(ant) n.s. 5 (2005): 227-50
• On Sidonius' use of the chariot races.

Rosati, G., "Il dolce delitto di Lemno: Lucrezio e l'amore-guerra nell' Ipsipile di Stazio," in R. Raffaelli, R.M. Danese, M.R. Falivene, and L. Lomiento, edd., Vicende di Ipsipile da Erodoto a Metastasio. Colloquio di Urbino, 5-6 maggio 2003, Letteratura a Antropologia 9 (Urbino: Edizioni Quattro Venti, 2005): 141-68

Rosati, Gianpiero, rev. of J. Steiniger, P. Papinius Statius. Thebais. Kommentar zu Buch 4,1-344, Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 14 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2005), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.11.26 

Sacerdoti, Arianna, "L'orrore del ricordare, lo sguardo volto 'a retro': Indagini su Theb. 12.9-21," Paideia 60 (2005): 615-30
• Echoes of Aen. 2.12.

Scioli, Emma Jane, "The Poetics of Sleep: Representing Dreams and Sleep in Latin Literature and Roman Art," Dissertation, UCLA, 2005

Steiniger, J., P. Papinius Statius. Thebais. Kommentar zu Buch 4,1-344, Altertumswissenschaftliches Kolloquium 14 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2005)
• Reviews: Rosati, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.11.26 ; Schubert, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 59.1-2 (2006): 33-39; Franchet d'Espèrey, Revue des études latines 84 (2006): 321; Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 76 (2007): 342-43; Criado, Emerita 75.1 (2007): 168-71; Manuwald, Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft 25 (2006): 293-96; Berlincourt, Museum Helveticum 64.4 (2007): 246-47; Taisne, Latomus 67.2 (2008): 515-16

Taisne, A.-M., "L'art de Stace au chant I de la Thebaide," Latomus 64.3 (2005): 661-77

Zeiner, N.K., Nothing ordinary here: Statius as creator of distinction in the Silvae (New York: Routledge, 2005)
• Review: Chinn, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2006.10.12; Heslin, Journal of Roman Studies 97 (2007): 324-26

Zissos, Paul Andrew, review of Pice, Nicola, La similitudine nel poema epico (2003), Classical Review 55.2 (2005): 691

Adkin, Neil, "Alan of Lille on Walter of Châtillon (Anticlaudianus I.167-70): A 'Silvenzitat'?," Classica et Mediaevalia 55 (2004): 279-84
• Alan's attack on Walter does not indicate knowledge of Silv. 4.7.21-24. (Response to T. Gärtner, "Das Urteil," 1999).

Asso, P., rev. of R.D. Shackleton Bailey, Statius. Vol. 2: Thebaid, Books 1-7; Vol. 3: Books 8-12, Loeb Classical Library, 207 and 498 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.11.02

Baines, Victoria, "Bella satirica: Rhetorical Engagement with Epic in Juvenal's Satires," PhD dissertation, Nottingham, 2004
• Post-Virgilian epic, especially that of Ovid, Lucan, and Statius, is revealed to be as important a model for Juvenal as Homer and Virgil.

Baldini Moscadi, Loretta, "La magia nell'epica latina: Funzionalità e trasgressione (a proposito di Virgilio e Silio Italico, Lucano e Stazio)," Mene 4 (2004): 33-49
• Comparison of the episodes of Dido (Aen. 4.474 ff.), Hannibal (Sil. Ital. 1.70-139), Erictus (Lucan 6.413-830) and Tiresias (Theb. 4.406-645) and their role in epic tradition.

Battles, D., The Medieval Tradition of Thebes: History and Narrative in the Roman de Thebes, Boccaccio, Chaucer, and Lydgate, Studies in Medieval History and Culture (New York: Routledge, 2004)

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Per una storia dell' esegesi moderna alla Tebaide di Stazio. Riflessioni a proposito dell' edizione di Parigi, 1825 - 1830 (Amar - Lemaire)," in Renate Burri. Aline Delacrétaz, Jacques Monnier, Marcello Nobili, edd., Ad limina II. Incontro di studio tra i dottorandi e i giovani studiosi di Roma. Istituto svizzeo di Roma, Villa Maraini, febbraio - aprile 2003 (Alessandria: Edizioni dell' Orso, 2004)

Bernstein, N.W., "Auferte oculos: Modes of Spectatorship in Statius Thebaid 11," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 58.1/2 (2004): 62-85

Campana, Pierpaolo, "I marmi di Claudio Etrusco: Qualche osservazione a proposito di Stat. silv. 1.5.34-41," Studi classici e orientali 50 (2004): 329-39

Coleman, K.M., "Rulers in a Landscape," rev. of C. Klodt, Bescheidene Grösse. Die Herrschergestalt, der Kaiserpalast und die Stadt Rom: Literarische Reflexionen monarchischer Selbstdarstellung, Hypomnemata 137 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001), Classical Review 54.2 (2004): 380-81

Courtney, E., "On editing the Silvae," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 102 (2004): 445-53
• Cf. D.R. Shackleton-Bailey, "On Editing the Silvae: A Response," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 102 (2004): 455-59. On 5.3.139-40, 3.3.78, 1.2.77, 1.4.4, 3.5.104, 1.4.39-40, 1.1.46, 1.3.50, 1.4.105, 2.6.79-80, 2.1.129-30, 2.6.40-43, 2.6.88, 5.5.9, 2.2.13-16, 2.7.132, 1.3.41, 4.3.111, 5.5.8, 3.5.40-41, 1.3.1.

Cowan, Bob, rev. of K.F.L. Pollman, Statius, Thebaid 12: Introduction, Text, and Commentary, Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums n.F. 1. reihe, Band 25 (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2004), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.04.54

Dietrich, Jessica Shaw, "Rewriting Dido: Flavian responses to Aeneid 4," Prudentia 36.1 (2004): 1-30
• Comparison of Dido with Anna in Silius 8.1-201, Hypsipyle in Valerius Flaccus 2.349-356, and Argia in Theb. 12.

Feeney, Denis C., "Tenui... latens discrimine: Spotting the Differences in Statius' Achilleid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 52 (2004) (Glenn W. Most and Sarah Spence, edd., Re-presenting Virgil: Special issue in honor of Michael C. J. Putnam): 85-106
• Statius simultaneously used Virgil and Ovid in the Achilleid.

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Massacre et aristie dans l'épopée latine," in L' écriture du massacre en littérature entre histoire et mythe: Des mondes antiques à l'aube du XXIe siècle, ed. Gérard Nauroy, Recherches en littérature et spiritualité 6 (Bern ; Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2004), 27-43
• Evolution of Homeric aristeia and massacre in Virgil, Lucan, and Statius.

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Massacre et aristie dans l'épopée latine," in Gérard Nauroy, ed., L'écriture du massacre en littérature entre histoire et mythe: des mondes antiques à l'aube du XXIe siècle, Recherches en littérature et spiritualité 6 (Bern/Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2004): 27-43
• Reviews: Banderier, RBPh 83.3 (2005): 989-91

Gärtner, Thomas, "Mythologische Paradigmen für einen Achill in Frauenkleidern: zu einer scheinbar unpassenden Gleichnisreihe in der statianischen Achilleis," Arctos 38 (2004): 9-15
• On Ach. 1.259-65.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Wer weint bei Stat. Theb. III 546?," Eikasmos 15 (2004): 343-45
• On the basis of the reference to Ovid Met. 2.655 ff., the interrgative quid furtim illacrimas? should be ascribed to Melampus and not Amphiaraos.

Gibson, Bruce John, "The Repetitions of Hypsipyle," in Latin Epic and Didactic Poetry: Genre, Tradition and Individuality, ed. Monica R. Gale and Ray J. Clare (Swansea, Oakville (CT): Classical Press Of Wales, 2004), 149-180
• "The Hypsipyle episode in the Thebaid involves Statius in elaborate self-positioning in and against the background of literary history, conducted in part through the presentation of Hypsipyle herself as an epic narrator."

Hartmann, J.M., Flavische Epik im Spannungsfeld von generischer Tradition und zeitgenössischer Gesellschaft (diss. Giessen, 2003), Europäische Hochschulschriften: Reihe 15, Klassische Sprachen und Kulturen 91 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2004)  

Henriksén, Christer, rev. of Jens Leberl, Domitian und die Dichter. Poesie als Medium der Herrschaftsdarstellung, Hypomnemata 154 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004), Gnomon 78.8 (2006): 692-99

Hibst, P., "Periculosae plenum opus aleae? Zur Frage der Herrscherkritik in der Achilleis des Statius," Eos 91 (2004): 251-73 

Jakobi, R., "Die Thebais-Erklärung des Pseudo-Fulgentius," in W. Geerlings and Ch. Schulze, edd., Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter 2: Neue Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung, Clavis commentariorum antiquitatis et medii aevi 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2004): 17-20

Jakobi, R., "Textgeschichte als Kulturgeschichte. Der sogenannte Lactantius Placidus-Kommentar zur Thebais des Statius," in W. Geerlings and Ch. Schulze, edd., Der Kommentar in Antike und Mittelalter 2: Neue Beiträge zu seiner Erforschung, Clavis commentariorum antiquitatis et medii aevi 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2004): 1-16

Jakobi, Rainer, "Zur Kritik der Statius-Scholien," Eikasmos 15 (2004): 347-59
• Critical notes to passages in Sweeney 1998.

Jamset, C., "Death-loration: the eroticization of death in the Thebaid," Greece & Rome 51.1 (2004): 95-104
• The death of Parthenopaeus in Theb. 9, 570-907 is modelled on that of Camilla in Aen. 11, 803-819 and is portrayed as a defloration. The death may thus be read within a framework of boy versus man, and couched within terms of femininity; that is, his feminization underscores his lack of masculinity. The imagery usually associated with elegy (snow-white countenance, hairlessness, languid appearance) enhances the intimations of erotic beauty.

Kissel, Walter, "Statius als Epiker (1934-2003)," Lustrum 46 (2004): 7-272
• Summary of scholarship on Statius' epics.

Korneeva, Tatiana, "Il velo dell'indovino: Ambiguità linguistica e aberrazione familiare nel sogno di Eteocle (Stat. Theb. 2.89-127)," Studi classici e orientali 50 (2004): 341-61
• The ambiguity of the scene of Laius' ghost adds to the dramatic tension.

Lauletta, Mario, "Commento medievale inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (annotazioni di XIII secolo). 2," Vichiana 4a ser. 6.1 (2004): 70-96
• Edition of ff. 8r-16v of the Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis, with notes to 1.312-312 and 167 with an appendix of observations on the commentary.

Leberl, Jens, Domitian und die Dichter. Poesie als Medium der Herrschaftsdarstellung, Hypomnemata 154 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2004)
• Reviews: Lorenz, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 59.1-2 (2006): 29-33; Henriksén, Gnomon 78.8 (2006): 692-99; Lambrecht, Gymnasium 113.5 (2006): 481-83

Liberman, Gauthier, "Observations sur le texte des Métamorphoses d'Ovide," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3rd ser. 78.1 (2004): 57-90
• Critical notes on Tarrant's edition, as well as on passages in Virgil, Propertius, and the Achilleid (p. 77: dulce at 2.56-57 goes with Pelion and is not adverbial). Link.

Lovatt, Helen, "Epic games and real games in Statius' Thebaid 6 and Virgil's Aeneid 5," in S. Bell and G. Davies, edd., Games and festivals in classical antiquity: proceedings of the conference held in Edinburgh 10-12 July 2000, BAR international series 1220 (Oxford: Archaeopress, 2004)

Lovatt, Helen, rev. of B.R. Nagle, The Silvae of Statius. Translated with Notes and Introduction (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2004), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.09.33

Markus, D.D., "Grim Pleasures: Statius's Poetic Consolationes," Arethusa 37.1 (2004): 105-35
• Statius co-opts the feminine genre of lamentation-traditionally constructed as dangerous and excessive. he sublimates the expression of human pain and grief into a cathartic consolatio.

Marshall, Adam R., "Statius, Siluae I: A Commentary on the Ecphrastic Poems," Dissertation, Queen's University Belfast, 2004

McNelis, Ch., "Middle-March: Statius' Thebaid and the Beginning of Battle Narrative," in S. Kyriakidis and F. De Martino, edd., Middles in Latin Poetry, Le Rane: Collana di Studi e Testi, Studi 38 (Bari: Levante editori, 2004): 261-310  

Micozzi, L., "Memoria diffusa di luoghi lucanei nella Tebaide di Stazio," in P. Esposito and E.M. Ariemma, edd., Lucano e la tradizione dell' epica latina. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Fisciano-Salerno, 19-20 ottobre 2001, Università degli studi di Salerno. Quaderni del Dipartimento di scienze dell' antichità (Napoli: Guida, 2004): 137-51

Morzadec, Françoise, "Stace et la Sibylle: Rivalité littéraire autour de la louange de Domitien: La Silve IV, 3," in Monique Bouquet and Françoise Morzadec, edd., La Sibylle: Parole et représentation (Rennes: Pr. Universitaires de Rennes, 2004): 85-98
• Reviews: Hummel, BiblH&R 66.3 (2004): 693-95; Cormier, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.11; Suárez de la Torre, Kernos 18 (2005): 550-52; Van Haeperen, RBPh 84.1 (2006): 161; Deschamps, Revue des études anciennes 106.2 (2004): 657-58; Poccetti, Revue des études latines 85 (2007): 437-39; Roessli, Revue de l'histoire des religions 224.2 (2007): 253-71

Nagle, B.R., The Silvae of Statius, Translated with Notes and Introduction (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 2004)
• Reviews: Lovatt, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.09.33; Newmyer, New England Classical Newsletter 32.2 (2005): 177-80; Dominik, Classical Review 56.1 (2006): 247-48; Adkin, Latomus 65.3 (2006): 742-44; Heinen, Classical Outlook Summer 2007: 179-80

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "Statius and Ovid: Transforming the Landscape," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 134.1 (2004): 133-55
• Three landscapes that illustrate the Thebaid's debt to Ovid are the sacred grove of Diana (4.419-442), the Nemean grove (Books 4-6), and the river landscape of the Ismenos (9.360-373). These landscapes are disconnected from the gods and provide a canvas on which Statius displays the evil of the war. Humans are held accountable for the destruction of the state as much as for the loss of a paradise described in Ovidian terms as a locus amoenus.

Olsen, B.M., "La réception de Stace au moyen age (du IX au XII siècle)," in A. Bihrer and E. Stein, edd., Nova de veteribus. Mittel- und neulateinische Studien für Paul Gerhard Schmidt (München: Saur, 2004): 230-46

Pavan, Alberto, "Polinice, Ippolito mancato e Arione cavallo visionario: Una proposta di lettura intertestuale tra epica e tragedia di St. Theb. VI 491-517," Aevum(ant) n.s. 4 (2004: 577-600
• In the chariot race in Theb. 6.491-517, Polynices takes on aspects of Phaethon and Hippolytus, showing an intersection os epic and tragedy.

Pollmann, K.F.L. Statius, Thebaid 12: Introduction, Text, and Commentary, Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums n.F. 1. Reihe, Band 25 (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2004)
• Reviews: Schenk, Gnomon 80.2 (2005): 130-36; Cowan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2007.04.54; Smolenaars, Classical Review 58.1 (2008): 159-61  ; Gibson, ExClass 9 (2005): 293-304; Ripoll, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3e ser. 78.2 (2004): 391-93; Berlincourt, Museum Helveticum 63.4 (2006): 233; Franchet d'Espèrey, Revue des études latines 84 (2006): 320

Ross, C.S., trans., The Thebaid: Seven against Thebes, translated with an introduction (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004
• Review: Hill, Classical Review 55.2 (2005): 550-53; Bernstein, The Classical Outlook: Journal of the American Classical League 82.4 (2004-2005): 155; González-Rivas Fernández, Emerita 73 (2005): 367-68; Berlincourt, Museum Helveticum 62.4 (2005): 245; Asso, New England Classical Newsletter 32.4 (2005): 384-87; Ripoll, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3e ser. 78.2 (2004): 393-94; Rochette, L'Antiquité classique 75 (2006): 361

Sanna, Lorenzo, "Ignis, accendo, incendo: Il lussuoso sfarzo del puer nella poesia flavia," Acme: Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia dell'Università degli Studi di Milano 57 (2004) 287-295
• On the puer delicatus, especially in Statius and Valerius Flaccus.

Sanna, Lorenzo, "Ignis, accendo, incendo: Il lussuoso sfarzo del puer nella poesia flavia," Acme 57.3 (2004): 287-95
• On the figure of the Ephebe in Flavian Rome (especially Statius and Valerius Flaccus), and the contemporary model of the puer delicatus.

Sanna, Lorenzo, "Partenopeo e Podeto: Due pueri dell'epica flavia e l'ossimoro arma-puer," Prometheus 30.3 (2004): 261-68
• On the sources for and a comparison between Statius' Parthenopeus and Silius' Podetus (Pun. 14.492-515).

Sanna, Lorenzo, "Partenopeo e Podeto: due pueri dell'epica flavia e l'ossimoro arma-puer,: Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici 30 (2004) 261-268
• On similarities between Statius' Parthenopeus and Silius Italicus' Podetus (Pun. 14.492-515) and the relation with his sources.

Schenk, P., rev. of K.F.L. Pollmann, Statius, Thebaid 12. Introduction, Text and Commentary (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2004), Gnomon 80.2 (2005): 130-36

Seo, Joanne Mira, "Allusive Characterization from Apollonius to Statius" Dissertation, Princeton, 2004

Shackleton-Bailey, D.R.,"On editing the Silvae: A Response," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 102 (2004): 455-59
• A response to E. Courtney, "On Editing the Silvae," Harvard Studies in Ckassical Philology 102 (2004) 445-53. On 1.2.136, 5.3.139-40, 3.3.78, 1.2.77, 1.4.4, 3.5.104, 1.4.39-40, 1.1.46, 1.3.50-51, 1.4.105, 1.6.15, 2.6.40-43, 2.6.88, 2.2.13-16, 5.5.9.

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "La sfinge in Stat. Theb. 2,496-523: un' analisi intertestuale," in P. Esposito and E.M. Ariemma, edd., Lucano e la tradizione dell' epica latina. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Fisciano - Salerno, 19-20 ottobre 2001, Università degli studi di Salerno, Quaderni del Dipartimento di scienze dell' antichità (Napoli: Guida, 2004): 69-84 

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "Lofzang op een Romaeinse snelweg: Statius Silv. IV 3," Lampas 37 (2004): 64-85

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "Thebaid 12," rev. of K.F.L. Pollmann, Statius, Thebaid 12. Introduction, Text, and Commentary (Paderborn: Schöningh, 2004), Classical Review 58.1 (2008): 159-61  

Taisne, A.-M., "L'éloge de l'entourage chez Stace poète des Silve et Pline l'épistolier," in L. Nadjo and É. Gavoille, edd., Epistulae Antiquae III. Actes du IIIe Colloque International "L'épistolographie Antique et ses Prolongements Européens," (Université François-Rabelais, Tours, 25-27 septembre 2002) (Louvain: Peeters, 2004): 169-77

Thomas, M.L., "(Re)Locating Domitian's Horse of Glory: The Equus Domitiani and Flavian Urban Design," Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 49 (2004): 21-46

Van Dam, H.-J., "Epische scènes in Statius' Silvae," Lampas 37 (2004): 102-21

Villaseñor C., Patricia, "El Aquiles de Estacio," Nova Tellus: Anuario del Centro de Estudios Clásicos 22.2 (2004) 19-39
• The incomplete Achilleid is an epyllion, a small epic that relies more on description than narration, making it different from other Roman epyllions. Two scenes are critical for the transformation of Achilles into a man: his love for Deidamia and his realization of his own mortality.

Voigt, Astrid, "Female lament in Greek and Roman epic poetry: its cultural discourses and narrative presentation," diss. Oxford, 2004  
• Statius redefines grief as the very site of agency and makes female lament the main device for the defence of social values in his poem.

Ziolkowski, Jan M., "Between text and music: the reception of Virgilian speeches in early Medieval manuscripts," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 2004 No 52: 107-126
• Analysis of the neumes in Virgilian mss. An appendix (pp. 119-26) contains comparisons with neumes in mss. of Horace, Lucan, the Thebaid, and Terence.

Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Esegesi umanistica alle 'Silvae' di Stazio: Parrasio," Euphrosyne n.s. 31 (2003): 133-53
• Examination of the commentary of Parrasius and comparison with his sources, Calderinus and Politian.

Amato, Eugenio, "Per la cronologia di Dionisio il periegeta," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3.ser. 77.1 (2003): 7-16
• New arguments for the identification of Domitian with the emperor under whom the Romans destroyed the Nasamones, alluded to by Dionysius in ll. 208-10, are drawn from a comparison with the evidence of Dio Cassius and Statius.

Anderson, Peter J., "Fame is the spur": Memoria, Gloria, and Poetry Among the Elite in Flavian Rome," thesis, Cincinnati, 2003
• Statius does not see the Silvae for his own immortalization, leaving that to the epics.

Aricò, Giuseppe, "Dialogando su Stazio con Paola Venini," in Per Paola Venini: Atti della giornata di studio, Pavia, 14 maggio 1999 (Pisa: ETS, 2003): 81-100
• On Discussion of his work on Statius and discussions of Theb. 4.393-96, 5.11-14, 11.1-2, 11.49-61, 11.89-91, and 11.409-15
• Review: Gasti, Athenaeum 93.2 (2005): 768-69

Asso, P., rev. of D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Statius. Silvae, Loeb Classical Library 206 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.10.05

Baines, Victoria, "Umbricius' Bellum civile: Juvenal, Satire 3," Greece & Rome 50.2 (2003): 220-37
• Umbricius' description of an encounter at night between a poor man and a drunken thug (278-301) alludes to Theb. 2.489-95 as well as Vergil and Homer. The allusions illustrate how epic reinvents itself.

Bernstein, N.W., "Ancestors, Status, and Self-Presentation in Statius' Thebaid," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 133.2 (2003): 353-79

Braund, Susanna Morton and Giles Gilbert, "An ABC of Epic ira: Anger, Beasts, and Cannibalism," YClS 32 (2003): 250-85
• Achilles' description of his eating wild animals in infancy (Ach. 2.96-102) indicates a tendency toward aggression and anger. A comparison with Aen. 12.101-109; Lucan 1.204-12; Theb. 1.395-433, 8.383-94, and 12.736-40; and Silius 5.306-315 illustrates this and how ira in epic takes its moral aspect from its context.

Budaragina, Olga, "Claudian's inamoenus uterque alveus and Its Sources," Hyperboreus 9.1 (2003): 135-39
• Claudian uses the adjective inamoenus in his description of the rivers of the Underworld (In Rufinum 5.466 ff.). This adjective is used only three times before: twice in Statius and once in Ovid, and always refers to the Underworld.

Caruso, Carlo, "Una nota sulle Silvae di Stazio nel Medioevo," Italia medioevale e umanistica 44 (2003): 303-307
• On the diffusion and knowledge of the Siluae in the Middle Ages, based on the reading sillabarum in the accessus in Città del Vaticano, BAV, Barb. lat. 74.

Casali, S., "Impius Aeneas, Impia Hypsipyle: Narrazioni menzognere dall'Eneide alla Tebaide di Stazio," Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 12 (2003) 60-68

Cowan, R.W., "'In My Beginning is My End': Origins, Cities and Foundations in Flavian epic," diss. Oxford, 2003
• In the Thebaid, constant repetition of the foundation narrative is mimetic both of that foundation and of the repetition of its attendant fratricide. It is suggested that the poem is exploring Roman themes, a suggestion supported by the conscious parallelism with Romulus and again by intertextuality.

Dominik, W.J., "Following in Whose Footsteps? The Epilogue to Statius' Thebaid," in A.F. Basson and W.J. Dominik, edd., Literature, Art, History: Studies on Classical Antiquity and Tradition In Honour of W. J. Henderson (Frankfurt/M.: Lang, 2003), 91-109

Fantham, Elaine, " Chiron: The Best of Teachers," in André F. Basson, William J. Dominik, edd., Literature, Art, History: Studies on Classical Antiquity and Tradition in Honour of W.J. Henderson (Bern/Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2003): 111-22
• Reviews: Evans, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.10; Ferrari, Circe 2006.10 (2005-2006): 289-95; Létoublon, Gaia 10 (2006): 344-45

Flores, Enrico, "Sul codice M 3678 degli Astronomicon libri di Manilio," Vichiana 4th ser. 5.2 (2003): 171-77
• On the fate of the Matritensis between 1418 and 1879, including when it was (for a time) bound with Madrid, X 8514.

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Nuda potestas armauit fratres: Le paradoxe du pouvoir et du conflit dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in Fondements et crises du pouvoir, ed. Sylvie Franchet d'Espèrey, Études 9 (Bordeaux: Ausonius, 2003), 109-17
• On Theb. 1.150.

Franchet d'Espèrey, S., "Nuda potestas armavit fratres. Le paradoxe du pouvoir et du conflit dans la Thébaide de Stace," in S. Franchet d' Espèrey, V. Fromentin, S. Gotteland, and J.-M. Roddaz, edd., Fondements et crises du pouvoir, Ausonius-publications: études 9 (Bordeaux: Ausonius; Paris: de Boccard, 2003): 109-17
• The opening of the Theb. Gives two themes: power and conflict, with the former causing the latter, and hence potestas in Statius is always in the nominative, always causative. Discussion of the term potestas in the epic, particularly at 1.150-51, but also at 1.187-188, 2.399, 11.654-56, and 5.324-325. The link between power and conflict was informed by the events of 69, and hence Statius uses nuda potestas to show that the power of the tyrants leads to the cruelty.

Fredrick, David C., "Architecture and surveillance," in Anthony James Boyle and William J. Dominik, edd., Flavian Rome: Culture, Image, Text (Leiden: Brill, 2003): 199-227 and pll.
• Reviews: Piccaluga, StudRom 51.1-2 (2003): 164; Hekster, Scripta classica Israelica 23 (2004): 294-96; Littlewood, Classical Review n.s. 55.2 (2005): 628-30; Habermehl, Gymnasium 112.5 (2005): 486-87; Moormann, Mnemosyne ser. 4 58.1 (2005): 144-53; Naas, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3 ser. 78.2 (2004): 406-408; Grewing, Plekos 9 (2007): 79-85; Klauck, BiZ n.F. 51.2 (2007): 291-92

Gärtner, Thomas, "Nochmals zu Statius, Theb. 10,909f.," Museum Helveticum 60.4 (2003): 210

Hardie, Alex, "Poetry and Politics at the Games of Domitian," in Anthony James Boyle and William J. Dominik, edd., Flavian Rome: Culture, Image, Text (Leiden: Brill, 2003): 125-47
• On the Capitolia and a reassessment of Statius' participation (Silv. 5.3.215-233 and 3.5.31-33).

Harrison, Stephen J., "The colour of Olive Leaves: Vergil Aeneid 5.309," Ordia prima 2 (2003: 79-81
• On the reading flauaque and Servius' reading fuluaque, comparing Theb. 2.99 and Valerius Flaccus 3.436, glaucaque.

Hill, D.E., "Statius," rev. of D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Statius, Thebaid, Achilleid (Cambridge, MA and London: Harvard University Press, 2003) and C.S. Ross, Publius Papinius Statius. The Thebaid. Seven against Thebes. Translated with an Introduction (Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2004), Classical Review 55.2 (2005): 550-53

Iglesias, Rosa María; Álvarez, María Consuelo, "El treno de Hipsípila en la Tebaida de Estacio," in José Francisco González Castro, Antonio Alvar Ezquerra, Alberto Bernabé, et al., edd., Actas del XI congreso español de estudios clásicos (Santiago de Compostela, del 15 al 20 de septiembre de 2003) (Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2005) 2: 895-902
• Alanysis of Theb. 5.608-635, illustrating the influence of Euripides.

Johannsen, N., "Statius, Silvae 4, Praef. und die Lokalisierung der Praefationes," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 146.1 (2003): 110-12

Lauletta, Mario, "Commento inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (accessus e annotazioni di XII secolo)," Vichiana 4a ser. 5.1 (2003): 54-93
• Edition of the accessus and commentary.

Lauletta, Mario, "Commento medievale inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio (accessus e annotazioni di XIII secolo). 1," Vichiana 4a ser. 5.2 (2003): 249-68
• Edition of the accessus and commentary by the second hand.

Lesueur, R., "Claudia et la composition du livre XII de la Thebaide de Stace," Revue des études latines 81 (2003): 190-99
• The six books of the second half of the Thebaid contain the deaths of the Argive heros. The final book is a change from this, discussing the women and funerals. It is possible that Statius' wife Claudia inspired making the end a eulogy of spouses. This is an interruption of Statius' original plan and is the reason that the final book does not being closure.

Liddell, Erik, "Statius' Silvae 4.4.49-55 and Vergil's Georgics 1.424-37: tenuis intertextual connections and the tradition of refined poetry," New England Classical Newsletter 30.3 (2003): 129-36
• Statius' reworking, at Silv. 4.4.49-55, of Geo. 1.424-437 demonstrates Statius' genius at using occasions as starting points for poetic creativity that ventured beyond the moment.

Liddell, Erik, "The Figure of Orpheus in Silvae 2.7, the Genethliacon Lucani ad Pollam," New England Classical Newsletter 30.1 (2003): 22-32
• Statius uses the story of Orpheus and Eurydice as a point of comparison for the story of Lucan and Polla, and the poem must be read in this light.

Lorenz, Sven, "Martial, Herkules und Domitian: Büsten, Statuetten und Statuen im Epigrammaton liber nonus," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 56.5 (2003): 566-84
• Martial 9.43 and 44 on a statuette of Hercules owned by the patron Novius Vindex (also mentioned in Statius Silv. 4.6) tell us something about Martial's relationship with Statius and about patronage in the age of Domitian. Martial shows how even the lowest genre of poetry can serve as panegyric literature for the sublime emperor Domitian.

Markus, D.D., "The Politics of Epic Performance in Statius," in A.J. Boyle and W.J. Dominik, edd., Flavian Rome. Culture, Image, Text (Leiden: Brill, 2003), 431-68

Micozzi, Laura, "Eros e pudor nella Tebaide di Stazio: Lettura dell'episodio di Atys e Ismene (Theb. 8.554-565)," in Incontri triestini di filologia classica 1 (2001-2002), ed. Lucio Cristante, Polymnia: Studi di Filologia Classica 2 (2003), 259-82
• Statius modified the myth to combine epic and elegiac elements.

Morzadec, Françoise, "Brumes et nuages dans les épopées de Lucain, Stace et Silius Italicus: entre mythologie et météorologie," in Ch. Cusset, ed., La Météorologie dans l' Antiquité: entre science et croyance. Actes du Colloque International Interdisciplinaire de Toulouse 2-3-4 mai 2002, Centre Jean Palerne, Mémoires 25 (Saint-Étienne Cedex 2: Publications de l' Université de Saint-Étienne, 2003): 179-200 

Morzadec, Françoise, "Métamorphoses du paysage d' Oivde à Stace: Le 'paysage ovidien'dans la Silve II. 3," in E. Bury and M. Néraudau, edd., Lectures d'Ovide publiées à la mémoire de Jean-Pierre Néraudau (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 2003): 89-106

Newlands, C.E., "The Emperor's Saturnalia: Statius, Silvae 1.6," in A.J. Boyle and W.J. Dominik, edd., Flavian Rome. Culture, Image, Text (Leiden: Brill, 2003): 499-522

Newlands, C.E., rev. of D.R. Shackleton Bailey, Statius. Silvae, Loeb Classical Library 206 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003), Classical Review 54.2 (2004): 405-407

Parkes, R., "A Commentary on Statius, Thebaid 4.1-308," diss. Oxford, 2003 

Pice, Nicola, La similitudine nel poema epico. Omero, Apollonio Rodio, Virgilio, Ovidio, Lucano, Valerio Flacco, Stazio. Con un saggio di Giovanni Cipriani, Temi e luoghi del mondo antico 15 (Bari: Edipuglia, 2003)
• On Theb. 1.131-38, 1.421-27, 2.323-32, 2.670-81, 3.40-52, 3.669-75, 5.7-16, 5.596-604, 6.577-582, 6.854-59, 6.864-72, 6.880-86, 7.390-97, 9.25-31, 9.186-95, 9.236-49, 10.40-48, 10.227-35, 10.455-62, 10.570, 11.308-14, 11.520-36, 11.739-47, 12.9-21; Ach. 1.211-16, 1.304-10, 1.370-78, 1.456-66, 1.704-708, 1.856-63, Link.
• Reviews: Zissos, Classical Review 55.2 (2005): 691; Reitz, Gnomon 78.8 (2006): 725-26

Pomeroy, Arthur J., "Heavy Petting in Catullus," Arethusa 36.1 (2003): 49-60
• An examination of commemorations for human deliciae who perished before their time (e.g., Martial 5.34) suggests that they have features similar to those for domestic pets. Statius Silv. 2.1 and 5.5 offer extended descriptions of deliciae.

Rühl, M., "Confer gemitus pariterque fleamus! Die Epikedien in den Silven des Statius," Hyperboreus 9.1 (2003): 114-26  
• On the multiple contexts of Silv. 5.5, 2.6, and 2.praef., in which the original, occasional role of each is mixed with its role as part of a publication.

Schmitzer, U., "Dichtung und Propaganda im 1. Jh. n. Chr.," in G. Weber and M. Zimmermann, edd., Propaganda - Selbstdarstellung - Repräsentation im römischen Kaiserreich des I. Jhs. n. Chr., Historia Einzelschriften 164 (Stuttgart: Steiner, 2003): 205-26

Shackelton Bailey, D.R., ed., and trans., Thebaid, Achilleid, Silvae, Loeb Classical Library voll. 206, 207, 498 (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2003)
• Asso, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2003.10.05 and Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.11.02; Nagle, New England Classical Newsletter 31.1 (2004): 346-49; Newlands, Classical Review n.s. 54.2 (2004): 405-407; Dominik, New England Classical Newsletter 32.1 (2005): 79-81; Hill, Classical Review n.s. 55.2 (2005): 550-53; Laguna Mariscal, ExClass 9 (2005): 305-15; Markus, Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity n.s. 14 (2005): 147-49; Adkin, Latomus 65.2 (2006): 468-70; Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 75 (2006): 360-61; Sténuit, Les Études Classiques 74.4 (2006): 367-68; Habermehl, Gymnasium 114.3 (2007): 272-77; Lóio, Euphrosyne n.s. 36 (2008): 393-94

Shackleton Bailey, D.R., ed. and trans., Thebaid, Books 8-12, Achilleid The Loeb Classical Library 498 (Cambridge MA, 2003)
• Reviews: Asso, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2004.11; Hill, Classical Review n.s. 55.2 (2005: 550-53; Dominik, New England Classical Newsletter 32.1 (2005): 79-81; Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 75 (2006): 360-61; Habermehl, Gymnasium 114.3 (2007): 274-77; Sténuit, Les Études Classiques 74.4 (2006): 367-68; Markus, Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity n.s. 14 (2005): 147-49

Solano Solano, María Dolores, "Tratamiento mitológico y suasoriae en Estacio, Silv. I 2.65-102 y I 4.61-105," in José Francisco González Castro, Antonio Alvar Ezquerra, Alberto Bernabé, et al., Actas del XI congreso español de estudios clásicos: (Santiago de Compostela, del 15 al 20 de septiembre de 2003) 2 (Madrid: Sociedad Española de Estudios Clásicos, 2005): 953-59
• On the suasoria in Silv. 1.2.65-102 and 1.4.61-105 and the role of myth.

Zerbini, Livio, "Il piacere di vivere in villa: Testimonianze letterarie," in Jacopo Ortalli, ed., Vivere in Villa: Le qualità delle residenze agresti in età romana. Atti del Convegno, Ferrara, gennaio 2003, Quaderni degli Annali dell'Università di Ferrara. Sezione Storia 3 (Firenze: Le Lettere, 2006): 11-18
• Discussions in Pliny the Younger and the Silvae on the popularity among wealthy Romans of spending time in extraurban houses, close to nature and far from civic affairs.

Aricò, G., "Crudelis vincit pater: Alcune note su Stazio e il mito tebano," in Antonio Aloni, Elisabetta Berardi, Giuliana Besso, and Sergio Cecchin, edd., Atti del Seminario internazionale 'I Sette a Tebe. Dal mito alla lettura'. Torino 21-22 febbraio 2001, Università degli studi di Torino. Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di filologia, linguistica e tradizione classica 'Augusto Rostagni' 18 (Bologna: Pàtron, 2002): 169-84

Shackleton Bailey, David R., "Τί δεῖμε χορεύειν;," Classical Journal 97.2 (2001-2002): 177-78
• On Silv. 2.6.38-43. The passage does not need reconstruction. Bellis should be retained in 42. Mollis… iubent (39-40) refers to boys emasculated to preserve their prepubescent charms. Dubiae crimina formae (39) may be translated, "reproach of ambiguous beauty." Qualis and uisu go together.

Berlincourt, Valéry, "Commenter la Thébaïde de Stace (livre 3): Éléments de problématique," Appunti Romani di Filologia: Studi e Comunicazioni di Filologia, Linguistica e Letteratura Greca e Latina 4 (2002): 61-79
• Structural and compositional aspects of Book 3.

Bessone, Federica, "Voce femminile e tradizione elegiaca nella Tebaide di Stazio," in A. Aloni, E. Berardi, G. Besso, and S. Cecchin, edd., Atti del Seminario internazionale 'I Sette a Tebe. Dal mito alla lettura'. Torino 21 - 22 febbraio 2001, Università degli studi di Torino. Pubblicazioni del Dipartimento di filologia, linguistica e tradizione classica 'Augusto Rostagni' 18 (Bologna: Pàtron, 2002): 185-217

Charles, Michael B., "Calvus Nero: Domitian and the Mechanics of Predecessor Denigration," AClass 45 (2002): 19-49
• Comparison of praise for Domitian during his life with the denigration after his death. Discussion of Martial 6.4, Silv. 4.2.65-67, and Frontinus Strat. 1.3.10, 1.1.8, 2.11.7 compared with Pliny Paneg. 16.3, Suetonius' Nero and Domitian, and Frontinus Aq. 118.

Chinn, Christopher M., "Statius and the Discourse of Ekphrasis," Dissertation, University of Washington, 2002

Damon, Cynthia, "The Emperor's New Clothes, or, On Flattery and Encomium in the Silvae," in J.F. Miller, C. Damon, and K.S. Myers, edd., Vertis in usum: Studies in honor of Edward Courtney, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 161 (München: Saur, 2002), 174-88

Dietrich, Jessica Shaw, "Dead parrots society," The American Journal of Philology 123.1 (2002): 95-110
Silv. 2.4 makes use of catalogs of birds at 16-23 and 26-28, which play off of Ovid (Am. 2.6; Met. 2.544-65, 5.677-78, 8.236-59, 6.424-674) in order to locate Statius within the Latin tradition and to comment on the changing role of the poet under the emperors.

Dominik, William J., "Speech in Flavian epic," in Pol Defosse, ed., Hommages à Carl Deroux, 1: Poésie, Collection Latomus 266 (Bruxelles: Latomus, 2002): 183-92
• Reviews: Cupaiuolo, BStudLat 33.1 (2003): 290-92; Van Langenhoven, L'Antiquité classique 73 (2004): 371-73; Martin, Revue des études latines 82 (2004): 453-54; Bonfante, American Journal of Archaeology 110.3 (2006) (not paginated)

Edwards, R.R., Chaucer and Boccaccio: Antiquity and modernity (New York: Palgrave, 2002)

Esposito, Paolo, "La strana battaglia del finale della Tebaide," in Luigi Torraca, ed., Scritti in onore di Italo Gallo, Pubblicazioni dell'Università degli Studi di Salerno. Sezione Atti, convegni, miscellanee; 59 (Napoli: Ed. Scientifiche Italiane, 2002): 265-78
• Review: Amato, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.10

Gärtner, Thomas, "Eine verkannte Geminatio: Zum Text in Stat., Theb. X, 218," Latomus 61.2 (2002): 446-47
• Read Solus eo, solus - uenit etc.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Thebanischer und römischer Bürgerkrieg: eine literarische Querbeziehung," Philologus 146.2 (2002): 375-79
Theb. 4.397-404 and 12.442-446 are derived from Virgil, which provides some emendations.

Gibson, Bruce J., rev. of R.R. Nauta, Poetry for Patrons: Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian, Mnemosyne Supplement 206 (Leiden: Brill, 2002), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.11.22  

Hays, G., "The Pseudo-Fulgentian Super Thebaiden," in J.F. Miller, C. Damon, and K.S. Myers, edd., Vertis in usum: Studies in honor of Edward Courtney, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 161 (München: Saur, 2002): 200-18

Heil, Andreas, "Alma Aeneis: Studien zur Vergil- und Statiusrezeption Dante Alighieris, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 135 (Bern/Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2002)
• Reviews: Heinz, VoxLat 39 (2003): 296-300; Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 73 (2004): 697; von Albrecht, Wiener Studien 118 (2005): 213-32

Hill, D.E., rev. of M. Hoffmann, Statius Thebais 12.312-463. Einleitung, übersetzung, Kommentar, Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft 2 (Göttingen: Duehrkohp & Radicke, 1999), Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 159-60  

Hill, Donald E., review of Hoffmann, M., Statius, Thebais 12,312-463 (1999), Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 159-60

Keith, A., "Ovidian Personae in Statius's Thebaid," Arethusa 35.3 (2002): 381-402
• On the development of Ovidian characters in the Thebaid, especially the house of Oedipus, Tydeus and Parthenopaeus, the fury Tisiphone, and the seer Tiresias.

Klaiber, Karen Elaine, "Nuptiae Romanae: The Wedding Ceremony in Roman Literature and Culture," Dissertation, Rutgers, 2002
• See K. Hersch, The Roman Wedding (2010).

Klodt, C., "Ein trauriges Bild: Zum Motto von Lessings Abhandlung 'Wie die Alten den Tod gebildet' und zu einem weiteren Statiuszitat im 'Laokoon,'" A&A 48 (2002): 133-54
• Lessing used a poor version of Theb. 10.100-105. Also, Lessing misunderstands Theb. 5.61-69 in the Laokoon.

Klodt, C., rev. of C.E. Newlands, Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2002), Gnomon 78.3 (2006): 219-26  

Klodt, Claudia, "Die Frauenfiguren in der Thebais des Statius," Habil., Uni-Hamburg, 2002
• Cf. Gnomon 74.4 (2002): 384.

Krasser, H., "Poeten, Papageien und Patrone. Statius Silve 2,4 als Beispiel einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Textinterpretation," in J.P. Schwindt, ed., Klassische Philologie inter disciplinas. Aktuelle Konzepte zu Gegenstand und Methode eines Grundlagenfaches, Bibliothek der Klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, n.F. 2. Reihe Band 110 (Heidelberg: Universitätsverlag C. Winter, 2002): 151-68  

Kytzler, Bernhard, "Achill und die Dichter," in Peter Csobádi et al., edd., Europäische Mythen von Liebe, Leidenschaft, Untergang und Tod im (Musik-)Theater: Der Trojanische Krieg: Vorträge und Gespräche des Salzburger Symposions 2000, Wort und Musik: Salzburger akademische Beiträge; 51 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2002): 50-61; Reprinted in Bernhard Kytzler, Sermones Salisburgenses XII: Zwölf Vorträge zu klassischen Texten und ihrem Nachleben, Im Kontext 25 (Anif/Salzburg: Müller-Speiser, 2004): 85-96
• A comparison of the Achilleid with the Achilles stories of Goethe, Christa Wolf, and Gottfried Benn.

Lana, Italo, "Le Silvae di Stazio: Il poeta e il pricipe," in E. Lelli, ed., Arma Virumque... Studi di poesia e storiografia in onore di Luca Canali (Pisa: Istituti Editoriali Poligrafici Internazionali, 2002): 137-42  

Lauletta, Mario, "Un commento medievale all'Achilleide di Stazio (considerazioni preliminari)," Vichiana 4a ser. 4.2 (2002): 261-79
• The manuscript Bruxelles, Bibl. Univ. probably belonged to a teacher and has notes from the 12th and 13th centuries and has links to a 9th century commentary.

Lesueur, Roger, "Diane et l'Arcadie dans la Thébaïde de Stace," Pallas 59 (2002): 303-13
• Like Virgil, Statius removes Diana's cold cruelty but makes her more sensitive to the brutality around her. This adds to the misanthropic nature of the Thebaid.

Lovatt, Helen, "Statius' Ekphrastic Games: Thebaid 6.531-47," Ramus 31 (2002) 73-90

McNelis, C., "Greek Grammarians and Roman Society during the Early Empire: Statius' Father and his Contemporaries," ClAnt 21.1 (2002): 67-94
• The curriculum of Statius' father is thus representative of Greek intellectual activity in early imperial Rome. The seemingly strange selection of authors was geared towards marking off the élite from the non-élite.

Micozzi, Laura, "Eros e pudor nella Tebaide di Stazio: Lettura dell' episodio di Atys e Ismene (Theb. VIII 554-565)," Incontri triestini di filologia classica 1 (2001-2002): 259-82  

Micozzi, Laura, "Il tema dell'addio: Ripetizione, sperimentalismo, strategie di continuità e altri aspetti della tecnica poetica di Stazio," Maia 54.1 (2002): 51-70
• Analysis of farewells as a compositional motif in Statius.

Morgan, Llewelyn, rev. of C. Newlands, Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.09.13  

Morzadec, Françoise, "Brumes et nuages dans les épopées de Lucain, Stace et Silius Italicus: entre mythologie et météorologie," in Christophe Cusset, ed., La météorologie dans l'Antiquité: Entre science et croyance: Actes du colloque international interdisciplinaire de Toulouse, 2-3-4 mai 2002, Mémoires du Centre Jean-Palerne 25 (Publications de l'Université de Saint-Étienne, 2003): 179-200
• Reviews: Ducos, Revue des études latines 82 (2004): 367-69; Le Blay, Revue des études grecques 118.1 (2005): 283-85

Mota, Bernardo, "Efeito poético e retórico dos compostos na Aquileida de Estácio," Euphrosyne n.s. 30 (2002): 239-46
• Discussion of Statius' word innovations in the Achilleid to determine how much Statius follows tradition.

Myers, K.S., "Psittacus Redux: Imitation and Literary Polemic in Statius, Silvae 2.4," in J.F. Miller, C. Damon, and K.S. Myers, edd., Vertis in usum: Studies in honor of Edward Courtney, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 161 (München: Saur, 2002): 189-99

Narducci, Emanuele, Lucano: Un'epica contro l'impero: interpretazione della Pharsalia, Percorsi 34 (Roma: Laterza, 2002)
• Reviews: Asso, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.7; Scivoletto, Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 54.2 (2002): 284-87; Corsaro, Orpheus 23.1-2 (2002): 273-77; Degl'Innocenti Pierini, Prometheus 28.3 (2002): 278-82; Ariemma, BStudLat 33.1 (2003): 220-27; Leigh, Journal of Roman Studies 93 (2003): 385-86; Cova, Athenaeum 92.1 (2004): 327-29; Esposito, Maia 56.1 (2004): 167-74; Loupiac, Latomus 64.2 (2005): 514-15; Desy, RBPh 83.1 (2005): 207-208

Nauta, R. R. Poetry for Patrons: Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian (Leiden, 2002)
• Reviews: Gibson, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.11.22;; Rees, Journal of Roman Studies 93 (2003): 388-89; Cova, Athenaeum 92.1 (2004): 329-31; Koster, Gnomon 76.5 (2004): 404-408; Jones, Latomus 63.2 (2004): 471-73; Lorenz, Plekos 5 (2003): 71-81; Coleman, Mnemosyne Ser. 4 60.2 (2007): 321-26

Newlands, C.E., Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire (Cambridge, 2002)
• Reviews: Morgan, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.09.13; Reviews: Brown, The Ancient History Bulletin 18.3-4 (2004): 193-94; Myers, Classical Journal 100.2 (2004-2005): 213-16; Dominik, Classical Review n.s. 56.2 (2006)): 359-60; Klodt, Gnomon 78.3 (2006): 219-26; Spentzou, Journal of Roman Studies 94 (2004): 257-58; Taisne, Latomus 63.4 (2004): 995-97; Liddell, New England Classical Newsletter 31.4 (2004): 449-51; Delarue, Revue des études latines 80 (2002): 327-28

Paolucci, Paola, "Modelli oltre il fonte: Ovidio e Stazio nel centone virgiliano Hippodamia (A.L. 11 R.)," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 54.2 (2002): 197-209
• On passages in the Hippodamia in which the reuse of Virgilian material seems to be mediated through Ovid's and Statius' treatment.

Pfau, O., "Le double double. Une ekphrasis comme miroir (Stace, La Thebaide, I, 544-551)," Les Études Classiques 70.3 (2002): 277-87

Pollmann, Karla, review of Franchet d'Espèrey, S., Conflit, violence et non-violence dans la Thébaïde de Stace (2000), Gnomon 74.8 (2002): 724-25

Rabboni, Renzo, "La collaborazione alla Tebaide del Bentivoglio attraverso le lettere," Studi e problemi di critica testuale 65 (2002) 147-200

Rees, R., rev. of R.R. Nauta, Poetry for Patrons. Literary Communication in the Age of Domitian, Mnemosyne Suppl. 206 (Leiden: Brill, 2002), Journal of Roman Studies 93 (2003): 388-89

Ripoll, F., "Les scènes d' ornithomancie dans les épopées latines d' époque flavienne," Latomus 61 (2002): 929-60

Ripoll, F., "Martial et Stace: Un bilan de la question," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2002.3 (2002): 303-23

Rosati, G., "Muse and power in the poetry of Statius," in E. Spentzou and D. Fowler, edd., Cultivating the Muse: Struggles for power and inspiration in classical literature (Oxford: Oxford UP, 2002): 229-51

Scaffai, M., "L'Ipsipile di Stazio, ovvero le sventure della virtu (II)," Prometheus 28 (2002): 233-52 
• Observations on Hipsypile's personality and depiction.

Scaffai, M., "L'Ipsipile di Stazio, ovvero le sventure della virtu," Prometheus 28 (2002): 151-70  
• Sources for the episode and analysis of some passages.

Schimann, Frank, "Die Kommentierung nach-augustäischer, lateinischer Literatur, dargestellt am zwölften Buch der Thebais des P. Papinius Statius", Habilitationsschrift

Spentzou, E., rev. of C.E. Newlands, Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), Journal of Roman Studies 94 (2004): 257-58 

Stein-Hölkeskamp, Elke, "Culinarische Codes: Das ideale Bankett bei Plinius d. Jüngeren und seinen Zeitgenossen," Klio 84 (2002): 465-90  
• A comparative analysis of passages from the younger Pliny, Statius, Martial, and Juvenal reveals that they all advocate abstention from culinary extravagance, favour fairly highbrow entertainment and disapprove of a kind of hospitality that is graded according to the rank and status of the guests, and they all wish the ideal banquet to be a social occasion that is to be kept free of politics.

Totola, G., Donne e follia nell' epica romana. Virgilio, Ovidio, Lucano, Stazio (Milano: Mimesis, 2002)  

Zeiner, Noelle Kirsten, "Vox aurea: The Role of Socio-Economic Distinction in Statius' Silvae, Dissertation, Indiana U., 2002

Barchiesi, Alessandro, "Genealogie letterarie nell' epica imperiale: Fondamentalismo e ironia," in Ernst August Schmidt, ed., L'histoire littéraire immanente dans la poésie latine, Vandœuvres-Genève, 21-25 août 2000: Huit exposés suivis de discussions (Genève-Vandœuvres: Fondation Hardt, 2001): 315-54
• Valerius Flaccus, Silius Italicus, and Statius show a tension between respect for the epic canon and an ironic, subversive worldview.
• Reviews: Korenjak, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 56.3-4 (2003): 204-208; Hardie, Classical Review n.s. 53.2 (2003): 355-57; Ambühl, Museum Helveticum 61.4 (2004): 252; Dangel, Revue des études latines 80 (2002): 314-17

Boccia, Alessandro, "Appunti sulla presenza di Stazio nella Divina Commedia," AIIS 18 (2001): 29-45

Criado Boado, C., "Estacio y la crítica anglo-americana", Actas del X Congreso Español de Estudios Clásicos. Alcalá de Henares del 21 al 25 de septiembre de 1999, vol. II (Madrid 2001), 333-39

Cuneo, A.P., "Selected Literary Letters of C.S. Lewis," Unpublished D.Phil. Dissertation (Merton College, Oxford University, 2001)

De Bruyn, F., "The Classical Silva and the Generic Development of Scientific Writing in Seventeenth-Century England," New Literary History 32 (2001) 347-73

Dräger, Paul, rev. of O. Schönberger, Publius Papinius Statius: Der Kampf um Theben. Einleitung, übersetzung und Anmerkungen (Würzburg: Königshausen & Naumann, 1998): Gymnasium 108.5 (2001): 462-64

Esteves, Aline, "'Evidentia' rhetorique et horreur infernale: Le portrait de Tisiphone chez Stace," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2001.4 (2001): 390-409

Franchet d'Esperey, S., "La causalité dans le chant I de la Thebaide de Stace: Où commence la Thébaide?," Revue des études latines 79 (2001): 188-200
• Statius proposes two places to begin his poem, one infernal, the other olympian. Statius ignores the tragic tradition which has Oedipus cursing his sons. Rather, the causality is purely human. The lines 1.46-311 have an intermediary position between the prologue and the narration. There are thus two beginnings: 1.46 and 1.312.

Franchet d'Espèrey, S., "Le problème des motivations multiples ('sive... sive...') dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in A. Billault, ed., Opora. La belle saison de l'hellénisme, études de littérature antique offertes au Recteur Jacques Bompaire (Paris: Presses de l' université de Paris - Sorbonne, 2001): 23-31

Franchet-d'Esperey, S.,"Oedipe et Adraste dans le chant I de la Thebaide de Stace," Vox Latina 161 (2001) 29-37

Galasso, Luigi, review of Leibinger, H., Kultische Situation im lyrischer und epischer Dichtung (2000), Journal of Roman Studies 91 (2001): 217-18

Gärtner, Th., "Der Text der Statianischen Epen im Spiegel antiker Vorbilder und Imitationen," Prometheus: Rivista Quadrimestrale di Studi Classici 27 (2001): 233-49
• Analysis of imitations to get the true reading of several verses. The text at Theb. 8.554-558 is improved on the basis of Aen. 2.339-346.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Statius Theb. 10,909 f. im Lichte spätantiker Imitationen," Museum Helveticum 58.2 (2001): 123-28
• The imitations of the passage by Claudius Marius Victorius (Alethia 3.210-237) and Sidonius Apollinaris (Carm. 7.129-134) suggest the reading, Quae non spes hominum!, which supports a variant in P.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Zu einem Prosa-Argumentum der Statianischen Achilleis," Philologus 145.2 (2001): 365-68
• On four corruptions in the accessus edited in C. Jeudy and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974) 143-80.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Zum Text von Stat. Theb. IX 663 f.," Eikasmos 12 (2001): 263-65
• Read: "'sed decus extremum misero' confusa vicissim / virgo refert 'certaeque licet solacia morti / quaerere'."

Griffith, A.B., "Mithras, Death and Redemption in Statius, Thebaid I, 719-720," Latomus 60.1 (2001) 108-23

Hinds, Stephen E., "Cinna, Statius, and 'Immanent Literary History' in the Cultural Economy," in Ernst A. Schmidt, ed., L'histoire littéraire immanente dans la poésie latine: Huit exposés suivis de discussions, Entretiens sue l'antiquité classique 47 (Vandoeuvres-Genève: Fondation Hardt, 2001): 221-57

Hoffmann, Manfred, "Statianische Szenen im Peristephanon des Prudentius," Hermes 129.4 (2001): 533-541
Perist. 3.31-63 and 10.61-75 is influenced by Theb. 12. Prudentius also emulates individual scenes in the poem.

Hoffmann, Manfred, "Statius, Thebais 5.593," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 144.1 (2001): 111-12
• Against the conjecture of A.J. Gossage , the phrase fulminis in morem recalls Aen. 11.616 and in funere primo recalls Lucan 2.21.

Hovatt, H., "Mad about Winning: Epic, War and Madness in the Games of Statius' Thebaid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 46 (2001): 103-20

Klodt, C., Bescheidene Grösse. Die Herrschergestalt, der Kaiserpalast und die Stadt Rom: Literarische Reflexionen monarchischer Selbstdarstellung, Hypomnemata 137 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2001)
• Review: Lobe, Gymnasium 110.3 (2003): 287-89; Coleman, Classical Review 54.2 (2004): 380-81

Lauletta, Mario, "Achille, Iulio e il contadino: l'Achilleide di Papinio Stazio nelle Stanze e nel Rusticus di Angelo Poliziano," AION(filol) 23 (2001): 253-67
• On the reuse of elements from the Achilleid in Politian's last, incomplete poem.

Lobe, M., rev. of C. Klodt, Bescheidene Grösse. Die Herrschergestalt, der Kaiserpalast und die Stadt Rom: Literarische Reflexionen monarchischer Selbstdarstellung, Hypomnemata 137 (Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 2001), Gymnasium 110.3 (2003): 287-89

Lovatt, Helen, "Game and realities in Statius' Thebaid 6," diss. Cambridge, 2001 

Lovatt, Helen, "Mad About Winning: Epic, War and Madness in the Games of Statius' Thebaid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 46 (2001): 103-20
• The theme of madness in the Thebaid, especially in Amphiaraus, Tydeus, and Capaneus, the Funeral Games, and the war itself.

Malamud, M., "That's entertainment! Dining with Domitian in Statius' Silvae," Ramus 30 (2001): 23-45

Micozzi, Laura, "Eros e pudor nella Tebaide di Stazio: Lettura dell'episodio di Atys e Ismene: (Theb. 8.554-565)," in Lucio Cristante, ed., Incontri triestini di filologia classica. 1: 2001-2002, Polymnia: Studi di filologia classica 2 (Trieste: Ed. Università di Trieste, 2003): 259-82
• In the story of Atys and Ismene, just as elsewhere, Statius combines epic and elegy to modify the mythological tradition.

Pollmann, Karla F. L., "Statius' Thebaid and the Legacy of Vergil's Aeneid," Mnemosyne Ser. 4 54.1 (2001): 10-30
• Examines the similarities and differences between the two epics. An appendix provides a structural comparison of the Iliad, the Thebaid, and the Aeneid.

Rabboni, Renzo, "Riflessioni sopra la divina tradduzione del libro X della Tebaide di Stazio, di anonimo bolognese," in Testi e linguaggi per Paolo Zolli, a cura del Dipartimento di Italianistica dell'Università di Udine (Modena, 2001), 67-109

Scaffai, M., "Testo ed esegesi nella Tebaide di Stazio (Lib. V)," Eikasmos 12 (2001): 267-73  
• On 5.46-51, 5.236-239, 5.313-318, 5.471-475, and 5.496-498.

Taisne, A.-M., "La Cérès de Claudien au miroir de Stace," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé 2001.3 (2001): 298-316

Taisne, A.-M., "Presence de l'Eneide au chant I de la Thebaide: Tisiphone et Jupiter," Vox Latina 161 (2001): 38-46

Talbot, John, "The Alcaic Strophe: A Critical Survey," Dissertation, Boston U., 2001

Vessey, D.T., "Statius. [II 2] P. Papinius Statius. Lateinischer Epiker des späten 1. Jahrhunderts n. Chr. I. Leben, II. Werk, III. Nachwirkung," in Der Neue Pauly, Band XI. Sam - Tal (Stuttgart & Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 2001): 925-28  

Zwierlein, Otto, "Eine Korruptel im hexastichischen Vers-Argumentum zu Stat. Theb. 1," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 134 (2001): 52
• Line 4 should read hospitium coeunt or hospitio coeunt. See R. Jakobi, "Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989) 241-44; and Gärtner, Thomas, "Zum Text eines hexastichischen Vers-Argumentums zu Stat. Theb. I," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 132 (2000) 151-52

Anderson, H., "Newly Discovered Metrical Arguments to the Thebaid," Mediaeval Studies 62 (2000): 219-53
• Edition of several new arguments to Books 1 and 6 as well as general arguments and non-dodecastich arguments.

Bernstein, Neil Warren, "Stimulant manes: The Ghost in Lucan, Statius, and Silius Italicus," Dissertation, Duke, 2000

Canali, Luca, trad., Selve = Silvae / Publio Papinio Stazio, collab. e note di Maria Pellegrini, I Classici 11 (Locarno: Dadò, 2000)

Criado Boado, C., "A Reflection upon the Appliction of Mannerism and Historical Baroque: Concepts in Roman Literature", Germanisch-Romanische Monatsschrift 50.3 (2000), 299-331 

Criado, C., "Jupiter, emperador romano: La lectura politica de la Tebaida de Estacio," Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica 14 (2000): 87-106
• Jupiter, presented as a malevolent god, could refer to Domitian. This is used to test the difference of opinion between European and Anglo-American schools regarding whether the poem is anti-Flavian.

Criado, C., La teología de la Tebaida Estaciana: El anti-virgilianismo de un clasicista, diss. Santiago de Compostela, 1997, Spudasmata 75 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2000)
• Review: Dominik, Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 72-73

Damon, C.E., review of Henderson, J.G.W., A Roman Life (1988), Journal of Roman Studies 90 (2000): 244

Delarue, F., Stace, poète épique: Originalité et cohérence (diss., 1990), Bibliothèque d'études classiques 20 (Louvain: Peeters, 2000)
• Reviews: Delarue, "Deux interprétations récentes de la Thébaïde de Stace," Vox Latina 160 (2000): 32-44; Dominik, Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 70-72; Kytzler, Gnomon 75.3 (2003): 269-71

Delarue, Fernand, "Deux interprétations récentes de la Thébaïde de Stace," Vox Latina 160 (2000): 32-44
• A comparison of the different interpretations of the poem by S. Franchet d'Espèrey (Conflit, violence et non-violence, 1999) and F. Delarue (Stace, poète épique, 2000) in the form of a commentary on Theb. 1.

Dominik, W.J., "Statius' Sources and Structures," rev. of F. Delarue, Stace, poète épique: Originalité et cohérence, Bibliothèque d' études Classiques 20 (Leuven: Peeters, 2000), Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 70-72

Dominik, W.J., "Statius' Theology," rev. of C. Criado, La teologia de la Tebaida Estaciana: el anti-virgilianismo de un classicista, Spudasmata 75 (Hildesheim: Olms, 2000), Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 72-73

Fear, Trevor, "The Poet as Pimp: Elegiac Seduction in the Time of Augustus," Arethusa 33.2 (2000): 217-40
• Discussion of the metaphor of poet as pimp and poem as prostitute, including a discussion of Juvenal's reference to the Thebaid.

Felgentreu, Fritz, " Zu Statius, Thebais 3,324-36," Philologus 144.1 (2000) 149-51
• Explanation of the problematic pectore despecto.

Fernandelli, Marco, "Statius' Thebaid 4.165-72 and Euripides' Phoenissae 1113-18," Symbolae Osloenses, auspiciis Societatis Graeco-Latine 75 (2000): 89-98
• The description of Capaneus' shield combines aspects of the shields of Adrastus (the emblem) and Hippomedon (the decorative pattern) in the second catalog in the Phoenissae. Includes some discussion of textual and linguistic problems of the Statius passage.

Franchet d'Espèrey, S., Conflit, violence et non-violence dans la Thébaïde de Stace, Collection d'études anciennes 60: Serie latine (Paris, Belles Lettres, 2000)
• Reviews: Delarue, "Deux interprétations récentes de la Thébaïde de Stace," Vox Latina 160 (2000): 32-44; Parkes, Journal of Roman Studies 91 (2001): 250-51; Pollmann, Gnomon 74.8 (2002): 724-25

Gärtner, Thomas, "Thetis und Jason über die erste Seefahrt: eine übersehene Berührung zwischen zwei flavischen Epikern," Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft 23 (2000): 143-46
• Thetis' words at Ach. 1.61-63) recall Jason's in Valerius Flaccus (1.168 ff.).

Gärtner, Thomas, "Zum Text eines hexastichischen Vers-Argumentums zu Stat. Theb. I," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 132 (2000) 151-52
• In line 4 of the Cambridge argument, as edited by R. Jakobi ("Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989) 241-44), read hospitium subeunt after Theb. 1.401-13.

Hardie, Alex, "Furor Poeticus," (review of Hershkowitz, D., The Madness of Epic, 1998), Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 109-11

Hill, D.E., "Lactantius on Statius," rev. of R.D. Sweeney, Lactantius Placidus in Statii Thebaida Commentum I; Anonymi in Statii Achilleida Commentum; Fulgentii ut fingitur Placiadis super Thebaiden Commentariolum (Leipzig: Teubner, 1997), Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 57-59  

Hinds, S.E., "Essential Epic: Genre and Gender from Macer to Statius," in M. Depew and D. Obbink (edd.), Matrices of Genre: Authors, Canons, and Society (Cambridge, MA, 2000)

Holford-Strevens, Leofranc, "In search of Poplios Papinios Statios," Hermathena 168 (2000): 39-54
• Statius' education by his father and familiarity with Greek literature (described in Silv. 5.3), when compared with surviving Latin commentaries and school curricula for Greek literature, suggests that the poet's works were heavily influenced by the Greek literary tradition. More than other Silver Latin writers, Statius' writings should be diligently read for their Greek sources and their Greek intertextualities.

Jakobi, R., "Weiteres zu den 'Thebais' Argumenta," Hermes 128 (2000): 250-52

Kallendorf, H., and C. Kallendorf, "Conversations with the Dead: Quevedo and Statius, Annotation and Imitation," Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 63 (2000): 131-68

Kirkpatrick, John Timothy, "Power, Madness, and the Spectacle of Suicide in Statius' Thebiad," Dissertation, Northwestern University, 2000
• Examines the poetic significance and function of suicide in Statius' Thebaid. It aims to situate patterns of self-destructive behavior within the poem's political and social discourse on the collapse of normative systems in the face of madness, violence, and civil war.

Kytzler, B., rev. of F. Delarue Stace, poète épique: Originalité et Cohérence, Bibliothèque d' études classiques 20 (Louvain: Peeters, 2000), Gnomon 75.3 (2003): 269-71

La Penna, Antonio, Eros dai cento volti. Modelli etici ed estetici nell' età dei Flavi (Venezia: Marsilio, 2000)
• Review: Lévy, Gnomon 80.5 (2008): 401-405

Lesueur, R., "Stace: la Thebaide. Presentation du livre I," Vox Latina 159 (2000): 18-25

Markus, D.D., "Performing the Book: The Recital of Epic in First-Century C. E. Rome," ClAnt 19.1 (2000): 138-79
• Both Statius as a poet, who performed regualrly at Domitian's court, and Suetonius, who acted as Hadrian's ab epistulis some twenty years after Statius' death, defend the waning reputation of the contemporary epic recital in an effort to reclaim it as a prestigious component of imperial literary culture. 

McNelis, C., Reflexive Narratives: Poetics and Civil War in Statius' Thebaid, PhD Dissertation, University of California (Los Angeles), 2000

Myers, K.S., "Miranda fides: Poet and Patrons in Paradoxographical Landscapes in Statius' Silvae," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 44 (2000): 103-38

Nagel, R., "Literary and Filial Modesty in Silvae 5.3," Ramus 59 (2000): 47-59

Pagán, V.E., "The Mourning After: Statius Thebaid 12," The American Journal of Philology 121.3 (2000): 423-52

Pagan, Victoria Emma, "The Mourning After: Statius Thebaid 12," The American Journal of Philology 121.3 (2000): 423-52
• The final passage of Theb. 12.797-807 performs the same function for the poet and poem that the burial and aftermath rituals within the poem do for the Theban casualties and survivors: it occupies the nexus between what has gone before (composition) and what will follow (reading), allowing the poet to reflect backward upon his work and to look forward to its future.

Penwill, John L., "Quintilian, Statius and the Lost Epic of Domitian," Ramus 29 (2000): 47-59
• Statius' portrayal of Achilles reflects aspects of Domitian's early career.

Ripoll, F., "De Thersite a Tacite: le contestataire anonyme du chant I de la Thebaide de Stace," Vox Latina 160 (2000): 45-57

Ripoll, François, "Réécritures d'un mythe homérique à travers le temps: Le personnage de PÂris dans l'épopée latine de Virgile à Stace," Euphrosyne n.s. 28 (2000): 83-112
• Virgil tries to resuscitate the hero. The Ilias latina revalorises Paris. Silius Italicus has a moral lens, contrasting the choice of Paris (uoluptas) with Scipio (uirtus). In Statius, the antitheses of Paris and Achilles leads to uituperatio.

Ripoll, François, "Variations épiques sur un motif d'ecphrasis: L'enlèvement de Ganymède," Revue des études anciennes 102.3-4 (2000): 479-500
• Valerius Flaccus, Statius, and Silius Italicus were all influenced by Virgil's description of Ganymede. In all four epics, Ganymede represents apotheosis.

Rupprecht, H., Papinius Statius, Thebais. Die Sieben gegen Theben. Lateinischer Text mit Einleitung, Übersetzung im Versmass des Originals, kurzen Erläuterungen, Eigennamenverzeichnis und Nachwort (Mitterfels: Stolz, 2000)

Shackelton Bailey, D.R., "On Statius' Thebaid," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 100 (2000): 463-76
• On 1.176-80, 1.231-32, 1.651-57, 2.23-24, 2.128-29, 3.482-88, 3.551-57, 5.559-61, 4.13-15, 4.741-45, 4.825-30, 5.330-34, 5.346-47, 5.653-55, 5.741-43, 6.110-11, 6.206-207, 6.283-85, 6.340-41, 6.459, 6.602-605, 6.921-23, 7.11-13, 7.303-304, 7.608-609, 7.700-702, 8.69-71, 8.127-30, 8.147-48, 8.544-47, 8.633-35, 9.261-62, 9.291-95, 9.429-30, 10.18-19, 10.104-106, 10.343-44, 10.351-52, 10.696-97, 10.793-94, 10.831-36, 10.892, 11.295-96, 11.548-52, 12.283.

Steiniger, J.E.S., Thebais: Kommentar zu Buch 4, 1-344, Diss. Jena, 2000

Taisne, A.-M., "Deux épitres de Stace à Vitorius Marcellus," in L. Nadjo and É. Gavoille, edd., Epistulae Antiquae. Actes du 1er Colloque "Le Genre Epistolaire Antique et ses Prolongements". (Université François-Rabelais, Tours, 18-19 septembre 1998) (Louvain: Peeters, 2000): 177-90  

Vout, C., "Objects of desire: Eroticised political discourse in Imperial Rome," diss. Cambridge 2000
• Martial and Statius (Silvae 3.4) articulate their relationship with their patron Domitian, their feelings for Roman society, and their literary relationship to one another, by writing about Domitian's relationship with a eunuch, Earinus.

Wacht, M., Concordantia in Statium (Hildesheim: Olms-Weidmann, 2000)

Watt, W.S., "Notes on the epic poems of Statius," Classical Quarterly 50.2 (2000): 516-25
• Notes on: Theb. 1.472-476, 2.535-536, 2.624-625, 2.630-632, 4.292-294, 4.317-319, 5.29-32, 5.116-117, 5.326-329, 5.633-637, 6.332-335, 6.355-361, 7.10-12, 7.306-308, 7.422-423, 7.625-627, 8.225-227, 8.267-270, 8.616-619, 8.622-624, 9.805-811, 10.439-411, 10.445-446, 12.5-10; Ach. 1.124-125, 1.270-272, 1.379-381, 1.753-755, 1.889-891, 2.101-102.

Yamada, T., "The Originality of the Thebais," Journal of Classical Studies 48 (2000): 101-12 (in Japanese)

Brown, C.G., "Where Armies Clash: Statius, Thebaid 9.674," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 142 (1999): 321-6 
• Read pectora. The line is derived not from Aen. 12.540-41 but from Aen. 10.354-61.

Coleman, K.M., "Mythological figures as spokespersons in Statius' Silvae," in F. de Angelis and S. Muth, edd., Im Spiegel des Mythos. Bilderwelt und Lebenswelt. Lo speccio del mito. Immaginario e realtà. Symposium, Rom 19. - 20. Februar 1998, DAI Palilia 6 (Wiesbaden: Reichert, 1999): 67-80

Coleman, K.M., review of Taisne, A.-M., L'esthétique de Stace (1994), Gnomon 71.4 (1999): 318-22

Criado Boado, C., "Antímaco de Colofón y la supercultura flavia", in J.L. Couceiro et al., edd., Homenaxe ó profesor Camilo Flores II (Santiago de Compostela 1999), 234-43 

Criado Boado, C., "La praeteritio proemial de la Tebaida de Estacio. ¿Vocación cíclica o virgilianista?", Myrtia 14 (1999), 101-17 

Criado Boado, C., "Tragicidad y epicidad de la Tisífone estaciana", Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: Estudios Latinos 16 (1999), 141-61 
• In contrast with Virgil and other ancient sources, Statius gives the Furies preeminence and makes them the cause/impetus of events.

Criado, Cecilia, "La praeteritio proemial de la Tebaida de Estacio: ¿Vocación cíclica o virgilianista?" Myrtia 14 (1999): 101-17

Dietrich, Jessica E., "Thebaid's Feminine Ending," Ramus 28.1 (1999) 40-53

Eden, P.T., "Problems of Text and Interpretation in Statius, Thebaid VII-XI," Classical Quarterly 49.1 (1999): 332-36
• On 7.351-53 and 404-405; 8.162-63 and 695-98; 10.470-72 and 930-34; and 11.239-50.

Fantham, E., "Chironis Exemplum: On Teachers and Surrogate Fathers in Achilleid and Silvae," Hermathena 167 (1999): 59-70

Fucecchi, M., "'Cavalli al pascolo' nella notte di Eurialo e Niso. Rovesciamento e reimpiego di uno scolio omerico nell'Eneide (con un' appendice su Stazio)," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 127.2 (1999) 206-22

Galán Sánchez, Pedro Juan, "El tópico del 'sobrepujamiento' en Estacio," Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: Estudios Latinos 16 (1999) 163-174
• Analysis of Statius' linguistic and stylistic patterns.

Galán Sánchez, Pedro Juan, "El tópico del sobrepujamiento en Estacio," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 16 (1999): 163-74
• Analysis of Statius' use of linguistic formulae, including comparatives, and variants.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Das Urteil des Alanus ab Insulis uber die 'Alexandreis' des Walter von Chatillon (Anticl. 1 166-170) - Ein übersehenes Silvenzitat im 'Anticlaudian,'" Mittellateinisches Jahrbuch 35 (1999) 71-76
• Alan's text includes three verbal parallels to Silv. 4.7.21-24. Alan uses this to address the problem of the relative chronology of the Alexandreis and the Anticlaudianus. Cf. N.Adkin (2004).

Gärtner, Thomas, Klassische Vorbilder mittelalterlicher Trojaepen, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde 133 (Stuttgart: Teubner, 1999)
• Review: McDonough, Mnemosyne ser. 4 55.6 (2002): 758-62

Heinrich, Alan John, "Longa retro series: Sacrifice and Repetition in Statius' Menoeceus Episode," Arethusa 32.2 (1999): 165-95
• In the Thebaid, Statius actively resists presenting a coherent world, projecting instead a world whose violence challenges our understanding. This is shown in Menoeceus' self-sacrifice in 10.748-751 and 10.765-772, which defies traditional narrative technique through repetition, demotion from integral unit to digression, and presentation as a failed deuotio through juxtaposition with the Capaneus episode (10.879-882). The work repeatedly undermines its own claim (1.15-17) that it will exclude the Theban past.

Heslin, Peter, "Statius' Treatment of Mythology in the Achilleid," Dissertation, Dublin (Trinity College)/Harvard U., 1999

Hoffmann, M., Statius, Thebais 12,312-463: Einleitung, Übersetzung, Kommentar, Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft, Beihefte 2: Philologie (Göttingen: Duehrkohp & Radicke, 1999)
• Reviews: Pollmann,
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2000.04.13; Hill, Classical Review 52.1 (2002): 159-60; Ripoll, Revue des études latines 78 (2000): 280-81; Lauletta, Latomus 60.4 (2001): 1047-1048; Schubert, Museum Helveticum 58.4 (2001): 245

La Penna, Antonio, "Immortale Falernum: Il vino di Marziale e dei poeti latini del suo tempo," Maia 51.2 (1999): 163-81
• Discussions of the origin and price os wines in Martial, contrasted with wine in the Silvae and Silius Italicus.

Lauletta, Mario, "Note critico-testuali all'Achilleide di Papinio Stazio," Vichiana 4a ser. 1.2 (1999): 159-69
• Discussion of certain passages in the Achilleid (1.1, 1.11, 1.88, 1.157, 1.643-644, 1.684-687, 1.905) challenges the prominence of P and reconsiders the role of the recentiores.

Lefèvre, Eckard, "Die Metamorphose des catullischen Sperlings in einen Papagei bei Ovid (Amores 2.6) und dessen Apotheose bei Statius, Strozzi, Lotichius, Beza und Passerat," in Werner Schubert, ed., Ovid, Werk und Wirkung: Festgabe für Michael von Albrecht zum 65. Geburtstag, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 100 (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1999): 1.111-35

Leibinger, H., Kultische Situation im lyrischer und epischer Dichtung: Untersuchungen zum Realitätsbezug in einigen Gedichten von Horaz, Properz, Tibull, Statius und Claudian, Diss. Tübingen, 2000
• Review: Galasso, Journal of Roman Studies 91 (2001): 217-18

Lovatt, Helen, "Competing Endings: Re-reading the End of Statius' Thebaid through Lucan", Ramus 28.2 (1999) 126-51

Martindale, Charles Anthony, review of Henderson, J.G.W., A Roman Life (1988), Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999): 238-39

Micozzi, Laura, "Aspetti dell'influenza di Lucano nella Tebaide," in Paolo Esposito and Luciano Nicastri, edd., Interpretare Lucano: Miscellanea di studi, Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze dell'Antichità, Università degli Studi di Salerno 22 (Napoli: Arte Tipografica, 1999): 343-87
• Reviews: De Rosa, BstudLat 30.2 (2000): 716-24; Di Salvo, Maia 53.3 (2001): 739-45; Franchet d'Espèrey, Revue des études latines 79 (2001): 312-13; Augoustakis, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2002.2; Hunink, Classical Review n.s. 52.1 (2002): 68-70; Carratello, Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 54.2 (2002): 282-84; Walde, Museum Helveticum 59.4 (2002): 263; Loupiac, Latomus 62.3 (2003): 729-30; Corsaro, Orpheus n.s. 24.1-2 (2003): 280-87

Nagle, R., "Polynices the Charioteer: Statius, Thebaid 6.296-549," Échos du monde classique = Classical Views 18.3 (1999): 381-396
• "Statius' portrait of Polynices as a charioteer is a metaphor, bolstered by a series of patronymics, for his ambition to follow in Oedipus' footsteps and assume the Theban throne. The analogy drawn between Polynices and Phaeton highlights the problems in trying to succeed a famous father."

Parkes, Ruth, rev. of S. Franchet d' Espèrey, Conflicte, Violence et Non-Violence dans la Thébaïde de Stace (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1999), Journal of Roman Studies 91 (2001): 250-51

Pollmann, K., rev. of M. Hoffmann, Statius, Thebais 12,312-463: Einleitung, übersetzung, Kommentar (Göttingen: 1999), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2000.04.13  

Putnam, M.C.J., review of Hershkowitz, D., The Madness of Epic (1998), Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999): 220

Ramelli, I., "La concezione del divino in Stazio e la conversione del poeta secondo Dante," Gerion 17 (1999): 417-32
• An analysis of the divine in Statius, especially Jupiter, Pietas, Virtus, Fides y Clementia. This leads to a discussion of the possible reasons for Dante's conversion of Statius.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "La boiterie de Mademoiselle Élégie: un pied volé et ensuite retrouvé (aventures d' un genre littéraire entre les Augustéens et Stace)," in J. Fabre-Serris and A. Deremetz, edd., Élégie et épopée dans la poésie ovidienne (Héroïdes et Amours). En hommage à Simone Viarre, 15 et 16 mai 1998, Édition du Conseil scientifique de l' université Charles-de-Gaulle-Lille 3. Travaux & recherches. UL 3. (Villeneuve d' Ascq (Nord): Université Charles-de-Gaule-Lille 3, 1999): 147-63

Schmidt, P.L., "Lactantius (2) Placidus, Bearbeiter einer Erklärung zu Statius' Thebais," in Der Neue Pauly Band VI. Iul - Lee (Stuttgart & Weimar: J.B. Metzler, 1999): 1045  

Steiniger, J., "Ein Echo Ovids (Trist. 2,553) bei Statius (Theb. 1,34) und Silius Italicus (Pun. 12,46)," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 142.3/4 (1999): 422-23
• A.E. Housman's emendation scriptum ... cothurnis in sceptrum ... tyrannis (Ovid, Trist. 2.553) is supported by Theb. 1.34 (sceptrum ... tyrannis) and possibly Silius Italicus (sceptrum).

Taisne, Anne-Marie, "Le De rerum natura et la Thébaïde de Stace," in Rémy Poignault, ed., Présence de Lucrèce: Actes du colloque tenu à Tours, 3-5 décembre 1998, Caesarodunum bis 32 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 1999): 165-75
• Reviews: Filée, Les Études Classiques 69.1 (2001): 102-103; Novara, Revue des études latines 79 (2001): 427-28; Laigneau, RBPh 79.1 (2001): 267-69; Volpilhac-Auger, Latomus 62.4 (2003): 922-23

Vinchesi, Maria Assunta, "Imilce e Deidamia, due figure femminili dell' epica flavia (e una probabile ripresa da Silio Italico nell' Achilleide de Stazio)," Invigilata lucernis 21 (1999): 445-52

Watson, Patricia A., "Martial on the Wedding of Stella and Violentilla," Latomus 58.2 (1999): 348-56
• A comparison of Martial 6.21.10 and Silv. 1.2 shows a slight lack of respect for Stella on the part of Martial, and that Martial plays more on Stella's poetry.

Watson, Patricia A., "Martial on the Wedding of Stella and Violentilla," Latomus 58.2 (1999): 348-56
• A comparison of Martial 6.21.10 and Silv. 1.2 shows a slight lack of respect for Stella on the part of Martial, and that Martial plays more on Stella's poetry.

Zissos, Paul Andrew, review of Hershkowitz, D., The Madness of Epic (1998), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1999.08.07 (1999).

Anderson, David, "Which are Boccaccio's Own Glosses?," in M. Picone and C. Cazalé Bérard, edd., Gli zibaldoni di Boccaccio: Memoria, scrittura, riscrittura, Atti del Seminario internazionale di Firenze-Certaldo (26-28 aprile 1996) (Florence, 1998), 327-31

Anderson, H., "Note sur les manuscrits du commentaire de Fulgence sur la Thébaïde," Revue d'histoire des textes 28 (1998): 235-38, with plates

Appleby, M., Statius and the Art of Reference: Intertextuality and the Thebaid, PhD Dissertation, Yale University, 1998

Brancato, Nicolò B., "M. VLPIVS AVG. L. ABASCANTVS: un'epigrafe inedita da Vicovaro," Klio 80.2 (1998): 491-503
• A funerary altar at Vicovaro (Rome) was by M. Ulpius Aug. l. Abascantus, freedman of the emperor Trajan. The inscription can be dated during the reign of Trajan, but Abascantus "with difficulty" can be identified with the one in Silv. 5.1.

Criado Boado, C., "El proemio de la Tebaida estaciana. Una estructura no virgiliana", Florentia Iliberritana 9 (1998), 111-40 

Delz, J., "Zur Thebais des Statius," Mnemosyne 51.5 (1998): 594-97
• On 1.142-51, 1.155-61, 5.75-80, 5.740-43, and 8.491-94.

Dewar, M.J., rev. of D.R. Slavitt, Broken Columns. Two Roman Epic Fragments: The Achilleid of Publius Papinius Statius and The Rape of Proserpine of Claudius Claudianus (Philadelphia: University of Philadelphia Press, 1998), Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 302-303

Di Giovine, Carlo, "Ausonio e I modelli greci: note a Epit. 1-3 Green," BStudLat 28.2 (1998): 461-66
• For Epit. 3, three Latin sources are used: Aen. 12.336, Met. 13.398, and Theb. 7.47-48.

Dominik, W.J., Introduction to Villa, Giovanna Faranda, trans., Tebaide, 2 voll. (Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1998)

Eden, P.T., "Adnotationes in P. Papini Stati Thebaida (II)," Mnemosyne 51.5 (1998): 597-600
• On 7.178-82, 7.185-88, 7.354-58, 7.683-84, 9.724-25, 11.57-59, and 12.474-76, with brief notes on 5.497, 12.491-92, 10.317, 3.710, 4.585, 10.669, 12.188, and 12.622.

Eden, P.T., "Adnotationes in P. Papini Stati Thebaida," Mnemosyne 51.1 (1998): 78-84
• On 1.27-29, 1.342-44, 1.500-501, 2.43-47, 2.77-78, 2.128-30, 2.345-47, 2.671-72, 3.160-64, 3.378-79, 4.169-71, 5.20-24, 5.471-75, 5.490-92, 5.710-45, 6.221-23, 6.689-90, and 6.819-22

Eden, P.T., "Problems of Text and Interpretation in Statius, Thebaid I-VI," Classical Quarterly 48.1 (1998): 320-324
• On 1.529-32, 2.26-31, 2.246-53, 3.269-70, 4.414-18, 5.236-39, and 6.355-61.

Galand-Hallyn, P., "Quelques coïncidences (paradoxales?) Entre l'épître aux pisons d'Horace et la poétique de la silve (au début du XVIe siècle en France)," Bibliothèque d'Humanisme et Renaissance 60 (1998) 609-39

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Les Erinyes et le narrateur épique ou La métamorphose impossible (Stace Theb. 11.576-579)," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 52.1-2 (1998): 95-102
• The final address to the Erinyes illuminates the tragic intertext and the narrator's unsuccessful attempt to transform these chthonic deities into supernal Eumenides as a catharsis for fratricide.

Geyssen, John, "Flavian Epic," rev. of F. Ripoll, La morale héroïque dans les épopées latines d' époque flavienne: tradition et innovation (Louvain: Peeters, 1998), Classical Review 50.2 (2000): 451-53

Geyssen, John, "Getting a Life," rev. of J. Henderson, A Roman Life: Rutilius Gallicus on Paper and in Stone (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998), Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 55-57

Gibson, Bruce J., "A Commentary on Book 5 of the Silvae of Statius,", Dphil Dissertation, Oxford (Wadham), 1998

Gibson, Bruce J., "Statius at Sorrento," rev. of A. Krüger, Die lyrische Kunst des Publius Papinius Statius in Silvae II 2. Villa Surrentina Pollii Felicis (Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 1998), Classical Review 53.1 (2003): 105-106

Henderson, J.G.W., Fighting for Rome. Poets and Caesars, History and Civil War (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1998)
• Review: Martindale, Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999): 238-39

Henderson, John G.W., A Roman Life: Rutilius Gallicus on Paper and in Stone, Exeter Studies in History 12 (Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 1998)
• Review: Damon, Journal of Roman Studies 90 (2000): 244; Geyssen, Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 55-57

Henriksén, Ch., "Martial und Statius," in F. Grewing, ed., Toto notus in orbe. Perspektiven der Martial-Interpretation, Palingenesia 65 (Stuttgart, 1998): 77-118

Hershkowitz, D., The Madness of Epic: Reading Insanity from Homer to Statius (Oxford, 1998)
• Reviews: Putnam, Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999): 220; Zissos Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1999.08.07; Hardie, Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 109-11; Schenk, Gnomon 5 (2002): 387-90

Heslin, Peter J., rev. of D.R. Slavitt, Broken Columns: Two Roman Epic Fragments: The Achilleid of Publius Papinius Statius and The Rape of Proserpine of Claudius Claudianus, with an Afterword by David Konstan (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1998.11.16

Jakobi, R., "At Thetis: Argumentum in Statii Achilleidem," Philologus 142 (1998): 369-74

Klodt, Claudia, "Platzanlagen der Kaiser in der Beschreibung der Dichter," Gymnasium 105.1 (1998): 1-38
• Inter alia, the point of view of the description of the equestrian statue of Silv. 1.1.

Krüger, A., Die lyrische Kunst des Publius Papinius Statius in Silve II 2: Villa Surrentina Polii Felicis, Europäische Hochschulschriften Reihe 15, Klassische Sprachen und Literaturen 75 (Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1998)
• Review: Gibson, Classical Review 53.1 (2003): 105-106

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, Estacio, Biblioteca de la literatura latina: Escritores y textos (Madrid: Ed. Clásicas, 1998)
• Review: Tordeura, Latomus 60.2 (2001): 557

Mauri, Riccardo, "Ricerca di modelli ellenistici nel proemio della Tebaide di Stazio," Acme 51.1 (1998): 221-25
• The proem of the Thebaid contains not only allusions to Hellestic models but also precise references to Callimachus' Aitia.

Micozzi, Laura, "Pathos e figure materne nella Tebaide di Stazio," Maia 50.1 (1998): 95-121
• Feminine figures and maternal love evoke pathos in the poem.

Narducci, Emanuele, "Nerone, Britannico e le antiche discordie fraterne (nota a Tacito, Annales XIII 15, 3 e 17, 2; con una osservazione su Erodiano III 13, 3)," Maia 50.3 (1998): 479-88
• On the nature and contents of Britannicus' song (Ann. 13.15.3), with a comparison with other fraternal conflicts (Theb. 1.130, Lucan 1.89, Livy XL 8.11-13, and Herodian).

Neumeister, Christoff, "Statius' Propemptikon für Maecius Celer (Silvae III 2) und das sogenannte Torlonia-Relief: Schiffstechnische Bemerkungen zu einem poetischen Text," in Manuel Baumbach, Helga Köhler, and Adolf Martin Ritter, edd., Mousopolos Stephanos: Festschrift für Herwig Görgemanns, Bibliothek der klassischen Altertumswissenschaften, n.F. 2. Reihe 102 (Festschrift H. Görgemanns) (Heidelberg: Winter, 1998): 160-73
• The description of the ship in Silv. 3.2.25-34 is similar to a pendant in the third-century Torlonia relief. The relief supports Marastoni's reading flatus in line 30.

Ripoll, F., "La Thébaide de Stace entre épopée et tragédie," in M.H. Garelli-François, ed., Rome et le Tragique. Colloque international 26, 27, 28 mars 1998, Pallas 49 (Universités de Toulouse - Le Mirail, 1998): 323-40

Ripoll, F., La morale héroïque dans les épopées latines d' époque flavienne: tradition et innovation (Louvain: Peeters, 1998)
• Review: Geyssen, Classical Review 50.2 (2000): 451-53

Rosa, F., "La doppia trestizia di Giocasta: La ricezioni di Stazio nel Super Thebaiden," in P. Gatti and L. de Finis, edd., Dalla tarda latinità agli arbori dell'umanesimo: alla radice della storia europea, Labirinti 33 (Trento: Università degli studi di Trento/Dipartimento di scienze filologiche e storiche, 1998): 185-97

Schenk, P., rev. of D. Hershkowitz, The Madness of Epic. Reading Insanity from Homer to Statius (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1998), Gnomon 5 (2002): 387-90  

Schönberger, Otto, trans., Der Kampf um Theben: Einleitung, Übersetzung und Anmerkungen (Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 1998)

Steiniger, J., "Saecula te quoniam penes et digesta vetustas: Die Musenanrufungen in der 'Thebais' des Statius," Hermes 126.2 (1998): 221-37
• On the role of the ten invocations of the Muses in the Thebaid in their immediate contexts and in the work as a whole.

Taisne, Anne-Marie, "Le De rerum natura et la Thébaïde de Stace," in Rémy Poignault, ed., Présence de Lucrèce: Actes du colloque tenu à Tours, 3-5 décembre 1998, Caesarodunum bis 32 (Tours: Centre de recherches A. Piganiol, Université de Tours, 1999): 165-75
• Reviews: Filée, Les Études Classiques 69.1 (2001): 102-103; Novara, Revue des études latines 79 (2001): 427-28; Laigneau, RBPh 79.1 (2001): 267-69; Volpilhac-Auger, Latomus 62.4 (2003): 922-23

Villa, Giovanna Faranda, trans., Tebaide, with a introduction by William J. Dominik, 2 voll. (Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1998)

Watt, W.S., "Notes on Latin poetry: Ovid, Lucan, Silius Italicus, Statius, Martial, Rutilius, and Fragmentary Latin poets," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 42 (1997-1998): 145-58

Abbamonte, Giancarlo, "Ricerche sul commento inedito di Perotti alle Silvae di Stazio," Studi Umanistici Piceni 17 (1997) 9-20

Augoustakis, Antony, and R. Joy Littlewood, "Campania in the Flavian Poets' Imagination," chapter 1 of Antony Augoustakis and R. Joy Littlewood, eds., Campania in the Flavian Poetic Imagination (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019),
Review: Markus Kersten, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2019.10.49

Anderson, H., Medieval Accessus to Statius, PhD Dissertation, Ohio State U., 1997

Buonocore, Marco, "Iohannes Bertus e la Tebaide di Stazio," Aevum 71.2 (1997): 417-22, with plates
• Relationship between Vaticano, S. Pietro H 15 and Firenze, BML, Laur. 91 inf. 10. Notes attributed to Iohannes Bertus di Cividale del Friuli, datable to 1402, not to 1342. 

de Angelis, V., "I commenti medievali alla Tebaide di Stazio: Anselmo di Laon, Goffredo Babione, Ilario d'Orléans," in N. Mann and B. Munk Olsen, edd., Medieval and Renaissance Scholarship, Mittellateinische Studien und Texte 21 (Leiden, 1997): 75-136
• On the possible authorship of the "ip" commentary.

Dietrich, Jessica, "Thebais Rescriptrix: Rewriting and Closure in Statius' Thebaid 12," unpublished PhD Dissertation, University of Southern California, 1997
• Summary in: Dissertation Abstracts International 58.5 (1997-1998): 1693A

Dominik, W.J., "Flavian Epic," rev. of D.T. McGuire Acts of Silence: Civil War, Tyranny and Suicide in the Flavian Epics, Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien 33 (Hildesheim: Olms, 1997), Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 60-61

Dominik, William J., "Ratio et dei: Psychology and the Supernatural in the Lemnian Episode," in Carl Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 8, Collection Latomus 239 (Bruxelles: Latomus, 1997): 29-50
• Reviews: Chevallier, Revue des études latines 76 (1998): 459-460; Rochette, L'Antiquité classique 68 (1999): 390-91; Lamour, RBPh 78.1 (2000): 224-26

Fantham, E., "'Envy and Fear the Begetter of Hate': Statius' Thebaid and the Genesis of Hatred," in S. Morton Braund and C. Gill, edd., The Passions in Roman Thought and Literature (Cambridge, 1997): 185-212 

Gibson, Bruce J., "Le Tombeau de Stace," rev. of F. Delarue, S. Georgacooulou, P. Laurens, and A.-M. Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96 - 1996 (Poitiers: La Ilicorne, 1997), Classical Review 50.2 (2000): 446-48

Gilder, Richard, III, "Goddesses Unbound: Furies and Furial Imagery in the Works of Seneca, Lucan, and Statius," PhD Dissertation, Univ. of Pennsylvania, 1997
• A study of the Furies challenges the assessment that early imperial poets were sycophants and derivative of Virgil. Seneca, Lucan, and Statius increased the power of the Furies and simultaneously decreased the power of Jupiter and the other gods. This is an implicit condemnation of the emperor. In the Thebaid, the Furies emerge as the most powerful divinities.

Hardie, Philip R., "Closure in Latin epic," in Deborah H. Roberts, Francis M. Dunn, and Don P. Fowler, edd., Classical Closure: Reading the End in Greek and Latin Literature (Princeton: Princeton University Pr., 1997): 139-62
• On the endings of Vergil's Aeneid, Statius' Thebaid, and Silius Italicus' Punica.

Henriksén, C., "Earinus: An Imperial Eunuch in the Light of the Poems of Martial and Statius," Mnemosyne ser. 4, 50 (1997): 281-294
• A reconstruction of Earinus' life on the basis of Martial 9.9, 11-13 and 16-17 and Silv. 3.4.

Hershkowitz, D., "'Parce metu, Cytherea': 'Failed' Intertext Repetition in Statius' Thebaid, or, Don't Stop Me If You've Heard This One Before," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 39 (1997): 35-52

Heslin, Peter J., "The Scansion of 'Pharsalia' (Catullus 64.37; Statius, Achilleid 1.152; Calpurnius Siculus 4.101)," Classical Quarterly n.s. 47 (1997): 588-93
• Catullus followed the Alexandrian mannerism of repeating a word in the same line with two different metrical values at 64.37 (Pharsaliam; Pharsalia). The same use of "Pharsalia"with a short second "a" found in Calpurnius Siculus 4.101 is simply unmetrical and needs emendation, but Statius' use of the form at Ach. 1.152 offers an intertextual reference to Catullus and so confirms the unusual scansion. 

Hill, D.E., ed., Thebaidos Libri 12, Mnemosyne suppl. 79, 2nd ed. (Leiden: Brill, 1996)
• Review: E. Eguiarte, Augustinus 42.164-65 (1997): 173-74

Hinds, S., "Do-It-Yourself Literary Tradition: Statius, Martial and Others," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 39 (1997): 187-207

Jakobi, R., "Die recusatio des Thiodamas," Philologus 141 (1997): 159-160
• On the authenticity of Theb. 8.283-285 (despite similarities with medieval clerical texts, the passage is authentic). 

Jakobi, R., "Notizien zu mittelalterlichen Klassikerkommentaren," Studi medievali 38 (1997): 305-15
• On the origin of the commentary to the Achilleid of Ps.-Lactantius. Argues was developed in the early 9th century.

Kershaw, A., "Martial 9.44 and Statius," Classical Philology 92 (1997): 269-272 

Klodt, C., "Statius. Publius Papinius Statius; geb. um 40/50 n. Chr. in Neapel; gest. nach Mitte 95 n. Chr.," in O. Schütze, ed., Metzler Lexikon Antiker Autoren (Stuttgart: Metzler, 1997): 663-66  

Konstan, D., afterword to D.R. Slavitt, Broken Columns: Two Roman Epic Fragments: The Achilleid of Publius Papinius Statius and The Rape of Proserpine of Claudius Claudianus (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997)

Lesueur, R., rev. of R.D. Sweeney, Lactantii Placidi in Statii Thebaida commentum. Vol. I: Anonymi in Statii Achilleida commentum; Fulgentii ut fingitur Planciadis super Thebaiden commentariolum (Leipzig: Teubner, 1997), Gnomon 72.5 (2000): 460-61  

Markus, D.D., "The Politics of Entertainment: Tradition and Romanization in Statius' Thebaid," Dissertation, University of Michigan, 1997
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 58.5 (1997-98): 1693A

Markus, D.D., "Transfiguring Heroism: Nisus and Euryalus in Statius' Thebaid," Vergilius 43 (1997): 56-62
• With the suicide of Dymas, Statius translates the heroism of Vergil's Nisus and Euryalus into a contemporary paradigm, the ostentatious self-inflicted death. Statius does not call into question the moral standing of his heroes, who are innocent victims of fate. 

Martinez, R. L., Dante, Statius, and the Earthly City, Dissertation, U. California Santa Cruz, 1977. Summary in Dissertation Abstracts 38 (1978): 6707a-6708a.

McGuire, D.T., Acts of Silence: Civil War, Tyranny and Suicide in the Flavian Epics, Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien 33 (Hildesheim: Olms, 1997)
• Reviews: Benoist, L'Antiquité classique 68 (1999): 414-16; Dewar, Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 60-61

Slavitt, D.R., trans., Broken Columns: Two Roman Epic Fragments: The Achilleid of Publius Papinius Statius and the Rape of Proserpine of Claudius Claudianus, with an Afterword by David Konstan (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1997)
• Review: P.J. Heslin,
Bryn Mawr Classical Review 98.11.16; Dewar, Classical Review 50.1 (2000): 302-303

Sweeney, R.D., Lactantius Placidus in Statii Thebaida commentum, vol. 1 (Leipzig, 1997) [with the commentary to the Achilleid and the allegory of Ps.-Fulgentius Planciades] 
• Reviews: Udaondo Puerto, Helmantica 49.150 (1998): 473; Delarue, Revue des études latines 77 (1999): 312-14; Lesueur, Gnomon 72.5 (2000): 460-61; Hill, Classical Review n.a. 50.1 (2000): 57-59; Mundhenk, IJCT 7.1 (2000-2001): 118-23

Wolff, É. "Les Adversaria de Caspar von Barth," Latomus 56 (1997): 40-53

André, Jean-Marie, "Stace témoin de l'Epicurisme campanien," in Gabriele Giannantoni and Marcello Gigante, edd., Epicureismo Greco e Romano: Atti del Congresso Internazionale Napoli, 19-26 Maggio 1993, 3 vols., Elenchos: Collana di Testi e Studi sul Pensiero Antico, 25 (Napoli: Bibliopolis, 1996), 2.909-928

Aricò, G., "Rileggendo l'Achilleide," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne. 1996): 185-99

Barchiesi, Alessandro, "La guerra di Troia non avrà luogo: Il proemio dell'Achilleide di Stazio," AION 18 (1996): 45-62
• Distinction between epic and autoironic aspects of the proem. Analysis of epic elements and questions regarding the modern tendency to find it as more elegiac.

Braund, S.M., "Ending Epic: Statius, Theseus and a Merciful Release," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 42 (1996): 1-23
• Theseus is a model for the Roman emperor in his controlled indignatio and his excercise of clementia

Criado Boado, C., "Notas sobre la cronología de la Tebaida estaciana," [with summary in English] FlorIlib 7 (1996): 53-76 
• The author dates the proemium of the Thebaid to 89 and, on the basis of this, dates Statius' Capitoline defeat to 90, not to 94. 

Croisille, Jean-Michel, "Stace, peintre de Realia," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 235-45

Delarue, F., Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996 Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996)
• Reviews: Zehnacker, Revue des études latines 74 (1996): 357-58; Esposito, BStudLat 27.1 (1997): 248-50; Nagel, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 52.1-2 (1998): 167-69; Lauletta, Latomus 58.4 (1999): 930-32; Estefanía, Emerita 68.1 (2000): 193-95; Leigh, Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999): 244-45; Gibson, Classical Review n.s. 50.2 (2000): 446-48

Delarue, Fernand, "Paradis," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion. Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 283-96 

Delz, Josef, review of Laguna, G., ed. and trans., Silvas III (1992), Gnomon 68.4 (1996): 302-305

Dewar, Michael J. "Episcopal and Epicurean Villas: Venantius Fortunatus and the Silvae," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 297-313

Dominik, W.J., "A Short Narrative Reading of Statius' Thebaid," in F. Delarue et al., edd., Epicedion. Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, UFR Langues, littératures Poitiers, Publications de la Licorne, 38 (Poitiers, 1996): 55-69

Dominik, William J., "Statius' Thebaid in the Twentieth Century," in Richard Faber and Bernd Seidensticker, edd., Worte, Bilder, Töne: Studien zur Antike und Antikerezeption (Würzburg: Königshausen und Neumann, 1996): 129-41
• Reviews: Voit, Gymnasium 104.6 (1997): 579-81

Dominik, William J., review of Smolenaars, J.J.L., ed., Statius Thebaid VII (1994), Classical Review 46.1 (1996): 34-35

Döpp, S., "Cyllarus und andere Rosse in römischem Herrscherlob," Hermes 124 (1996): 321-332. 
• An investigation of Silv. 1.1.53-55, Martial 8.21.5-8, Claudian 8.554-564, Paneg. 6 [7].8.5 and Ausonius 20.18.5 demonstrates that horse itself exemplifies the divinity of the emperor.

Ebert, J., "Zu Neptuns Zähmung des Arion (Statius, Theb. 6,303)," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 139 (1996) 371-3
• Instead of "primus teneris laesisse lupatis / ora", read "primus tenera is laesisse lupatis / ora". "Is" refers to Neptune and "tenera ora" to Arion.

Fernandelli, Marco, "Stat. Theb. 4.116-144 e l'imitatio Vergiliana," Sileno 22.1-2 (1996): 81-97
• The description of Hippomedon recalls Virgil's description of Turnus. A discussion of this illustrates Statius' compositional art.

Foucher, Louis, "Stace et les images d'Achille," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 201-13

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Pietas, allégorie de la non-violence (Théb. XI, 447-496)," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 83-91

Frings, Irene, "Hypsipyle und Aeneas - Zur Vergilimitation in Thebais V," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 145-60

Ganiban, Randall, Nefas and the Poetics of Statius' Thebaid, PhD Dissertation, Princeton University, 1996
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 57.4 (1996-97): 1603A-1604A

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Argia e il monile di Armonia secondo Stazio," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 51 (1996): 345-350
• Statius focuses the legend of the necklace of Harmonia (Theb. 2.269-305) on Argia. The article discusses the narrative effects of the apostrophes to Argia and to Jocasta at the beginning and end of the passage.

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Clio dans la Thébaïde de Stace: À la recherche du kléos perdu," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 37 (1996) 167-91
• The role of Clio in the prologue (1.41 ff.) and the suicide of Menoeceus (10.628 ff.) show a combination of epic and tragic elements.

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Indices intertextuels et intergénériques: la présentation des coursiers d'Amphiaraüs et d'Admète au livre 6 de la Thébaïde de Stace (Theb. 6, 326-339)," Mnemosyne, Ser. 4, 49 (1996): 445-52
• An examination of Amphiaraus and Admetus (Theb. 6.326-339), including an analysis of textual references.

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Jeu d'ironie tragique et jeu de voix à la fin du livre 2 de la Thébaïde de Stace," Échos du monde classique = Classical Views 40 (1996): 275-281
• An examination of Statius' strategies for expressing the tragic irony of Tydeus' mental blindness or caligo at the end of Book 2 of the Thebaid; and a consideration of the relationship between the same passage and certain passages in Iliad 10, Aeneid 11 and Thebaid 8. 

Georgacopoulou, Sophia, 1996, "Ranger/déranger: Catalogues et listes de personnages dans la Thébaide," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 93-129

Geyssen, John W., Imperial Panegyric in Statius: A Literary Commentary on Silvae 1.1, Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature 24 (Bern/Frankfurt am Main, 1996). 
• Reviews: M. Dewar, Échos du monde classique = Classical Views n.s. 16 (1997): 355-360; F. Spaltenstein, Museum Helveticum 54 (1997): 249-250; Vessey, Classical Review 49 (1999): 571-72; Maleuvre, Les Études Classiques 67.1 (1999): 101-102

Gibson, Bruce John, "Statius and Insomnia: Allusion and Meaning in Silvae 5.4," CQ n.s. 46.2 (1996): 457-68
• Statius plays on the tradition of insomnia literature, but the poem is not autobiographical or indicative of contemporary sentiment.

Hardie, A., "Statius and the Carmen Saeculare of 88," in F. Delarue et al., edd., Epicedion. Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, UFR Langues, littératures Poitiers, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers, 1996) 

Hardie, Philip Russell, review of Dominik, W.J., The Mythic Voice of Statius (1994), Classical Review 46.1 (1996) 27-28

Hill, Donald E., "Thebaid I revisited," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 35-54

Hill, Donald E., review of Laguna, G., ed. and trans., Silvas III (1992), Classical Review 46.1 (1996): 32-34

Hill, Donald E., review of Taisne, A.-M., L'esthétique de Stace (1994), Classical Review 46.1 (1996): 31-32

Iglesias Montiel, Rosa María; Álvarez Morán, María Consuelo, "Ecos de Séneca trágico en la Tebaida de Estacio," in Miguel Rodríguez-Pantoja, ed., Séneca dos mil años después: Actas del congreso internacional conmemorativo del bimilenario de su nacimiento: (Córdoba, 24 a 27 de septiembre de 1996) (Córdoba: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba, 1997): 599-608
• Review: Blanco Pérez, Minerva 13 (1999): 380-83

Kytzler, Bernhard, "Pandere Thebas: Welches Thema hat die Thebais?" in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 25-34

Kytzler, Bernhard, "Sola fida suis: Die Hypsipyle-Erzählung des Statius (Thebais, Buch 5)," Journal of Ancient Civilizations 11 (1996): 43-51
• The story is not just derived from the epic tradition, but also serves to underscore the theme of Pietas. The lengthy narrative has roots in epic tradition. The examination of a character's personal history provides a sympathetic response to her.

La Penna, Antonio, "Modelli efebici nella poesia di Stazio," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 161-84

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, "Philosophical Topics in Statius' Silvae: Sources and Aims, " in F. Delarue et al., edd., Epicedion. Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, UFR Langues, littératures Poitiers, Publications de la Licorne, 38 (Poitiers, 1996): 247-59 

Leigh, M., rev. of F. Delarue, S. Georgacoupolou, P. Laurens, and A.-M. Taisne, edd., Epicedion. Hommage à. P. Papinus Statius (1996), Journal of Roman Studies 89 (1999): 244-45 

Lesueur, Roger, "La Thebaide et ses deux voix: Le politique et le privé," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 71-81

Lesueur, Roger, "Sur la structure rythmique du récit de quelques épisodes de la Thébaïde de Stace et de l'Énéide," Revue des études latines 74 (1996): 231-46
• Virgil uses a tripartite structure, in which the final episode is usually successful. Statius does not use this structure.

Markus, D.D., "Statius' Vatic Presence in the Thebaid," summary in AAPHA (1996)

Morton Braund, S., "Ending epic: Statius, Theseus and a merciful release," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 42 (1996): 1-23

Morzadec, Françoise, "Ars et natura dans les Silves de Stace," in Christophe Cusset, ed., La nature et ses représentations dans l'Antiquité: Actes du colloque des 24 et 25 octobre 1996, École normale supérieure de Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, Documents, actes et rapports pour l'éducation (Paris: CNDP, 1999): 187-197
• Reviews: Bargue-Calixto, Revue des études grecques 113.2 (2000): 681-82; Hummel, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 3 ser. 73.1 (1999): 124-26

Newlands, C.E., "Ecphrasis and Poetic Authority: Silvae 1.5," summary in AAPhA (1996): 21

Nugent, S.G., "Statius' Hypsipyle: Following in the Footsteps of the Aeneid," Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 5 (1996): 46-71 (315-8)
• Summary in AAPhA (1996). Hypsipyle's ambiguous relation to her father, Thoas, in her account of the Lemnian massacre in Thebaid 5, embodies the nature of Statius' relationship to his epic predecessor Vergil. 

Olivi, M.-C., "Amphiaraos: un exemple de réécriture d'un personnage mythique dans la Thébaide," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 135-44

Salanitro, M., "L'augurio di una lapide al viator (Mart. VI 28)," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 41 (1996): 9-15
• Notes on a possible rivalry between Martial and Statius on the basis of Silv. 2.1 and Martial 6.28 and 6.28.

Smolenaars, H., "The Poetic Technique of Multiple Imitation in Statius' Thebaid," Summary in AAPHA (1996)

Smolenaars, Hans, "'On went the steed, on went the driver:' An intertextual analysis of Valerius Flaccus Argonautica 6.256-264, Statius Thebais 7.632-639 and Silius Punica 7.667-679," in Rodie Risselada, Jan R. de Jong, and A. Machtelt Bolkestein, edd., On Latin: Linguistic and literary studies in honour of Harm Pinkster (Amsterdam: Gieben, 1996): 151-61

Taisne, Anne-Marie, "Echos épiques dans les Silves de Stace," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 215-34

Thuillier, J.-P., "Stace, Thébaïde 6: Les jeux funèbres et les réalités sportives," Nikephoros 9 (1996): 151-67
• An investigation of the reality of the depiction of the games in Thebaid 6.

Venini, Paola, "Medium, Borean inlabere (Theb. 7,6)," in Fernand Delarue, Sophia Georgacopoulou, Pierre Laurens, and Anne-Marie Taisne, edd., Epicedion: Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, Publications de la Licorne 38 (Poitiers: La Licorne, 1996): 131-34

Vessey, D., "Honouring Statius," in F. Delarue et al., ed., Epicedion. Hommage à P. Papinius Statius, 96-1996, UFR Langues, littératures Poitiers, Publications de la Licorne, 38 (Poitiers, 1996): 7-24

Vessey, D.W.T.C., rev. of J.W. Geyssen, Imperial Panegyric in Statius. A Literary Commentary on Silvae 1.1, Studies on Themes and Motifs in Literature 24 (New York: Lang, 1996), Classical Review 49 (1999): 571-72  

Villaseñor Cuspinera, Patricia, "Inventio en las Silvas," Nova Tellus 14 (1996): 193-227

Villaseñor Cuspinera, Patricia, "Inventio en las Silvas," Nova Tellus 14 (1996): 193-227

Williams, G., "Statius and Vergil: Defensive Imitation," Vergil at 2000 (New York, 1996): 207-224
• Statius felt an anxiety toward Virgil. Essential problems about poetic imitation.

Andouche, Iris and Paul Simelon, "Stace et la mortalité masculine," Latomus 54.2 (1995): 319-23

Aricò, Giuseppe, "Plinio il Giovane e la poesia," in Storia letteratura e arte a Roma nel secondo secolo dopo Cristo: Atti del convegno, Mantova 8-9-10 ottobre 1992, Accademia Nazionale Virgiliana di Scienze e Arti. Miscellanea 3 (Firenze: Olschki, 1995): 27-41
• Pliny's Letters, in particular 5.3.1, create a correspondence with Silv. 4 praef. This indicates that the publication of Silv. 4 preceded Pliny's Letters.
• Reviews: Fedeli, Aufidus 10.28 (1996): 147; Marconi, RCCM 38.1 (1996): 178-80; Ficca, BStudLat 26.2 (1996): 639-41; Malissard, Latomus 57.3 (1998): 748

Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Los traductores de la Tebaida de Estacio al castellano: Juan de Arjona y Gregorio Morillo," Anuari de filologia, Secció D, Studia Graeca et Latina 18.6 (1995): 37-62
• On the translation begun by J. de Arjona and completed after his death by G. Morillo.

Barreda, Pere-Enric, "Notas sobre la tradición textual de la Tebaida de Arjona," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 8 (1995): 255-79 and pll.
• Critical notes on the translation by Juan de Arjona.

Cabrillana Leal, Concepción, "El contenido como elemento definidor independiente: Algunas composiciones de Estacio y Marcial," Cuadernos de filología clásica, Estudios latinos 8 (1995): 157-70
• Despite their stylistic differences, Martial and the Silvae are analogous. This suggests that the genre of the two works is dependent upon content, not necessarily form.

Delz, Josef, "Zur Neubewertung der lateinischen Epik flavischer Zeit," in Giancarlo Reggi, ed., Aspetti della poesia epica latina: Atti del corso d'aggiornamento per docenti di latino e greco del Canton Ticino, Lugano 21-22-23 ottobre 1993, Attualità e studi (Lugano: Casagrande, 1995): 143-72
• Reviews: Fedeli, Aufidus 10.30 (1996): 139; Lauletta, Latomus 56.1 (1997): 228-29; Traina, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 124.4 (1996): 465-68; Gasti, Athenaeum 86.1 (1998): 337-38; Leigh, Classical Review n.s. 48.1 (1998): 191-92

Dominik, William J., review of Rosati, G., ed. and trans., Achilleis (1994), Classical Review 45.2 (1995): 448-49

Forstner, Karl, "Frühe Salzburger Fragmente des Lactantius Placidus (10./11. Jh.)," Grazer Beiträge: Zeitschrift für die klassische Altertumswissenschaft 21 (1995): 193-207
• Fragments of a manuscript in the Nachlass of Hans Oellacher.

Ganiban, Randall T., review of Smolenaars, J.J.L., ed., Statius Thebaid VII (1994), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1995.05.06

Hershkowitz, D., "Patterns of Madness in Statius' Thebaid," Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995): 52

Hershkowitz, Debra, review of Dominik, W.J., Speech and Rhetoric in Statius' Thebaid (1994), Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995): 328

Hershkowitz, Debra, review of Taisne, A.-M., L'esthétique de Stace (1994), Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995): 328

Jakobi, R., "Statius, Homer und ihre antiken Erklärer," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 138 (1995): 190-2

Malamud, M.A., "Happy birthday, dead Lucan: (p)raising the dead in Silvae 2.7," Ramus 24.1 (1995): 1-30

Micozzi, Laura, "Alcuni nuovi contributi allo studio dell'imitazione virgiliana nella Tebaide," Orpheus 16.2 (1995): 417-33
• Rather than simply imitating Virgil, Statius inverts Virgilian scenes or otherwise draws a contrast.

Nagle, R., Properatur in hostem more fugae: A Study of the Comparisons in the Thebaid of Statius, Dissertation, Harvard U., 1995
• Summary in DAI 56 (1995/1996) 2666-A/2667-A

Newmyer, Stephen Thomas, review of Dominik, W.J., Speech and Rhetoric in Statius' Thebaid (1994), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1995.04.06 (1995)

Pederzani, O., Il talamo, l'albero e lo specchio: Saggio di commento a Stat. Silv. 1.2, 2.3, 3.4, Scrinia 8 (Bari: Edipuglia, 1995). 
• Reviews: Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 66 (1997): 453-54; Taisne, Latomus 56 (1997): 183; White, Gnomon 70.8 (1998): 710-11

Torrent Rodríguez, Francisco, ed. and trans., Silvas / Publio Papinio Estacio, Biblioteca clásica Gredos 202 (Madrid: Gredos, 1995)

Taisne, A.-M.,"Quelques animaux apprivoisés chez Stace," Homme et animal (1995): 351-66

Taisne, A.-M.,"Stace et l'Etrusca disciplina," Caesarodunum Supplément 64 (1995): 115-27

Taylor-Briggs, P. Ruth, review of Lesueur, R., ed. and trans., Thébaïde (1990), Classical Review 45.2 (1995): 258-59

Weiler, Ingomar, "Hic audax subit ordo pumilorum (Statius, Silvae 1,6,57). Überlegungen zu Zwergen und Behinderten in der antiken Unterhaltungskultur," Grazer Beiträge 21 (1995): 121-145

Wheeler, Stephen M., "The Underworld Opening of Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 125 (1995): 113-34
• Claudian's allusion in the poem's opening to the conventions of martial epic through parallelism with the beginning of Statius, Theb. 8 is part of a program to epicize his erotic material and conversely eroticize his epic models. This conflation reflects on a stylistic level the symbolic equivalence between martial and erotic violence that enables the rape of Proserpina to be a sacrificial substitute for war between Pluto and Jupiter.

White, P., rev. of O. Pederzani, Il talamo, l'albero e lo specchio. Saggio di commento a Stat. Silv. I 2, II 3, III 4, Scrinia 8 (Bari: Edipuglia, 1995), Gnomon 70.8 (1998): 710-11  

Ahl, Frederick, "Apollo: Cult and Prophecy in Ovid, Lucan, and Statius," in Apollo: Origins and Influences, ed. Jon Solomon (Tucson, AZ: University of Arizona Press, 1994), 113-134

Anderson, D., "Boccaccio's Glosses on Statius," Studi sul Boccaccio 22 (1994): 3-134
• Boccaccio owned three manuscripts of the Thebaid. Reconstruction of their glossary traditions.

Ariemma, Enrico Maria, "Il malaugurio delle ninfe e la matrigna duplicata: Echi virgiliani (e ovidiani) in alcune Silvae di Stazio," Vichiana 5 (1994): 78-94
• On the lamentations of nymphs in Aen. 4.166-70; Ovid, Her. 7.95-98; and Silv. 3.1.73-75, 4.2.1-2, and 5.2.118-20.

Barreda Edo, Pere-Enric, "Una interpolación de Juan de Arjona a su traducción al castellano de la Tebaida de Estacio," in Actas del VIII congreso español de estudios clásicos: (Madrid, 23-28 de septiembre de 1991) 3 (Madrid: Ed. Clásicas, 1994), 357-63

Broscius (Brožek), M., "Quo tempore Statii Epicedium patris conscriptum sit," Eos 82 (1994): 53-4
• Statius began the epicedium shortly after his father's death (ca. AD 82), but never finished it.

Brown, J. Into the Woods: Narrative Studies in the Thebaid of Statius with Special Reference to Books IV-VI, Dissertation, Cambridge, 1994

Davis, P.J., "The Fabric of History in Statius' Thebaid," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman History 7, Collection Latomus 227 (Bruxelles, 1994) 464-83

Dewar, M.J., rev. of J.J.L. Smolenaars, Statius Thebaid VII: A Commentary, Mnemosyne suppl. 134 (Leiden: Brill 1994), Gnomon 69.6 (1997): 554-56

Dewar, Michael J., review of Dominik, W.J., Speech and Rhetoric in Statius' Thebaid (1994), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1994.09.08

Dominik, W.J., "Fama or Fata? A Note on Statius, Thebaid 10.835," Studii classice 28-30 (=Liverpool Classical Monthly 19.5/6) (1992/1994): 125-128
• "The reading magnae data Fata neci at Theb. 10.835 takes into account not only the authority of fata in the manuscript tradition and the suitability of Fata in the epic context, but also the grammatical plausibility of the clause. A concise translation of the clause would read: "the Fates assigned a great death."

Dominik, W.J., "Fama or Fata? A Note on Statius, Theb. 10.835," Liverpool Classical Monthly 19 (1994): 82-84

Dominik, W.J., Speech and Rhetoric in Statius' Thebaid, Altertumswissenschaftliche Texte und Studien, Band 27 (Hildesheim, 1994)
• Reviews: M. Dewar, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 94.9.8; Hershkowitz, Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995): 328; Newmyer, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1995.04.06; P. Tordeur, L'Antiquité classique 65 (1996): 337; S. T. Newmyer, The Classical Outlook: Journal of the American Classical League 72 (1994-95): 143-4; D.E. Hill, Classical Review 46 (1996): 29-30; J. Pucci, The Classical World 89 (1995-96): 514; U. Eigler, Gnomon 69 (1997): 26-9; A.-M. Taisne, Latomus 55 (1996): 923-4. See too W.J. Dominik, "Response: Dominik on Dewar on Dominik," Bryn Mawr Classical Review 95.3.19

Dominik, W.J., The Mythic Voice of Statius: Power and Politics in the Thebaid, Mnemosyne Supplementum 136 (Leiden, 1994)
• Reviews: S.T. Newmyer, CO 72 (1994-95): 143-144; P.R. Hardie, Classical Review 46 (1996): 27-28; G.W.M. Harrison, The Classical World 90 (1996-97): 466-467; R. Lesueur, Gnomon 70 (1998): 164-165; N.J.E. Austin, Prudentia 28 (1996): 49-51

Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius Thebaid II-V (2.525, 3.231, 3.710, 4.318, 4.585, 4.665, 5.497)," Mnemosyne 47 (1994): 231-33

Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius Thebaid VII-X (7.423, 8.268, 9.19, 9.769, 9.807, 10.216)," Mnemosyne 47 (1994): 233-35

Farrell, Joseph Anthony, review of Dewar, M., Statius, Thebaid IX (1991), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 94-01-05 (1994)

Fisher, John M., review of Melville, A.D., trans., Thebaid (1992), Classical Review 44.1 (1994): 206-207

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Technique narrative et voix du narrateur: L'apostrophe dans la Thébaïde de Stace," PhD Dissertation (Université de Paris IV, 1994)

Georgacopoulou, Sophia, "L'Achilleide de Stace et l'Achilleide anonyme byzantine," Classica et mediaevalia 45 (1994): 251-86
• Comparison of the 14th-century Greek romance with Statius' Achilleid.

Giardina, Giancarlo, review of I. Frings, Odia fraterna als manieristisches Motiv (1992), Gnomon 66 (1994): 637-38

Gibson, Bruce J., review of Laguna, G., ed. and trans., Silvas III (1992), Journal of Roman Studies 84 (1994): 273

Gruzelier, Claire E. "The Influence of Virgil's Dido on Statius' Portrayal of Hypsipyle," Prudentia 26.1 (V.J. Gray, ed., Nile, Ilissos and Tiber: Essays in honour of Walter Kirkpatrick Lacey) (1994): 153-65

Henderson, J., "To Recognise Bosnia: Statius, Thebaid 11.407-8," Liverpool Classical Monthly 19.2 (1994): 25-27

Hershkowitz, D., "Sexuality and Madness in Statius' Thebaid," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 33 (1994): 123-47

Hollis, A.S., "Statius' Young Parthian King (Thebaid 8,286-93)," Greece & Rome 41 (1994): 205-12
• The evidence of Parthian coins suggests that the Parthian king in Statius' simile is Pacorus II, who was contemporaneous with Statius.

Johnson, Walter Ralph, "Information and Form: Homer, Achilles, and Statius in Epic and Epoch," Essays on the Interpretation and History of a Genre, ed. Steven M. Oberhelman, Van Kelly and Richard J. Golsan, Studies in Comparative Literature: Texas Tech University 24 (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Pr., 1994), 25-39
• "On how the expectations of their respective audiences influenced the composition of Homer's Iliad and Statius' Achilleis."

Johnson, W. Ralph, "Information and Form: Homer, Achilles, and Statius," in Steven M. Oberhelman Van Kelly and Richard J. Golsan, edd., Epic and Epoch: Essays on the Interpretation and History of a Genre, Studies in comparative literature 24 (Lubbock, TX: Texas Tech University Pr., 1994): 25-39
• On how the expectations of their respective audiences influenced the composition of the Iliad and the Achilleid.

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, "Invitación al matrimonio: En torno a un pasaje estaciano (Silv. 1.2.161-200)," Emerita 62 (1994): 263-88
• "Discussion of the structure, sources, stylistic devices and literary fortune of the suasoria to love. Statius' primary source of inspiration is Anna's suasoria to Dido in Vergil (Aen. 4.31-53), but he also elaborates on stoic philosophy, rhetoric and amatory and elegiac poetry."

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, "Statius' Silvae 3.5.44-49 and the Genre of Ovid's Heroides," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 137.3/4 (1994): 352-57
• With "Latias Graias heroidas" (Silv. 3.5.45), Statius does does not mean Roman and Greek heroines but rather Latin and Greek works that fallinto the genre of Ovid's Heroides.

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, review of Courtney, E., ed., Silvae (1990), Gnomon 66.1 (1994): 14-17

Lesueur, R., ed. and trans., Thébaïde (in 3 voll.) (Collection G. Budé) (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1990-94)
• Reviews: Dewar, Classical Review 41.2 (1991): 332-34; Dewar, Classical Review 42.1 (1992): 194; Alberto, Euphrosyne 21 (1993): 479-81; Billerbeck, Latomus 52 (1993): 679-81; Taylor-Briggs, Classical Review 45.2 (1995): 258-59; Vessey, Gnomon 70.1 (1998): 78-79

Lesueur, R., rev. of W.J. Dominik, The Mythic Voice of Statius: Power and Politics in the Thebaid (Leiden: Brill, 1994), Gnomon 70.2 (1998): 164-65  

Liberman, G., "Textes à histoires: Virgile et Stace," MEFRA 106.2 (1994): 1137-49

Miyagi, Tokuya, "Tradition and Innovation of Epithalamium: Statius and Claudian," Classical Studies 11 (1994) 227-242
• "In Medea, Seneca used the conventional model of epithalamium established by Catullus. Statius introduced new elements to this literary form: 1. positive employment of epic techniques; 2. application of words and motifs used in love poetryand insertion of fictional love story; 3. influence of pastoral poetry; 4. creation of a special function of Venus as coniugator and pronuba. All these elements also appear in the epithalamia of Claudian who also has an important place in the tradition and became a model to his successors in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries."

Punzi, Arianna, "I libri del Boccaccio e un nuovo codice di Santo Spirito: il Barberiniano Lat. 74," Italia medioevale e umanistica 37 (1994) 193-203, with plate
• Identification of Vatican, Barb. Lat. 74 as the manuscript in the parva libraria of the library at Santo Spirito, referenced in Florence, BML, Ashb. 1897.

Römer, Franz, "Mode und Methode in der Deutung panegyrischer Dichtung der nachaugusteischen Zeit," Hermes: Zeitschrift für Klassische Philologie 122 (1994) 95-113
• Based on Martial and Statius, it is difficult to tell whether each individual praise of the emperor is meant seriously or with irony.

Rosati, G., ed. and trans., Achilleis (Milano: Biblioteca universale Rizzoli, 1994)
• Reviews: W. Dominik, Classical Review 45.2 (1995): 448-49; G. Eichberg, Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 48 (1996): 141-42

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Momenti e forme della fortuna antica di Ovidio: l'Achilleide di Stazio," in Ovidius redivivus: von Ovid zu Dante, ed. Michelangelo Picone and Bernhard Zimmermann (Stuttgart: M und P, 1994), 43-62

Rosati, Gianpiero, 1994, "Momenti e forme della fortuna antica di Ovidio: l'Achilleide di Stazio," in Michelangelo Picone and Bernhard Zimmermann, edd., Ovidius redivivus. Von Ovid zu Dante (Stuttgart: Metzler & Poeschel Verlag für Wissenschaft und Forschung, 1994): 43-62

Smith, Martin F., "Ducks' Eggs in Statius, Silvae 4.9.30?," Classical Quarterly 44 (1994): 551-554

Smolenaars, J.J.L., ed., Statius Thebaid VII: A Commentary, Mnemosyne Supplementum 134 (Leiden: Brill, 1994)
• Reviews: Ganiban, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1995.05.06; W.J. Dominik, Classical Review 46 (1996): 34-35; M. Dewar, Gnomon 69 (1997): 554-56; A. Georgacopoulou, Latomus 56 (1997): 423-24; J. Filée, Les Études Classiques 65 (1997): 88-89

Socas, F., "Dos poetas insomnes: Estacio y Quevedo," in Pedro Sáez and Salvador Ordónez, edd., Homenaje al Profesor Presedo, Universidad de Sevilla Junta de Andalucia, Filosofía y letras 178 (Sevilla/Jerez: Caja San Fernando, 1994): 743-56

Taisne, A.-M., L'esthétique de Stace: La peinture des correspondances (Paris, 1994)
• Reviews: Hershkowitz, Journal of Roman Studies 85 (1995): 328; S. Koster, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 49 (1996): 83-4; P.-J. Dehon, L'Antiquité classique 65 (1996): 338-39; A.M. Keith, The American Journal of Philology 117 (1996): 159-61; D.E. Hill, Classical Review n.s. 46 (1996): 31-32; G.W.M. Harrison, The Classical World 90 (1996-97): 466-67; J. Filée, Les Études Classiques 65 (1997): 271; A. Wartelle, Revue des études grecques 109 (1996): 324; Coleman, Gnomon 71.4 (1999): 318-22

Taisne, Anne-Marie, "Descriptions d'œuvre d'art chez Stace," Mélanges offerts à Raymond Chevallier, vol. 1, Présence des idées romaines dans le monde d'aujourd'hui, Charles-Marie Ternes, Robert Bedon, and Paul Marius Martin, Caesarodunum Bis 28, Bulletin des antiquités luxembourgeoises 23 (Luxembourg: Société des antiquités nationales, 1994), 353-68
• Statius' originality in ecphrasis of real, imaginary, and latent art. Discussion of Silvae 4.6, Theb. 12.665-76, and Ach. 1.852-88.

Taisne, Anne-Marie, "Les bois sacrés dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in L'imaginaire religieux gréco-romain, ed. Jo&eum;l Thomas, Coll. études (Perpignan: Pr. Universitaires de Perpignan, 1994), 167-85
• Analysis of Theb. 4.419-33 and 6.90-117. While Statius follows literary conventions, the descriptions reflect the sense of the sacred that permeates the poem.

Venini, P., "A proposito di una recente edizione della Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 122.4 (1994): 492-500
• A critical review of D.E. Hill, ed., Thebaidos Libri 12 (1983)

Weaver, P.R.C., "Confusing Names: Abascantus & Statius, Silvae 5.1," Échos du monde classique = Classical Views 13.3 (1994): 333-64

Adamietz, Joachim, "Zur Frage der Parodie in Juvenals 4. Satire," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 19 (1993): 185-200
• Juvenal's statement is neither about Statius nor about his De bello germanico. The Satire serves a moral-satiric goal and, in its alternation between epic and satiric portions, makes Domitian its target.

Dominik, William J., review of Melville, A.D., trans., Thebaid (1992), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1993.03.20

Döpp, S., "Zum Lied der Vogel in Statius' Silvae 2.4," Eranos 91 (1993): 61-62
• The song of the birds ceases at line 33, not at 37.

Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius: Silvae (II) (1.1.64, 1.2.77, 1.2.118-9, 1.2.136, 1.2.228, 1.3.24, 1.3.42, 1.3.104, 1.4.30, 1.5.10-11, 2.1.67, 2.1.99, 2.1.212, 2.1.222)," Mnemosyne 46 (1993): 92-97

Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius: Silvae (III) (3.5.92-4, 4.1.9, 4.4.63, 4.4.66, 4.6.45, 4.9.30, 5.1.149, 5.2.145, 5.3.60, 5.3.250-1, 5.5.14," Mnemosyne 46 (1993): 377-80

Fraker, C.F., "Oppositio in Geoffrey of Vinsauf and its Background," Rhetorica 11 (1993): 63-85
• On Geoffreys' observation of oppositio in Virgil, Ovid, Statius and Lucan, and of digressio in Virgil and Lucan.

Gärtner, Thomas, "Die praemilitaerische Ausbildung des Scipio Africanus," Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche 55 (2003) 317-319
• On the description of Scipio's education in Silius Italicus (8.551-558) and its relation to Achilles' education at Ach. 2.110-120.

Georgacopoulou, Sophia A., "Η επικη παραδοση και το ασμα του Απολλωνα στη Θηβαιδα του Στατιου: (Απολ. Ροδ. Αργον. 1,494-515 Βιργ. Αιν. 1,740-747 Στατ. Θηβ. 6,355-367)," Η μιμηση στη λατινικη λογοτεχνια: πρακτικα Ε' Πανελληνιου συμποσιου λατινικων σπουδων ('Αθηνα, 5-7 Νοεμβριου 1993) = Imitatio in litteris Latinis: acta quinti Symposii studiorum Latinorum totius Graeciae, ed. Dimitrios E. Koutroumpas (Athenis d. V-VII m. Novembris a. 1993) (Athina: Panepistimio Athinon, 1996), 345-63
• Ausonius' use of his sources, includine the Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and the Thebaid.

Hardie, Philip Russell, review of Frings, I., Gespräch und Handlung in der Thebais des Statius (1991), Classical Review 43 (1993): 274-75

Henderson, J., "Form Remade/Statius' Thebaid," in A.J. Boyle, ed., Roman Epic (London: Routledge, 1993): 162-91

Hendry, M., "A Pile-Driver in Statius (Silvae 1.1.64)," Liverpool Classical Monthly 18 (1993): 74-5
• The machina is neither crane nor scaffolding, but a festuca.

Lauletta, M., "L'imitazione di Catullo e l'ironia nell'Achilleide di Stazio," Latomus 52 (1993): 84-97
• On Statius' use of Catullus 63-64.

Liberman, G., "Problèmes de texte dans le chant IX de la Thébaïde de Stace," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 38 (1993): 112-5
• Critical notes on M. Dewar, Statius, Thebaid IX (1991).

Merli, Elena, "Ordinamento degli epigrammi e strategie cortigiane negli esordi dei libri I-XII di Marziale," Maia: Rivista di Letterature Classiche 45 (1993) 229-256
• The structure of Martial's poems, especially those with proems. Comparison with the prefaces of Silvae 1-4.

Polymerakis, Fotis K., "D. M. Ausonii Cupido cruciatus," Η μιμηση στη λατινικη λογοτεχνια: πρακτικα Ε' Πανελληνιου συμποσιου λατινικων σπουδων ('Αθηνα, 5-7 Νοεμβριου 1993) = Imitatio in litteris Latinis: acta quinti Symposii studiorum Latinorum totius Graeciae, ed. Dimitrios E. Koutroumpas (Athenis d. V-VII m. Novembris a. 1993) (Athina: Panepistimio Athinon, 1996), 345-63
• Ausonius' use of his sources, includine the Aeneid, Ovid's Metamorphoses, and the Thebaid.

Stadler, H., "Stringere vultus: zum Text von Stat. Silv. 1.2.244," Glotta 71 (1-2) (1993): 108-9
• Preserve the reading strinxit.

Banos Banos, J.M., "El Versus aureus de Ennio a Estacio," Latomus 51.4 (1992): 762-74

Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "En comentari al·legòric a la Tebaida d'Estaci atribuït a Fulgenci el Mitògraf," in E. Artigas, ed., Homenatge a Josep Alsina: actes del Xè simposi de la secció catalana de la SEEC, II (Tarragona, 1992): 157-61.

Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "La Tebaida de Estacio en el manuscrito 148 del Archivo Capitular de Tortosa," Habis 23 (1992): 63-95
• Connection with Hill's group DNtQdO. Full collation.

Barredo I Edo, Pere-Enric, "Un comentari al-legòric a la Tebaida d'Estaci atribuït a Fulgenci el Muògraf," in Homenatge a Josep Alsina: Actes del Xè simposi de la Seccio catalana de la SEEC, Tarragona, 28 a 30 de novembre de 1990: II., ed. Esther Artigas (Tarragona: Diputació de Tarragona, 1992), 157-61

Broscius (Brožek), Miecislaus, "De Statii Silv. I epist. initio restruendo," Eos 80 (1992): 35

Burzacchini, G., "Corinna in Rome (Prop. II 3,21; Stat. Silv. V 3,158)," Eikasmos 3 (1992): 47-65
• On the meaning of tenuis at Silv. 5.3.158.

Courtney, E., ed., Silvae, repr. With corrections (Oxford, 1992)

Damon, Cynthia, "Statius Silvae 4.9: Libertas Decembris?," Illinois Classical Studies 17.2 (1992) 301-08

Delarue, F., "Le palais du Sommeil: d'Ovide à Stace," LALIES: actes des sessions de linguistique et de littérature 10 (Aussois, 29 août-3 septembre 1988; 28 août-2 septembre 1989) (Paris: Presse de la Sorbonne Nouvelle, 1992): 405-410 (with summaries in French and English)
• Although Theb. 10.84-145 imitates Ovid, Met. 11.592-649, Statius is completely original. He creates the perception of an authentic experience.

Delz, J., "Zu den Silvae des Statius," Museum Helveticum 49 (1992): 239-55
• Notes on 1.1.63-5; 1.1.66-9; 1.6.94-5; 2.1.45-8; 2.1.67-8; 2.1.96-100; 2.1.191-9; 2.5.1-3; 3.3.98-105; 3.4.73-4; 3.5.95-104; 4.2.52-55; 4.3.121-2; 4.6.8-11; 5.3.262-4; 5.4.11-13; 5.5.42-3; 5.5.69-72; 5.5.79-81.

Dewar, Michael J., review of Lesueur, R., ed. and trans., Thébaïde (1990), vol. 2, Classical Review 42.1 (1992): 194

Dominik, W.J., "A Generic-Ontological Reading of Adrastus' Sminthiac Prayer (Statius, Thebaid 1.696-720)," Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 1 (1992): 66-78
• Understanding of the Sminthiac hymn through the topoi prescribed by the rhetor Menander, De gen. dem. 17. Statius is indebted to the Sminthiac prescription, and references thereto tie the hymn in well with the Thebaid as a whole.

Échinard-Garin, P., "La douceur de Stace dans la Thébaïde," Bulletin de l'Association Guillaume Budé (1992): 31-46
• His poetry is dominated by dulcedo much more than by violence or excess.

Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius: Silvae (3.2.30; 4.7.11; 5.1.139; 5.2.120)," Mnemosyne 45 (1992): 237-40

Eden, P.T., "Problems in Statius: Thebaid X, XI and XII," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 120.3 (1992): 313-17

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "La composition de la Thébaïde de Stace," in L'univers épique: Rencontres avec l'Antiquité classique, II, ed. Michel Woronoff, Institut Félix Gaffiot 9, Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon 460 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1992), 217-27
• The double-ending of the Thebaid (Books 11 and 12) reflects the duality and constant tension of the poem. Given its structural importance, the whole poem should be read in the light of the dual ending.

Franchet d'Espèrey, Sylvie, "Les deux conflits de la Thébaïde: Perspective dramatique et perspective épique," Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 33 (1990-1992) 105-109
• Polynices and Etheocles personify the conflict between Thebes and Argos and this is subjective and dramatic since it determines the destiny of two peoples. This structural dynamic prevents the epic from having an optimistic orientation.

Frings, I., Odia fraterna als manieristisches Motiv: Betrachtungen zu Senecas Thyest und Statius' Thebais, AAWM 1992.2 (Stuttgart, 1992)
• Review: Giardina, Gnomon 66 (1994): 637-38

Geyssen, John W., "Statius and the Tradition of Imperial Panegyric: A Literary Commentary on Silvae 1.1," PhD Dissertation, Duke, 1992
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 53 (1992-93): 4308A. 

Fhall, J.B., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid Books 5 and 6," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 17.2 (1992): 287-99

Hall, J.B., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid Books 3 and 4," Illinois Classical Studies 17 (1992): 57-77

Hardie, Philip Russell, review of Feeney, D., The Gods in Epic (1991), Journal of Roman Studies 82 (1992): 252-56

Harrison, S.J., "The Arms of Capaneus: Statius, Thebaid 4.165-77," Classical Quarterly 42 (1992): 247-52
• Capaneus in his first major appearance is an impious gigantomachic character doomed to the failure and death that form a major climax within the poem.

Henderson, J., "Statius' Thebaid: Form Premade," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 37 (1991-92): 30-80
• Contentiousness constitutes narration in Statius' epic.

Hill, Donald E, review of Dewar, M., Statius, Thebaid IX (1991), Classical Review 42.2 (1992): 308-309

Jakobi, R., "Versprengungen in den Statius-Scholien," Hermes 120 (1992): 364-74

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, ed. and trans., Silvas III (Madrid: Fundación Pastor de Estudios Clásicos, c. 1992)
• Reviews: Gibson, Journal of Roman Studies 84 (1994): 273; J. Delz, Gnomon 68 (1996): 302-305; D.E. Hill, Classical Review 46 (1996): 32-34

Lesueur, Roger, "Les femmes dans la Thébaïde de Stace," in L'univers épique: rencontres avec l'Antiquité classique, II, ed. Michel Woronoff, Institut Félix Gaffiot 9, Annales littéraires de l'Université de Besançon 460 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1992), 229-43
• Women play a more important role in the Thebaid than in other Greek or Latin epics. As mothers and wives, they are the principal victims of the poem and are embody respect, compassion, peace, and justice.

Melville, A.D., trans., Thebaid (Oxford, 1992) [with notes by D.W.T. Vessey]
• Review: W.D. Dominik, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993): 187-92; J.M. Fisher, Classical Review 44 (1994): 206-207

Newmyer, Stephen Thomas, review of Dewar, M., Statius, Thebaid IX (1991), The American Journal of Philology 113 (1992): 641-43

Pederzani, O., "L'albero di Atedio Meliore (Stat. Silv. 2.3)," Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 29 (1992): 167-181
• Function on the image of the tree and the encomiastic nature of the poem.

Pederzani, O., "L'imperatore e l'eunuco: Note di commento a Stat. Silv. 3.4," Athenaeum 80 (1992): 79-95
• On the relations between Domitian and the young eunuch Earinus of Pergamon.

Pugliese Carratelli, G., "Sul culto di Afrodite Euploia in Napoli," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 47 (1992): 58-61
Silv. 2.2.79, 3.1.148-153 as evidence.

Rosati, G., "L'Achilleide di Stazio, un'epica dell'ambiguità," Maia n.s. 44 (1992): 233-266
• A reworking of the introduction in his 1994 edition. The Achilleid treats homeric themes through an elegiac lens: the contrast between love and virtus are distinct to Statius' version. The beginning of the poem is infused with ambiguity.

Rosati, Gianpiero, "Note esegetiche e testuali all'Achilleide di Stazio," Giornale italiano di filologia 44 (1992) 267-280
• On Ach. 1.124-125, 1.207 ff., 1.372 ff., 1.379 ff., 1.397 ff., 1.929 ff., 2.60 ff., and 2.66 ff.

Rupprecht, Hermann, review of Wissmüller, Heinz, Statius, Silvae (1990), Gymnasium 99 (1992): 178-79

Sakellariou, Antonios I. (Σακελλαριου, Αντωνιος I.), "Aegaeum, pelagus spumans," 'Αποψεις, Περιοδικη 'εκδοση του Συλλογου Εκπαιδευτικων Λειτουργων του Κολλεγιου 'Αθηνων = Apopseis (Athens) 6 (1992) 121-45
• The Aegean in Silver Latin authors.

Santini, C., "Personaggi divini (e umani) nella Tebaide di Stazio e nei Punica di Silio Italico," La storia, la letteratura e l'arte a Roma, da Tiberio a Domiziano. Atti del convegno (Mantova, Teatro Accademico, 4-5-6-7 ottobre 1990 (Mantova, 1992): 383-96

Scotto di Clemente, L., "Le similitudini con il toro nella Tebaide e nell' Achilleide di Papinio Stazio, nei loro rapporti con Virgilio," Vichiana 3rd ser., 3 (1992): 117-138

Van Dam, H.-J., "Notes on Statius Silvae 4," Mnemosyne 45 (1992): 190-224
• Analysis and interpretation 4.1.5-10, 4.1.44-46, 4.2.8-9, 4.2.20-25, 4.3.20-23, 4.3.86-89, 4.3.124-138, 4.3.155-159, 4.4.70-75, 4.4.78-85, 4.6.13-16, 4.6.56-58, 4.6.59-63, 4.8.36-41, and 4.8.45-54, emphasizing the influence of Ovid and Virgil.

Verstraete, Beert, review of Courtney, E., ed., Silvae (1990), Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 46 (1992): 380-82

Watt, W.S., "Ten notes on Statius' Silvae," Illinois Classical Studies 17 (1992): 79-82
• On Silv. 1.4.22-5, 2.6.10-12, 2.6.93-5, 3.5.48-9, 4.1.27-32, 4.2.5-11, 4.9.48-50, 5.1.4-6, 5.2.164-7, 5.3.262-4

Aricò, G., "La vicanda di Lemno in Stazio e Valerio Flacco," in M. Korn and H.J. Tschiedel, edd., Ratis omnia vincet: Untersuchungen zu den Argonautica des Valerius Flaccus, Spudasmata 48 (Hildesheim, 1991), 197-210

Austin, N.J., and R. Morse, trr., "Thebaid 10," in A.J. Boyle and J.P. Sullivan, edd., Roman Poets of the Early Empire (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1991)

Bocciolini Palagi, L., "Enea, Scipione e i fratelli siculi (a propositio di Stat. Silv. 3.3.188 ss.)," Maia 43 (1991): 199-207
• Statius shows the traditional approach to Aeneas and the Siculi in the Scipio episode, in that he uses them to display heroic pietas. His treatment is similar to that of Silius Italicus.

Cienfuegos García, Juan J., "La cueva del tiempo," Trivium: Anuario de estudios humanísticos 3 (1991) 29-48 with plate
• On late classical ephrasis, especially in Claudian, and how it uses and modifies Ovid and Statius.

Clogan, P.M, "The Renaissance Commentators on Statius," in Alexander Dalzell, Charles Fantazzi, and Richard J. Schoeck, edd., Acta conventus Neo-Latini Torontonensis: Proceedings of the Seventh International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Toronto 8 August to 13 August 1988, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies (Binghampton, NY, 1991): 273-79 

Coleman, Kathleen M., review of Courtney, E., ed., Silvae (1990), Classical Review 41.2 (1991): 334-36

Corti, R., "Commentare le Silvae di Stazio: a proposito di un'edizione e commento al IV libro," Maia 43 (1991): 115-142
• On K.M. Coleman, Silvae IV (1988). Discussions of 4.1.5-10, 4.1.25, 4.1.45, 4.2.26, 4.3.33, 4.2.52, 4.8.40, 4.2.9, 4.3.51 and 4.9.13.

Corti, R., "La tematica dell'otium nelle Silvae di Stazio," in M. Panti, ed., Continuità e trasformationi fra Repubblica e Principato (Bari, 1991): 189-224

Corti, Rossella, "La tematica dell'otium nelle Silvae di Stazio in Continuità e transformazioni fra Repubblica e Principato: Istituzioni, politica, società: Atti dell'incontro di studi organizzato da Università di Bari (Dipartimento mento di Scienze dell'Antichità), école francaise de Rome, in collaborazione con Unive., ed. Mario Pani, Documenti e Studi 8 (Bari: Edipuglia, 1991)

de Angelis, V., "Benvenuto e Stazio," in P. Palmieri and C. Paolazzi, edd., Benvenuto da Imola: Lettere degli antichi e dei moderni (Ravella, 1991): 139-163

Dewar, M., Statius, Thebaid IX (Oxford, 1991) [edition with English translation and commentary]
• Reviews: D.E. Hill, Classical Review 42 (1992): 308-9; Newmyer, The American Journal of Philology 113 (1992): 641-43; J. Farrell, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 4 (1993): 13-15; E. Courtney, Échos du monde classique = Classical Views 37 (1993): 508-11; W. Dominik, Scholia: Studies in Classical Antiquity 2 (1993): 129-30; G. Liberman, "Problèmes de texte dans le chant IX de la Thébaïde de Stace," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 38 (1993): 112-15

Dewar, Michael J., review of Lesueur, R., ed. and trans., Thébaïde (1990), vol. 1, Classical Review 41.2 (1991): 332-34

Feeney, D., The Gods in Epic: Poets and Critics of the Classical Tradition (Oxford, 1991)
• Review: Hardie, Journal of Roman Studies 82 (1992): 252-56

Frings, I., Gespräch und Handlung in der Thebais des Statius, Beiträge zur Altertumskunde, 18 (Dissertation, Uni-Köln) (Stuttgart: Teubner, 1991)
• Review: Ph. Hardie, Classical Review 43 (1993): 274-75

Garzya, Antonio, "Sobre los commentarios de autores antiguos hechos por Poliziano" Vichiana 3a.2 (1991): 217-230
• Method and structure of Politian's commentaries.

Mussini Sacchi, Maria Pia, "Per la fortuna del Demogorgone in età umanistica," Italia medioevale e umanistica 34 (1991) 299-310
• The origin of the "Demogorgon" in Boccaccio's Genealogia and its humanistic diffusion. It derives from a gloss from Lactantius Placidus ad Theb. 4.514-516), which equates it with the neoplatonic δημιουργό&sigma.

Newlands, C., "Silvae 3.1 and Statius' Poetic Temple," Classical Quarterly 61 (1991): 438-452
• Demonstrates that the qualities for which S. apologizes in his prefaces. Improvization and speed may be virtues. A programmatic poem that subtly defines and justifies the poetics of the Silvae as they have evolved through the first three books.

Pederzani, O., "L'epos privato e quotidiano di Stazio: note per un commento a silv. 1,2," Maia 43 (1991): 21-31
Silv. 1.2 inagurates a new literary form: a mixture of epic and private poetry. The poem shows an epic exaltation of of two recipients. The play between mythic and real time gives realism to the myth and gives Stella and Violentilla an exemplary dimension. Models of Flavian ideology, they become a synthesis of ancient and modern virtues.

Possanza, D. Mark, review of Courtney, E., ed., Silvae (1990), Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1991.04.05

Riou, Yves-François, "Chronologie et provenance des manuscrits classiques latins neumés," Revue d'Histoire des Textes 21 (1991) 77-113
• Study of neumed manuscripts of Horace, Lucan, Statius, Terence, and Virgil.

Smolenaars, J., "Quellen und Rezeption: die Verarbeitung homerischer Motive bei Valerius Flaccus und Statius," in eds. M. Korn and H. J. Tschiedel, edd., Ratis omnia vincet, Spudasmata 48 (Hildesheim: Olms, 1991): 57-71

Spaltenstein, F., "Deux lectures antiques de Virgile (a propos des vers 1.42 and 8.731 de l'Eneide)," Études de lettres: Bulletin de la Faculté des Lettres de l'Univ. de Lausanne et de la Soc. des études de Lettres 2 (1991): 27-41
• Uses Statius as evidence to correct modern views.

Taisne, A.-M., "Une scène de nécromancie à Thèbes chez Stace (Th. 4.406-645) d'après Sénèque le dramaturge (Oed. 530-659)," in R. Chevallier and R. Poignault, edd., Présence de Sénèque, Caesarodunum 24 bis (Paris: Touzot, 1991): 257-272<

Vessey, D.W.T.C., rev. of R. Lesueur, Stace, Thébaide. Livres V-VIII (Tome II) (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1991) and Stace, Thébaide. Livres IX-XII (Tome III) (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1994), Gnomon 70.1 (1998): 78-79

Woods, D. J., Statius' Silvae and John's Apocalypse: Some Parallels and Contrastive Motifs, PhD Dissertation (Dallas Theological Seminary, 1991)
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts 52 (1991-92): 1729A

Barreda I Edo, P.-E., "Els arguments en vers a la Tebaida d'Estaci," Universitat de Barcelona, Anuari de filologia, secció D 13 (1990): 15-24
• The Cambridge argument to Book 1 is authentic, that to Book 6 is a later reconstruction. Edition of 1.arg. with translation of 2-12.arg.

Billerbeck, M., "Kritische Kleinigkeiten zu Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 133 (1990): 80-85
• On Silv. 2.2.100-103; Ach. 1.8-11, 129-33, 228-236.

Caiani, L., "La pietas nella Thebaide di Stazio: Mezenzio modello di Ippomedonte e Capaneo," Orpheus 11 (1990): 260-76
• In Book 11, S. recalls Mezentius as a valorous warrior and fierce tyrant, but also the wounded, affectious father. Using this last trait, S. softens the images of Hippomedon and Capaneus.

Cancik, H., "Grösse und Kolossalität als religiöse un aesthetische Kategorien: Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung am Beispiel von Statius, Silve I 1, Ecus maximus Domitiani Imperatoris," Vrel 7 (1990): 51-68
Silv. 1.1. is the only poetic description of a colossus, and gives us keys to its symbolism.

Courtney, E., ed., Silvae (Oxford, 1990)
• Reviews: Coleman, Classical Review 41.2 (1991): 334-36; Possanza, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 1991.04.05; Verstraete, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 46 (1992): 380-82; Laguna Mariscal, Gnomon 66.1 (1994): 14-17

Ebert, J., "Zum argumentum des ersten Buches der Thebais des Statius," Philologus 134 (1990): 234-7
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument.

Hutchinson, Gregory O., review of Coleman, K.M., Silvae IV (1988), Journal of Roman Studies 80 (1990): 215-16

Küppers, Jochem, "Dante und Statius," Deutsches Dante-Jahrbuch 65 (1990): 77-106

Laguna Mariscal, Gabriel, "La Silva 5.4 de Estacio: Plegaria al sueño," Habis 21 (1990): 121-38
• The poet identifies himself with Orpheus. The poem invokes more Mercury than Somnus, asking not for sleep but death. It is possible that the death of a loved one (likely his wife) was the inspiration.

Mendelsohn, D., "Empty Nest, Abandoned Cave: Maternal Anxiety in Achilleid I," ClAnt 9 (1990): 295-308
• Parallel treatment of maternal and marital anxieties. The depiction of this uneasy heroine provides a foil for her son's relationship with Deidamia, which will again aggravate the tensions.

Quadlbauer, Franz, review of Klein, T., Parrasios Epikedion auf Ippolita Sforza (1987), Anzeiger der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Philos.-Hist. Klasse 43 (1990): 99-101

Ugolini, G., "L'ethos di Giacosta tra Stesicoro e i tragici," Lexis: Poetica, Retorica e Comunicazione nella Tradizione Classica (1990) 5-6, 57-75
• History of the presentation of Jocasta in Attic theater, with witnesses from Statius and Seneca.

Van Dam, Harm-Jan, review of Coleman, K.M., Silvae IV (1988), Gnomon 62.8 (1990): 745-47

Wissmüller, Heinz, Statius, Silvae. Das lyrische Werk in neuer Übersetzung (Neustadt/Aisch: Ph.C.W. Schmidt, 1990)
• Review: Rupprecht, Gymnasium 99 (1992): 178-79

Albrecht, Michael von, "Proserpina's Tapestry in Claudian's De raptu: Tradition and Design," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989): 383-390
• Technique of presenting a series of pictures from different aspects; his use of speeches and similes; and his use of Virgil, Ovid, and Statius.

Caiani, L., "Presenza di Drance nella Thebaide di Stazio," Maia 41 (1989): 235-40
• Using items from the episode of Drances and Turnus (Aen. 11.343-375), Statius constructs episodes of dissidence (1.171 ff., 3.92-3, 3.216, 10.580-3). Drances suggests feelings hostile to tyranny.

Dewar, Michael J., review of Coleman, K.M., Silvae IV (1988), Classical Review 39.1 (1989): 33-34

Dominik, W.J., "Monarchal Power and Imperial Politics in Statius' Thebaid," Ramus 18 (1989): 74-97
• Monarchy is shown negatively: the violation of justice and abuse of power may apply to contemporary political situation.

Garthwaite, John, "Statius' Retirement from Rome: Silvae 3.5," Antichthon: Journal of the Australian Society for Classical Studies 23 (1989): 81-91
• Statius may have been ill, but a more likely reason was the Capitoline defeat (likely in summer of 94) and his blaming the loss on the emperor.

Garvey, J.J., "Silvae 2.5 and Statius' art," Latomus 48 (1989): 627-31
• Study on the originality of the epigram through comparison with the rest of Book 2. 

Hall, J.B., "Conjectures in the Silvae of Statius," Liverpool Classical Monthly 14 (1989): 116
• Textual conjectures of earlier scholars from the margin of R. Bentley's copy (in the British Library).

Hall, J.B., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid Books 1 and 2," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989) 227-41

Hardie, Ph., "Flavian Epicists on Vergil's Epic Technique," Ramus 18 (1989): 3-20
• Valerius Flaccus' use of symmetry and repetition as a formal element; Statius' motif of the warrior who dies before maturity; Silius Italicus' use of mountains and rocks as symbols of destroyed and founded cities.

Hill, D.E., "Statius' Thebaid: A Glimmer of Light in a Sea of Darkness," Ramus 18 (1989): 98-118
• Book 1 uses Aen. to explore the relationship among fate, gods, and history in a way more plausible than the Vergilian model, in light of Rome's then-recent history.

Jakobi, R., "Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989): 241-44
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument. See W. Schetter, "Argumentum Stat. Theb. 1,9-12," Hermes 117 (1989) 245-46; T. Gärtner, "Zum Text eines hexastichischen Vers-Argumentums zu Stat. Theb. I," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 132 (2000) 151-52; and O. Zwierlein, Otto, "Eine Korruptel im hexastichischen Vers-Argumentum zu Stat. Theb. 1," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 134 (2001) 52.

Lund, A.A., "Richtig und echt als Begriffe des Textkritik: Anmerkungen zu Stat. Silv. 2.1.83f., 2.1.157f., und 2.5.1f.," Mnemosyne 42 (1989): 116-119

McGuire, D.T., "Textual Strategies and Political Suicide in Flavian Epic," Ramus 18 (1989): 21-45
• Valerius Flaccus 1.695-850, Theb. 3.38-112, and Silius Italicus 2.539-698 present suicide as a possible response to tyranny and domination; suggests that it was a topic of debate.

Moussy, C., "L'imitation de Stace chez Dracontius," Illinois Classical Studies 14 (1989): 425-433
• An analysis of the allusions to Statius in Dracontius, indicating each as involuntary or a meaningful intertextual reference.

Newlands, Carole Elizabeth, "The Programmatic Nature of Statius' Silvae 3.1," summary in Abstracts of the American Philological Association (1989) 21

Ouvry, J., "Une réplique de l'Héraclès Epitrapezios retrouvée," Antike Kunst 32 (1989): 152-4
• Reproduction of the Lysippus, as attributed by Martial and Statius.

Pardini, Alessandro, "Hedera in Stazio, "Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 12 (1989): 207
• On the text of Ach.1.609-11.

Roberts, M., "The Use of Myth in Late Latin Epithalamia from Statius to Venantius Fortunatus," Transactions of the American Philological Association 119 (1989): 321-348
• In S., myth is a decorative element detached from systems of belief.

Roberts, Michael, "The Use of Myth in Latin Epithalamia from Statius to Venantius Fortunatus," Transactions of the American Philological Association 119 (1989): 321-48

Schetter, W., "Argumentum Stat. Theb. 1,9-12," Hermes 117 (1989): 245-46
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument based on R. Jakobi, R., "Alte und neue Argumente zum ersten Buch von Statius' Thebais," Hermes 117 (1989) 241-44.

Tarleton, N.J., "Aspects of realism in the representation of the herdsman in Latin and Greek literature," diss. Oxford, 1989
• On herdsmen in Apollonius' Argonautica, Vergil's Aeneid, the Thebaid, and Silius Italicus' Punica. It is shown, in particular, that Vergil is not very dependent upon Homer, but that the other authors exploit Homeric connotations on the herdsman-figure, often in an innovative way.

Vannucci, L., "Ausonio fra Virgilio e Stazio: A proposito dei modelli poetici del Cupido cruciatus," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 34 (1989): 39-54

Verstraete, B.C., "Panegyric and Candor in Statius, Silvae 3.4," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature 5, Collection Latomus 206 (1989): 405-413

Adam, W., Poetische und Kritische Waelder: Geschichte und Formen des Schreiben 'bei Gelegenheit' (1624-1770), Beiheft zu Euphorion 22 (Heidelberg, 1988)
• On silvae as a genre after the poems' re-discovery.

Anderson, D., Before the Knight's Tale (Philadelphia, PA, 1988)

Brugnoli, G., "Silio, Stazio, Ausonio e Foca Carm. de Verg. 38-39," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 40 (1988): 237-40
• Silius 8.209 could have come from Catullus 68.8 because of the way Statius read it. Silv. 3.5.1-2 contaminates the texts of Silius and Catullus. An echo of this is found in Focas, through Ausonius, Epic. In patr. 29-30, which comes directly from Statius.

Brugnoli, G., Identikit di Lattanzio Placido: Studi sulla scolastica staziana, Testi e studi di cultura classica 3 (Pisa: ETS, 1988)

Clogan, P.M., "Lactantius Placidus' Commentary on the Thebaid," in S.P. Revard et al., edd., Acta conuentus neolatini Guelpherbytani: Proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Neo-Latin, Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies 53 (Binghampton, NY, 1988): 25-32
• A short discussion with manuscript list.

Coleman, K.M., Silvae IV (Oxford, 1988) [text with translation and commentary]
• Reviews: M. Dewar, Classical Review 39 (1989): 33-34; H.-J. van Dam, Gnomon 62 (1990): 745-747; G.O. Hutchinson, Journal of Roman Studies 80 (1990): 215-16; van Dam, Gnomon 62.8 (1990): 745-47; R. Corti, "Commentare le Silvae di Stazio: A proposito di un'edizione e commento al IV libro," Maia 43 (1991): 115-42

Courtney, E., "Problems in the Silvae of Statius," Classical Philology 83 (1988): 43-45
• On 1.1.15-16, 1.1.53-55, 2.6.2-8, 3.2.30, and 5.2.54-57.

Cristóbal López, Vicente, "Tempestades épicas," Cuadernos de Investigación Filológica 14 (1988) 125-148
• On the storms in the Aeneid, including models (Odyssey, Naevius' Bellum poenicum) and influence on later authors, including Ocid, Lucan, Statius, Silius Italicus, Valerius Flaccus, Statius, Juvencus, Dracontius, and later Italian and Spanish authors.

Cristobal, V., "Tempestades epicas," Cuadernos de investigación filológica 14 (1988): 125-48

Dewar, M., "Mezentius' remorse," Classical Quarterly 38 (1988): 261-2
• Provides support for the reading exilium at Aen. 10.50.

Dewar, Michael J., review of Benker, Margrit, Achill und Domitian (1987), Classical Review 38 (1988): 252-53

Frassinetti, P., "Ozzervazioni a Stazio, Silvae, Libro 2," Civiltà classica e cristiana 9 (1988): 43-50

Jakobi, R., "Quellenrekurs als textkritischer Schlussel in den Epen des Statius," Hermes 116 (1988): 227-232

La Penna, Antonio, "Ipse Coo plaudente Philitas (Stat. Sil. 1.2.252): un' ipoetsi su Fileta di Cos," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 106 (1988): 318-20
• The allusion is to Philetas.

Longen, Ludo, Van Achilles tellen loraghe: onderzoekingen over Marelants bewerking van Statius, Achilleis in de Historie van Troyen (Deventer, 1988)
• Discussion of Jacob van Marelant's use of the Achilleid.

Newlands, C., "Naturae mirabor opus: Ausonius' Challenge to Statius in the Mosella," Transactions of the American Philological Association 118 (1988): 403-19

Newlands, C.E., "Horace and Statius at Tibur: An Interpretation of Silvae 1.3," Illinois Classical Studies 13 (1988): 95-111
Silv. 1.3 is a mannerist poem, indebted to Horace, Odes 4.2, 4.3 and Ep. 1.10 et al. Statius seeks to undermine Vopiscus' life and poetry. 

Van Dam, Harm-Jan, review of Hardie, A., Statius and the Silvae (1983), Gnomon 60.8 (1988): 704-12

Watt, W.S., "Notes on Statius, Silvae," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft n.F. 14 (1988): 159-70

Wistrand, E., "Five critical notes," in N. Horsfall, ed., Vir bonus discendi peritus: Studies in celebration of Otto Skutsch's 80th birthday, BICS Suppl. 51 (London, 1988): 162-5
• On Theb 7.199 ff.

Zweierlein, O., "Statius, Lucan, Curtius Rufus und das hellenistische Epos," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 131 (1988): 67-84
• On Theb. 1 and 11, Lucan 6, Curtius Rufus 9.5. 

Arduini, P., "Alcuni esempli di tecnica allusiva nel proemio dell'Orestis di Draconzio," Orpheus 8 (1987): 366-380

Benker, Margit, "Achill und Domitian: Herrscherkritik in der Achilleis des Statius," PhD Diss. (Erlangen-Nürnburg, 1987)
• Reviews: F. d'Esperey, Revue des études latines 55 (1987): 335-36; M. Dewar, Classical Review 38 (1988): 252-53

Burck, E., "Retractatio: Statius an seine Gattin Claudia (Silv. 3.5)," Wiener Studien 100 (1987): 137-153
• Similarity with Horace, O. 2.6

Corti, R., "Due funzioni della similitudine nella Thebaide di Stazio," Maia 29 (1987): 3-23
• Similes reflect the model S. uses to depict an episode but are still an integral part of the text.

Courtney, E., "Imitation, chronologie litteraire et Calpurnius Siculus," Revue des études latines 65 (1987): 148-57
• Traces of Statius in Calpurnius Siculus' works.

Dewar, Michael, "A note on Statius, Thebaid 9.120f.," Classical Quarterly 37 (1987): 533-535
• Read iaculorum.

Håkanson, Lennart, review of van Dam, H.-J., P. Papinius Statius Silvae Book 2 (1984), Gnomon 59 (1987): 62-64

Hellegouarc'h, J., "Les yeux de la marquise... Quelques observations sur les commutations verbales dans l'hexametre latin," Revue des études latines 65 (1987): 261-81
• On Catullus 64, Lucan 1, Aen. 4, Theb. 1.

Iglesias Montiel, Rosa María, "La importancia de los personajes femeninos en Estacio (a proposito de Theb. 11 y 12)," Homenaje al profesor Luis Rubio Estudios románicos 4-5, 2 vols. (Murcia: Murcia Univ., 1987-1989), 1:633-42

Klein, T., Parrasios Epikedion auf Ippolita Sforza: ein Beispeil schopferischer Aneignung insbesondere der Silven des Statius, mit editio critica, Uebertragung, kommentar, Stud. zur Gesch. & Kultur. des Altertums R.1, Monogr. 3 (Paderborn: Schoeningh, 1987)
• Reviews: Quadlbauer, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 43 (1990): 99-101; Klecker, Wiener Studien 103 (1990): 285-86

Moya del Bano, F., "Helena convertida en estrella? A proposito de dos pasajes de estacio," Melanges F. Rodriguez Adrados 2 (1987): 659-677
• A study of Helen in Silv. 3.2.8-12 and Theb. 7.791-93.

Nosarti, L., "Coniectanea, I (Properzio, Stazio, Corippo)," MusPat 5 (1987): 135-150
• On Theb. 10.260.

Shackelton Bailey, D.R., "The Silvae of Statius," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 91 (1987): 273-282
• On 1.1.63-5, 1.3.29-33, 1.3.70-4, 1.6.60-4, 1.6.70-1, 2.2.13-4, 2.2.150-3, 2.3.27-30, 2.6.6-8, 2.6.103-5, 3.3.76-8, 3.3.179-80, 3.5.60-1, 4.1.25-35, 4.2.23-5, 4.4.70-3, 4.5.9-12, 4.5.25-8, 4.8.14-6, 5.2.8-11, 5.2.107-10, 5.2.165-7, 5.3.64-72, 5.3.130-2, 5.3.231-3, 5.5.33-7.

Shackleton Bailey, David R., "The Silvae of Statius," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 91 (1987) 273-282
• Textual notes on 26 passages.

Vella, H.C.R., Repeats and Symmetrical Clusters of Metrical Patterns in the First Four Feet in Latin Silver Age Epic Poetry (Sliema, Malta: Aurora, 1987)

Watt, W.S., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid," Eranos 85 (1987): 49-54

Ahl, F. M., "Statius' Thebaid: A Reconsideration," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 2803-2912

Aricò, G., "L'Achilleida di Stazio: Tradizione litteraria e invenzione narrativa," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986) 2925-2964

Billerbeck, M., "Aspects of Stoicism in Flavian epic," Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 5 (1986): 341-56
• On stoicism in Silius Italicus, Statius' Thebaid, and Valerius Flaccus.

Billerbeck, M., "Stoizismus in der römischen Epik neronischer und flavischer Zeit," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 3116-3151

Billerbeck, Margarethe, "The Tree of Atedius Melior (Statius, Silvae 2.3)," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature 4, Collection Latomus 196 (Bruxelles, 1986): 528-536

Bornmann, F., "Note sulla fortuna di Callimaco a Roma," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 114 (1986): 437-442
• A discussion of S.5.3.89-99, 1.2.76-77, 5.2.124 and Horace, Serm 1.6.45-6.

Burck, E., "Statius an seine Gattin Claudia (Silvae 3.5)," Wiener Studien 99 (1986): 215-27

Carrara, Paolo, "Stazio e i primordia di Tebe: Poetica e polemica nel prologo della Tebaide," Prometheus 12 (1986): 146-158
• In the prologue, Statius is contrary to Antiochus. Statius is also different in that he has a divine force behind his choice of material.

Coleman, Kathleen M., "The Emperor Domitian and Literature," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 3087-115

Corti, R., "Le terga del cavallo. Nota a Stazio, Theb. 10.227-235 e Ovidio, Met. 12.399-402," Maia 38 (1986): 27-31
• Similarity with Georg. 3.72-80. 

de Angelis, V. "Un apografo del Vergilio ambrosiano," Studi petrarcheschi n.s. 3 (1986): 203-233 

Fletcher, G.B.A., "On Passages in Statius' Epic Poetry," in C. Deroux, ed., Studies in Latin Literature and Roman history, vol. IV, Collection Latomus 196 (Bruxelles, 1986): 521-27
• Critical and exegetical notes on Theb. 1.393-94, 2.41-42, 2.133, 2.475, 3.57, 4.479, 5.127-28, 9.4-6, 9.249, 10.38-39, 10.397-98, 10.521-22, 10.732-33, 12.171, 12.232; Ach. 1.593-94, 2.129-30. Source-critical notes on: (Virgil) Theb. 1.230, 1.320, 2.489-90, 2.536, 4.480-81, 4.693, 5.294, 5.690-91, 12.64-66, 12.146-47, 12.299-300; Ach. 1.339-40; (Ovid) Theb. 1.481, 1.662; Ach. 1.312; Theb. 4.72-73, 4.418, 4.573, 5.62, 6.668-69, 6.863, 7.137-38, 7.741-42, 9.792, 10.182, 10.786, 11.659-60, 12.12, 12.141, 12.376, 12.704-705, 12.762-63; Ach. 1.515; (Lucan) Theb. 3.4-5, 3.460, 5.210, 5.384, 5.482, 6.678, 6.702, 6.803-804, 7.270, 8.701-702, 9.493, 9.799, 10.143-44, 10.700-701, 10.854, 11.417, 12.23-24, 12.39, 12.306; (Seneca) Theb. 1.457, 8.144, 8.645, 10.183; (others) Theb. 1.84-85, 1.200, 2.150, 2.158-59, 2.357-58, 3.118-19, 3.121, 3.301, 3.466, 3.494, 3.719, 10.29, 10.234, 10.425, 10.437, 10.654, 10.656, 10.840, 11.103, 11.158, 11.268, 11.357, 11.746; Ach. 1.475-76, 1.646, 1.745, 1.788

Harrison, S., "Fronde verecunda: Statius, Silvae 1.5.14," Papers of the Liverpool Latin Seminar 5 (1986): 337-40

Kytzler, B., "Zum Aufbau der statianischen Thebais: Pius Coroebus, Theb. 1.557-692," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 2913-2924

Lesueur, R., "Les personages feminins dans la Thebaide de Stace," BSTEC 189-90 (1986): 12-32
• Women are the only characters who demonstrate humanity.

Luque Lozano, Antonio, "Los símiles en la Tebaida de Estacio," Habis 17 (1986): 165-84
• There are 202 similes, often for concluding a scene.typical images except with mythological subject matter. List of images and objects, organized by book.

Mayer, Roland G., review of van Dam, H.-J., P. Papinius Statius Silvae Book 2 (1984), Classical Review 36 (1986): 50-51

Pomeroy, A.J., "Somnus and Amor: the Play of Statius, Silvae 5.4," QUCC 53 (1986): 91-97
• The insomnia is caused by a missing loved one. The narrator seeks to seduce sleep. The inspiration is literary and autobiographical.

Sicherl, M., "Die Tragik der Danaiden," Museum Helveticum 43 (1986): 81-110
• Evidence for Aeschylus' tragedy, gleaned from Statius.

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "Een vrouw met een tragisch verleden: Iocaste's optreden in Statius Theb. 7.470-533," [in Dutch; summary in English] Lampas 19 (1986): 272-287
• Statius changes her role from that in Euripides and Seneca.

Tandoi, V., "Per la comprensione del De bello Germanico staziano muovendo dalla parodia di Giovenale," in M.G. Bianco and V. Tandoi, eds., Disiecti membra poetae, 3 vols. (Foggia, 1984-88), 2:223-234

Tanner, R. G., "Epic Tradition and Epigram in Statius," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 3020-3046

Van Dam, H.-J., "Statius, Silvae: Forschungsbericht 1974-1984," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 2727-2753

Vessey, D.W.T., "Pierius menti calor incidit: Statius' epic style," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986): 2965-3019

Vessey, D.W.T., "Transience Preserved: Style and Theme in Statius' Silvae," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.5 (1986) 2754-2802

Anonymous, Silvae (Pisa: Giardino, 1985) [anonymous edition]

Bonds, W.S., "Two combats in the Thebaid," Transactions of the American Philological Association 115 (1985): 225-235
• The parallels between the battle between Polynices and Tydeus in Book 1 and that between Polynices and Eteocles in Book 11.

Courtney, Edward, review of Hardie, A., Statius and the Silvae (1983), Classical Philology 80 (1985): 371-74

de Angelis, V. "Petrarca, Stazio, Liegi," Studi Petrarcheschi, n.s. 2 (1985): 53-84

Eck, W., "Statius Silvae 1.4 und C. Rutilius Gallicus als Proconsul Asiae II," The American Journal of Philology 106 (1985): 475-484

Hill, Donald E., review of Smolenaars, J.J.L., P. Papinius Statius, Thebaid: a Commentary on Book 7, 1-451 (1983), Classical Review 35 (1985): 187-88

Kytzler, B., "Die Darstellung von Ehe und Familie in den epischen und lyrischen Dictungen des Statius," VoxP 5 (1985): 63-74
• The depiction of domestic life yields a softness on which Dante would comment. This may be Dante's reason for seeing Statius as pre-Christian.

Mantke, J., "Die aesthetische oder dichterische Funktion des Vesuv-Bildes," Eos 78 (1985): 277-296
• Presence and role of the destruction of Vesuvius in Latin literature.

Mariotti, Italo, "Lezioni di Beroaldo il Vecchio sulla Tebaide," in R. Cardini et al., edd., Traditione classica e letteratura umanistica, per Alessandro Perosa, Umanistica 3 (Roma, 1985): 577-593

Munk Olsen, Birger, "P. Papinius Statius, II," in L'étude des auteurs classiques latins aux xie et xiie siècles, II: Catalogue des manuscrits classiques latins copiés du XIe au XIIe siècle: Liuius-Vitruuius. Florilèges. Essais de plume, Doc., Et. & Répertoires publ. par l'Inst. de rech. & d'hist. des textes (Paris: éd. du CNRS, 1985), 521-567

Reitz, C., "Hellenistische Züge in Statius' Thebaid," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft n.f. 11 (1985): 129-234
• Uses idyllic and frivolic details to give a pathetic context a contrast.

Sartori, F., "La ricchezza di Stella e Violentilla," Index 13 (1985): 201-221
• Origin, importance, and nature of the possessions of the two.

Tandoi, V., "Gli epici di fine I seculo dopo Cristo, o Il crepusculo degli dei," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 30 (1985): 154-169
• Cultural and ideological context. VF: fascinated by adventure and exoticism, sentimental, without ideal or time. SI: national heroic conscience of Romans. S: violent and pathetic, as close to a novel as to epic, represents best the tastes of late antiquity.

Ahl, F. M., "The Rider and the Horse: Politics and Power from Horace to Statius," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.1 (1984): 40-124

Coleman, Kathleen M., review of Hardie, A., Statius and the Silvae (1983), Classical Review 34 (1984): 190-92

Courtney, E., "Criticism and Elucidations of the Silvae of Statius," Transactions of the American Philological Association 114 (1984): 327-341

de Angelis, V., "Magna questio preposita coram Dante et Domino Francisco Petrarca et Virgilio," Studi Petrarcheschi, n.s. 1 (1984): 103-209
• On Dante's involvement in a debate about the completeness/incompleteness of the Achilleid in the Middle Ages.

Garthwaite, John, "Statius: Silvae 3.4," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.32.1 (1984): 40-124

Håkanson, Lennart, review of Hill, D.E., ed., Thebaidos Libri 12 (1983), Gnomon 56 (1984): 772-75

Iglesias Monteil, R.M. and M.C. Alvarez Moran, "El pasaje de Niso y Euríalo en Estacio," Simposio virgiliano conmemorativo del bimilenario de la muerte de Virgilio (Murcia: U. Murcia, 1984), 353-67

Kenney, E.J., "The Mosella of Ausonius," Greece & Rome 31 (1984): 190-202
• Influence of Virgil, Statius and Pliny the Younger.

Newmyer, S., "The Triumph of Art Over Nature: Martial and Statius on Flavian Aesthetics," Helios 11.1 (1984): 1-7
• When Martial and Statius praise physical size and the triumph of art over nature, they are transferring to aesthetics categories borrowed from the imperial cult. 

Perret, J., "L'ordre de succession des vers dans Eneide 6.602-620)," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 58 (1984): 19-33
• Reverse the order of 602-607 and 616-620 on the basis of reminiscences in Statius and others.

Rupprecht, H. von, ed., Achilleis (Mitterfels: Stolz, 1984)

Schmidt, M.G., "Nox atra und aequum sidus: Bemerkungen zur Rede Adrasts (Statius Thebaid 2.152ff.)," Museum Helveticum 41 (1984): 117-124
• Textual and structural analysis of 2.152-72.

Schubert, W. Jupiter in den Epen der Flavierzeit, Studien zur klassischen Philologie 8 (Frankfurt: Lang, 1984) 

Serrao, M., "Alcuni problemi di critica testuale in Stazio epico," Anazetesis 8-9 (1983-84): 148-52

Syme, R., "Statius on Rutilius Gallicus," Arctos 18 (1984): 149-156 = Roman Papers V, ed. A.R. Birley (Oxford, 1988): 514-20

Thompson, L., "Domitianus dominus: A gloss on Statius Silvae 1.6.84," The American Journal of Philology 105 (1984): 469-475
• Statius' comment on Domitian's reticence to become a tyrant is an accurate reflection of Domitian's view.

Van Dam, H.-J., P. Papinius Statius Silvae Book 2: A Commentary, Mnemosyne suppl. 82 (Leiden: Brill, 1984)
• Reviews: R. Mayer, Classical Review 36 (1986): 50-51; L. Håkanson, Gnomon 59 (1987): 62-64

Watt, W.S., "Notes on Latin epic poetry," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 31 (1984): 153-70
• Textual and grammatical notes on Lucan, Silius Italicus and Statius.

Aricò, G., "Per il Fortleben di Stazio," Vichiana 12 (1983): 36-43
• On the Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques of Claudian; Statius in Cassiodorus; and Statius in the Gesta Berengarii

Billerbeck, M., "Der Unterweltsbescreibung in den Punica des Silius Italicus," Hermes 111 (1983): 326-338
• His description is mostly from Virgil with some motives from Ovid, Seneca, Valerius Flaccus and Statius.

Cawsey, F., "Statius, Silvae 2.4: More Than an Ex-Parrot?" The Proeeedings of the African Classical Associations 17 (1983): 85-99
• A web of correspondences between the poet and the parrot.

Coleman, K.M., "An African at Rome: Statius, Silvae 4.5," The Proeeedings of the African Classical Associations 17 (1983): 85-99

Delz, J., "Apollo Musagetes in der Thebais des Statius," Hermes 111 (1983): 381-4
• On the text of Theb. 6.358.

Franchet d'Espérey, S. "Le destin dans les épopées de Lucain et de Stace," in François Jouan, ed, Visages du destin dans les mythologies: Mélanges Jacqueline Duchemin. Actes du colloque de Chantilly 1er-2 mai 1980(Paris: Belles lettres (Centre de recherches mythologiques de l'univ. de Paris X), 1983): 95-104
• Neither can conceive of a harmonious and coherent universe.

Gostoli, A., "Edipo e i figli nel rilievo del frontone etrusco di Talamone e nella Tebaide di Stazio," AION (archaeol.) 5 (1983): 65-76
• A second century BC relief and Statius' description suggest there was an ancient myth that Oedipus was on the battle-field.

Hardie, A., Statius and the Silvae: Poets, Patrons, and Epideixis in the Greco-Roman World, ARCA, 9 (Liverpool, 1983)
• Reviews: Coleman, Classical Review 34 (1984): 190-92; Courtney Classical Philology 80 (1985): 371-74; H.-J. van Dam, Gnomon 60 (1988): 704-12

Hill, D.E., ed., Thebaidos Libri 12, Mnemosyne suppl. 79 (Leiden: Brill, 1983)
• Reviews: Håkanson, Gnomon 56 (1984): 772-75; P. Venini, "A proposito di una recente edizione della Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 122.4 (1994) 492-500

Klecka, J. Concordantia in Publium Papinium Statium, Alpha-Omega R.A. 57 (Hildesheim, 1983)

Reeve, M.D., "Statius," in L. D. Reynolds, ed., Texts and Transmissions (Oxford, 1983): 394-99

Seager, Robin J., "Two Notes: I. Horace, Odes 1.17; II. Statius, Silvae 5.2," Liverpool Classical Monthly 8.3 (1983): 51-53

Shackleton Bailey, D.R., "Notes on Statius' Thebaid," Museum Helveticum 40 (1983): 51-60 
• On 1.147-9, 1.164-5, 1.681-4, 3.330-5, 3.378-9, 3.551-7, 3.369-73, 4.401-14, 4.639-41, 5.20-3, 5.316-9, 7.414-8, 7.463-5, 7.649-51, 7.698-703, 8.170-3, 8.338-42, 9.17-20, 9.228-9, 9.663-6, 9.805-7, 10.870-7, 11.105-10, 12.216-9, 12.382-5, 12.661-4.

Smolenaars, J.J.L., P. Papinius Statius, Thebaid: a Commentary on Book 7, 1-451, Proefschrift (Amsterdam: Gruener, 1983)
• Review: D.E. Hill, Classical Review 35 (1985): 187-88

Thomas, R.F., "Callimachus, the Victoria Berenices, and Roman poetry," Classical Quarterly 33 (1983): 92-113

Verstraete, B.C., "Originality and Mannerism in Statius' Use of Myth in the Silvae," L'Antiquité Classique 52 (1983): 195-205
• Statius adds details and emotion to myths when he constructs a narrative or when he discusses ideals and achievements. 

Vessey, D.W.T., "Mediis discumbere in astris," L'Antiquité classique 52 (1983): 206-220
• Literary and historical analysis of Silvae 4.2. Imperial ideology of Domitian.

Ahl, F.M., "Lucan and Statius," in T. James Luce, ed., Ancient Writers: Greece and Rome (New York: Scribner's, 1982): 2.917-41.

Anderson, D., "Theban History in Chaucer's Troilus," Studies in the Age of Chaucer 4 (1982): 109-133

Cesarini Martinelli, L., "Un ritrovamento polizianesco: il fascicolo perduto del commento alle Selve di Stazio," Rinascimento 22 (1982): 183-212

Clogan, P.M., "Literary Genres in a Medieval textbook," M&H 11 (1982): 199-200
• On Statius' Achilleid in the liber Catonianus.

Goguey, D., "Le paysage dans les Silves de Stace: Conventions poetique et observations realiste," Latomus 41 (1982): 602-613 

Kollmann, E.D., "Zum Enjambment in der lateinischen Hexameterdichtung," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 125 (1982): 117-134
• Analysis of enjambment in Theb. 1

Leeman, A. D., "The Lonely Vigil: A Topos in Ancient Literature," in J. den Boeft and A.H.M. Kessels, edd., Actus: Studies in Honour of H.L.W. Nelson (Utrecht: Inst. voor Klass. Talen, 1982): 189-201

Perutelli, A., "Aequo discrimine (Verg. Aen. 5.154)," [in Italian] Materiali e discussioni per l'analisi dei testi classici 8 (1982): 171-4
• On Theb. 6.605.

Radici Colace, P., "Il nuovo Callimaco di Lilli, Ovidio e Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 110 (1982): 140-9
• Traces of the Berenice in Theb. 6.

Reeve, M. D., "Statius: Silvae 3.3.149," The American Journal of Philology 103 (1982): 443-444

Serrao, M., "Influenze lessicali di Lucrezio sull' opera epica di Stazio," Anazetesis 6-7 (1982): 18-23

Smolenaars, J.J.L., "De verschrikkingen van de oorlog. Statius' verwerking van Vergilius' Aeneis," [in Dutch; summary in English] Lampas 15 (1982): 28-42
• The influence of the Aeneid on the structure of Thebaid 7.

Sturt, N.J.H., "Four Sexual Similes in Statius," Latomus 41 (1982): 833-840
• On Theb. 10.646-649; and Ach. 1.615-618, 758-760, and 839-840.

Venini, P., "Vernum lac (Stazio Theb. 4.452 s.)," Athenaeum 60 (1982): 256-7

Verdière, Raoul, "Notes critiques," Sileno: Rivista Semestrale di Studi Classici e Cristiani 8 (1982): 73-82
• On Theb. 11.273-75.

Adamini, G., "La raffigurazione del destino nella Tebaide di Stazio," Anazetesis 4-5 (1981): 15-28
• Fatum is not entirely destructive in S.. 

Burck, E., "Epische Bestattungsszenen: Ein litterar-historischer Versuch," in E. Lefevre, ed., Vom Menschenbild in der römischen Literatur II, Bibl. der Klass. Altertumswiss. N.F. 2R 72 (Heidelberg, 1981): 429-487
• A discussion of the funeral scenes in: Aen. 6.175-84, 212-235; 11.1-224; Od. 24.41-97; Il. 23.1-257 VF 3.274-361; SI 10.503-77, 12.473-8, 15.381-98; Theb. 6.1-248, 12.1-104; 12.409-463; and Lucan 8.712-793.

Castagna, L., "Ambiguità di Stazio: Nota a Theb. 1.109 sg.," Prometheus 7 (1981): 50-62
• The flow of ambiguity to expressive ends is a mark of Statius' style.

Håkanson, Lennart, review of Traglia, A., ed., and G. Aricò, trans., Opere (1980), Gnomon 53 (1981): 8-13

Hill, Donald E., review of Traglia, A., ed., and G. Aricò, trans., Opere (1980), Classical Review 31 (1981): 207-209

Morford, Mark Percy Owen, review of Newmyer, S. Th., The Silvae of Statius (1979), Classical Philology 76 (1981): 331-33

Schetter, W., "Dracontius, Romulea 9.18-30," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 124 (1981): 81-94
• Echoes of Statius.

Vessey, D.W.T., "Atedius Melior's Tree: Statius, Silvae 2.3," Classical Philology 76 (1981): 46-52
• Plane tree is a symbol of the vita umbratilis, devoted to hospitality and the arts, prompting the myth of Phloe. The myth is not only of an averted tragedy but also of a man who escaped death and found peace in seclusion.

Zetzel, J.E.G., Latin Textual Criticism in Antiquity (Salem, 1981): 171-99
• Reviews: Reeve, Classical Philology 80 (1985): 85-92; Grant, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 39 (1985): 86-88.

Beltran Noguer, M.T., En torno a la Aquileida de Estacio, Dissertation, U. de Murcia, 1980

Bright, D.F., Elaborate Disarray: The Nature of Statius' Silvae, Beiträge zur klassischen Philologie 108 (Meisenheim am Glan, 1980)

Delarue, Fernand, "Les deux épopées de Stace," Actes du Xe Congrès de l'Association Guillaume Budé, Toulouse 8-12 avril 1978 (Paris: Les Belles Lettres, 1980), 184-85

Duret, L., "De Lucrece aux silves de Stace (à propos des Silves 5.3.19-28)," Revue des études latines 58 (1980): 344-362

Farron, S.G., "The Roman Invention of Evil," StudAnt I (1979-80): 12-46
• The character who embodies evil may be seen as a literary type. Discussion of Sallust's Catiline, Horace's Cleopatra, Virgil's Mezentius, Statius' Capaneus, and Seneca's Atreus.

Montero Herrero, Santiago, "Divinidades egipcias en Estacio," Habis: Filología Clásica, Historia Antigua, Arqueología Clásica 10-11 (1979-80): 241-53
• Statius pays witness to several aspects of Egyptian religion, especially Isis.

Schetter, W., "Medea in Theben," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft N.F. 6a (1980): 209-221
Theb. 2.65 (ventum erat ad Thebas) is reused identically by Drac. Romul. 10.366, who modifies in this way the myth of Medea, arriving with Jason not in Corinth but in Thebes. This allusion to Statius has the function of a signal to the audience: the Medea of Dracontius has to be seen and understood within the framework of the dark and furious world of the Thebaid.

Swoboda, M., "De fragmentis precatorio-hymnicis apud poetas imperatorum aetate florentes," Eos 68 (1980): 285-301 

Thuile, W., Furiae in der nachklassischen Epik: Unterzuschengen zu Valerius Flaccus' Argonautica, Papinius Statius' Thebais und Silius Italicus' Punica, Diss. Innsbruck, 1980

Traglia, A., ed., and G. Aricò, trans., Opere, Classici UTET, Classici Latini 34 [Latin and Italian] (Torino: UTET, 1980)
• Reviews: Håkanson, Gnomon 53 (1981): 8-13; Hill, Classical Review 31 (1981): 207-209

Van Dam, H.-J., "Critical remarks on Statius, Silvae 2," Stud. Lat. Lit. 2, coll. Latomus 168 (1980): 378-406

Vessey, David W.T.C, review of Newmyer, S. Th., The Silvae of Statius (1979), Classical Review 30 (1980): 205-206

Aricò, G., "La scuola di Papinio," Atti del congresso internazionale di studi vespasianei, Rieti settembre 1979 (Rieti : Centro di studi varroniani, 1981), 315-323
• Interpretation of Silv. 5.3.146-194.

Baehrens, E., "Jahresbericht über Statius," Bursians Jahresbuch 10 (1879): 52-54

Bozzolo, C. and C. Jeudy, "Stace et Laurent de Premierfait," Italia medioevale e umanistica 22 (1979): 413-47
• Edition of his prose arguments to the Thebaid. Pp. 413-438: Jeudy, "L'Abrégé de la "Thébaïde" de Laurent de Premierfait"; 439-447: Bozzolo, "Le 'Dossier Laurent de Premierfait'". See C. Jeudy and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974) 143-80.

Burck, E., "Die Thebais des Statius; Die Achilleis des Statius," Das römische Epos: Grundriss der Literargeschichte nach Gattungen (Darmstadt, Wiss. Buchges. 1979): 300-358

Dowden, K., "Noctes Statianae," Classical Quarterly 29 (1979): 225-6
• On the meaning of trabes at Theb. 10.525-8. Menoetes' speech should end at iuxta (12.253), not tenebras (12.254), whence the imperfect in describing the night.

Fantham, E., "Statius' Achilles and his Trojan Model," Classical Quarterly 29 (1979): 457-62
• Statius borrowed diction, traits of characterization and thematic events from Seneca's Troades.

Gelsomino, Remo, "La Violentilla di Stazio (1.2) ed una signora della sesta satira di Giovenale (474-507)," Studi di Poesia latina in onore di Antonio Traglia: Stori e lett. Recc. Di studi e testi 141 & 142 (1979): 841-70

Gyula, Muraközy and Hegyi György, transs., Erdök, Scriptores graeci et latini 16 (Budapest: Akadémiae Kiadó, 1979)
Silvae translated into Hungarian.

Koster, Severin, "Liebe und Krieg in der Achilleis des Statius," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft, N.F. 5 (1979): 189-208
• Interpretation of proemium, comparison with the Homeric themes of love and war.

La Penna, A., "Tipi e modelli feminili nella poesia dell'epoca dei Flavi (Stazio, Silio Italico, Valerio Flacco)," Atti del congresso internazionale di studi vespasianei, Rieti settembre 1979 (Rieti : Centro di studi varroniani, 1981), 223-51

Newmyer, S. Th., The Silvae of Statius: Structure and Theme, Mnemosyne Supplementum 53 (Leiden, 1979)
• Reviews: M. Morford, Classical Philology 76 (1981): 331-33; B. Kytzler, Gnomon 52 (1980): 677-80; D.W.T. Vessey, Classical Review 30 (1980): 205-206

Schetter, W., "Statius, Thebais 5.296," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 122 (1979): 344-47

Taisne, A.-M., "Stace et la rhétorique," La rhétorique à Rome, Colloque des 10-11 Décembre 1977, Caesarodunum 14 bis (Paris, 1979): 115-28
• Position of S. in a poetic tradition where rhetoric, especially epideictic, plays a great role. Analysis of his personal evolution in his use of rhetoric. Statius is not dominated by rhetoric, but relies on his own ingenium.

Traglia, A., "Il pantheon flaviano," Atti del congresso internazionale di studi vespasianei, Rieti settembre 1979 (Rieti : Centro di studi varroniani, 1981), 535-540
• A discussion of Silv..1.1.94 sq. 

Trilli Pari, L., "Brevi note sull'epitalamio di Papinio Stazio ad Arrunzio Stella e su quello di Ennodio di Pavia a Massimo," Studi di poesia latina in onore de Antonio Traglia (Roma, 1979): 871-77
• A comparison of the two poems. Ends with a metrical analysis of both poems.

Baehrens, E., "Jahresbericht über Statius," Bursians Jahresbuch 6 (1878): 154-6; 10 (1879): 52-4

Cancik, H., "Tibur Vopisci: Statius, Silve 1.3, Villa Tiburtina Manili Vopisci," Boreas 1 (1978): 116-134
• Topographical, archaeological, prosopographical information. Aesthetic and psychology of Roman villa-culture at the end of the first century AD.

Cesarini Martinelli, L., Angelo Poliziano: Commento inedito alle Selve di Stazio, INSR Studi e Testi 5 (Firenze: Sansoni, 1978)
• Review: Guida Prometheus 7 (1981): 189-90

Coleman, K.M., "Silvae 4.9, a Statian Name Game," The Proeeedings of the African Classical Associations 14 (1978): 9-10
• Plotius Grypus is "hook-nosed." Used "nasutus" of Martial and Phaedrus to joke at literary critics.

Daumas, M., "L'amphore de Panaguriste et les sept contre Thebes," Antike Kunst 21 (1978): 23-31
• On Theb. 3.456-647.

Gagliardi, Donato, Cultura e critica letteraria a Roma nel I secolo d.C. ([Palermo]: Palumbo, 1978)

Garthwaite, John, Domitian and the Court Poets Martial and Statius, Dissertation, Cornell Univ., 1978
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 39 (1979): 4224A

Häussler, Reinhard, "Drei Gedichte an den Schlaf," Arcadia 13 (1978): 113-145

Manning, C.E., "Grief in Statius' Epicedia," AUMLA: Journal of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association 50 (1978): 251-60
• Grief from Statius seems extravagant, but he was writing in conformity with elegiac consolatio and epic and was not describing the actual behavior of the bereaved.

Nisbet, R. G. M., "Felicitas at Surrentum (Statius, Silvae 2.2)," Journal of Roman Studies 68 (1978): 1-11
• On the variety of the poet's allusions to Pollius' friends and relations.

Öberg, G., "Some Notes on the Marvels of Civilization in Imperial Roman Literature," Eranos 76 (1978): 145-55

Perez Gutierrez, U., "Aportaciones del manuscrito 148 de Tortosa a la tradición manuscrita de la Tebaida," Durius 6 (1978): 143-66

Salanitro, M., "Adnotatiuncula Statiana (Theb. 2.58, Aen. 2.255)," Latinitas 26 (1978) 178-83

Taisne, A.-M., "Peintures de villas chez Stace," Caesarodunum 13 (1978): 40-53
• Joins plays of the imagination to the real villa. Comparison with archaeology. Art of his technique and taste of the Flavian epoch. 

Taisne, A.-M., "Virgile, Virgile, modèle de Stace peintre animalier," Presence de Virgile Actes du Colloque des 9, 11 & 12 decembre 1976, publ. Chevallier, R., Caesarodunum 13 bis, Paris: les Belles lettres (1978): 105-131
• Beside their local sensibilities, Statius and Virgil were similarly influenced by Greek poets, the Iliad, the tragedians and the Alexandrians. 

Traglia, A., ed., Silvae (Torino: I.B. Paravia, 1978)

Aricò, G., "De Statii carminis, quod de bello germanico inscribitur, fragmento," ALGP 11-13 (1974-76 [1977]): 249-254
• Supports the fragment as being Statian. Hypothesis on the circumstances of the composition and edition of the poem.

Chomarat, J., "Les elegiaques et Stace," in G. Serbat, ed., Rome et nous (Paris: A.J. Picard, 1977): 149-64
• Statius exploits the genre of elegy, using the same themes in different meters. 

Colton, R.E., "Echoes of Catullus and Martial in Statius, Silvae 4.9," L'Antiquité classique 46 (1977): 544-556

Franchet d'Esperey, S., "Variations sur un thème animalier," Revue des études latines 55 (1977): 157-72
• Ascanius' killing of the deer, various themes, and ways the scene is re-used.

Fridh, Åke J, review of Önnerfors, A., Vaterporträts in der römischen Poesie (1994), Gnomon 49 (1977): 76-78

Hine, Harry M, review of Klotz, A., and T.C. Klinnert, edd., Thebais (1973), Journal of Roman Studies 67 (1977): 246-47

Hine, Harry M, review of Marastoni, A., ed., Achilleis (1974), Journal of Roman Studies 67 (1977): 246-47

Kircher, K., "Domitians 'Ablehnung' der Domitius-Anrede (Statius, Silvae 1.6.81-86.)," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 120 (1977): 90-1
• Domitian would not be called dominus at a Saturnalia festival.

Klecka, J., A Concordance to Statius, Dissertation, U. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1977
• Summary in DAI 38: (1977) 3441A

Lebek, W.D., "Ueber das neue argumentum zum ersten Buch von Statius Thebais," Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 24 (1977): 32
• Emendations to the Cambridge argument.

Mazzoli Casagrande, M. A., "Frammenti membranacei di classici latini conservati a Pavia (secoli 14-15)," RicMed 10-12 (1975-77): 31-41

Nadeau, J. Y., "Ethiopians Again, and Again," Mnemosyne 30 (1977): 75-78 

Pavlovskis, Z., Man in an Artificial Landscape: The Marvels of Imperial Roman Civilization, Mnemosyne Supplement 25 (1977)

Poynton, J.B., trans., Thebaid (in 3 voll.) (Oxford: Shakespeare Head Library, 1971-77)

Reeve, M. D., "Politian and Statius' Silvae," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 49 (1977): 285-6
• Politian probably consulted Poggio before his final edition/collation.

Reeve, M. D., "Statius' Silvae in the Fifteenth Century," Classical Quarterly 27 (1977): 202-25
• Construction of stemma of extant manuscripts and description of newly-discovered mss..

Schetter, Willy, review of Klotz, A., and T.C. Klinnert, edd., Thebais (1973), Gnomon 49 (1977): 803-809

Vessey, D.W.T.C., "Statius to His Wife: Silvae 3.5," Classical Journal 72 (1977): 134-40
• The poem is a suasoria to get wife to return to Naples, but the true theme is the picture of family life and conubial harmony.

Bek, L., "Antithesis: A Roman Attitude in the Concept of Architecture from Vitruvius to Pliny the Younger," in Ascani et al., edd., Studia Romana in hon. Paul Krarup (Odense: U. Pr., 1976): 154-66
• In Vitruvius, antithesis is limited to exterior elements. In Seneca, a confrontation between conditions. In Statius, art and nature are opposed. In Pliny, antithesis is a part of the description of architecture, not only in the case of buildings, but also of houses and gardens. 

Delarue, F., "Un ami meconnu de Stace, Vivius Maximus," SicGymn 19 (1976): 173-203
• Read "Vivius" for "Vibius".

Dilke, Oswald A.W., review Marastoni, A., ed., Achilleis (1974), Gnomon 48 (1976): 812-15

Edmunds, L., "Oedipus in the Middle Ages," A&A 22 (1976): 140-55
• In the Middle Ages, the myth was mostly known from Statius. In the Renaissance, from Sophocles.

Gesztelyi, T., "Placatio Telluris bei Statius: Thebais 8.298-341," Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 12 (1976): 53-9
• Through the richness of traditional Greek and Roman religious elements, Statius invents a cult of Tellus.

Gossage, A.J, review of Håkanson, L., Statius' Thebaid (1973), Classical Review 26 (1976): 271-72

Holland, J. E., Studies on the Heroic Tradition in the Thebaid of Statius, Dissertation, U. Missouri at Columbia (1976). Summary in Dissertation Abstracts 37 (1977): 5803A

Mayer, R.C., "Two notes on Latin poets," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 22 (1976): 56-59
• Suggested readings for Theb. 9.248-50 and [Hadrian] In Hist. Aug. 25.9.

Newmyer, S.T., Structure and Theme in the Silvae of Statius, PhD Dissertation, UNC Chapel Hill, 1976
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 38 (1977): 756A

Obrycki, K., "De Eteocle et Polynice in Statii Thebaide," [in Polish; summary in Latin] Meander 31 (1976): 481-497
• Characters of the two characters, compared with those in Seneca.

Orentzel, A.E., "Juvenal and Statius," The Classical Bulletin 52 (1976): 61-2
• Juvenal pictures S. in 7.79-87 as selling his poetry to an actor to fend off poverty. Juvenal's envy led him to belittle his rival.

Taisne, A.-M., "Temps historique et temps legendaire chez Stace," in R. Chevallier, ed., Aion: Le temps chez les Romains, Caesarodunum 10 bis (1976): 145-150

Alexis, Louis E. M., School of Nero: Europe's first Christian Ruler Identified and Excerpts Edited from his Literary Heirs, Silius Italicus, Papinius Statius, Valerius Flaccus with Textual Notes, Commentaries, Illustrations (Aberdeen, 1975)
• Review: Usher, Classical Review 27 (1977): 279-81

Astbury, R., "Juvenal 10.148-50," Mnemosyne 28 (1975): 40-46
• Juvenal makes a subtle allusion to Theb. 10.84-6 and amuses himself by going beyond his model.

Cesarini Martinelli, L., "Le Selve di Stazio nella critica testuale del Poliziano," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 47 (1975): 130-174
• Chronological reconstruction of Politian's studies in the Silvae. Reconstruction and classification of cod. Poggio. Appendix on rare mss.

Delz, J., "Nec tu divinam Aeneida tempta: Textkritisches zu Valerius Flaccus, Statius, Silius Italicus," Museum Helveticum 32 (1975): 155-72
• Certain passages are difficult to understand except when read through Virgil.

Fridh, Å., "Funera dare in epic Latin poetry: A note on Corippus, Ioh. 2.108," Eranos 73 (1975): 112-115
• Emendation of the text based on Theb. 5.647.

Häussler, R., "Statius Silvae 5.4 (ad somnum)," Zant 25 (1975): 106-113
• Critical bibliography.

Hegyi, G., "Horace et Stace," Acta classica Universitatis Scientiarum Debreceniensis 10-11 (1974-75): 95-99
• Differences between the two, especially in their attitudes toward life, poetry, and power. Statius admires the sumptuous while Horace prefers moderation. 

Lotito, G., "Il tipo etico del liberto funzionario di corte (Stazio, Silvae 3 & 5.1)," DArch 8 (1974-75): 275-383
• On Seneca's consolation to Polybius and Statius' Silvae, with an eye toward neo-stoicism and the role of the poet in a society in which the emperor is a god.

Mariotti, S., "Il cristianesimo di Stazio in Dante secondo il Poliziano," in Letteratura e critica, Studi in onore di N. Sapegno, vol. 2 (Roma, 1975): 149-61 = Scritti medievali e umanisti, Storia e letteratura 137 (Roma, 1976): 71-85
• Likelihood and unlikelihood of Politian's belief that Dante's attribution stems from Th. 4.514.

McGann, M.J., "Lucan's De incendio urbis: The Evidence of Statius," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 105 (1975): 213-7
• The reference at Silv. 2.7.60-61 seems to refer to a work in prose.

Moreland, F.L., "The Role of Darkness in Statius: A Reading of Thebaid I," Classical Journal 70.4 (1975): 20-31
• Gloom and the inability to see, both literally and metaphorically, are important aspects of Theb. 1. Theseus has neither of these, as a symbol of the ultimate defeat of evil.

Newman, J.K., "De Statio epico animadversiones," Latomus 34 (1975): 80-9
• The poem is erudite and subtle. 

Obrycki, K., "De comparationibus eorumque momento in Statii Thebaide," [in Polish; summary in Latin] Meander 30 (1975): 353-63
• Use of comparisons from myth, navigation, animals, and nature to deck out his narrative and to better expose the principal action of the Thebaid.

Schetter, Willy, review of Burck, Erich, Vom römischen Manierismus (1971), Gnomon 47 (1975): 556-62

Schmeling, Gareth L., review of Vessey, D.W.T.C., Statius and the Thebaid (1973), The American Journal of Philology 96 (1975): 80-81

Smolak, K., "Zu Statius und Homer," Wiener Studien n.F. 9 (1975): 148-51
• The death of Hippomedon in 9 has a starkness of death typical of Homer.

White, P., "The Friends of Martial, Statius, and Pliny and the Dispersal of Patronage," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 79 (1975): 265-300
• Members of their groups rarely overlapped. At this time, there were no single patron-groups as there were under Augustus.

Caviglia, F., "Appunti sulla presenza di Stazio nella comedia," RCCM 16 (1974): 267-9

Cormier, R.J., "The Problem of Anachronism: Recent Scholarship on the French Medieval Romances of Antiquity," Philological Quarterly 53 (1974): 145-157
• Adaptations of the Thebaid

Daut, R., "Belli facies et triumphus," in Festgabe für Otto Hiltbrunner, Münster Institut für Altertumskunde, 1974 (photocopy printing): 56-68
• On Pliny, NH 35.27 and 39.93 f., cf. Lucan 3.76 and Theb. 12.523.

del Re, R., "De fabulis ad Demogorgonem spectantibus," Latinitas 22 (1974): 234-41
• The phrase first appears in LP ad 4.516 ff.

Delarue, F., "Stace et les 'modernes'," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 48 (1974): 274-301 

Delarue, F., "Stace et ses contemporains," Latomus 33 (1974): 536-548
• Statius had enemies, but seems friendly with all extant contemporary authors.

Delz, J., "Vorlaeufige Bestattung: Zu Statius, Thebais 10.441, mit einem Anhang zu 4.750," Museum Helveticum 31 (1974): 42-45

Gilbert, C.D., "Statius, Silvae 1.3.42," Mnemosyne 27 (1974): 182-3 

Hill, Donald E., review of Vessey, D.W.T.C., Statius and the Thebaid (1973), Journal of Roman Studies 64 (1974): 278-79

Iglesias Montiel, R.M., "Estudio mitográfico de la 'Tebaida' de Estacio," diss. Universidad Murcia, 1974

Jay, P., trans., "Eight Latin Poems," Arion 1 (1973-74): 496-504
• Translation of part of Silv. 4.5 into English.

Jeudy, C., and Y.-F. Riou, "L'Achilléide de Stace au moyen âge: Abréges et arguments," Revue d'histoire des textes 4 (1974): 143-80
• Transmission studies and an edition of unedited Compendia and Argumenta to the Achilleid, including that of Laurentius Campanus, but also an argument to Thebaid 6. See C. Bozzolo and C. Jeudy, "Stace et Laurent de Premierfait," Italia medioevale e umanistica 22 (1979): 413-47.

Lotito, G., "In margine alla nuova edizione Teubneriana delle Silvae di Stazio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 19 (1974) 26-48
• Critical notes on A. Marastoni, ed., Achilleis (1974).

Marastoni, A., ed., Achilleis (Leipzig, 1974)
• Reviews: Dilke, Gnomon 48 (1976): 812-15; Hine, Journal of Roman Studies 67 (1977): 246-47

Narducci, E., "Sconvoglimenti naturali e profezia della guerre civili: Phars. 1.522.695: Su alcuni problemi di technica allusiva nell'epica del primo secolo dell'impero," Maia 26 (1974): 97-110

Önnerfors, A., Vaterporträts in der römischen Poesie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Horaz, Statius und Ausonius, Acta inst. Rom. Regni Sueciae Ser. in-8º, 13 (Stockholm: Astrom 1974)
• Review: Fridh, Gnomon 49 (1977): 76-78

Perkins, J., "An Aspect of Latin Comparison Construction," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 104 (1974): 261-77
• Epic poets make extensive use of verbal links between poetic comparisons and surrounding narrative. This may be an exact verbal repetition or a synonym. Valerius Flaccus and S. make a particular effort to link the comparison with context. Ovid does not use repetition as often as Statius. 71 of the 79 extended similes in the Aeneid have such a link.

Taisne, A.-M., "L'art d'être aimée... ou Une toilette de mariée sous Domitien," Caesarodunum 9 (1974): 110-21
• Analysis of Silv. 1.2.110-129, where Statius obeys a double tradition, both the Hellenistic and the Roman Venus. He follows technique of painters. 

Taisne, A.-M., "'Position' de thèse de 3e cycle... sur L'oeuvre de Stace et ses rapports avec l'art'," Caesarodunum 9 (1974): 285-88

Traglia, Antonio, Lezioni su Stazio e la "Tebaide" (Roma: Bulzoni, 1974)

Vessey, D.W.T.C., "Sidonius, Polla and the Two Poets," The Classical Bulletin 50 (1973-74): 37-39
• Sidonius Apollinaris believed that Polla Argentaria re-married after Lucan's death. The source of his assumption is unclear. It is unlikely that she married Statius, as Sidonius implies. 

Vessey, D.W.T.C., "Statius to Julius Menecrates (Silvae 4.8)," L'Antiquité classique 43 (1974): 257-66
• Critical and exegetical study of the poem. Also, the art and originality of the poet.

White, P., "The presentation and dedication of the Silvae and the Epigrams," Journal of Roman Studies 64 (1974): 40-61
• Martial wishes to honor the dedicated; S. aims at garnering patronage.

Aden, J.M., "The Change of Scepters, and Impending Woe: Political Allusion in Pope's Statius," Philological Quarterly 52 (1973) 728-38
· Pope's translation shows the manner in which he adapted the poem as a story of civil war and contending royal claimants to the contemporary political situation.

Bremmer, J.N., "Seneca, Phaedra 651-2," Mnemosyne 26 (1973): 180
• Use of Theb. 2.231 and Ovid, Amor. 1.8.35 to support readings.

Caviglia, F., "Problemi di critica staziani: La Tebaide," C&S 45-46 (1973): 45-46, 138-151

Caviglia, F., ed. and trans., La Tebaide libro I, Scriptores Latini (Roma: Ateneo, 1973) [text with Italian translation and notes]

Clogan, P.M., "The Latin Commentaries to Statius: A Bibliographic Report," in J. Ijsweijn and E. Kessler, edd., Acta conuentus neolatini Loveniensis: Proceedings of the First International Congress of Neo-Latin Studies, Humanistische Bibliothek I.20 (Leuven, 1973): 149-57
• A short discussion. States that Fulgentius is the author of the allegory on the Thebaid.

Courtney, Edward, review of Williams, R.D., ed., Thebaidos liber decimus (1972), Journal of Roman Studies 63 (1973): 308-309 

Delz, J., "Coniectanea," Museum Helveticum 30 (1973): 126
• At Silvae 4.2.27, read coniuncta

Frassinetti, P., "Stazio epico e la critica recente," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 107 (1973): 243-58

Håkanson, L., Statius' Thebaid: Critical and exegetical remarks, Kungliga Humanistiska Vetenskapssamfundet : Scripta minora (Lund: Gleerup, 1973)
• Review: Gossage, Classical Review 26 (1976): 271-72

Hertz, M., "Miscellen," Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 107 (1973): 337
• On Silv. 4.8.25 ff.

Holtsmark, E. B., "The Bath of Claudius Etruscus," Classical Journal 68 (1972-73): 216-220
Silv. 1.5 is only 60 lines long, half of which is the proeemium. The poem is actually protreptic: he is wondering whether a bath is the best way to spend the money.

Katscher, R., "'Waltharius'-Dichtung und Dichter," MLatJb 9 (1973): 48-120 (Dissertation, Leipzig, 1958) 
• Similarities with Virgil, Statius, and Prudentius demonstrate the influences on Waltharius' epic technique.

Klotz, A., and T.C. Klinnert, edd., Thebais (Leipzig, 1973)
• Reviews: Hine, Journal of Roman Studies 67 (1977): 246-47; Schetter, Gnomon 49 (1977): 803-809

Ott, W., Metrische Analysen zu Statius Thebais Buch 1, Materialen zu Metrik und Stilistik 5 (Tübingen, 1973)

Schindel, Ulrich, review of Sweeney, R.D., Prolegomena to an Edition of the Scholia to Statius (1969), , Gnomon 45 (1973): 249-58 

Sirna, F. G., "Alcmane heuretes ton erotikon melon," Aegyptus 53 (1973): 28-70
• Use of the Achilleid to show Statius' influence on later authors.

Townend, G.B., "The Literary Substrata to Juvenal's Satires," Journal of Roman Studies 63 (1973): 148-160
• Juvenal makes frequent allusions to Martial, Statius and Calpurnius Siculus, especially in Sat. 1 and 7. Juvenal often satirizes, parodies, or undercuts the apparent sincerity of his own words. In Sat. 4, he experiments with a new type of satire, juxtaposing echoes from the critical record of Tacitus' Histories with those from the panegyric of Statius' De bello germanico. Juvenal's lack of success may be due to his belief that his readers would recognize a wide range of references.

Venini, P., "Su alcuni passi del l. X della Tebaide staziani: in margine a un recente commentario," Athenaeum 51 (1973): 384-88
• Critical review of R.D. Williams, ed., Thebaidos liber decimus (1972).

Vessey, D.W.T.C., Statius and the Thebaid (Cambridge, 1973)
• Reviews: D.E. Hill, Journal of Roman Studies 64 (1974): 278-279; Schmeling, The American Journal of Philology 96 (1975): 80-81

White, P., "Notes on Two Statian Prosopa," Classical Philology 68 (1973): 279-284
• Notes on the pietas of M. Vitorius Marcellus in Silv. 4.praef. and Silv. 4.4 were meant to allay Domitian's fear of his ambition. In Silv. 5.2, Statius seems to suggest that Vettius Crispinus' mother set out to poison him to secure his inheritance.

White, P., "Vivius Maximus, the Friend of Statius," Historia 22 (1973): 295-301
• The Vivii Maximi of Silv. 4.7, Martial 11.7, and Pliny the Younger Ep.3.2 are different people.

Argenio, R., "Due epicedii di Papinio Stazio: Silv. 2.1 e 5.5," RSC 20 (1972): 331-362 [text, commentary, and translation]

Argenio, R., "Due Selve di Stazio commentate e tradotte," RSC 20 (1972): 13-31 [Silv. 1.5 and 1.6 with text, commentary and translation]

Aricò, G., "Adflato monte sepultum," BStudLat 2 (1972): 158-61
Silv. 5.3.104 ff. alludes to the stoic-peripatetic explanation that movements of air within the earth cause earthquakes and volcanoes.

Aricò, G., "Su alcuni aspetti del mito tebano nelle urne volterrane," ALGP 9-10 (1972-73): 106-110
• Interpretation of urns 2, 4 and 10 in light of the Thebaid

Aricò, G., Richerche Staziane (Palermo, 1972)

Berrigan, J.R., "The Achilleid of Statius in the Chronicon of Benzo d'Alessandria," Manuscripta 16 (1972): 177-84

Burgess, J.F., "Pietas in Virgil and Statius," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 11 (1971-72): 48-61
• Aeneas' pietas-suffering for himself and others, but this is subordinated to the final goal. In the Thebaid, the impietas of actions and plans of the gods is the focus. Pietas is often unrewarded.

Burgess, J.F., "Statius' Altar of Mercy," Classical Quarterly 22 (1972): 339-349
• Emphasis on clementia in Th.12 results from the contemporary political situation. While the poem deals with man as tragic victim, the Ara Clementiae is a source of consolation. In contrast to traditional usage, clementia is not defined as the perogative of an injured party, but can be offered by a disinterested third person.

Burgess, J.F., "Statius' Use of Sources," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 69 (1972): 29-30

[Cancik-Lindemaier, Hildegard], Arbeitsgruppe fur lateinische Metrik und Stilistik, Tübingen, "Zur elision anapaestischer Worter bei Vergil und Statius," Glotta 50 (1972): 97-120 

Cazzaniga, I., "Lucano 9.768 (e 814) e Stazio, Theb. 5.597-8: Critica testuale," Acme 25 (1972): 225-228
• The parallel suggests we read rapta at 9.769, not rupta

Clinton, K., "Publius Papinius St[---] at Eleusis," Transactions of the American Philological Association 103 (1972): 79-82 (with plates)
• Kirchner's restoration to St [eiriea] in Inscriptiones Graecae II² 3919 must be rejected. Read Στ[ατιον], referring to Statius the father. His victories at the Nemean, Pythian, and Isthmian games make it plausible that the Areopagus would dedicate a statue to him in the sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, which Roman guests at Athens often visited.

Gossage, A.J, review of Götting, M., Hypsipyle in der Thebais des Statius (1969), Classical Review 86 (1972): 111-12

Jahnke, H., Homerisches in roemischer Epik flavischer Zeit: Untersuchungen zu Szenennachbildung und Strukturentsprechungen in Statius' Thebais und Achilleis und in Silius' Punica, Zetemata 13 (Munchen: Beck, 1972)

Kytzler, Bernhard, review of Snijder, H., Thebaid: A Commentary on Book III (1968), Gnomon 44 (1972): 405-407

Luck, Georg, review of Håkanson, Lennart, Statius' Silvae (1969), The American Journal of Philology 93 (1972): 493-94

Schrader, R.J., "Beowulf's obsequies and the Roman epic," Comparative Literature 24 (1972): 237-259
• The funeral practices in Beowulf are similar to those in the Theb.

Szelest, H. "Mythologie und ihre Rolle in den Silvae des Statius," Eos 60 (1972): 309-317 
• Often, myth is cited only by allusion or paraphrase; often, especially with local divinities, he gives details unknown elsewhere. He is also the first Roman poet to give divinities an active role at all levels of a poem.

Szelest, H., "De Statiana Neapolis descriptione," [in Polish; summary in Latin] Meander 27 (1972): 50-4
• Commentary on 3.5.81-105.

Szelest, H., "Rolle und Bedeutung des P. Papinius Statius als des Verfassers der Silvae in der romischen Dichtung," Eos 60 (1972): 87-101
• The newness of his occasional poems comes from his utilization of traditional elements. Transforms ecphrasis and uses it, under the influence of rhetoric, into a new form of epithalamium, and consolatio. "Le premier poete de coeur." 

Szelest, H., "Soteria Rutulii Gallici (Stat. Silv. 1.4)," Helikon 11-12 (1971-72): 433-443
• Poems composed for this occasion are very rare in antiquity. Compared with some Greek epigrams, Horace (C. 1.20, 2.13, 2.17, 3.18) and Martial (7.47, 11.36).

Taisne, A.-M., "Le role du serpent dans la mythologie de Stace," Caesarodunum 7 (1972): 357-380

Thordarson, F., "Die Ferse des Achilleus: Ein skythisches Motif?" Symbolae Osloenses, auspiciis Societatis Graeco-Latine 47 (1972): 109-124
• In the myth of Achilles' heel, Statius uses elements from Iranian, Germanic, Celtic, Siberian, and Indian sources.

Tourlides, G.A., "Miscellanea Thracia in Thebaidem P. Papini Stati: Thrace, Thraces, Thracius," Thrakika 46 (1972): 20-22
• A discussion of the eleven references with commentary.

Traglia, A., "Problemi di critica staziana: L'Achilleide," C&S 43 (1972): 67-73

Vassileiou, A., "Dulcem Gallionem (note sur Stace, Silves 2.7.32)," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 46 (1972): 40-2
• On L. Iunius Gallio Annaeanus, the brother of Seneca the philosopher.

Venini, P., "Ancora su Stazio e Antimaco," Athenaeum 50 (1972): 400-403
• Statius probably knew Antimachus, contrary to what Vessey says.

Verdière, R., "Notes de lecture," Latomus 31 (1972): 201-3
• On Silvae 5.2.144-46, 3.93-94; Theb. 4.41-42, 6.446-47, 10.273-75.

Vessey, D., "Aspects of Statius' Epithalamion," Mnemosyne 25 (1972): 172-87
S.1.2 arranged AAabc>>abcBA, which demonstrates his mannerism.

White, P., Aspects of Non-Imperial Patronage in the Works of Martial and Statius, Diss. Harvard U., 1972. Summary in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 77 (1973): 258-60

Williams, R.D., ed., Thebaidos liber decimus, Mnemosyne suppl. 22 (Leiden: Brill, 1972) [with commentary]
• Reviews: Courtney, Journal of Roman Studies 63 (1973): 308-309; Venini 1973

Zweierlein, O., "Antike Motive beim Archipoeta und im Ligurinus," MLatJb 7 (1972): 102-24
• Ligurinus uses Statius as well as Horace and Ovid.

Aricò, G., "Adrasto e la guerra tebano (mondo spirituale staziano e caratterizzazzione psicologica)," ALGP 7-8 (1970-71): 115-131
• In this troubled universe, dominated by nefas, the pietas is that of the individual. In Vergil, the gods were the guaranty of justice.

Aricò, G., "Sulle tracce di una poetica staziana," BStudLat 1 (1971): 217-239
• Statius has a conscious classical poeticism, based on Augustan rhetorico-literary theories and in accordance with the cultural orientations of the Flavian reign. It is, however, difficult to attach him to a coherent system of ideas. Next to the idea of the poeta doctus and limae labor, one finds the survival of a neoteric motif of poetry as a iocus and a lusus as well as a Callimachean antithesis.

Burck, E., "Die Vorbereitung des taciteischen Menschen- und Herrscherbildes in der Dichtung der fruhen romischen Kaiserzeit," in G. Radke, ed., Politik und literarische Kunst im Werk des Tacitus, AU Beiheft 14 (Stuttgart: Klett, 1971): 37-60

Burck, Erich, Vom römischen Manierismus: Von der Dichtung der frühen römischen Kaiserzeit (Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971)
• Review: W. Schetter, Gnomon 47 (1975): 556-62

Cancik-Lindemaier, H., "Amphitheater: Zum Problem der Gesamtinterpretation am Beispiel von Statius, Silve 2.5: Leo mansuetus," Der altsprachliche Unterricht: Arbeitshefte zu seiner wissenschaftlichen Begründung und praktischen Gestalt 14.3 (1971): 72-75

Cancik-Lindemaier, Hildegard, "Ein Mahl für Hercules: Ein Versuch zu Statius, Silve 4.6, Hercules Epitrapezios," Der altsprachliche Unterricht: Arbeitshefte zu seiner wissenschaftlichen Begründung und praktischen Gestalt 14.3 (1971): 43-65
• The style of the poem.

Courtney, E., "Further Remarks on the Silvae of Statius," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 18 (1971): 95-97
• Emendations to 2.2.137, 1.3.24, 3.5.13. The second person at 2.1.54 refers to Glaucias.

Kenney, E.J., review of Håkanson, L., Statius' Thebaid (1973), Classical Review 85 (1971): 210-11

Klinnert, Th. C., Capaneus-Hippomedon: Interpretationen zur Heldendarstellung in der Thebais des P. Papinius Statius, Diss. Uni-Heidelberg, 1970
• Review: Schetter, Latomus 31 (1971): 228-33

Meheust, J., ed. and trans., Achilleide, Collection G. Budé (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1971)

Moisy, Sigrid von, Untersuchungen zur Erzahlweise in Statius' Thebais, Habelts Dissertationsdrucke / Reihe klassische Philologie 11 (Bonn, 1971)
• Reviews: Delarue, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 47 (1973): 165; Marache, Revue des études latines 51 (1973): 419

Speranza, F., Stazio: l'Achilleide (Messina: Peloritana, 1971) [edition with notes] 

Stock, B., "A note on the Thebaid commentaries: Paris, B.N. Lat. 3012," Traditio 27 (1971): 468-471
• On the date of Ps.-Fulgentius.

Szelest, H., "Sylwy" Stacjusza, Archiwum filologiczne nr. 28 (Wroclaw: Zaklad Narodowy imienia Ossolinskich-Wydawnictwo, 1971) [Silvae translated into Polish; summary in French on pp. 117-18]

Traglia, A., "Problemi di critica staziana: Le Selve," C&S 40 (1971): 58-64

Venini, P., "Valerio Flacco e l'erudizione Apolloniana, Note stilistiche," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 105 (1971): 582-596
• Comparison of Valerius and Statius in their desire to follow artistic exigencies and satisfy popular taste.

Vessey, D., "Menoeceus in the Thebaid of Statius," Classical Philology 66 (1971): 236-43

Vessey, David W.T.C., "Exitiale genus: Some Notes on Statius, Thebaid I," Latomus 30 (1971): 375-82

Vessey, David W.T.C., "Noxia Tela: Some Innovations in Statius, Thebaid 7 and 11," Classical Philology 66.2 (1971): 87-92
• On Statius' innovations in the myth of Ethiocles and Polynices, especially Jocasta's intercessions.

Whitbread, L.G., trans., Fulgentius the Mythographer (Columbus, OH, 1971): 235-44

Clogan, P.M., "The Planctus of Oedipus," M&H n.s. 1 (1970): 233-239
• Edition of the poem. The story of Oedipus's early life, not told by S., was supplied in parallel narratives, such as this poem of the 12th c.

Courtney, Edward, review of Sweeney, R.D., Prolegomena to an Edition of the Scholia to Statius (1969), Classical Review 84 (1970): 197-98

Luipold, H.-A., Die Bruder-Gleichnisse in der Thebais des Statius, Dissertation, Uni-Tübingen, 1970

Marastoni, A., ed., Silvae, 2nd ed. (Leipzig, 1970)

Sbordone, F., ed. and trans., Le Selve, con antologia di traduzioni e note, testo e apparato critico (Napoli: Libreria Scientifica Editrice, 1970)

Sbordone, F., ed., Le Selve, testo e apparato critico (Napoli: L. Loffredo, ante 1970)

Venini, P., Thebaidos liber undecimus, Biblioteca di Studi superiori 58 (Firenze, 1970) [commentary]

Vessey, D.W.T.C., "Lucan, Statius, and the Baroque Epic," The Classical World 63 (1970): 232-4

Vessey, D.W.T.C., "Notes on the Hypsipyle Episode in Statius: Thebaid 4-6," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 17 (1970): 44-54 

Vessey, D.W.T.C., "The Significance of the Myth of Linus and Coroebus in Statius' Thebaid, I,557-672," The American Journal of Philology 91 (1970): 315-331 

Vessey, David W.T.C., "Statius and Antimachus: A Review of the Evidence," Philologus 114.1/2 (1970): 118-43

Vessey, David W.T.C., "The Games in Thebaid VI," Latomus 29 (1970): 426-41

Waite, S.V.F., "Metrical Indices to Statius' Achilleid," Hephaistos 1 (1970): 28-70

Argenio, R., "Tre figure di madri," RSC 17 (1969): 219-223
• On Silv. 5.3.241-2 and maternal figures in Augustine, Petrarch, Gorki and Brecht.

Aricò, G., "Interpretazioni recenti della composizione della Thebaide," ALGP 5-6 (1968-69): 216-233
• Recent studies of composition as well as baroque and classical models.

Brugnoli, G., "Stazio in Dante," Cultura Neolatina 29 (1969): 117-25
• The implied Christianity of Statius is an invention of Dante, but he does serve as a link, in purgatory, between Virgil, who has departed, and Beatrice.

Götting, M., Hypsipyle in der Thebais des Statius, Dissertation, Uni-Tübingen 1966-1970 (Weisbaden: Saendig, 1969)
• Review: A.J. Gossage, Classical Review 22 (1972): 110-12

Griffith, J.G., "Juvenal, Statius, and the Flavian Establishment," Greece & Rome 16 (1969): 134-50
• Summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 65 (1968): 29-30. Satire 4 parodies the counselors of Domitian and is likely a parody of the lost Bellum Germanicum.

Håkanson, Lennart, Statius' Silvae: Critical and Exegetical Remarks with Some Notes on the Thebaid (Lund: Gleerup, 1969)
• Reviews: Kenney, Classical Review 85 (1971): 210-11; Luck, The American Journal of Philology 93 (1972): 493-94

Kytzler, B., "Imitatio and aemulatio in der Thebais des Statius," Hermes 97 (1969): 209-232 

Marastoni, A., "Der Dichter Statius," Altertum 15 (1969): 220-37

Mensching, E., "Lukans Schriftenverzeichnis bei Statius (Silv. 2.7)," Hermes 97 (1969): 252-55

Mestron, P. Th. R., "Dante-Statius," Hermeneus 41 (1969): 29-30
• Against A. Nolte, "De figuur van Statius in de Divina Commedia," Hermeneus 40 (1968) 21-36.

Newmann, I.K., "Poetarum Latinorum loci quattuor," Latinitas 17 (1969): 9-15
• On Th. 9.248-51 and 2.268 f. 

Ross, R.C., "Superstitio," Classical Journal 64 (1969): 354-8
• Various meanings of the word. Statius uses it uniquely at Theb. 12.487-490, where its link with religio robs it of its pejorative tone.

Schetter, W., "Merkmale zur Fünfbücherausgabe der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 113 (1969): 306-10 

Soubiran, J., "De Coriolan à Polynice: Tite-Live modèle de Stace," in J. Bibauw, ed., Hommages à Marcel Renard I, Collection Latomus 101 (1969): 689-699
• The meeting of Jocasta and Polynices (Theb. 7.470-533) is inspired by Livy 2.40, where Veturia meets Coriolanus.

Sweeney, R. D., Prolegomena to an Edition of the Scholia to Statius, Mnemosyne Suppl. 8 (Leiden, 1969)
• Summary in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 71 (1966): 347-49
• Reviews: Courtney, Classical Review 84 (1970): 197-98; Schindel, Gnomon 45 (1973): 249-58

Szelest, H., "De P. Papinii Statii ad Metium Celerem carmine obseruationes aliquot," [in Polish; summary in Latin] Meander 24 (1969): 335-44
• Originality of the Propempticon at 3.2.

Szelest, H., "Die Originalität der sog. beschreibenden Silvae des Statius," Eos 56 (1966 [1969]): 186-97
• The originality resides in the fact that they collect all elements of descriptive poetry, from the encomion, from the action, which take on personal voices.

Tandoi, V., "Il ricordo di Stazio 'dolce poeta' nella Sat. 7 di Giovenale," Maia 21 (1969): 103-122
• Juvenal's statement is ironic.

Traglia, A., "Osservazioni sul testo dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 97 (1969): 421-31

Venini, P., "Stazio poeta doctus?" Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 103 (1969): 461-76
• The opinion of F. Delarue, ("Sur deux passages de Stace," Orpheus 15 (1968) 13-31) that Statius is an erudite poet doesn't correspond to reality. He has solid learning, but adheres too much to his predecessors.

Weber, C., "The Diction of Death in Latin Epic," Agon 3 (1969): 45-68
• Single words and periphrases for kill in Ennius, Virgil, Lucan and Statius.

Bishop, J.H., "The Ghost of a longaevus parens," Classical Review 10 (1968): 8
• Critique of H. Erkell, "Statius' Silvae 4.1 und das Templum gentis Flaviae," Eranos 56 (1958) 173-82.

Broscius (Brožek), M., "De Statio Pindarico," Eos 15 (1965 [1968]): 338-340
• Aspects of Pindar's influence on the Silvae.

Cancik, H., "Ein epikurische Villa. Statius, Silv. 2.2, villa Surrentina," Der altsprachliche Unterricht: Arbeitshefte zu seiner wissenschaftlichen Begründung und praktischen Gestalt 21.1 (1968): 62-75

Casson, L., "Maecius Celer's ship," Classical Review 18 (1968): 261-262
Silv. 3.2.22-28 depicts a large grain-carrying ship, the first of the season, from Alexandria to Puteoli.

Clogan, P.M., The Medieval Achilleid of Statius (Leiden: Brill, 1968)
• Edition of a combination of several medieval manuscripts and glosses.
• Reviews: van Acker, Latomus 28 (1969): 216-7; Delarue, RBPh 47 (1969): 528-30; Hill, Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 23 (1969): 227-30; Lefèvre, Gymnasium 77 (1970): 256-8; Desmed, Scriptorium 24 (1970): 149-50 (estimates that about 200 Achill. mss. are extant); P. Petitmengin, Le Moyen Âge 76 (1970): 574-77; Sweeney, The Classical World 63 (1970): 173

Courtney, E., "Emendations of Statius' Silvae," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 15 (1968): 51-57
• Discussion of Silv. 1.3.101, 2.1.125,194, 227, 3.4.55,82,93, 4.1.8, 5.1.205, 5.2.144, 5.3.74.

Delarue, F., "Sur deux passages de Stace," Orpheus 15 (1968): 13-31
• On Thebaid 4.393-405, 1.245-247. Cf. P. Venini, "Stazio poeta doctus?" Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 103 (1969) 461-76.

Frank, E., "Struttura dell'esametro di Stazio," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 102 (1968): 396-408
• Statius' meter differs from Virgil's in that S. has more rapidity (more dactyls, more elisions) and more homodyns of 4 feet. Moreover, S. lets his phrases continue across verses. S. resembles Virgil in his varietas.The Silvae are different: they have a less great variety of pauses and a greater rapidity (through elisions). See P. Venini, "A proposito di alcuni recenti studi sulla composizione della Tebaide staziana," Athenaeum 46 (1968) 131-38.

Gräfin von Stosch, G., Untersuchungen zu den Leichenspielen in der Thebais des P. Papinius Statius, Dissertation, Uni-Tübingen, 1968 

Juhnke, Herbert, Homerisches in römischer Epik flavischer Zeit. Untersuchung zu Szenennachbildungen und Strukturentsprechungen in Statius' Thebais und Achilleis und in Silius' Punica, Zetemata; 53 (München, Beck, 1968) (Habil.-Schr, Kiel, 1968)

Kabsch, Edda, "Funktion und Stellung des zwölften Buches der Thebais des P. Papinius Statius," Dissertation, Uni-Kiel, 1968 

Kytzler, B., "Beobachtungen zu den Wettspielen in der Thebais des Statius," Traditio 24 (1968): 1-15
• The contests are highly original and are an important part of the structure.

Kytzler, B., "Der Bittgang der argivischen Frauen (Statius, Thebais 10.49-83)," Der altsprachliche Unterricht: Arbeitshefte zu seiner wissenschaftlichen Begründung und praktischen Gestalt 11.1 (1968): 50-61
• Traces the theme from Homer to Virgil, S.I. 7.74, and Statius. Notes on Statius' poetic art, psychological sensibility, and dramatic sense.

Lorenz, Gudrun, Vergleichende Interpretationen zu Silius Italicus und Statius, Dissertation, Uni-Kiel, 1968 

Nolte, A., "De figuur van Statius in de Divina Commedia," Hermeneus 40 (1968): 21-36
• See P.Th.R. Mestron, "Dante-Statius," Hermeneus 41 (1969) 29-30.

Snijder, H., Thebaid: A Commentary on Book III (Amsterdam: A.M. Hakkert, 1968)
• Review: Kytzler, Gnomon 44 (1972): 405-407

Szelest, H., "De P. Papinii Statii Silvae 1.4, compositione et fontibus," [in Polish; summary in Latin] Meander 23 (1968): 298-305
• Statius adds a personal accent to this soterion and renews the traditional genre.

Tandoi, V., "Giovenale il mecanatismo a Roma fra 1 e 2 secolo," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 13 (1968): 125-145
• Juvenal (7.1-97) makes S. the symbol of a culture tied to bad taste of the public and to the directives of ignoble courtesans.

Tandoi, V., "Il ricordo di Stazio dolce poetanella Sat. 7 di Giovenale," in Ommagio a Eduard Fraenkel (Rome 1968): 248-70
• The culture of Trajan's time is hostile to S. Juvenal 7.82-87 is a sarcastic double-entendre.

Venini, P., "A proposito di alcuni recenti studi sulla composizione della Tebaide staziana," Athenaeum 46 (1968): 131-38
• On the studies of E. Frank, ("Struttura dell'esametro di Stazio," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 102 (1968) 396-408); and W. Schetter (Untersuchungen zur epischen Kunst des Statius, 1960).

Ahl, F.M., Kings, Men and Gods in the Thebaid of Statius, Dissertation, U. of Texas at Austin, 1966
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 27 (1967): 3437A

Birley, A., "The Emperor Septimius Severus," History Today 17 (1967): 667-673
Silv. 4.5 probably refers to the emperor's grandfather.

Clausen, W., "Statius, Thebaid 10.299," Philologus 111 (1967): 146

Clogan, P.M., "Medieval Glossed Manuscripts of the Thebaid," Manuscripta 11 (1967): 102-112
• List, with brief introduction.

Colton, R.E., "Parrot poems in Ovid and Statius," The Classical Bulletin 43 (1967): 71-78
• How S. is influenced by Ovid's Amores.

Dunston, A.J., "What Politian saw: Statius, Silvae 1.4.88," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 14 (1967): 96-101
• Politian probably saw Matritensis 3678, but present evidence makes the problem insoluble. A reply to E. Courtney, "On the Silvae of Statius," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 13 (1966) 94-100.

Gil, J., "Observaciones críticas a autores latinos," [summary in English] Emerita 35 (1967): 105-108
• On Th. 1.458-60, 474-5; 2.50, 89, 248; 3.326, 582, 586; 4.170, 245; 5.205, 213-4, 492, 736; 6.173, 539.

Grillone, A., "De simulatis ominibus apud Graecos et Romanos epicos poetas," ALGP 3-4 (1966-67): 274-280
• On Odyssey 14.490-502, Apollonius Rhodius 3.690-692, Aen. 5.636-8, Valerius Flaccus 1.47-50, Silius Italicus 2.561-8, and Theb. 5.134-41.

Guggenheimer, E.H., Patterns of Sound Repetition in Classical Latin Poetry, diss. U. Minnesota at Minneapolis 1967
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 28 (1967): 1063A.

MacKay, L.A., "Statius in Purgatory,: Classica et mediaevalia 26 (1965 [1967]): 293-305
• Statius represents poetic intuition and thus is secondary to revelation, which is an immediate form of divine appirition, according to Dante.

Pastore Stocchi, M., "Sulle curae statianae del Poliziano," AIV 125 (1966-67): 39-74
• Politian's scholarly life was dedicated to the Silvae. The question of mitis Taras (S. 1.1.102-4) shows that Politian did not know the explanation of Poggio until after 1489. Issues of polemic with Domizio Calderini. The curae statianae allowed Politian to perfect his critical method.

Pavlovskis, Z., "From Statius to Ennodius: A Brief History of Prose Prefaces to Poems," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 101 (1967): 535-567
• Usually, prose prefaces were a rhetorical exercise. With Lucian began the idea of mixing poetry and prose. 

Riegler, F., Historische Ereignisse und Personen bei Martial und Statius, Dissertation, Wein, 1967

Szelest, H., "De Papinii Statii Silvarum 4.7 and 8, compositione et fontibus," [in Polish; summary in Latin] Meander 22 (1967): 261-8
• Statius is the first poet to celebrate the birth of his own children, borrows from Greek and Latin poets.

Traglia, A., "De P. Papinio Statio Silvarum poeta," Latinitas 15 (1967): 171-178
• The author takes a middle path between seeing the poems as expressions of every poetic sentiment and gratifications of louanges exagérées.

Venini, P., "Ancora sull'imitazione senecana e lucanea nella Tebaide di Stazio," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 95 (1967): 418-427
• They determine some of the fundamental motifs of the Theb. and in Statius' view of myth.

Venini, P., "Funera Cadmi," Aevum 41 (1967): 327-332
• At Theb. 1.227, the question is whether it is Cadmus or his descendants. At Theb. 11.485, it is clearly Cadmus.

Wimsatt, J., "The sources of Chaucer's Seys and Alcyone," MAev 36 (1967): 231-241
• Ovid's influence has been exaggerated, while Virgil's and Statius' have been neglected.

Argenio, R., Stazio poeta degle affetti (Roma, 1966)
• Reviews: André, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 41 (1967): 363; D'Agostino, RSC 14 (1966): 184

Bishop, J.H., "The Silvae of Statius," in M. Kelly, ed., For Service to Classical Studies: Essays in Honor of Francis Letters (Melbourne: Chishire, 1966): 15-30
• "An interpretive essay". 

Broscius (Brožek), M., "De Silvarum materia et forma a Statio suis consiliis accommodata," [in Polish with a summary in Latin] Meander 21 (1966): 453-468
• How Statius uses his desire for improvization.

Colton, R.E., "Juvenal on Recitations," The Classical Bulletin 42 (1966): 81-5
• An examination of Sat. 1.1-21, an attack on the epic poetry of the day, typified by VF. In Sat. 1 and 3, Juvenal seems to hate recitations; in Sat. 7, he is the compassionate satirist, lamenting the miseries of reciting poets.

Courtney, E., "On the Silvae of Statius," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 13 (1966): 94-100
• Politians' ms. the one used by Poggio and the exemplar of the matritensis. Discussion and interpretation of the S. at ten points. See A.J. Dunston, "What Politian saw: Statius, Silvae 1.4.88," Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies of the University of London 14 (1967) 96-101.

Daweson, C.M., "Spoudaiogeloion: Random Thoughts on Occasional Poems," Yale Classical Studies 19 (1966): 39-76

Deferrari, R.-J., and Eagan, M.C., A Concordance of Statius. Brookland, D.C. 1943 (Hildesheim, 1966). 
• Review: Cooke, Classical Philology (1946): 114-8.

Hill, D.E., "The Manuscript Tradition of the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly n.s. 16 (1966): 333-46
• Contrary to Boussard ("Le classement des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 30 (1952) 220-51), Paris lat. 8051 is still the only known example of the p family. Remarks on lemmata.

Kenney, E.J., review of Cancik, H., Untersuchungen zur lyrischen Kunst des P. Papinius Statius (1965), Classical Review 80 (1966): 331-33

Lefèvre, Eckard, review of Cancik, H., Untersuchungen zur lyrischen Kunst des P. Papinius Statius (1965), Gnomon 38 (1966): 571-76

Reynolds, B., "The Aeneid in Dante's eyes," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 5 (1965-66): 1-13
• A discussion of Dante's deepening understanding of Virgil in terms of and in result of Dante's own life. Particular attention to the scene in which Statius appears.

Sandbach, F.H., "Anti-Antiquarianism in the Aeneid," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 5 (1965-66): 26-38
• Study of deliberate anachronism. V. used anachronism to underline the continuity between the men about whom, and those for whom, he wrote. Comparisons with Valerius Flaccus and Statius.

Smith, L.F., "The poems of Franciscus Patricius from Vatican Manuscript Chigi J VI.233," Manuscripta 10 (1966): 94-102, 145-159 and Manuscripta 11 (1967): 131-143
• On the collection of occasional poems dedicated to Aeneas Silvies Piccolomini, Pius II, and modelled probably on the Silvae.

Thomas, E., "Statius, Achilleid 1.912-918," Latomus 25 (1966): 115-123
• Line 916 ought be preserved. but with the punctuation: "fac, uelit: ipsam... Achilles, nec... tali: uincitur".

Willis, J.A., "The Silvae of Statius and Their Editors," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 20 (1966): 305-324
• Examines Silv. 1.3 at ten points to illustrate the corruptness of Matritensis 3678 and to defend older, skeptical editors against newer, conservative ones. Plea for returning to emphasis on reading and writing Greek and Latin, at least in advanced programs, rather than on metaclassics, the study of secondary materials.

Argenio, R., "La via Domiciana," RSC 13 (1965): 160-71 [Silv. 4.3 with translation and commentary]

Aricò, G., "Stazio e Arrunzio Stella," Aevum 39 (1965): 345-47
• Their affinity is in conjunction with the Silvae, not the Thebaid.

Brugnoli, G. "Due note dantesche," RCCM 7 (Studi in onore di A. Schiaffini) (1965): 246-51

Brugnoli, G., "Longaevus parens," AFLL 2 (1964-65): 71-78
Silv. 4.1.38 makes an allusion to a temple of the gens Flavia, the ara of the magnus parens, and longaevus Vespasian.

Cancik, H., Untersuchungen zur lyrischen Kunst des P. Papinius Statius, Spudasmata, 13 (Hildesheim: Olms, 1965) (Dissertation, Tübingen, 1966)
• Reviews: von Albrecht, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 21 (1968): 157-9; Gugal, Gymnasium 74 (1967): 551-3; Grimal, Revue des études grecques 80 (1967): 651-2; E. Lefèvre, Gnomon 38 (1966): 571-6; Bardon, Latomus 25 (1966): 322; Kenney, Classical Review 80 (1966): 331-33

Clogan, P.M., "A Preliminary List of Anonymous Glosses on Statius' Achilleid," Manuscripta 9 (1965): 104-9. 

Clogan, P.M., "Medieval and Renaissance Latin Commentaries on Statius," proposal in APS Yearbook (1965): 498-500

Dilke, O.A.W., "Patterns of Borrowing in Claudian's De raptu Proserpinae," RBPh 43 (1965): 60-61
• On his uses of Georgics 1-2, Lucan and the Achilleid.

Frank, E., "La compozitione della Tebaide di Stazio," [in english] Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 99 (1965): 309-318
• Examination of various theories on the structure of the poem. Two main parts, with 4 symmetrical groups of 3 books.

Gossage, A.J., "Papinius, the Father of Statius," Romanitas 6/7 (1965): 171-179

Lee, G.M., "Note de lecture: Statius, Thebaid, 9.6, offensum uirtute," Latomus 24 (1965): 955
• Translate the phrase as "mécontenté par cette (véritable) valeur (mal appliquée)".

Pavlovskis, Z., "Statius and the Late Latin Epithalamia," Classical Philology 60 (1965): 164-177
• Founder and a great force in development of late Latin epithalamia. Silv. 1.2 influenced Claudian, Paulinus of Nola, Sidonius Apollinaris, Ennodius, Luxorius, Dracontius, and Venantius Fortunatus.

Pavlovskis, Z., "The Education of Achilles, As Treated in the Literature of Late Antiquity," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 20 (1965): 281-297
• After S., poets developed an interest in the youth of heroes. Dio Chrystomos exploited it in rhetoric. Only Ausonius reclaimed it for poetry.

Schoenberger, O., "Zum Weltbild der drei Epiker nach Lukan," Helikon 5 (1965): 123-145
• After Lucan, VF recalled a more traditional vision, but he also saw the world as accompanied by a paralyzing melancholy. In the Theb., poetry and aesthetic concerns don't obliterate the horror: the end is good only in appearance. Silius Italicus is pessimist, classicist, and reactionary, and is not especially religious.

Thomas, E., "Note de lecture: Statius, Achilleid 1.84-5," Latomus 24 (1965): 951-4
• Put commas around "sigeo in puluere".

Traglia, A., "Il maestro di Stazio," Rivista di cultura classica e medievale 7 (Mélanges Schiaffini) (1965): 1128-1134
• Influence and what we know of the father.

Venini, P., "Echi lucanei nel L. xi della Tebaide," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 99 (1965): 149-167
• In the duel, traces from Euripides and Lucan, both in the sense of nefas and in certain stylistic elements.

Weaver, P.R.C., "The Father of Claudius Etruscus: Statius, Silvae 3.3," Classical Quarterly 15 (1965): 145-54
• We know little, not even his name. But: he was born in AD 2-3, was exiled in 82-3, and died in 92. He married Etrusca in c. 48-50 after manumission. More details about his career under Vespasian.

Boyancé, P., "La science d'un quindecimuir au 1er siècle ap. J.C.," Revue des études latines 42 (1964): 334-346
Silv. 5.3.176 ff. demonstrates aspects of the education of priests.

Clogan, P., "A Preliminary List of Manuscripts of Statius' Achilleid," Manuscripta 8 (1964): 175-8

Clogan, P., "Chaucer and the Thebaid Scholia," Studies in Philology 61 (1964): 599-615
• Listing and analysis of Chaucer's knowledge and use of glossed manuscripts of the Thebaid.

Flores, E., "Interpretazioni staziane, I," RAAN 39 (1964): 3-21
• Notes in Thebaid 10.370-5 and Ach. 1.232-6, two passages characteristic of the clear-obscure style of Statius.

Marti, Berthe Marie, review of Schetter, W., Untersuchungen zur epischen Kunst des Statius (1960), The American Journal of Philology 85 (1964): 85-88

Mozley, J.H., "Virgil and the Silver Latin Epic," Proceedings of the Virgil Society 3 (1963-64): 12-26

Nepi, G., "Docti furor arduus Lucretii," Latinitas 12 (1964): 254-265
• Commentary, in the form of a fictitious conversation, on Silv. 2.7.76.

Thomson, D.F.S., "A note on Statius Silvae 4.9.13," Phoenix: Journal of the Classical Association of Canada = Revue de la Société Canadienne des études Classiques 18 (1964): 37-38
• Read cocunt for colunt.

Traglia, A., "De Stati Silva ad Somnum (Silv. 5.4)," Latinitas 12 (1964): 7-12
• On Statius' sincerity in the poem.

Venini, P., "Furor e psicologia nella Tebaide di Stazio," Athenaeum 42 (Mélanges Malcovati) (1964): 201-13
• Against W. Schetter, Untersuchungen zur epischen Kunst des Statius (1960).

Villa, M.I., trans., Le Selve, versione italiana, Classici latini e greci tradotti (Roma: M. Bulzoni, 1964)

Aricò, G., "Ovidio in Stazio, Theb. 5.505 ss.," Aevum 37 (1963): 120-23
• The model is Ovid, Met. 3.28-94.

Clogan, P.M., "An argument of Book 1 of Statius' Thebaid," Manuscripta 7 (1963): 30-1
• Edition of the Cambridge argument.

Dilke, O.A.W., "Magnus Achilles and the Statian Baroque," Latomus 22 (1963): 498-503
• Achilles is young and infantile in comparison to the one at Troy. Statius uses baroque effects to make him larger and give his character force of conviction.

Friedrich, H., "Über die Silvae des Statius (insbesondere V,4, Somnus) und die Frage des literarischen Manierismus," in H.M. Sckommodau and F. Schalk, edd., Wort und Text: Festschrift für Fritz Schalk (Frankfurt am Main: V. Klosterman, 1963): 34-56 

Pavlovskis, Z., The Influence of Statius Upon Latin Literature Before the Tenth Tentury, PhD Dissertation, Cornell, 1962
• Summary in Dissertation Abstracts International 23 (1963): 3362

Poynton, J.B., "Statius, Thebaid," Classical Review 13 (1963): 259-61
• On 2.280, 3.112, 5.692, 6.180, 7.763, 8.36, 8.611, 8.634, 9.19, 12.217

Bardon, H., "Le goût à l'époque des Flaviens," Latomus 21 (1962): 732-48

Betts, G.G., "Statius, Thebais 1.72," Mnemosyne 15 (1962): 44
• Read promatre instead of in matre.

Bouquiaux-Simon, O., "Un manuscrit de Stace à la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Liège (Thébaïde 10.197-254)," Latomus 21 (1962): 839-847

Buschor, E., "Zwei unausgrabene Heiligtümer," Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (Athenische Abteilung) 77 (1962): 1-2 [2] [German translation of Thebaid 12.481-509]

Dilke, O.A.W., "The value of the Puteanus of Statius," AClass 5 (1962): 58-63

Gossage, A.J., "Statius, Thebaid 5.593," Classical Review 12 (1962): 114-15
• The text should read: "funeris in morem non uerba in fulmine primo."

Gossage, A.J., review of Marastoni, A., ed., Silvae (1961), Classical Review 76 (1962): 214-16

Griset, E., "Il problema della Silva V, 3 di Stazio, Rivista di studi classici 10 (1962): 128-32.
• The 2 passages on Statius' success and the final part after 225 are later additions.

Kytzler, B., "Gleichnisgruppen in der Thebais des Statius," Wiener Studien 75 (1962): 141-60
• Comparisons with bulls, beasts, sea, boats, and minor subjects shows that Statius has a desire to create new images.

Kytzler, Bernhard, review of Marastoni, A., ed., Silvae (1961), Gnomon 34 (1962): 567-71

Momigliano, A., "Sul dies natalis del santuario federale di Diana sull'Aventino," Rendiconti della Classe di Scienze morali, storiche e filologiche dell'Accademia dei Lincei 17 (1962): 387-92

Pastore Stocchi, M., "Il cristianesimo di Stazio (Purgat. XXII) e un'ippotesi del Poliziano," Miscellanea di studi offerta a Armondo Balduino e Biancha Bianchi per le loro nozze (Padova. 1962): 41-3

Schetter, W., "Die Einheit des Prooemium zur Thebais des Statius," Museum Helveticum 19 (1962): 204-17
• A response to B. Kytzler ("Beobachtungen zum Prooemium der Thebais," Hermes 88 (1960) 331-54) and his attempt to remove the apostrophe to Domitian.

Stégen, G., "Notes de lecture," Latomus 21 (1962): 169 and 398-9. On Ach. 2.321 et al.

Argenio, R., "Stazio: Epistola lirica a Vibio Massimo," Rivista di studi classici 9 9 (1961): 213-16 [translation of Silv. 4.8]

Aricò, G., "Stazio e l'Ipsipile euripidea: Note sull'imitazione staziana," Dioniso 35.3-4 (1961): 56-67
• Influence of Euripides in Books 4-6.

Aricò, G., "Stazio, Tebaide 4.665," Aevum 35 (1961): 273
• Keep the reading of the manuscripts.

Buchheit, V., "Lucans Pharsalia und die Frage der Nichtvollendung," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 104 (1961): 362-365
• In Silv. 2.7, Statius pays witness to the incomplete nature of the Pharsalia, proving the thesis of H. Haffter (1957). 

Bühler, W., "Die Pariser Horazscholien: Eine neue Quelle der Mythographi Vaticani 1 und 2," Philologus 105 (1961): 122-135
• Some remarks on the sources, including LP.

de Visscher, F., "Héraklès Epitrapezios," L'Antiquité Classique 30 (1961): 67-129
• On a marble Hercules, found in Alba Fucens in 1960. This provdes evidence for the descriptions of Martial 9.44.45 and Silv. 4.6. Discussion of iconographic tradition of Lysippus.

Duval, P.M., "La construction d'une voie romaine d'après les texts antiques," BSAF 1959 [1961] 176-186
Silv. 4.3.40-55 is our best ancient testimony. 

Frère, H., ed., and H. J. Izaac, trans., Silvae (Collection G. Budé), 2nd ed. (Paris: Belles lettres, 1961)

Gossage, A.J, review of Schetter, W., Untersuchungen zur epischen Kunst des Statius (1960), Classical Review 75 (1961): 230-32

Huxley, H.H., "Statius, Theb. 10.935-9 and Claudian, Rapt. Pros. 3.349-52," Classical Philology 56 (1961): 253-54
• The readings support the reading of nec in Theb. 10.937, as argued by Williams 1959.

Kytzler, Bernhard, review of Schetter, W., Untersuchungen zur epischen Kunst des Statius (1960), Gnomon 33 (1961): 169-73

Lugli, G., "La Roma di Domiziano nei versi di Marziane e di Stazio," StudRom 9 (1961): 1-17. 
• Martial describes activity to repair after the fire of 64, both imperially and in the popular quarters. Statius described the buildings and objects of art. 

MacKay, L.A., "The Vocabulary of Fear in Latin Epic Poetry," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 92 (1961): 308-316

Marastoni, A., ed., Silvae (Leipzig, 1961)
• Reviews: Gossage, Classical Review 76 (1962): 214-16; Kytzler, Gnomon 34 (1962): 567-71; anonymous, Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 16 (1963): 78; Aricò, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 92 (1964): 87-92; Janssen, Mnemosyne 17 (1964): 204-206; Pfliegersdorffer, Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft 17 (1964): 170-72; Freyd, Eirene 4 (1965) 158-59; G. Lotito, "In margine alla nuova edizione Teubneriana delle Silvae di Stazio," Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 19 (1974): 26-48

Toffanin, G., "Dal mio taccuino dantesco (Virgilio e Stazio)," P&I 3 (1961): 48-53

Venini, P., "Studi sulla Tebaide di Stazio: La composizione," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 95 (1961): 55-88
• Statius has a preoccupation with unity.

Venini, P., "Studi sulla Tebaide di Stazio: L'imitazione," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 95 (1961): 371-400
• Contrary to general opinion, Statius does more than just quote his models. His utilization of them is subordinated to exigencies of the poem and rules of poetry.

Aricò, G., "Sul mito di Lino e Corebo in Stat. Theb. 1.557-668," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 38 (1960): 277-285
• Conclusions on the art of S, his criteria of choice of myth and processes of elaboration and narration.

Buchheit, V., "Statius' Geburtstagsgedicht zu Ehren Lucans (Silv. 2.7)," Hermes 88 (1960): 231-49
• An analysis and comparison with Mart. 7.21-3 yield aspects of S's formal plan subordinates the rhetorical element at his intentions and greates a work which is "bien à lui".

de Visscher, F. and J. Mertens, "Il colosso di Ercole scoperto ad Alba Fucens," Bollettino d'arte del Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali 45 (1960): 293-6
• A discussion of Mart. 9.44.45 and Silv. 4.6 in light of new discoveries.

Fletcher, G.B.A., "Some Qualities of the Epic Poetry of Statius," Essays Presented to C.M. Girdlestone (Univ. of Durham 1960): 95-106
• Gives visual, auditory acuity, and creates atmospheres. His poetry, not being obscurities and exaggerations, reaches to the natural and the pathetic.

Hijmans-van Assendelft, M.M., "Aliquot de Creontis persons in litteris Latinis annotationes," AClass 3 (1960): 77-85
• A study of Creon in Seneca and Statius.

Kytzler, B., "Beobachtungen zum Prooemium der Thebais," Hermes 88 (1960): 331-54
Thebaid 1.17-33, addressed to Domitian, are a later addition, perhaps inserted for the Capitoline contest of 90. Without these lines, the rest of the proeem makes sense without explanation.
• Reviews: Aricò, Aevum 35 (1961): 288-9; W. Schetter, "Die Einheit des Prooemium zur Thebais des Statius," Museum Helveticum 19 (1962) 204-17

Questa, C., "A proposito della nux makra," RCCM 2 (1960): 95
• On LP ad Theb. 9.424: Alcmene.

Robert, L., "Récherches épigraphique, VII: Décret de la Confédération lycienne à Corinthe," Revue des études anciennes 62 (1960): 324-342
• On the Roman practice of using incense at funerals, taken from Statius.

Sbordone, F., ed., Le Selve I: Libri 1 e 2 (Napoli: Loffredo, 1960)

Traglia, A., "Appunti per una nuova edizione delle Selve di Stazio," BPEC 8 (1960): 29-45
• Considerations on agreements among certain mss.

Bolaffi, E., "L'epica del 1 secolo dell'impero," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 12 (1959): 218-230
• Discusses "la tendance novatrice" of Lucan and the neoclassicism of Silius, Valerius Flaccus and Statius.

Cazzaniga, I., "Alcuni colori nicandrei in Stazio e Claudiano," Acme 12 (1959): 125-9
• Influence on Statius' Nemean snake (Theb. 5.505 ff.) and on Claudianus, Gigant. 2.25.

Coulter, C.C., "Statius, Silvae 5.4 and Fiammetta's prayer to sleep," The American Journal of Philology 80 (1959): 390-5
• The Elegy of Madonna Fiammette of Boccaccio.

Fortgens, H.W., "Publius Papinius Statius, de latijnse dichter van het kinderleven," Hermeneus 31 (1959): 52-9

Gossage, A.J., "Statius and Vergil," Vergil Society Lecture Summaries 47 (1959): 1-8
• Statius' use of Virgil, especially the Thebaid.

Howard, C.L., "Notes on Statius," Transactions of the American Philological Association 90 (1959): 117-130
• On Silv. 1.2.7-10; 1.3.39-42; 3.5.102; 5.2.41-44; Theb. 2.205-211; 4.419-422; 6.209-212; 7.303-4; 11.627-630.

Killeen, J.F., "What was the linea dives (Martial 8.78.7)?" The American Journal of Philology 80 (1959): 185-88
• A Pompeian painting, called enigmatic by some, depicts distribution of fruits, meats, and birds, reflecting a passage in Martial and Silvae 1.6.9.

Marastoni, A., "Note alle Selve di Stazio," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 93 (1959): 437-452
• A discussion of 20 controversial passages in light of Politian's commentary.

Schoenberger, O., "Das Vorbild einer Hölderlin-Ode," Jahresbereicht 1959 des alten Gymnasiums Würzburgs Beil. 50-55
• On Silv. 5.4.

Thomas, E., "Some reminiscences of Ovid in Latin literature," in Atti del Convegno internazionale Ovidiano, Sulmona, maggio 1958 (Roma: Inst. di Studi Rom. Ed. 1959): 1.145-171
• Echoes of Ovid in Lucan, Martial, Juvenal, and Statius.

Arrighetti, G., "Il Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Studi classici e orientali 7 (1958): 100-115

Billanovich, G., "Veterum vestigia vatum nei carmi dei preumanisti padovani," Italia medioevale e umanistica 1 (1958): 155-243
• Reminisciences of Lucretius, Catullus, Martial, and S.'s Silvae.

Bower, E.W., "Notes on Juvenal and Statius," Classical Review 8 (1958): 9-11
• Parallels between Sat. 4.127-8 and Theb. 1.138.

Dilke, O.A.W., "A Paris manuscript of Statius, Achilleid," Latomus 17 (1958): 708-711
• On Bernensis 156, which is descended from Paris. 8040. 

Erkell, H., "Statius' Silvae 4.1 und das Templum gentis Flaviae," Eranos 56 (1958): 173-82
• The longaevus parens is Vespasian and the ara parentis the templum Flaviae. Also mentioned in Martial, Book 9. See J.H. Bishop, "The Ghost of a longaevus parens," Classical Review 10 (1968) 8.

Kytzler, Bernhard, review of ten Kate, R., Quomodo heroes in Statii Thebaide describantur quaeritur (1955), Gnomon 30 (1958): 234-36

Marastoni, A., "Per una nuova interpretazione di Stazio poeta nelle Selve, II," Aevum 32 (1958): 1-37
• Interp. of S. is too much caught on sources. But the quality of him as a client isn't determinant on his poetic production. The influence of rhetoric on him is noteworthy, but Statius' verbiage and versification still have originality. 
• Review: d'Agostino, RSC 6 (1958): 328.

Sekowski, J., trans., "Silvae 3.2," Meander 13 (1958): 420-23 [translation into Polish verse]

Speranza, F., "Per la tradizione testuale e scolastica dell'Achilleide di Stazio," Atti Accad. Pontaniana n.s. 8 (1958): 1-42
• Continuation of edition of scholia in Cod. Napol. IV E 47. Confirms the thesis that the scholiast took his notes from many other manuscripts. 
• Review: Gar, Atene e Roma: Rassegna trimestrale dell'Associazione Italiana di Cultura classica 4 (1959): 54

Traglia, A., "Sulla tradizione delle Selve di Stazio," Studi classici e orientali 7 (1958): 60-76

Wasserstein, A., "The manuscript tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 52 (1958): 111-112
• Response to criticisms of P. Thielscher (1957). Feels the old scholia of Paris lat. 8282 might contain pre-renaissance notes. 

Collom, G., and M. Dolç, edd., P. Papini Estaci, Silves (Barcelona: 'Bernat Metge', 1957)

Dilke, Oswald A.W, review of Mulder, H.M., ed., P.P. Statii Thebaidos liber secundum (1954), Journal of Roman Studies 47 (1957): 285-86

Grosso, F., "Aspetti della politica orientale di Domiziano, II: Parti e Estremo Oriente," Epigraphica 17 (1955 [1957]): 33-78
• What we know about Domitian and the Parthians on Statius' authority, from the Sybilline oracles, epigraphical evidence, and a diploma (Welkov, BIAB 4 [1926-27]: 69-81).

Marastoni, A.,., "Per una nuova interpretazione di Stazio poeta nelle Selve," Aevum 31 (1957): 393-414

Schetter, W., Untersuchungen zur epischen Kunst des Statius, Klass.-Philol. Studien 20 (Dissertation, Uni-Bonn, 1957) (Wiesbaden, 1960)
• Reviews: Gossage, Classical Review 11 (1961): 230-2; B. Kytzler, Gnomon 33 (1961): 169-73; Langerbeck, Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 92 (1964): 447-450; B.M. Marti, The American Journal of Philology 85 (1964): 85-88. See P. Venini, "Furor e psicologia nella Tebaide di Stazio," Athenaeum 42 (Mélanges Malcovati) (1964) 201-13; and P. Venini, "A proposito di alcuni recenti studi sulla composizione della Tebaide staziana," Athenaeum 46 (1968) 131-38.

Speranza, F., "Commento mitologico inedito all'Achilleide di Stazio nel cod. napoletano IV.E.46," Atti. Acad. Pontaniana n.s. 7 (1957): 125-164

Speranza, F., "Note sulla cronologia di P. Papinio Stazio," Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia della Università di Napoli 7 (1957): 107-116
Silv. 1.2.256-9 allows us to calculate the date of his birth, which was 61. The epicedium for his father was written three months after his death.

Syme, R., "C. Vibius Maximus, Prefect of Egypt," Historia 6 (1957): 480-7
• Epigraphical and literary sources (S., Pliny the Younger) about his career and life.

Thielscher, P., "Remarks on the manuscript tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 51 (1957): 47-52
• A response to A. Wasserstein, "The Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 47 (1953) 69-78.

Garzya, A., "Stace et Ménandre," L'Antiquité Classique 25 (1956): 412-16
• At Silv. 3.5.93 ff., libertas Menandri refers to the semnotes logou of the poet.

Goold, G.P., "Observationes in codicem Matritensem M.31," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 99 (1956): 9-17
• On the tradition of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae and Silius. 

Huxley, Herbert H., review of Dilke, O.A.W., ed., Achilleid (1954), Journal of Roman Studies 46 (1956): 228-29

Lavarenne, M., "Silves 4.3.27-31," Latomus 15 (1956): 372-73
• The phrase "mala nauigationis" means "nausea".

Marastoni, A., "Nonnulla de P. Papini Stati Silvarum editionibus," Aevum 30 (1956): 354-362
• Tendencies and aspects of the editions of Vollmer, Klotz, Phillimore and Frère. 

Speranza, F., "Neologismi nelle Selve di Publio Papinio Stazio," Atti Acad. Pontaniana n.s. 6 (1956): 35-56
• Richness of S's word inventions and usages.

Terzaghi, N., "Il codice P e l'Achilleide di Stazio," BPEC n.s. 4 (1956): 1-16

Turolla, E., "La poesia epica di Papinio Stazio," Orpheus 3 (1956): 134-51
• The faults of the Thebaid are in its first half. But in second half, and in the Ach., he shows more humanity, in a tragic sense, and his treatment of myth takes on a concrete vitality, which explains the medieval judgments on the poet.

Wasserstein, A., "Politian's Commentary on the Silvae of Statius," Scriptorium 10 (1956): 83-9

Browning, Robert, review of Dilke, O.A.W., ed., Achilleid (1954), Classical Review 69 (1955): 281-83

Courtney, E., "A note on Silvae, 1.5.36-9," Hermathena 85 (1955): 36-7
• At 1.5.39, after 36, read, "quoique Tyri invideas licet et Sidonia, rupes".

Duke, T.T., "Women and Pygmies in the Roman arena," Classical Journal 50 (1955): 223-4
• The notion that the Romans pitted pygmies against women is an erroneous interpretation of S. 1.6.51-64.

Herrmann, L., "Stace interpolateur de Virgile et de Columelle," Studi in onore di Funaioli (Rome: Signorelli, 1955): 128-132
• The epilogue at the end of De Re Rustica 10 and at the end of Georgics 4 are the work of the same interpolator, Statius.

Krumbholz, G., "Der Erzählungsstil in der Thebais des Statius, I: Vergleiche," Glotta 34 (1955): 93-138
• Comparison of the style of the Thebaid with the epics of Virgil, Ovid, Lucan and Valerius Flaccus.

Krumbholz, G., "Der Erzählungsstil in der Thebais des Statius, II: Die Wesenszüge des Stiles," Glotta 34 (1955): 231-60
• Discusses Statius' picturesque appeal to reader's sensuality, predilection for extraordinary scenes, unique and remarkable, and tendency to use psychology.

Krumbholz, Gert, review of Dilke, O.A.W., ed., Achilleid (1954), Gnomon 27 (1955): 137-38

Kytzler, B., Statius-Studien: Beiträge zum Verständnis der Thebaid, Diss. Berlin Freie Univ., 1955

Lockwood, J.F., "A note on Silvae 4.4," in P. de Jonge et al., edd., Ut pictura poesis: Studia Latina P.J. Enk oblata (Leiden: Brill, 1955): 107-111. 
• This poem pays witness to a sensible nature but doesn't give matter to the study of a personal conception of literary epître.

Magoun, F.P., "Chaucer's summary of Statius' Thebaid 2-12," Traditio 11 (1955): 409-20
• Chaucers' Troilus and Cressyde 5.1485-1510 are based on the argumenta antiqua.

Mozley, J.H., ed. and trans., Statius [opera] (Loeb Classical Library) (in 2 voll.), 2nd ed. (London/Cambridge, MA, 1955)

Mulder, H.M., "Fata vetant: De imitandi componendique in Achilleide ratione Statiana," in P. de Jonge et al., ed., Ut pictura poesis: Studia Latina P.J. Enk oblata (Leiden, 1955): 119-128
• The technique of variatio in S.'s imitation of his predecessors in the Achilleid, especially as regards Thetis' attempts at evading Destiny.

Pekáry, T., "Témoinages de Stace sur les Daces et les Sarmates," [in Hungarian] Antik Tanulmányok 2 (1955): 97-100. Summary in BCO 2 (1957): 79

ten Kate, R., Quomodo heroes in Statii Thebaide describantur quaeritur (Groningen: Wolters, 1955)
• Reviews: Mulder, MPh 61 (1956): 162-3; Prete, Latomus 16 (1957): 501; Ernout, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 31 (1957): 154; Kytzler, Gnomon 30 (1958): 234-6; Verdière, RBPh 38 (1960): 198-99

Wagenvoort, H., "Ad Silv. 1.1: Adnotationes," in P. de Jonge et al., ed., Ut pictura poesis: Studia Latina P.J. Enk oblata (Leiden: Brill, 1955): 195-203

Alfonsi, L., "Della concezione del destino in Tacito e Stazio," Aevum 28 (1954): 175-77 

Bishop, J.H., "Two notes on Silvae 4.1," Classical Review n.s. 4 (1954): 95-97
• At 4.1.38, read Tarenti; at 4.1.46, it's possible that rex magne refers to the princeps.

Dilke, O.A.W., ed., Achilleid [text with notes] (Cambridge, 1954) (reprinted, New York, 1979) (reprinted, with introduction by Robert Cowan, Exeter: Bristol Phoenix Press, 2005)
• Reviews: Browning, Classical Review 69 (1955): 281-83; G. Krumbholz, Gnomon 27 (1955): 137-138; Huxley, Journal of Roman Studies 46 (1956): 228-29; Getty, The American Journal of Philology 78 (1957): 97-101

Mulder, H.M., ed., P. P. Statii Thebaidos liber secundum, speculum litterarium inaugurale (Groningen: De Waal, 1954) [text with commentary]
• Reviews: Getty, The American Journal of Philology 78 (1957): 94-97; Dilke, Journal of Roman Studies 47 (1957): 285-86; Wagenvoort, MPh 58 (1958): 26-30

Sarolli, G.R., "Il Roman de Thèbes, fonti e datazione," Rendiconti dell'Istituto Lombardo, Classe di Lettere, Scienze morali e storiche 87 (1954): 283-320
• The Roman de Thèbes, written about 1200, is the work of a learned cleric who used Statius and Ovid.

Verdière, P., "L'auteur du Panegyricus Messalae tibullien," Latomus 13 (1954): 56-64
• Similarities among the De laude Pisonis, the Silvae, Theb., Calpurnius' Bucolica, and the Panegyricus suggest that Statius is the author of the Panegyricus which he composed in an attempt to imitate Calpurnius, the presumed author of the De laude Pisonis.

Dilke, O.A.W., "The rank of Statius' father," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 50 (1953): 29-30

Ker, A., "Notes on Statius," Classical Quarterly 47 (1953): 1-10 and 175-182
• Critical and exegetical notes on Silv. 5.2.82-83, 1.4.94-97, 5.1.45-46, 1.1.37-39, 1.4.125-27, 2.1.19-21, 2.2.101-103, 2.3.16-17, 3.1.76-82, 3.5.18-28, 3.5.87, 5.1.6, 5.5.134-37, 5.3.222-24, 5.5.292-93, 5.5.43-45, 5.5.68; Theb. 1.87, 1.668-71, 4.642-44, 6.148-49, 7.17-18, 8.532-35, 8.614-15, 9.365-67, 10.978-801, 12.40-41, 12.141-48, 12.212-13; Ach. 1.61-63; Theb. 1.494-97, 5.11-13, 8.40-41, 2.382-83, 3.583, 4.653-54, 4.818-21, 5.325, 6.177-85, 8.436-37, 9.58, 3.470, 4.64-67, 4.570-71, 4.726-29, 5.106-108, 5.389, 5.599-604, 7.436-40, 6.118-19, 7.609-10, 7.624, 8.285, 9.84-85, 9.277, 10.26, 10.512-13, 10.686-89, 12-314-15; Ach. 1.656-60, 1.675-76.

Krumbholz, G., Die Thebais des Statius: Untersuchungen zum Erzählungstil. Dissertation, Uni-Göttingen, 1953 

Poynton, J.B., "Two notes on Statius, Thebaid," Classical Review n.s. 3 (1953): 145
• Notes on Th. 5.742-3, 6.847-8.

Tiefel, Ed., Gebets- und Kultformen bei Statius mit Rücksicht auf sein Verhältnis zur Epik del Vergil und Lukan, Dissertation, Uni-Tübungen, 1952-53

Wasserstein, A., "The Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 47 (1953): 69-78
• The scholia of Paris lat. 8282 suggest a multiple tradition. We ought accept readings of Corsini of the Matritensis, which perhaps comes from Poggio's ms. See P. Thielscher, "Remarks on the Manuscript Tradition of Statius' Silvae," Classical Quarterly 51 (1957) 47-52.

Boussard, J., "Le classement des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 30 (1952): 220-51
• The manuscripts belong to two large families, founded on variants in Book 10. Includes an attempt at a stemma. See D.E. Hill, "The Manuscript Tradition of the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly n.s. 16 (1966) 333-46.

Lentini, A., "Citazioni di classici e di classici nell'Ars di Ilderico," Aevum 27 (1952): 240-250
• Critical evaluation of citations from Priscian, Festus, Diomedes, Isidorus, S. Augustine, and notes on the citations from Virgil, Terence, Cicero, Sallust, Juvenal, Ovid, Plautus, Lucan and Statius.

Lockwood, J.F., "On editing the Silvae of Statius," summary in PLCS 1 (Oct. 1947-May 1952): 4-5
• On the severity of judgement of the poems.

Shackelton Bailey, D.R., "Echoes of Propertius," Mnemosyne 4a Ser. 5 (1952): 307-333
• List of imitations or reminiscences of Propertius in Statius and others.

Taylor, L.R., and L.A. Holland, "Janus and the Fasti," Classical Philology 47 (1952): 137-142
• If the Fasti Capitolini were placed in the Arc of Janus, that is because Janus had become a god of time and of the calendar, as appears in many passages of Martial and S.

Thomson, J.O., "Juvenal's big-fish satire," Greece & Rome 21 (1952): 86-7
• In Sat. 4, there are echoes of Horace, Statius and Lucan.

Wagenvoort, H., "Ad Stat. Silv. L. 1 praefationem," Mnemosyne 4a ser. 5 (1952): 235
• The second lacuna should read: "est audacius quam hos", and at the end of the phrase, "onerare, quom".

Wasserstein, A., ed., An Edition of Book 1 of the Silvae of Statius with Notes, Critical and Explanatory, Dissertation, Birbeck College, University of London, 1952

Bahrenfuss, W., Das Abenteuer der Argonauten auf Lemnos bei Apollonios Rhodios (Arg. 1.601 bis 909), Valerius Flaccus (Arg. 2.72 bis 403), Papinius Statius (Theb. 4.746 bis 5.498), Dissertation, Kiel, 1951

Bischoff, Bernhard, "Das griechische Element in der abenländischen Bildung des Mittelalters," Byzantinische Zeitschrift 44 (1951): 51, n. 3 = Mittelalterliche Studien, vol. 2 (Stuttgart, 1967): 271
• On the date of Fulgentius Planciades.

Bishop, J.H., "The Debt of the Silvae to the Epyllia," La Parola del passato: Rivista di studi antichi 6 (1951): 427-32
• The Silvae are a development and extension of the epyllion and serve the same goal. 

Burck, E., "Schicksalauffassung des Tacitus und Statius," in G.E. Mylonas and D.I. Raymond, edd., Studies Presented to D.M Robinson, II (St. Louis, Mo.: Washington Univ. Press, 1951): 693-706
• T. and S. have a shared conception of destiny. According to them, it's a vengeance that the gods uxercise against men and which can, by the fault of certain people, hurt an entire people.

Goold, G.P., "A Transposition in Statius," Classical Review n.s. 1 (1951): 71-73
Ach. 592 ought be placed after 771. The actual 772 is an interpolation.

Speranza, F., "La data di composizione della prima Selva di Stazio," Studi italiani di filologia classica 25 (1951): 135-148
• The erection of the statue in 1.1 was after the victory over the Chatti. Silv. 1.1 was composed for the double triumph over the Chatti and the Dacians in 89.

Speranza, F., "L'inizio e la pubblicazione della Selve di P. Papinio Stazio," Annali della Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia della Università di Napoli 1 (1951): 29-33
• Statius began to compose the Silvae in 80 and published them in 92-95.

Voelkel, L., "The Selection of Coin Types During the Reign of Domitian," in G.E. Mylonas and D.I. Raymond, edd., Studies Presented to D.M. Robinson, II (St. Louis, Mo.: Washington Univ. Press, 1951): 243-7
• According to Silv. 3.3.86-105 that it was the procurator a rationibus Claudius who composed and chose Domitian's coins.

Williams, R.D., "Some Passages in Statius," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 181 (1950-1951): 16-18 
• On Theb. 10.935-9, Ach. 1.583-6 and Silv. 5.4.3-6.

Williams, R.D., "The Local Ablative in Statius," Classical Quarterly 45 (1951): 143-46
• Examination of the uses of the ablative in Theb. 1.406, 624; 9.872-3; 11.639-40; 5.387-8; 9.535-6; Ach. 1.43-5; Silv. 1.2.109-10; Theb. 1.532; 11.62-4; and Ach. 1.329.

Williams, R.D., "The scansion of deest in Statius," Summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 48 (1951): 32

Alonso, D., "Antecedentes griegos y latinos de la poesia correlativa moderna," in Estudios dedicatos a R. Menéndez Pidal, IV (Madrid, 1950): 3-25
• Diverse examples from Alexandrians, the Greek Anthology, S., Martial, and Claudian, show that poetic correlations, which were then popular in European poetry, were used in Greek poetry down to the second century BC and in Latin down to the first century AD.

Altamura, A., "Una testimonianza medievale sul cripto-cristanesimo di Stazio e di Claudiano," Giornale italiano di filologia: Rivista trimestrale di cultura 3 (1950): 81-82
• Unedited letter of Francesco da Fiano, a disciple of Petrarch (actually a defense of the Classics). 

Argenio, R., trans., "L'albero di Atedio Meliore (Statius, Silv. 2.3)," Il mondo classico n.f. 4 (1950) 135-37 [translation]

Blomgren, S., "De Statii apud Venantium Fortunatum vestigiis," Eranos (1950): 57-65
• Fortunatus was inspired by the Ach., Theb., and Silvae, notably the Epithalamion, which he knew as well as the one of Claudian.

Boyancé, P., "Encore sur le Peruigilium Veneris," Revue des études latines (1950): 212-235
• Discussion of sources suggests it was composed for a real religious festival. Details of the redaction and inspiration and a comparison between Statius and the Hellenistic poets suggest that the poem is by a poet or poetess working in Naples after Statius.

C. Calcaterra, "La questione staziana intorno al Polinice e al Antigone," and "Gli studi staziani dell'Alfieri 'per la tragica,'" in Il barocco in Arcadia e altri scritti sul Settecento (Bologna, 1950), pp. 209-35 and 237-90

Jannaccone, S., "Quo artificio P. Papinius Statius Achilleidi condendae operam dedit," Antiquitas 2-5 (1947-50): 79-83
• The sources of the Ach. and how S. used them.

Jannaccone, S., ed., L'Achilleide [text with commentary] (Firenze: Barbera, 1950)
• Reviews: Durry, Revue des études latines (1950): 401-2; L. Herrmann, Latomus 11 (1952): 222; V. d'Agostino, "Nota staziana," RSC 5 (1957): 207 

Kese, W., Untersuchungen zu Epikedion und Consolatio von Catullus bis Statius, Dissertation, Uni-Göttingen, 1950

Meurig-Davies, E.L.B., "Catullus and Statius: Four Notes," Classical Quarterly 44 (1950): 31
• Critical notes to Catullus and to Theb. 7.11-13 and 10.26.

Tidman, B.M., "On the foundation of the Actian games," Classical Quarterly 44 (1950): 123-5
Silvae 2.2.6 ff. allows us to place their foundation at 27 BC.

van de Woestijne, P., "Les scholies à la Thébaïde de Stace: Remarques et suggestions," L'Antiquité Classique n.s. 19 (1950): 149-63
• The author of LP can be dated between Donatus and Servius (350-400).

Dilke, O.A.W., "The Codex Etonensis of Statius' Achilleid," Classical Quarterly (1949): 45-6

Dilke, O.A.W., "The Metrical Treatment of Proper Names in Statius," Classical Review (1949): 50-1
• Statius adopts a different scansion from that of his predecessors.

Dilke, O.A.W., "The Value of the Codex Etonensis of Statius' Achilleid," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association 46 (1949): 34

Helm, R., "Papinius (8): P. Papinius Statius," in Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, vol. 36 (1949): 984-1000

Phillemore, J.S., ed., Silvae, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1949)

Williams, R.D., "The Vienna fragment of Statius' Thebaid," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes 23 (1949): 151-3

Argenio, R., trans., "Al Sonno (Statii Silv. 5.4); Alla moglia Claudia (Silv. 3.5)," Il mondo classico (1948): 68-73 [translation of Silv. 3.5 and 5.4]

Evans, E.C., "Literary Portraiture in Ancient Epic: A Study of the Descriptions of Physical Appearance in Classical Epic," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 58-59 (1948): 189-217

Hanslik, R., "Die neuen Fastenfragmente von Ostia in ihrer Beziehung zu gleichzeitigam epigraphischen und literarischem Material," Wiener Studien 58 (1948): 117-135
• The problems posed by Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 16.38 and 39 can be resolved, thanks to new discoveries. Explanation of passages in Martial, S., Pliny the Younger.

Sanford, E.M., "Bibliophile and Barbarian in Ancient Rome," Classical Journal 44 (1948): 57-8
• A discussion of Silv. 4.9.

Smyth, W.R., "Silvae 1.2.183," Classical Review 62 (1948): 14
• Read: ligavi instead of iugali.

Smyth, William Robert, review of Frère, H., ed., and H.J. Izaac, trans., Silves (1944), Classical Review 62 (1948): 25-26

van de Woestijne, P., "Marginaliën bij Lactantius Placidus," L'Antiquité Classique n.s. 17 (1948): 573-584
• Critical and exegetical notes to 18 scholia on the Thebaid.

Williams, R.D., "Two Manuscripts of Statius' Thebaid," Classical Quarterly 42 (1948): 105-112

Elliott, K.O., and J.P. Elder, "A Critical Edition of the Vatican Mythographers," Transactions of the American Philological Association 78 (1947): 189-207

McLanathan, Richard B.K., "'Achilles on Skyros' by Nicolas Poussin," Bulletin of the Museum of Fine Arts 45.259 (Feb., 1947): 2-11
• The first version of the painting is based on a contemporary mythological reference. The second version (now in Richmond, VA) has many aspects that reflect the Statian version of the myth.

Pézard, A., "Gravis artemo," Revue des études latines (1947): 215-235
• Reconstruction of the naval manoeuvre in Silv. 3.2.24-34.

Pratt, R.A., "Chaucers' Use of the Teseida," Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 62 (1947): 599
• A response to O. Hecker, Boccaccio-Funde (Braunschweig, 1901).

Schilp, J., Die politischen Ideen der domitianischen Zeit gesehen aus den Werken der zeitgenössischen Dichter Martial, Statius, Silius Italicus, Dissertation, Uni-Marburg, 1947

Smyth, W.R., "Statius, Silvae 1.6.73-74 and Martial 1.41.3-5," Classical Review (1947): 46-7
• On the type of commerce in these two passages.

Williams, R.D., "The Worcester fragments of Statius' Thebaid," Classical Review (1947): 88-90

Cooke, J.P., "Notes on Statius' Thebais," Classical Philology (1946): 143-49
• Notes to Theb. 2.16-18, 10.317, 4.532, 10.788.

Cooke, J.P., "Three notes on Statius," Classical Philology (1946): 102-105
• On the interpretation of Theb. 10.783-85, 3.114 ff., Silv. 5.1.247-52.

Diaz, A.A., trans., "Variaciones sobre un tema," Revista de Estudios Clásicos (Mendoza) 2 (1946): 143-157
• Partial translation of Silv. 2.4.

Getty, Robert J., review of H. Frère, ed., Les Silves de Stace (1943), Journal of Roman Studies 36 (1946): 226-28

Klotz, A., "Bruchstücke einer Statiushandschrift," Würzburger Jahrbücher für die Altertumswissenschaft 1 (1946): 153

van de Woestijne, P., "Note sur un passage de Lactantius Placidus," Latomus 5 (Mél. Kugener) (1946): 181-4
• On LP ad Theb. 4.481-86.

Anderson, W.B., "Notes on Statius," Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society 178 (1941-1945): 10-12

Fletcher, G.B.A., "Some Certain or Possible Examples of Literary Reminiscence in Tacitus," Classical Review (1945): 45-50
• Echoes of Virgil, Livy, Sallust, Cicero, Horace, Ovid, Statius, Lucan, Seneca, etc.

Frère, H., ed., and H.J. Izaac, trans., Silves (Collection G. Budé) (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1944)
• Reviews: Smyth, Classical Review 62 (1948): 25-26; A. Klotz, Deutsche Literaturzeitung für Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft 72 (1951): 494

Spillemaeckers, Ed., Bijdrage tot de bronnenstudie van Thebaïs scholiën van Lactantius Placidus, These de license, Univ. de Ghent, 1943. Summary in RBPh 23 (1944): 578.

Frère, H., ed., Les Silves de Stace (exemple de thèse) (Paris: Belles Lettres, 1943) [Latin edition]
• Reviews: Ernout, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes (1946): 174-76; Getty, Journal of Roman Studies 36 (1946): 226-28

Robertson, D.S., "Statius, Achilleis 2.142," Classical Review (1942): 117
• Instead of errare, read penetrare.

Smyth, W.R., "Statius, Silvae 2.1.130," Classical Review (1942): 112-3
• Read scapulas instead of telas.

Illuminati, L., Silvae, I (Messina: d'Anna, 1941) [text with translation and notes]

Morel, W., "Statius, Achilleis 2.142," Classical Review 55 (1941): 75
• Read entrare, against the errare of P.

Willis, W.H., "Historic Contests in the Epic," Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association (1941): 391-417<

Bezzola, G., "Un frammento di codice della Tebaide di Stazio," Athenaeum n.s. 18 (1940): 51-3
• A fragment containing Theb. 11.307-500, with LP, in a private collection. 

Frère, H., "Le témoinage de Stace sur la sfairomacía," in Mélanges de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes offerts à A. Ernout (Paris: Klincksieck, 1940): 141-158
• Study of the vocabulary used to describe the contest.

Poynton, J.B., "Two notes on the Thebaid of Statius," Classical Review 54 (1940): 13
• In 11.239-50, the discourse of Aegyptus leads to Capaneus without interruption. At 1.684, read cadentes instead of pudentis.

Robertson, D.S., "The Food of Achilles," Classical Review (1940): 177-180
• Tradition suggests that Achilles ate the flesh of not-yet dead animals. So, Ach. 2.100, semianimis lupae, is from the same source. This is contrary to the spiritual education of Chiron.

Schwenter, E., "Lesefrüchte," W&S (1940): 231
• On Moschus 2.87-8 and Ach. 1.313-4.

Woestijne, P. van de, "Le Codex Valentinianus 394 de Lactantius Placidus," RBPh (1940): 37-63

Bardon, H., "Notes sur la littérature impériale 2: Hypothèse sur l'Octavia," Latomus (1939): 253-8
Silv. 2.7.58-9 suggests that the tragedy was written by Lucan.

Cousin, J., "Nature et mission du poète dans la poésie Latine, XV: Valérius Flaccus, Silius Italicus, Stace," Rivista di cultura classica e medioevale 40.2 (1939): 375-84

Martin, D., "Similarities Between the Silvae of Statius and the Epigrams of Martial," Classical Journal 34 (1939): 461-70
• Mostly, similarity of subjects, and by the picture of social life under the Flavians.

Bidez, J., and F. Cumont, Les mages hellénisés (Paris, 1938)
• Edition of LP adThebaid 1.226-227 and 4.515.

Fletcher, G.B.A., "Matters of Sound in Greek and Latin Authors," Classical Review 52 (1938): 164-5

Lauro, I., ed., L'epitalamio (Portici: Bellavista, 1938)
• [Silv. 1.2, with commentary.

Bretzigheimer, Franz, Studien zu Lactantius Placidus und dem Verfasser der Narrationes fabularum ovidianarum, Dissertation, Uni-Würzburg, 1937
• On the personalities of the two and whether they are identical.

Calandrino, I., Le poesie di Catullo ed altre versioni poetiche dal latino (Catania: Intelisano, 1937)
• On Catullus' influence on S., Ovid, Tibullus, Propertius.

Huevel, H., "De inimicitiarum quae inter Martialem et Statium fuisse dicuntur indiciis," Mnemosyne 4 (1937): 299-330
• Our evidence for their relationship.

Pernier, L., "Copie italiche dell'Herakles Epitrapezios di Lisippo," Archaiologike Ephemeris (1937): 33-9
• Another statuette, of Sinalonga, from the first century AD by an Etruso-Italian artist. Cf. Martial and Statius for the original, in possession of Nonius Vindex (Mart. 9.43.44, S. 4.6).

Wiman, G., "Papiniana," Eranos (1937): 1-21
• Critical notes to Silv. 1.praef.5; 1.2.105, 2.233 ff., 4.11, 4.58, 4.98, 5.10; 3.2.25; 4.44.78; 5.2.107, 3.41, 3.64, 3.92, 3.100, 3.112, 3.176, 5.1, 5.12; Theb. 2.160, 5.236, 10.525, 788, 932.

Boussard, J., "Un manuscript inédit de la Thébaïde de Stace," Revue des études latines 14 (1936): 95-101
• On Paris, BN, lat. 8054, about as correct as the Puteanus, but of a different tradition. 

Folse, M.E., "Arts and Crafts in the Epics of Vergil, Lucan, and Statius," in R.P. Robinson, ed., Philological studies in honor of W. Miller (Columbua: Univ. of Missouri, 1936)

Fordyce, Christian J., review of Cesareo, C., De Statii duabus Silvis (1935), Classical Review 50 (1936) 38

François, J., Le scoliaste de la Thébaïde de Stace, Mémoire présenté en vue de l'obtention du grade de licencié en Philosophie et Lettres (groupe de philologie classique), Université de Liège (1936)
• A summary of the status quo of scholarship at that point. Link
• Review: RBPh (1936): 1241

Grypdonck, M., Étude sur l'Achilléide de Stace, Travail présenté au Concours universitaire belge, 1933-5. Summary in RBPh (1936): 295

Illuminati, L., Stazio e la poesia (Milano: Soc. Dante Alighieri, 1936)

Otis, B., "The Argumenta of the So-called Lactantius," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 47 (1936): 131-163
• On the Ovidian arguments and paralells with LP. Lengthy discussion of works falsely ascribed to LP.

Semple, W.H, "Two Commentaries on Statius," Classical Review 50 (1936): 76-77
• Review of Huevel, H., ed. and trans., Thebaidos liber primus (1934) and Fortgens, H.W., ed. and trans., P. Papinii Statii de Opheltis funere carmen epicum (1934).

Weber, La préciosité de pensée et d'expression dans les Silves de Stace, Mémoire de diplome et d'ét. sup. Fac. des Lettres de Paris, 1936. Summary in Revue des études latines (1936): 390

Williams, R., "Nestor's war effort (Stat. Ach. 1.422)," Classical Quarterly 36 (1936): 280-83
• The line "murorum... Tendunt" is important because Pylos was the center of rope manufacture.

Boussard, J., Étude des manuscrits de la Thébaïde de Stace, Mém. de diplome d'ét. sup. Fac. de Paris. Summary in Revue des études latines (1935): 358

Cesareo, Emanuele, De Statii duabus Silvis, Aspetti Letterari 3, Suppl. (Naples, 1935)
• On Silv. 4.7 and 4.8. 
• Reviews: Gervasoni, Il mondo classico (1937): 45; Bayet, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes (1937): 306; Fordyce, Classical Review 50 (1936): 38

Charlesworth, Martin Percival, "Emperor-Worship in Martial and Statius" [review of Sauter, F., Der römische Kaiserkult bei Martial und Statius, 1934], Classical Review 49 (1935): 139-40

Clouard, H., trans., Silves (Paris: Garnier, 1935) [French translation with notes]
• Reviews: Juret, BFS 14 (1935-36): 21; Tranchant, L'Antiquité Classique (1935): 521; Vellay, Acr (1935): 33; Taccone, Il mondo classico (1936): 219 

Rose, Herbert Jennings, review of Sauter, F., Der römische Kaiserkult bei Martial und Statius (1934), Gnomon 11 (1935): 51-53

Curcio, G., Storio della letteratura latina nell'età imperiale (Milano: Soc. ed. Dante Alighieri, 1934)
• Review: Ernout, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes (1936): 183-5.

Enk, P.J., "Ad Statii Thebaidos librum primum adnotationes," Mnemosyne 1 (1933-34): 214-6
• Interpretation of Theb. 1.118-120 and 433-4.

Fletcher, G.B.A., "Imitationes vel loci similes in poetis latinis: Statii Silvae," Mnemosyne 1 (1933-34): 193-194
• List of similarities that have escaped commentators.

Fortgens, H.W., ed. and trans., P. Papinii Statii de Opheltis funere carmen epicum (Zutphen, Nauta, 1934) [Theb. 6.1-295 in Latin and Dutch, with notes]
• Reviews: Ernout, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes (1936): 290; Semple, Classical Review (1936): 76

Huevel, H., ed. and trans., Thebaidos liber primus, versione Batava commentarioque exegetico instructus (Zutphen: Nauta, 1934) [Latin with Dutch translation and commentary]
• Reviews: Ernout, Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes (1936): 290; Semple, Classical Review (1936): 76

Tranchant, H., "Le Codex Universitatis Bruxellensis," L'Antiquité Classique n.s. 3 (1934): 451-53

Barker, E. Ph., "Poeta fit: A Study of Statius," summary in Proceedings of the Classical Association (1933): 26-8. 
• A discussion of the career of Statius. The lack of unity in the Thebaid is because the literary taste of the time favored a mechanical and episodic production. 

Getty, Robert J., "Note on the Turonensis," Classical Quarterly 27 (1933): 139

Getty, Robert J., "The Saint-Germain Ms. of the Thebaid (Paris B.N. 13046)," Classical Quarterly 27 (1933): 129-39

Housman, A.E., "Notes on the Thebais of Statius," Classical Quarterly (1933): 1-16 and 65-73
• Notes on 1.85-7, 103-4, 535-6, 716-7; 2.629-39; 3.102-7, 378-9, 710; 4.1-3, 168-71, 520-4, 699-704; 6.149-155, 159-161, 355-64, 404-413, 464-6, 571-3, 598-601, 658-60, 925; 7.260, 500-1, 683-7; 8.65-8, 255-8, 570-8; 9.248-51, 462-3, 788-9; 10.47-8, 873-7, 897-8; 11.273-5, 329-37; 12.661-4, 812. Link

Leroy, M., "Argument inédit de la Thébaïde de Stace dans un manuscrit de Bruxelles," summary in RBPh (1933): 873
• The marginal note on Bruxellensis 5337-8, 1r, ought to be the missing argument of LP referred to at 1.61. 

Mozley, J.H., "Statius as an imitator of Vergil and Ovid," The Classical World 27 (1933): 33-38
• Statius has a tendency to paraphrase his models, to employ researched expessions and show details of learning, and finally to create a sentimental element. Includes a list of passages. 

Rostagni, A., "Stat. Silv. 2.121-126," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica (1933): 81
• On Silv. 1.2.125: instead of tuto, read tupho (a transcription from the Greek, typho).

Scott, Kenneth, "Statius' Adulation of Domitian," The American Journal of Philology 54 (1933): 247-59

Friedlaender, P., "Statius an den Schlaf," Ant (1932): 215-28
• Few poems in antiquity are as charged and successful in poetical stuff or in motifs and diverse traditions as Silv. 5.4. Reprinted in Studien zur antiken Literatur und Kunst (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1969): 354-65.

Huevel, H., ed., Thebaidos liber primus. Specimen criticum (Zutphen: Nauta, 1932)

Sauter, F., Der römische Kaiserkult bei Martial und Statius, Tübinger Beiträge zur Altertumswissenschaft, 21 (Dissertation, Uni-Tübingen, 1932) (Stuttgart, 1934)
• Reviews: Helm, Philologische Wochenschrift (1934): 1418-20; Charlesworth, Classical Review 49 (1935): 139-40; H.J. Rose, Gnomon 11 (1935): 51-53; Mattingly, Antiquity 10 (1936): 122; Taylor, The American Journal of Philology (1937): 126

Thompson, D'A.W., "Byzantios olent lacertos (Stat. S. 4.9.13)," Classical Review (1932): 246-8
• The fish is the lacertus, which was abundant and well bought from the fisheries of Constantinople.

Ercole, P., "Stazio e Giovenale," Rivista Indo-Greca-Italica di Filologia, Lingua, Antichità 15 (1931) 43-58
• In Sat. 4, Juvenal amuses himself by ridiculing the plans of Domitian that S. treated with great seriousness. This railing treatment returns in Sat. 7.82-7. 
• Review: Hosius, Philologische Wochenschrift (1932): 717.

Lammert, F., "Literatur zu den Statiusscholien," Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 231 (1931): 93-95

Frère, H., "Stace, Silv. 4 praef, 5 ss.," in Mélanges P. Thomas: Recueil de mémoires concernant la philologie classique (Bruges: Imp. Saint-Catherine, 1930): 300-311

Lundström, V., "Stat. Silu. 3.5.93," Eranos (1930): 48
• Read lites instead of litus.

Souter, A., "Statius, Silvae 4.3.48," Classical Review (1930): 116

van Buren, A.W., "The Text of Two Sources for Campanian Topography," The American Journal of Philology 51.4 (1930): 378-81 [378-80]
• At Silv. 3.5.104, read venarumque for denarumque, referring to the mineral springs and keeping the geographical order. Stabias renatas is difficult, given the small amount of evidence for the importance of the town even after Pompeii was destroyed.

Meister, R., "Zu Statius Silvae," MVPhW (1929): 9-11
• Critical note on Silv.

Porena, M., La prodigalità di Stazio nella Divina Commedia, extract from Glossa perenne: Giornale critico della letteratura italiana 3 (Milan, 1929)
• Exploration of Dante's claim of Statius' prodigiality. Link.

Sozzi, G., trans., Selve (Milan, Soc. Anonima Notari, 1929) [translation into Italian]

van Buren, A.W., "Statius, Silvae 3.5.93," The American Journal of Philology (1929): 372-73

Wessner, Paul, "Lucan, Statius, und Juvenal bei den römischen Grammatikern," Philologische Wochenschrift 47 (1929): 296-303, 328-35
• Lucan and Statius had short, immediate success; Juvenal didn't. The reason is that schools didn't want to change their authors. Lucan caught attention again in the end of the third century AD, Juvenal in the middle of the fourth, and Statius at the end of the fourth. See H.J. Thompson, "Lucan, Statius, and Juvenal in the Early Centuries," Classical Quarterly 22 (1928) 24-27.

Bentivoglio, C., trans., La Tebaide da Stazio. Collezione di classici italiani con note, voll. 10-11 (Torino, Torinese, 1928) [with notes]

Hylén, J.E., trans., Silvae (Nyköping: Kullberg, 1928)
• Translation, into Swedish, in the original meters.

Laistner, M.L.W., "Fulgentius in the Carolingian Age," Festschrift Hrushhevsky, Publications of the Ukranian Academy of Sciences at Kiev 76 (Kiev, 1928): 488 and 446 n. 2

Mozley, J.H., ed. and trans., Statius [opera] (Loeb Classical Library) (in 2 voll.) (London/New York, 1928)
• Reviews: Mustard, The American Journal of Philology (1928): 402; Stewart, Classical Review 42 (1928): 237-38; Hosius, Philologische Wochenschrift (1929): 138-40; Knapp, The Classical World 22 (1929): 164; Law, Classical Philology (1929): 318; Robinson, Classical Journal 25 (1929): 147

Stewart, H., "The Loeb Statius" (review of Mozley, J.H., ed. and trans., Statius, 1928), Classical Review 42 (1928): 237-38

Thomson, H.J., "Lucan, Statius, and Juvenal in the Early Centuries," Classical Quarterly 22 (1928): 24-27
• The theory that Lucan, Statius, and Juvenal were not studied in 2-4 centuries (and that it was Servius that heralded their revival) is not proven. The only reason for dating LP to the end of the 4th century is that he is not mentioned by Jerome. Donatus refers to him in his commentary on Terence.

Calandrino, I., L'epicedion in patrem suum tradotto in versi italiani (Regio Emilia: Rossi, 1927) [Silv. 5.3 in Italian]

Schuster, M., "Literaturbericht, 1915-1925," Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 131-144

Sozzi, G., trans., Silvae: Scelta di poesie (Catania: Stud. edit. mod., 1927) [translation into Italian verse]
• Reviews: Galdi, Ath (1929): 284; Tannone, BFC 34 (1929): 213

Thielscher, P., "Zur Maniliusuberlieferung," Philologus 82 (1927): 167-80

Walter, F., "Zu lateinischen Dichtern," Wiener Studien 45 (1926-27): 109-116, 239-245
• Critical studies of many passages, including Ach. 2.74; Silv. 4.3.154; Theb. 9.895.

Gaar, E., and M. Schuster, Auswahl aus römischen Dichtern: Zur Ergänzung der Vergil- und Horazlektüre, 3 voll. (Wien, 1924-28): vol. 1, pp. 83-84
• Text of and commentary on Silv. 4.1 and 5.4.
• Review: Hammer, The Classical World 23 (1930) 87

Garrod, H.W., ed., Thebais et Achilleis, 2nd ed. (Oxford, 1926; reprinted, 1953)
• Reviews: R. Helm, BPhW 22 (1926): 972;

Klotz, A., ed., Achilleis, 2nd ed. (Leipzig, 1926)
• Review: Ruppert, LZB (1926): 1788 

Damsté, P.H., "Statius artis photographicae praenuntius," Mnemosyne (1925): 74
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 143

Masante, M., "Lattanzio Firmiano o Lattanzio Placido autore del 'De ave phoenice'?" Didaskaleion n.s. 3 (1925): 1.105-10
• Disputes C. Landi, "Il carme De ave phoenice," Atti e Mem. Accad. Pad. 31 (1915): 33-72.

Mercati, G., Per la cronologia della vita e degli scritti di Niccolò Perotti, Studi e Testi 44 (1925)

Stange, O. and P. Dittrich, Vox Latina, II (Leipzig, 1925): 82-87
• Discussion of Silv.1.1, 4.9, 5.4; Theb. 9.403-419, 524 ff., 552-573; Ach. 1.159-173, 852 ff.

Anderson, W.B., "Statius' Thebaid, Book 2," Classical Quarterly (1924): 202-208
• On lines 8 ff., 19 ff., 43, 58 ff., 128-33, 176 ff., 184 ff., 208 ff., 223 ff., 251 ff., 331 ff., 342 ff., 551 ff., 635 ff. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 134

Malaspina, A., "De Lucio Verginio Rufo et Lucio Arruntio Stella epigrammatum scriptoribus," Athenaeum n.s. 2 (1924): 132-40. 
• Review: Schuster Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft (1927): 143.

Mustard, W.P., "Note on Dante and Statius," Modern Language Notes 39 (1924): 120

Prinz, K., "Beiträge zur Kritik und Erklärung der Achilleis," Philol. 79 (n.s. 33) (1924): 188-201
• Criticism and commentary on 1.45, 55, 129 ff., 131, 136, 178, 232, 309, 325, 574. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 134-35.

Alton, E.H., "Notes on the Thebaid," Classical Quarterly 17 (1923): 175-186
• On Thebaid 4.41, 5.373, 9.218, 9.286, 10.618, 1.460, 1.656, 1.693, 2.64, 2.185, 2.251, 2.590, 2.607, 2.672, 3.314, 3.390, 3.539, 3.553, 3.658, 4.130, 4.170, 4.479, 4.485, 5.449-50, 5.543, 6.212, 6.341, 6.446, 6.773, 6.776, 6.992, 7.75-6, 7.177, 7.201, 7.25, 7.258, 8.116, 8.253, 8.582, 8.589, 9.338, 9.750-1, 9.843-4, 9.848-51, 9.855, 10.26, 10.441, 11.22, 11.46, 11.246, 11.274, 11.307, 11.329, 11.345. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 132-33

Brass, E.J., Quaestiones Statianae metricae et prosodicae, Diss. Rostock, 1923

Damsté, P.H., "Specilegium in Silvis Statianis," Mnemosyne 51 (1923): 135-78
• Notes on 1.1.19, 1.1.64, 1.1.106, 1.2.32, 1.2.32. On p. 140, the author writes, "illud 'adhuc optas' ni insipide enuntiatum atque Statio indignissimum esse." 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 133-34

Damsté, P.H., "Statii Goethique concentus," Mnemosyne 51 (1923): 128
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 144

Evelyn-White, G., "Stat. Silu. 1 praef. 37," Classical Review (1923): 67
• Read: testimonium amomum (from the Greek, amomwn ). See D.A. Slater, "Three Cases of Transposition," Classical Review 37 (1923): 20.

Lambert, R.S., trans., To Sleep. Translated... into English Verse (Wembley Hill: Stanton Press, 1923) (privately printed) [Silv. 5.4] Link

Reussner, A., De Statio et Euripide, Dissertation, Uni-Halle, 1921
• Review: Wecklein, Philologische Wochenschrift (1923): 11

Slater, D.A., "Three Cases of Transposition," Classical Review 37 (1923): 20
• On 37; cf. G. Evelyn-White, "Stat. Silu. 1 praef. 37," Classical Review (1923): 67. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 133

Landi, C., "Intorno a Stazio nel medio evo e nel purgatorio Dantesco," Atti e Mem. Padova 37 (1921)

Tolkiehn, J., "Bibliographie critique, 1908-1920," Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 188 (1921): 228-234

Wessner, Paul, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 188 (1921): 228-234

Merrill, W.A., "Notes on the Silvae of Statius," Univ. of Calif. Pub. 5 (1918-20): 69-134, 155-182. 
• Notes on 1.1.6, 2.2.125, 2.5.28, 3.3.71, 3.5.9, etc. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927)

Phillimore, J.S., "Statiana," Mnemosyne 48 (1920): 222-24
• On Silv. 1.2.117-7, 1.4.101-4, 1.4.61-2, 3.2.30. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 132; cf. Mnemosyne 48 (1920): 91-93

Phillimore, J.S., "Statius Silu. III ii 30," Mnemosyne 48 (1920): 91-93
• Read: artemo tortus.

Phillimore, J.S., ed., Silvae (Oxford, 1920)
• Review: Duff, Classical Review (1921): 120 

Brakman, C., "Ad Statium," Mnemosyne 57 (1919): 251-62
• Statius neglects composition, modifies the sense of certain words, uses many verbs rarely used by others, uncommon forms, archaisisms, etc. Critical observations to passages: Silv. 1.5.10; 2.6.30, 7.14; 4.3.145; 5.1.207, 3.112; Theb. 10; 3.139, 932; 11.57, 273; Ach. 2.16.

Breese, J., De scholiis Statianis quae Lactantii Placidi nomine feruntur, quaestiones selectae, Diss. Griefswald, 1919 (extracts printed by Griefswald: Alder, 1921)
• Argues LP was African and lived at the beginning of the 5th c. 
• Review: Lammert, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 231 (1931): 93-5

Freeman, C.E., Latin Poetry, from Catullus to Claudian: An Easy Reader (Oxford, 1919) (reprinted, 1940): 138 ff.
• Extracts from the Achilleid.

Hirst, G.M., "Silvae, 1.6.7-8," Classical Review (1919): 149-50
• Read: "diem beatam | laeti Caesaris ebriamque rapto". 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927)142.

Keil, W., "Vibius Maximus und Florus," BPhW 45 (1919): 1076-80
• According to Silv. 4.7.55: he wrote an epitome of Livy, with Stoic leanings. 
• Review: Schuster Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft (1927): 143

Negro, I., Studio zu Stazio (Firenze: Ariani, 1919) 
• Review: Ammendola, RIGI 3 (1919): 336.

Bickel, E., "Beiträge zur Religionsgeschichte, 2: Zum Cybele-kult," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.s. 72 (1917-18): 52-61
• Interpretation of Silvae 5.3.176-84 in terms of the cult of Cybele. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 142-43

Clark, A.C., "Statius, Poggio and Politian," Classical Review 32 (1918): 166-7

Slater, D.A., "Statius, Poggio, and Politian," Classical Review 32 (1918): 166-67

Fiehn, C., Quaestiones Statianae, Dissertation, Berlin: Ebering, 1917
• Three parts: "De Thebaidos compositione," "De orationis illustratione et evidentia," and "De Thebaidos exemplis." 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 137-39 

Hartman, J.J., "Ad Statii Silu. 5.4.1," Mnemosyne 45 (1917): 92
• Punctuate: "Crimine quo merui iuuenis, placidissime diuum", after Ovid, Met. 11.633. S. couldn't make him a young man. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 142.

Phillimore, J.S., "Statius and the Date of the 'Culex'," Classical Quarterly 11 (1917): 106
• Response to W.B. Anderson, "Statius and the date of the Culex," Classical Quarterly 10 (1916): 225-26.
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 142

Anderson, W.B., "Statius and the Date of the Culex," Classical Quarterly 10 (1916): 225-26
• Nothing in Statius' poem (2.7.54-74) justifies a correction to Donatus' statement that Virgil took six years to write the Culex. See J.S. Phillimore, "Statius and the Date of the 'Culex'," Classical Quarterly 11 (1917) 106.
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 142

Giessler, G., Ad descriptionum historiam symbola (Leipzig: Weida, 1916): 2.34-58.
• On Statius' use of rhetorical tropes, especially ecphrasis. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 136-7

Hardie, W.R., "Virgil, Statius, and Dante," Journal of Roman Studies (1916): 1-12
• On Dante's estimation of the authenticity of the Culex. Discussion of Virgil and Statius in the Middle Ages.

Hartman, J.J., "De Domitiano imperatore et de poeta Statio," Mnemosyne n.s. 44 (1916): 338-372
• Historical allusions in the Theb. The reputation of D. derives from suspect sources and literary conventions. 
• Review: Schuster Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 141. 

Thiele, G., "Die Poesie unter Domitian," Hermes 51 (1916): 233-60
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 139-41. 

Funaioli, G., "Da un codice di Valenciennes," Studi Italiani di Filologia Classica 21 (1915): 1-73 = Esegesi virgiliana antica (Milano, 1930): 444-508

Havet, L., "Notes critiques sur les poètes latins," Revue des études anciennes 17 (1915): 101-110, 177-182, 267-270
• On Silv. 1.2.13, 1.2.147, 1.2.201, 1.3.32, 1.3.70, 1.3.72, 1.3.84, 1.4.110 1.4.13, 1.4.28, 1.5.36-9, 1.5.52, 2.1.134, 2.1.192-3, 2.1.198, 2.2.15, 2.2.18, 2.2.116, 2.2.138-9, 2.3.3, 2.3.17, 2.4.11, 2.6.11, 2.6.17, 2.6.38-9, 2.6.58. 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 131

Landi, C., "Il carme De ave phoenice," Atti e Mem. Accad. Pad. 31 (1915): 33-72
• Argues that Lactantius Placidus wrote the poem. Cf. M. Masante, "Lattanzio Firmiano o Lattanzio Placido autore del 'De ave phoenice'?" Didaskaleion n.s. 3 (1925) 1.105-10

Michler, W., De P. Papinio Statio M. Annaei Lucani imitatore (Breslau: Nischkowsky, c. 1915). 
• Reviews: Weyman, Historisches Jahrbuch (1915): 212. Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 139

Rossbach, O. "Eine übersehene Erwähnung des Antimachos," BPhW (1915): 253-6
• Statius uses Antimachus of Colopon at the beginning of the Thebaid, where he says he wants to limit his material.

Tolkiehn, J., "Bibliographie critique, 1911-1914," Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 171 (1915): 53-59

Brinkgreve, M.R.J., "Statiana," Mnemosyne 42 (1914): 104-109
• Notes on Th. 3.463-64, 4.558, 3.513-15, 5.633-35, 6.466-67, and 9.212-13; and Ach. 1.155, 1.256, 1.306, 1.325, 1.326, 1.676, 1.745, 1.931, 2.42, and 2.93.

Garrod, H.W., "Statius, Poggio and Politian," Classical Review 28 (1914): 265-6. 
• Review: Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 131

Heikel, Einar, "Lactantii Placidi de dei nomine narratio," Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian Toimituksia (Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae), ser. B, vol. 12, no. 3 (1914): 3-9
• On LP ad 4.516, arguing for the reading tauri.

Hirst, G.M., "Note on Statius, Silvae 1.6.75-80," Classical Review (1914): 58
• In New York World of 1 Jan. 1914, an illustration of a passage from S. on a flight of birds on the Saturnalia: "The lights went out a minute before twelve. Then, as the New Year began, from all parts of the hotel flocks of white doves flew from hidden cages." 
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 141-2.

Landi, C., "Di un commento medievale inedito della Tebaida di Stazio," Atti e Mem. Accad. Pad. 30 (1914): 315-340
• On the notes in Padova, Bibl. del Sem. Vescovile, ms. 41. 

Landi, C., trans., Due Selve di Stazio tradotte in versi (Padova: Gallina, 1914)

Lunderstedt, R., De synecdochae apud P. Papinium Statium usu, Dissertation, Uni- Jena, 1913
• Review: Helm, BPhW (1914) 

Summers, W.C., "Dryden and Statius," Classical Review 28 (1914): 268-9
• Review: Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft (1927): 143
• On Dryden's use of Silv. 5.4 and Ach. 1.443.

Brinkgreve, R.J., ed., Achilleis (Rotterdam: Brusse, 1913) [with notes]
• Reviews: R.J. Brinkgreve, "Statiana," Mnemosyne 42 (1914): 104-9; H.W. Garrod, Classical Review 28 (1914): 67; Lafaye, Journal des Savants (1914): 330-31; Harder, WKPh (1915): 172; R. Helm, BPhW (1915): 550; Lenchantlin, BFC (1915): 247; Prinz, ZöG (1915): 125-8

Duncan, T.S., The Influence of Art on Description in the Poetry of Statius, Diss. Johns Hopkins Univ. (Baltimore: J. H. Furst, 1913)
• Reviews: Helvetia archaeologica 18: 152; Fairclough, Classical Philology (1915); Harder, WKPh (1915): 221; Lipsconsb, The Classical World 8: 167; Schuster, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 212 (1927): 136

Landi, C., "Sulla leggenda del cristianesimo di Stazio," Atti e Memorie del R. Accademia di sciencia... Padova 29 (1913): 231-266
• Also published as Sulla leggenda del cristianesimo di Stazio, Atti e Memorie Padova (Padova: Gian. Batt. Randi, 1913)
• Review: E.G. Parodi, Boll. della Soc. Dantesca Ital. 20 (1913): 184-193.

Parodi, E.G., review of Scherillo, M., Lectura Dantis: Stazio nella Divina Commedia (1913) and Landi, C., "Sulla leggenda del cristianesimo di Stazio" (1913), Bolletino della Socetà Dantesca Italiana 20 (1913): 184-93

Raschke, R., De Alberico Mythologo, Breslauer philol. Abh. 45 (Breslau, 1913)
• On LP as a source for Albericus.

Scherillo, M., Lectura Dantis: Stazio nella "Divina Commedia," estratto dalla Miscellanea di Studi, pubblicata nel cinquantenario della R. Accademia scientifica letteraria di Milano (Milano: L.F. Cogliati, 1913)
• Review: E. Parodi, Bulletino della Società Dantesca Italiana 20 (1913): 184-193

Schubert, H., De Statii artis grammaticae et metricae ratione, Dissertation, Griefswald, 1913 (Griefswald: Adler, 1913)
• Review: Stegman, JPhV (1918): 79.

Eitrem, S., "Varia 5," Nordisk Tidsskrift for Filologi, n.s., 1 (1912): 69-71
• On LP ad 2.95.

Philipp, Hans, Die historisch-geographischen Quellen in den Etymologiae des Isidorus von Sevilla, I, Quellen und Forschungen zur alten Geschichte und Geographie, 25 (Berlin, 1912): 61-65

Klotz, A., ed., Silvae, 2nd ed. (Leipzig, 1911)

Sabbadini, R., "Giovanni Colonna biografo e bibliografo del sec. XIV," Atti della reale Accademia di Torino 46 (1910-11): 846

Wise, B.A., The Influence of Statius upon Chaucer (Baltimore: J. Furst Co., 1911)

Jacob, F., and W. Binder, transs., Thebais [translation into German]. Langenscheidtsche Bibliothek... vol. 74 (Berlin-Schöneberg: Langenscheidt, c. 1910)

Klotz, Alfred, "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 64 (1909): 473-74
• A response to M. Gothein, "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 63 (1908) 475-76

Plessis, Frédéric, La poésie latine (Paris: C. Klincksieck, 1909): 596-622

Saenger, G., ed., Statii Silvae (St. Petersburg, 1909)

Gothein, M. "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 63 (1908): 475-76
• Cf. A. Klotz, "Der Titel von Statius' Silvae," Rheinisched Museum für Philologie 64 (1909) 473-74.

Keseling, Ferdinand, De mythographi vaticani secundi fontibus, Dissertation, Halle, 1908
• See especially pp. 38-62, on Lactantius Placidus.

Klotz, A., "Die Argumente zur Thebais des Statius," Archiv für lateinische Lexicographie und Grammatik 15 (1908): 261-74. Link.

Klotz, A., "Die Statiusscholien," ALLG 15 (1908): 485-525
• Scholia are of 6th c., and the author once lived in Gaul; written in ciceronian, non-accentual clausulae.

Klotz, A., ed., Thebais (Leipzig, 1908)

Slater, D.A., The Silvae of Statius (Oxford, 1908) [translation into English]

Verrall, "Dante on the Baptism of Statius," Albany Review, n.s. 3 (1908): 499-514
• The hesitation to cross the swollen Asopus is allegory for an "adumbration" or covert confession of Statius' own reluctance to declare his faith. In the phrase "Stat triste pecus" <7.437>, Stat stands for Statius.

Wessner, Paul, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 139 (1908): 186-9

Binderwald, K.W., ed., Statius Werke, Im Vermass der Urschrift übersetzt, 2nd ed. (Berlin, 1907)

Kuerschner, H., P. Papinius Statius quibus in Achilleide componenda usus esse videatur fontibus, Dissertation, Uni-Marburg, 1907

Maresca, B., trans., Propempticon Maecio Celeri P. Papinii Statii, Silv. III, 2 recreato in italiano (Napoli, 1907)

Schamberger, M., De P. Papinio Statio verborum novatore, Dissertationes Philologicae Halenses, 17.3 (Halle, 1907)
• On Statius' use of new words and hapax legomena. Available here.

Souter, Alexander, "Garrod's Thebaid and Achilleid of Statius," Classical Quarterly 1 (1907): 80-84
• Review of Garrod, H.W., ed., Stati Thebais et Achilleis (1906)

Thielscher, P., "De Statii Silvarum, Silii, Manilii scripta memoria," Philologus 66 (1907): 85-134 
• A reconstruction of Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae.

Abbamondi, A.,  Le Selve di P. Papinio Stazio ed un commento inedito di Giano Aulo Parrasio: Contributo alla critica staziana (Napoli, 1906)

Garrod, H.W., ed., Stati Thebais et Achilleis (Oxford, 1906)
• Reviews: P.H. Damsté, Mnemosyne n.s. 35 (1907): 130; R. Helm, BPhW 27 (1907): 590; A. Souter, Classical Quarterly 1 (1907): 80-84

Isola, P.A., L'incontro di Dante e Virgilio con Sordello e Stazio (Alatri: O. de Andreis, 1906)

Klotz, A., ed., Curae statianae (Leipzig, 1906)
• With an edition of Silv. 2.2 with commentary.

Maresca, B., trans., Epistola a Vittorio Marcello, Silv. IV, 4, recreata in italiano (Napoli. 1906)

Maresca, B., trans., L'Ecloga alla moglie e la Gratulazione a Menecrate recreate in italiano (Napoli, c. 1906) 

Thielscher, P., De Statii Silvarum, Silii, Manilii scripta memoria, Programm (Tuebingen, 1906)

Elter, A., and A. Klotz, "Eine Statiushandschrift in Palma," BPhW 33/4 (1905), coll. 1100-102

Klotz, Alfred, "Probleme der Textgeschichte des Statius," Hermes 40 (1905): 341-72
• On the stemma and textual problems in the Thebaid, with special focus on the evidence of Priscian and the Puteanus.

Knaack, G., "Peristera," Hermes 40 (1905): 320
• On LP ad 4.226.

Legras, Léon, Les légendes thebaines en Grèce et à Rome: Étude sur la Thébaïde de Stace (Paris, 1905)

Lohrisch, H., De Papinii Statii Silvarum poetae studiis rhetoricis, Diss. Inaug. Acad. Fredericana Halensi cum Vitebergensi (Halle: C.A. Kaemmrerer, 1905)

Maresca, B., trans., Tre carmi: volti in italiano di Papinio Stazio (Napoli: A. Natale, 1905)

Postgate, J.P., ed., Corpus Poetarum Latinorum, vol. 22, pp. 308-430 [Thebaid, ed. G. Bell; Silvae, ed. A.S. Wilkins; Achilleid, ed. G.A. Davies and J.P. Postgate; Fragmentum De Bello Germanico] (London: G. Bell, 1905)

Postgate, John P., "Ad Siluas Statianas Siluula," Philologus 64 (1905): 116-36
• On,,, 1.2.183, 1.2.234-35, 1.3.40-42, 1.3.88-89, 1.4.4-6, 1.4.60-62, 1.4.83-88, 1.5.10, 1.6.36-39,, 2.1.49-50, 2.1.62-66, 2.1.126-33, 2.2.93, 2.2.133-37, 2.2.139-41, 2.3.68-69, 2.5.1, 2.5.41-43, 2.6.48-50, 2.6.79, 2.6.90-95, 2.7.14-15,, 3.1.157, 3.2.78-82, 3.3.15-16, 3.3.71-75, 3.4.73, 4.2.5-6, 4.3.136-38, 4.3.153-59, 4.5.9-11, 4.6.8-10, 4.7.33-36, 4.9.29-31, 5.1.4-6, 5.1.16-23, 5.2.82-83, 5.3.85-88, 5.3.109-15, 5.3.127-29, 5.3.148-50, 5.3.182-83, 5.3.266-76. Link

Sabbadini, R., Le scoperte dei codici latini e greci ne' scoli XIV e XV, Vol. 1 (Florence, 1905): 28-29, 33, 185; Vol. 2 (Florence, 1914): 186
• Notes on the reception of Statius and the re-discovery of the Silvae. LP was known to Boccaccio and to Sicco Polenton, but unknown to Petrarch. Was distinguished from Lactantius Firmianus by Domenico di Bandino.

Schulz, R., De Mythographi Vaticani primi fontibus, Diss. Halle, 1905: 37-46

Bieber, E., Hygini fabularum supplementum, PhD Dissertation, Uni-Marburg, 1904
• On pp. 5-9 is an attempt at a stemma of the manuscriupts of Lactantius Placidus. See too chapter 2, p. 53 n. 2.

Castiglioni, Luigi, "Analecta," Studi italiani di filologia classica 12 (1904): 279-318
• Collation of manuscripts in Milan (M 60 Sup., N 127 Sup., and H 166 Inf.).

Eissfeldt, E., "Zu den Vorbildern des Statius," Philologus 63 (1904): 378-424

Garrod, H.W., "The S. John's College (Cambridge) ms. of the Thebaid," Classical Review 18 (1904): 38-42 

Klotz, A., "Die Barthschen Handschriften," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 373-90

Klotz, A., "Zur überlieferungsgeschichte der Epen des Statius," Philologus 63 (1904): 157-60

Manitius, Max, "Dresdener Scholien zu Statius Achilleis," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 59 (1904): 597-602

Manitius, Max, "Handschriftliches zum Texte des Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 59 (1904): 588-96
• Collation of the Dresden manuscripts of the Thebaid.

Postgate, J.P., "The Manuscript Problem in the Silvae of Statius: Addendum," Classical Review 18 (1904): 43. 

Verrall, "'To Follow the Fisherman': An Historical Problem in Dante," Independent Review 1 (London, 1903-1904): 246-64
• A source for Statius' Christianity, based on a difference between the prologues of the Thebaid and Achilleid, in that Domitian is praised as a god in the first, second only lauded, without apothesis.

Clark, A.C., "Poggio and Asconius," Classical Review 17 (1903): 38

Engelmann, A., "Ueber die Handschriften der Silven des Statius," Hermes 38 (1903): 285-91
• Believes that the Madrid manuscript is copied from the copy Poggio had made.

Klotz, Alfred, "Zur Überlieferung der Silvae des Statius," Hermes 38 (1903): 468-80

Müller, O., "Aus alten Handschriften des Statius," Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 20 (1903): 192-97
• On (I) neumes in the Kassel and Puteanus manuscripts; (II) citations from the Disticha Catonis in the Puteanus; and (III) readings in the Bambergensis (and problems reading Kohlmann's apparatus), in response to H. Nohl's review of Kohlmann's 1883 edition of the Thebaid, Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 1 (1884): 1622 . Link.

Postgate, J.P., "The Manuscript Problem in the Silvae of Statius," Classical Review 17 (1903): 344-51

Vollmer, Friedrich, "Zur Ueberlieferung von Statius' Silvae," Hermes 38 (1903): 134-9

Engelmann, Arthur, " target="_blank">De Statii Silvarum Codicibus, Inaug. Dissert. (Leipzig, 1902)
• The extant mss.of the Silvae are not all descended from the Matritensis, partially based on Politian's notes in the Corsiniana volume.
• Review: Vollmer, Deutsche Litteraturzeitung 37 (1902) 2332-33

Manitius, Max, "Aus Dresdener Handschriften, II: Scholien zu Statius' Thebais," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 57 (1902): 397-421

Schiavo, G., Stazio nel Purgatorio: Contributo agli studi danteschi (Firenze, 1902)

Vollmer, F., rev. of Arthur Engelmann, De Statii Silvarum Codicibus, inaug. dissert. (Leipzig, 1902), Deutsche Literaturzeitung (1902) 2332-33
• Contrary to Engelmann and in greement with Klotz, all mss. of the Silvae descend from the Matritensis. Vollmer notes that he places no trust in Politian's notes in the Corsiniana.

Wessner, Paul, Jahrbuch für Altertumswissenschaft 113 (1902): 213-4

Burnam, J.M., The Placidus Commentary on Statius, University of Cincinnati Bulletin, Ser. 2, vol. 1, no. 3 (1901)

Clark, A.C., "The Discoveries of Poggio: A Correction," Classical Review 15 (1901): 165-6

Hecker, O., Boccaccio-Funde (Braunschweig, 1901)
• Identified Firenze, BML plut. 38.6 as the manuscript used by Boccaccio as the source and inspiration for his Teseida. Cf. R.A. Pratt, "Chaucers' Use of the Teseida," Proceedings of the Modern Language Association 62 (1947) 599.

Klotz, A., ed., Achilleis (Leipzig, 1901)

Maresca, Benedetto, "Saggio di traduzione di un carme del primo libro delle selve di Stazio," Atte della accademia pontaniana 31.9 (1901): 1-16 (repr. Naples, 1901)
• [Silv. 1.2 in Italian] link .

Valerio, R., Stazio nella divina commedia: Studio critico-estetico (Acireale, 1901)

Arci, F., Gli amplessi di Virgilio con Sordello e Stazio (Alatri: de Andreis, 1900)

Klotz, A., ed., Silvae (Leipzig, 1900)

Buecheler, Franz, "Coniectanea," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 54 (1899): 7-8 = Kleine Schriften 3 (Lepizig and Berlin, 1930): 259-260
• Conjectures to LP 2.85, 3.689, 5.163, 5.431, 8.1 and Scholia in Ach. 1.187.

Clark, A.C., "The Literary Discoveries of Poggio," Classical Review 13 (1899): 119-30

Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, "Lesefrüchte," Hermes 34 (1899) 601-39
• On problems with Jahnke's edition of Lactantius Placidus.

Cancik, H., "Statius, Silvae: Ein Bericht über die Forschung seit Friedrich Vollmer (1898)," Aufsteig und Niedergang der römischen Welt 2.42.5 (1986): 2681-2726

Deiter, H., "Zu Statius," Philologus 57 (1898): 343-44
• On Ach. 1.75-76, 1.513; Theb. 1.517, 3.78-79, 4.170, 11.646. Link

Gaymann, Valentin, Kunstarchäologische Studien zu P. Pap. Statius, Inaugural dissertation, Universität Würzburg (Uürzburg: Becker, 1898). Link.

Helm, R., ed., Fabii Planciadis Fulgentii V.C. Opera (Leipzig, 1898): 180-86 

Jahnke, R., ed., Lactantii Placidi quae dicuntur commentaria in Statii Thebaidem et Achilleidem (Leipzig, 1898)
• Reviews: J. Ziehen, Deutsche Literaturzeitung für Kritik der internationalen Wissenschaft 19 (1898): 1915-6; anonymous, Literarisches Centralblatt (1899): 346-7; A.S. Wilkins, Classical Review 13 (1899): 64-5; R. Helm, BPhW 19 (1899): 425-8; Lejay, Revue critique d'Histoire et de la litterature 1 (1900): 448; anonynous, ALLG 11 (1904): 296

Souter, A., "Collation of the Madrid Ms. of Stat. Silv.," Classical Review 12 (1898): 400, 441

Vollmer, Friedrich, ed., Silvarum libri (Leipzig, 1898)

Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, Ulrich von, "Lesefrüchte," Hermes 33 (1898) 513-14
• On the scholium, "dicunt poetam ista omnia a Graeco poeta Antimacho deduxisse," at Theb. 3.466 in Barth's edition.

Wilson, H.L., The Metaphor in the Epic Poems of Publius Papinius Statius (Baltimore, 1898)

Winterfeld, Paul von, "Fulgentianum," Philologus 57 (1898): 509
• On Fulgentius Planciades and the name Surculus.

Helm, R., "Anecdoton Fulgentianum," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 52 (1897): 177-186

Clark, A.C., "The Madrid Ms. of Asconius [M.81]," Classical Review 10 (1896): 301-5

Cumont, F., Textes et Monuments figurés relatifs aux Mystères de Mithra (Bruxelles, 1896): 2.46
• On LP ad 1.717 ff.

Earle, M.L., "Miscellanea critica II," Classical Review 10 (1896): 1-4
• In Th. 2.294-296, read clade for laude, supported by 2.301-303.

Klotz, Alfred, Curae statianae, diss. inaug. (Leipzig, 1906)
• Edition of Silv. 2.2 with commentary.

Skutch, F., "Zu Statius Silv. 3.3.130," Wiener Studien 17 (1896): 160 (repr., Kleine Schriften, ed. W. Kroll, Leipzig, 1914, p. 196)
Silv. 3.3.128-30 are found on a gravestone in North Africa. [Caution - he quotes the lines after the intermediate source; a more correct transcription is in the Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum.] Link

Vollmer, Friedrich, "Textkritisches zu Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 51 (1896): 27-44
• Discussion of the poor readings in younger manuscripts and criticism of Kohlmann's reliance on the Puteanus. Discussions include Theb. 3.369-70, 4.543-50, 5.11-16, 5.320-22,6.5-9, 7.711-14, 9.462-63, 10.104-8, 12.800-2, 3.199, 8.294, 10.174, 10.823, 10.916, 11.87, 11.673, 12.184, 12.315, 5.136, 5.336, 5.428, 6.220-26, 9.217, 9.501, 10.841; Ach. 1.510-13; Silv. 1.1.64, 1.2.13, 1.2.122, 1.3.28, 1.3.41-42, 1.3.62, 1.4.3, 1.4.58-65,1.4.76-77, 1.5.36-39, 2.2.147-48, 3.1.117, 3.2.30, 4.4.102, 5.2.103-4, and a langthy discussion of 5.3.

Wilkins, A.S., "Barth's Mss. of the Thebais of Statius," Classical Review 10 (1896): 14-15

Ziehen, Julius, "Epencitate bei Statius," Hermes 31.2 (1896): 313-17
• Implicit references to extant and nonextant epics in Statius' works. On Ach. 1.588; Silv. 1.1.11 ff., 1.2.213-17, 3.1.71-75, 3.3.179-80, 4.5.27-28, 5.2.113-24; Th. 2.469 ff., 2.595 ff., 8.212 ff., 8.255 ff., and 10.61 ff. Link

Klotz, Richard, De scholiis Statianis commentatio I. Gymn. Prog. (Treptow, 1895)
• On ps.-Lactantius' commentary on the Achilleid, including their sources and quality, and whether it is by the same author as the commentary on the Thebaid. Part II seems not to have appeared.

Manitius, M., "Beiträge zur Geschichte römischer Dichter im Mittelalter, 15. Statius," Philologus 52 (1894): 538-45
• On the reception of Statius in the Middle Ages. The whole series is: (1889): 710-20; 49 (1891): 554-64; 50 (1892): 354-72; 51 (1893): 704-19; 52 (1894): 536-52.

Mayer, Herrmann, "Die Glossen in der Berliner Statius-Handschrift," Philologus 53 (1894): 194-7

Müller, H., Studia Statiana, diss. inaug., Rostock (Berlin: Heinrich, 1894)

Schenkl, K., "Zu Statius Silv. 3.3.130," Wiener Studien 16 (1894): 337
• Read ubi for tibi and insert a lacuna of at least one line before uerna. Link

Curzio, G. G., Studio su P. Papinio Stazio (Catania: Niccolò Giannotta, 1893)
• Section 1 is on Statius the man. Section 2 is on the Thebaid and Silvae

Leo, F., De Statii Silvis, Program (Göttingen, 1893)

Skutsch, F., "Ad Statii Siluas Symbolae," Fleckeis Jahrbuch 147 (1893): 473-4 
• On Poggio's manuscript of the Silvae.

Valmaggi, L., "La fortuna di Stazio nella tradizione letteraria latine a bassolatina," Rivista di filologia e di istruzione classica 21 (1893): 409-462, 481-554

Varjás, Istvan, "Kritikai adalékok a Statius Thebaisához, irt scholionkhoz," Egytemes philologiai közlöny 17 (1893): 651-663, 727-745
• Critical notes to LP, especially on the Bambergensis.

Wotke, C., "Zur handschriftlichen Überlieferung der Thebais des Statius," in Eranos Vindobonensis (Wien: Alfred Hölder, 1893): 211-7

Drexler, W., "Miscellanea," Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 145 (1892): 844
• On LP ad 1.716 ff.

Ellis, Robinson, "An Oxford Ms. of Statius' Silvae," JPh 20 (1892): 17-24
• Partial collation of Oxford, Barlow 23.

Gsell, S., "Note sur les fouilles récentes de Tipasa (Algérie)," Comptes rendus de l'Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 20 (1892): 242-50
Link. See also id., "Satafis (Périgotville) et Thamalla (Toqueville)," Mélanges d'archéologie et d'histoire de l'École française de Rome, 15 (1895): 32-70 [56-57]; Anthologia Latina Riese 2.2.826; and Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum VIII suppl. P. III, p. 1943 nr. 20588.

Helm, R., De P. Papinii Statii Thebaide (Berlin, 1892): 69-112

Mayer, H., "Über eine Berliner Handschrift der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 51 (1892): 381-84
• On Hamilt. 607. Link

Ellis, R., "Adversaria IV," Journal of Philosophy 19 (1891): 174-6
• On LP ad 6.322.

Moerner, F.E.L., De P. Papinii Statii Thebaide questiones criticae, grammaticae, metricae dissertatio (Regensberg, 1890)

Valmaggi, L., Stazio nella tradizione classica del Medio Evo (extr. from Biblioteca delle Scuole Italiane, 7-10]) (Asti: A. Bianchi, 1889)

Kohlmann, P., ed., Commentum Lactantii Placidi in Statii Thebaidos. Specimen criticum (Emden, 1887)
• Edition of Lactantius Placidus ad Theb. 3.1-323.

Beuchler, F. "Coniectanea," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 39 (1884): 283-5 nr.7
• The Bellum germanicum may have been in Juvenal's mind as he wrote Sat. 4. Valla might have gotten the Statius citation from Probus.

Goetz, Georg, De Statii Silvis emendandis disputatio. Jena, [1884]
• On the relationships between the manuscripts of the Silvae.

Kerckhoff, Paulus, Duae quaestiones Papinianae, Diss. Inaug. Univ. Frederic-Willem. (Berlin: H. S. Herrmann, 1884?)
• On Statius' dates and the dates of his works and on the extemporaneous nature of Silvae, including style and language.

Nohl, H., review of Kohlmann's 1883 edition of the Thebaid, Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 1 (1884): 1622 ff.
• See Müller, O., "Aus alten Handschriften des Statius," Wochenschrift für klassische Philologie 20 (1903): 192-97.

Opitz, C.R., "De argumentorum metricorum latinorum arte et origine," Leipziger Studien zur classischen Philologie 6 (1883): 195-316

Österberg, P.I., De structura verborum cum praepositionibus compositorum quae exstant apud C. Valerium Flaccum, P. Papinium Statium, M. Valerium Martialem, commentatio academica (diss. Uppsala) (Stockholm, 1883)

Mommsen, Th., ed., Jordanes, Romana et Getica, MGH V.1, (Berlin, 1882): xlv and 198
• On LP ad 12.62.

Müller, Otto, Electa Statiana, Programm des Luisenstädtischen Gymnasiums (Berlin, 1882)

Schenkl, G., "De Statii Achilleidos codice etonensi," Wiener Studien 4 (1882): 96-101

Bitschofsky, Rudolph, De C. Solii Apollinaris Sidonii studiis statianis (Wien: Karl Konegen, 1881)

Deipser, B., De P. Papinio Statio Vergilii et Ovidii imitatore Strassburg, Dissertationes Philologicae, 5 (1881)

Lubin, A., Studi preparatori illustrativi della Divina Commedia (Padova: L. Panada, 1881). Di essi, V., parte II.

Birt, Th., "Zu Senecas Tragödien," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 24 (1879): 557
• On LPs' treatment of the Thyestes myth in 4.530.

Bitschofsky, R., "Zu Statius Silvae," Jahresbuch für classische Philologie 117 (1878): 573-4
• On Silv. 2.2.93.

Bitschofsky, R., "Zur Kritik und Erklärung des Statius," Zeitschrift für die österrichische Gymnasien 29 (1878): 907-12
• On Silv. 1.3.31-33, 1.3.106-108, 3.3.60-61, 2.1.40, and 5.2.73.

Blümner, H., "Zu Statius Achill. I, 332," Wissenschaftlicher Monatsbericht 6 (1878): 156-7

Köstlin, H., "Besserungen und Erläuterungen zu P. Papinius Statius," Philologus 37 (1878): 276-92 
• Discussions of Silv. 2.6.4, 2.6.8-10, 4.4.101-5; Theb. 4.697-9; Silv. 3.4.13; Theb. 1.227, 2.292-3, 2.265-7, 1.383-5, 6.572-3, 9.343, 11.403, 11.413, 6.485; Silv. 5.3.10, 1.1.27-8, 1.1.61-5, 2.3.53-5, 2.6.73, 2.1.121-2, 4.8.25-31, 5.1.92, 4.3.20-3, 4.3.112-3, 4.3.158-9, 5.3.41, 5.3.58, 5.3.69, 5.3.92, 5.3.126, 5.3.154, 5.3.159, 5.3.162, 5.3.209-14, 5.3.219, 5.3.231, 5.3.250, 5.3.271, 5.3.288-9, 5.5.5, 5.5.13, 5.5.24, 5.5.46, 3.3.215, 5.5.79,, 1.2.74, 1.3.72, 1.6.5, 2.5.23, 3.1.116, 3.2.30, 3.3.66, 3.3.95-6, 3.3.140, 4.4.20; Theb. 1.22, 2.280, 2.430, 4.293, 5.280, 5.372, 7.316, 9.759, 10.756, 12,214; Ach. 2.1, 2.3

Lehanneur, L., De Publii Papinii Statii Vita et Operibus Quaestiones (La Rochelle, 1878): 223-8
• On Statius' Quellen.

Lentz, F.L., "Zu Statius Silv. I, 3, 48," Wissenschaftlicher Monatsbericht (1878): 64

Mommsen, Th., "Vitorius Marcellus," Hermes 13 (1878): 428-30

Polster, Ludwig, Quaestionum Statianarum, part. I. Gymnasiums-Programm von Wongrowitz (Leipzig: Teubner, 1878)

Sandström, C.E., Studia critica in Papinium Statium, Upsala Universitets Årsskrift (Upsala, 1878)

• Extensive exegetical and critical notes on the Silvae, , and Thebaid.

Cornelissen, I.I., "Ad Statii Silvas," Mnemosyne, n.S., 5 (1877): 277-94 
• On Silv. 1.1.15, 1.2.36, 1.3.52, 1.3.99 ff., 1.4.11, 1.4.38 ff., 1.6.39 ff., 1.6.60 ff, 1.6.70 ff., 1.6.93 ff.,, 2.1.137, 2.5.1-3, 2.7.36 ff., 3.2.67 ff., 3.2.11 ff., 4.2.18-23, 4.3.20 ff., 4.3.67 ff., 4.4.46 ff., 4.4.87 ff., 4.5.53 ff., 4.8.14 ff., 4.8.54 ff., 4.9.46 ff., 5.1.146 ff., 5.1.181 ff., 5.1.258 ff., 5.2.8 ff., 5.2.53 ff., 5.2.71 ff., 5.3.7 ff., 5.3.109 ff., 5.5.29 ff., 5.5.40 ff., 5.5.43-6.

Crecelius, W., "Ein Düsseldorfer Statiusfragment," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 32 (1877): 632-6

Desjardins, E., "Nécessité des connaissances épigraphiques pour l'intelligence de certains textes classiques: Lettre à M. Louis Havet sur la IVe Silve du Ier livre de Stace," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes, n.s. 1 (1877): 7-24 and 189-92

Grasberger, L., "Zu Statius Silvae," Jahrbüche für classische Philologie 115 (1877): 419-22 and 769-76
• On Silv. 1.1.18; 1.2.128; 2.1.127-8; 2.2.15; 2.3.16; 2.5.7; 3.2.59-60; 3.3.34-8; 3.5.11; 4.2.4; 4.8.25; 5.3.193. On 769-76: 1.1.96; 2.2.153-4; 3.1.155-8; 4.2.23; 5.1.5-6.

Hahn, H., "Zu Statius Silvae," Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 115 (1877): 422

Havet, L., "Varia," Revue de philologie, de littérature et d'histoire anciennes, n.s. 1 (1877): 165 and 167
• Notes on Silv. 1.1.22 and 1.6.43 ff.

Köstlin, H., "Zu Statius," Philologus 36 (1877): 176-81 
• On Silv. 5.3.231-3, 3.3.98-9, 2.6.48-50, 2.6.58, 3.5.46-9, 1.3.38-43, 1.3.59, 2.1.171-73, 2.1.179-82, 2.6.60-66.

Nohl, H., "Zwei Freunde des Statius," Hermes 12 (1877): 517-8

Haupt, M., "Adversaria," Opuscula (Leipzig, 1876): 3.642-3
• Notes on Theb. 4.150, 8.255 and 10.298.

Kohlmann, P., "Die Pariser Handschriften der Achilleis des Statius," Philologus 34 (1876): 474-96

Kohlmann, Philipp, "Die Inschrift des Othryades beim Scholiusscholiasten," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 31 (1876): 302-304
• On Lactantius Placidus ad 4.48.

Köstlin, H., "Besserungen und Erläuterungen zu P. Papinius Statius," Philologus 35 (1876): 493-533
• Begins with a discussion of sound in Statius and continues to discuss Theb. 2.43, 2.536, 2.323, 2.513, 3.208, 3.379, 3.482, 3.677, 4.37, 4.452, 6.333; Ach. 1.470; Silv. 1.3.24, 2.1.123, 3.1.150, 5.3.2, 2.6.30, 3.3.98

Köstlin, H., "Zu Statius," Philologus 35 (1876): 713-14 
• On Silv. 1.4.89, 5.3.129 and Theb. 6.731-32.

Lohr, Frid., De infinitivi apud P. Papinium Statium et Iuvenalem usu, Diss. inaug. (Marburg, 1876)

Blass, H., "Ueber die von Poggio zu den Zeiten des Kostnitzer Concils gefundene Handschrift des Quintilianus und von Statius Silven," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F. 30 (1875): 258-63

Kohlmann, Philipp, "Zur Achilleis des Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 30 (1875): 319, 475-76, 634-36
• On 1.200 ("divisa"), 1.475 (scansion of "Malea"), 1.481 ("praestruxerit"), 1.728-31 ("tuas ... Forte"), 1.818 ("somnumque"), 1.943-44 ("sperabunt ... Catenis"), 2.155 ("nudare").

Ellis, R., "On two passages of Statius' Silvae," JPh 5 (1874): 262-5 
• On 1.6.12 and 2.3.31 ff.

Haupt, M., "Coniectanea," Hermes 8 (1874): 180-1 = Opuscula (Leipzig, 1876): 3.622-3
• Notes on Silv. 5.3.219.

Kohlmann, P., "Beiträge zur Kritik des Statiusscholien," Philologus 33 (1874): 128-138

Wachsmuth, C., "Der Archetypus der Silven des Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie n.F., 29 (1874): 355-6

Baehrens, Emil, "Emendationum in Statii Silvas Particula I," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 28 (1873): 250-63
• On Silv 5.5.24-28, 1.1.27-28, 1.3.15-17, 1.4.58-60, 1.4.86-88, 1.6.51-55, 1.6.93-95, 2.1.65-68, 2.3.43, 3.3.71-75, 3.3.74, 3.5.14-16, 3.5.18-22, 3.5.26-29, 3.5.33-35, 4.1.44-47, 4.4.81-84, 4.4.101-105, 4.6.41-43, 4.6.47, 4.6.67, 4.8.15, 5.1.146, 5.3.43.

Kohlmann, P., Neue Scholien zur Thebais des Statius, aus einer Pariser Handschrift herausgegeben, Programm des Friedrich-Wilhelms-Gymnasium zu Posen (Berlin: Calvary, 1873)
• Transcription of glosses in Paris, lat. 10317.

Polster, Ludwig, "Zu Statius Silven," Neue Jahrbücher für classische Philologie 107 (1873): 774-75
• On Silv. 1.3.16 (read "arte manus utrimque"), 1.3.62 (read "ignoro"), 2.2.143 (read "degite securi").

Appelmann, C., Studia Papiniana, Gymnasiums-Programm (Demmin, 1872)
• Detailed discussions of passages in the Silvae emended in Markland's and Imhof's editions.

Hahn, Hermann, Quaestionum Statianarum part. I. Diss. inaug. (Breslau, 1872)
• On the Breslau manuscript of the Silvae.

Kelle, J. "Die klassische Handscriften: Statiushandschriften in Prager Bibliotheken," Abhandlungen der K. Bohm Gesellschaft der Wissenschaft 1 (1872): 22-27

Friedländer, L., "De personis nonnullis a Statio commemoratis," Index lectionum hibernarum Monasteriensium 1870/71 (Münster, 1870): 6-7 

Friedländer, L., "Die Gönner und Freunde des Martial und Statius," Darstellung aus der Sittengeschichte Roms, III (Münster, 1871): 396-411 

Friedländer, L., "Recensio poetarum Statio Martiali Plinio iuniori contemporaneorum," Index lectionum hibernarum Monasteriensium 1870/71 (Münster, 1870): 4-5 

Friedländer, L., Darstellung aus der Sittengeschichte Roms, III (Münster, 1871): 390-396
• A summary of the arguments in his 1862 Programm

Haupt, Moriz, "Varia," Hermes 5 (1871): 186-7 = Opuscula (Leipzig, 1876): 3.531-2
• Notes on Silv. 2.7.116.

Krause, K., De P. Papinii Statii comparationibus epicis, Diss. Inaug. (Halle, 1871)

Madvig, J.N., Adversaria critica ad scriptores Graecos et Latinos, 2 vols. (Hauniae: Gyldendal [Leipzig: T.O. Weigel], 1871): 1:149, 2:152-61
• On Silv. 2.6.64; Statius' unconvential style. Discussions of Theb. 1.22, 268 (read "a quo"), 631 ("intendit"); 2.235 ("pavores"), 252 ("per orbem"), 431 ("aulis"), 475 ("lassavit"), 559 ("dena"), 607 ("valens"), 672 ("mulcatum"); 3.101 ("contemptim regi"); 4.698 ("sinus ... Exaruit"). Silv. 1.3.23 ("et alentes"), 1.3.43 ("suspensa"), 1.3.49 ("digitos"), 1.3.90 ("nulli"), 1.6.24 ("serena"); 2.1.56 ("amatus"), 2.2.137 ("patriaeque errore"), 2.3.71 ("promere"), 2.6.6 ("acres tamen et"), 2.6.50 ("dolentem"), 2.6.82-3 ("saepius atro ... Sibi"), 2.7.58 ("(ingratus Nero!)"), 2.7.131 ("mortis"); ("acceptum est. Cludit"); ("exposcas"); ("sed mihi citra"), ("defende, sed, si ... Si nimis reprehendemur").

Nohl, Hermann, Quaestiones Statianae, Diss. inaug. (Berlin, 1871)
• On the chronology of Statius' works and the stemma of the manuscripts of the Silvae.

Haupt, M., "Analecta," Hermes 3 (1869): 345 = Opuscula (Leipzig, 1876): 3.444
• Notes on Theb. 7.683 and 8.494.

Unger, Robert, Conjectanea de Papinii Statii locis controversis (Friedland, 1868)
• On Silv. 3.5.48, 5.3.12, 5.3.124-30, 5.3.231, 4.3.21, 2.1.144, 2.1.50, 2.1.62, 2.3.69, 1.3.95, 4.8.6; Theb. 6.927, 12.510, 4.743, 5.606, 12.540, 3.186, 6.496, 3.16, 2.551, 4.482.

Braun, W., Der Oedipus des Seneca in seinen Beziehungen zu den gleichnamigen Stücken des Sophocles und Euripides und zu Statius Thebais (Wesel[?], 1867)

Imhof, Albert, Emendata quaedam et observata in Statii Silvis, Programm (Halle, 1867): 1-11
• On Statius' latinization of Greek words. Emendations to Silv. 1.6.9-16 and 5.3.219-24.

Grosse, H.F.E., Ueber eine Trierer Handschrift des Statius, Programm des Friedrichs-Collegs (Königsberg: Schubert und Seidel, 1866) 

Schmidt, M., "Ein Scholion zum Statius," Philologus 23 (1866): 541-47

Schmitz, W., "Ein Düsseldorfer Statiusfragment," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 21 (1866): 438-443 = Beiträge zur lateinischen Sprach- und Literaturkunde (Leovardia: Chalmot, 1877): 159-66

Wölfflin, Eduard, "Zu den Statiusscholien," Philologus 24 (1866): 156-58
• Discussion of Lactantian notes in Munich, clm 6396 and 19482, and the Bamberg manuscript that are not in Jahnke. According to Sweeney, the article is "valuable for reconstructing the Greek quotes in" Lactantius Placidus.

Deycks, F., "Statii codicis Thebaidis egregii aliquot fragmenta accuratius examinata," Index lectionum hibernarum Monasteriensium 1865/6 (Münster, 1865): 4-14

Henry, James, "Photographie und Tischrüchen, Erfindungen des Alterthums," Jahrbuch für classische Philologie 93 (1865): 643-4
• A note on Silv. 3.4.93. 

Koch, Hermann Adolph, "Coniectanea in Statium," Coniectaneorum in poetas latinos pars altera. Gymnasium-Program, Frankfurt am Oder, 1865), 4-13

Sante Bastiani, La Matelda e lo Stazio nella Divina Commedia (Napoli: Perrotta, 1865)

Danglard, J., Sur Stace et surtout de ses Silves (Clermont-Ferrand: Ferdinand Thibauer, 1864)
• (I) On Statius' relationship with his conpemporaries and his reception and influence in the Middle Ages; (II) His life and family; (III) On the composition of the Silvae, including their influence on Politian; (IV) The end of Statius' life and his relationship with Domitian; (V)-(XIV) Discussion of individual Silvae in groups.

Unger, R., Electa e Lactantii in Statii Thebaidem commentariis ad codicum fidem recognitis, Gymn. Prog. (Friedland, 1864)

Weidner, Andreas, Criticarum scriptionum specimen, Prog. des Fried.-Wilh. Gymnasiums (Löln, 1864), 26
• On Theb. 1.161 (read "Phrygiae Tyriaeque," following the Bamberg manuscript).

Lysander, A.Th., Quaestiones criticae et grammaticales, Diss. inaug. (Lund, 1863): 64-65
• On Silv. 5.3.222.

Müller, Otto, "Zu den Gedichten des P. Papinius Statius," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, n.F. 18 (1863): 189-200
• On echoes of the Silvae in antiquity and the Middle Ages, and criticism of Bentley's edition. Discussions of Silv. 4.4.1, 4.2.28, 5.2.142, 2.1.218;Ach. 1.72-76; Theb. 1.32-34, 2.12-3, 2.257-58, 2.342-43, 5.381-83, 7.640-41, 7.666-68, 10.100-1, 10.402, 10.668-69, 10.702-3, 11.470-71, 11.661, 3.648-49, 4.828-29, 1.291-93, 1.339-41, 3.183-87, 4.139-42, 3.291-94, 4.76-79, 7.436-38, 9.4-7, 11.278.

Nauke, Emil, Observationes criticae et grammaticae in Publium Papinium Statium, Dissertatio Inauguralis (Breslau, 1863)
• Part 1: On Theb. 1.103, 2.630, 4.53, 4.557, 7.178, 10.525, 9.343, 10.699; Ach. 1.90; Silv. 2.6.10, 3.2.117, 3.5.57. Part 2: On Statius' grammar, esp. his use of the dative and the Greek accusative.

Friedländer, L., De temporibus librorum Martialis Domitiano imperante editorum et Silvarum Statii. Programm der Akademie zu Regmont (Regmont, 1862)

Unger, Robert, Lexidia (Friedland, 1862): 14-20 
• On Silv. 5.3.124, 5.3.91, and 5.2.120.

Grosse, Emil, Observationum in Statii Silvis specimen. Dissertatio Inauguralis (Berlin: Calvary, [1861])
• On Statius' style (including repetition), his Latin, hapax legomena, and meter in the Silvae. Includes a discussion of Markland's and Hand's emendations of 1.3.50 (on pp. 2-3).

Haupt, M., "Beiträge zur Berichtigung der Gedichte des P. Papinius Statius aus Richard Bentleys und Johann Schraders Aufzeichnungen," Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie der Wissenschaft (1861): 1074-1084 = Opuscula (Leipzig, 1876): 3.126-136
• Transcription of notes of Bentley and Schrader.

Müller, Otto, Quaestiones Statianae, Progr. Des Gymnasiums zum grauen Kloster (Berlin: Calvary, 1861)

Bergk, T., "Kritische Analekten," Philologus 16 (1860): 620 n. 17
• On Silv. 1.3.50.

Imhof, A., De Silvarum Statianarum conditione critica, Programm der lateinischen Hauptschule (Halle: Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1859). Link.
• A discussion of the manuscripts (including partial collations of manuscripts in Mantua (now Roma, Vitt. Em. 1021) and Wroclaw) and of editors' emendations (esp. Markland, Hand, and Queck).

Jahn, O. "Vermischtes," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 9 (1854): 627 nr. 5
• The Bellum germanicum Is not an invention of Valla. This is the first connection of the text to Silv. 4.2.64-6.

Jahn, O. "Vermischtes," Rheinisches Museum für Philologie 9 (1854): 627 nr. 6
• Lactantius Placidus to 4.482 is based on the Vatican Mythographer 2.42.

Unger, R., Subsicivorum capita tria, Prog. Friedland, 1854
• On Silv. 4.5.22.

Volckmar, K., "Statii Silv. I, 2, 174 sqq.," Philologus 8 (1853): 359-61

Weber, Carl Friedrich, De codice Statii Cassellano, Gymn. Prog. (Marburg, 1853)

Hand, Ferdinand, Iani Gruteri Suspiciones in Statii Thebaidos libri I cum animadversionibus, Programm der Akademie (Jena, 1851)

Unger, Robert, "Subsiciva," Philologus 4 (1849): 719-35
• Discussions of and emendations to (IV) Silv. 5.3.129-30 (which Markland calls "omnium locorum in Statio difficium est difficillimus"), Lactantius, ad Theb. 4.551, and (V) Lactantius, ad Theb. 4.43.

Schottky, H., De pretio Lactantiani commentarii in Statii Thebaida et de nomine, philosophia, et aetate commentatoris, Dissertation, Breslau, 1846

Mitscherlich, Chr.W., Observationes ad Taciti Annales 3,55, Germ. 5, Sallusti Jug. 67, Stat. Theb. 2,16, 1,55, Cic. Off. 1,11. Index lectionum (Göttingen, 1841)

Dölling, Einige Notizen über den Dichter Stella aus Patavium [in Latin], Gymnasiums-Programm (Plauen, 1840)

Beck, C., ed., Papinii Statii ad Calpurnium Pisonem Poemation (Olnodus: Brügel, 1835)

Bode, Georg Heinrich, Scriptores rerum mythicarum latini tres Romae nuper reperti, 2 voll. (Celle, 1834)
• Used LP. Also reprints, in the preface, Angelo, Cardinal Mais' remarks on LP, "which had best be forgotten," according to Sweeney.

Welcker, F.G., "Die Späteren Thebaiden, auch die des Statius," Allgemeine Schulzeitung 2 (1832): 158 ff. = Kleine Schriften, vol. 1 (1844): 395-401

Wesseling, Peter, untitled observation, in C.H. Frotscher, ed., Petri Wesselingii Observationum variorum libri duo, vol. 2 (1832): 171-72
• At Silv. 2.1.230, read "Nec dirae comes ille viae."

Anonymous, "Statius and his Age," rev. of Valpy, P. Papinii Statii Opera Omnia ex editione Bipontina cum notis et interpretations in Usum Delphini 1824, The British Quarterly Review 26 no. 52 (Oct. 1, 1857), 281-307
• On Statius' art and his personal sadness.

Boeckh, August, Editio maior Pindari (Leipzig, 1821)
• 2.2.567 discusses LP ad Theb. 2.85.

Tross, Ludwig, "Variae lectiones ad Statii Thebaid. V, 114. sq. et VI, 274. sq., ex antiqui codicis fragmento collectae," Kritische Bibliothek für das Schul- und Unterrichtswesen 2 (1820), 389-90• A collation of a fragment of the Thebaid in his collection in Hall (Westf.).

Lachmann, C., "De locis aliquibus Thebaidos Statianae," Observationum criticarum capita tria, Habilitationsschrift (Göttingen, 1815) = Kleinere Schriften, vol. 2 (Berlin, 1876): 42-50 [47-50]
• Discussions of Theb. 1.21, 1.103, 1.181, 2.131, 2.234, 3.104, 3.246, 5.449, 6.13. 

Menke, F.A., Observationes criticae in Statii Achilleida et alios passim scriptores (Göttingen: Vandenkoeck et Ruprecht, 1814)
• Notes on Ach. 1.20-2, 8-11, 22-4, 43-5, 68, 413, 91-2, 100-1, 104, 109-10, 147-8, and 556-9

Hand, F., ed., Iohannis Frederici Gronovii in P. Papinii Statii Silvarum libros V diatribe... 2 voll. (Leipzig, 1812)
• Also contains some emendations to Lactantius Placidus in vol. 1.

Suringar, Gerardus Tiaard, Theb. 1.389 ("teneros")

Manso, "Ueber Statius," Nachtrag zu Sulzers Theorie der schönen Künste 8.2 (1808): 344-83 

Cormiliolle, P.-L., ed. and tr. L'Achilléide et les Sylves (including the Panegyricum ad Calpurnium Pisonem "nunc primum P. Papinio Statio restitutum") (Paris, 1805)

Jacobs, "In Statii Sylvas," Miscellanea Philologica (Matthiä) 1 (1803): 93-97
• on Silv. 1.1.64 ("continuo ... motus"), 1.2.60 ("vincula moecho"), 1.2.95 ("pius qui"), 1.2.136 ("puro"), 1.3.21 ("flammeus"), 3.5.102 ("vos molli"), 4.1.25 ("ortibus), 4.4.72 ("genus"), 5.3.61 ("meque etenim").

Jortin, John, "Critical Remarks on Statius," Tracts, Philosophical, Critical, and Miscellaneous II (London, 1790 [New York, 1870]): 424-44 
• On Th. 1.156, 197, 548; 3.179, 282, 284, 295, 299, 378, 420, 582, 720; 4.157, 282, 604; 5.699; 7.55; 8.29; 9.795; 10.26, 41; 11.440; Silv. 2.2.19.

Scheffler, G.A.Chr., "Von den lateinischen Heldendichten ausser dem Virgil, deren Gedichte auf unsere Zeiten gekommen sind," Windeburgs humanistiches Magazin (1788): 141-65, 220-44, 321-43; (1790): 115-134, 204-227

Friesemann, H., "Ad Statium," Collectanea critica (Amsterdam, 1786): 203-27
• on 1.28-29, 1.40-50, 1.51-52, 1.56-57, 1.201-202, 1.210-11, 1.214-15, 1.367-69, 1.370-72, 1.377-78, 1.425-26, 1.435, 1.575-81, 1.605-608, 1.616 ff., 1.638-39, 1.685-86, 1.712-15, 2.2-3, 2.51-55, 3.4-5, 3.30-31, 3.35-36, 3.222-24, 3.410-11, 3.427-31, 3.522-23, 3.563-65, 3.595-97, 4.9-10, 4.16-18, 4.30-31, 4.34-38, 4.38-39, 4.69-71, 4.107-108, 4.137-40, 4.254-55, 4.589-61, 4.708-10, 4.776-78, 4.786-89, 5.3-4, 5.204-205. Link

Mitscherlich, Chr. W., "In P. Papinii Statii Achilleida," Epistola critica in Apollodorum ad virum illustrem Chr. Gottl. Heyne. Accedunt nonnulla in Statium et Catullum (Göttingen: Vandenhöck et Ruprecht, 1782), 53-91
• Discussions of Ach. 1.1, 3-4, 4-5, 13, 8-9, 10-12, 99-100, 116-17, 155, 209-10, 290-92, 344-45, 412, 449, 476-77.

Schrader, J., "Ad Statium," Liber emendationum (Leeuwarden: Chalmot, 1776): xxvii-xxviii, 173-74, 179 
• On Silv. 1.6.16 (on the scansion of gratuitum); Silv. 3.1.110; and Theb. 7.420 (read accola).

Lochmann, Johann Melchior, Professoris Eloquentiae Et Graecae Linguae Munus In Illustri Gymnasio Coburgensi Academico Auspicaturus Pauca Ad Defendendum Et Emendandum P. Papin. Statium Praefatur (Coburg, 1774)
• A defense of Statius against deprecators from Joseph Scaliger to Barth. A discussion of Juvenal 7.82-87 and Statius' success. A defense of his encomia and of his style. A lengthy discussion of Silv. 3.2.20 ("exploret rupes gravis ante molybdis").

Wernsdorf, J.C., "Ad Papinii Statii Thebaida et Achilleida Animadversiones selectae," Museum criticum continens praesertim varias lectiones, observationes et dissertationes ad auctores veteres graecos et latinos (ed. Stosch) 1 (1774): 86-120
• Emendations of Theb. 1.22, 23, 27, 44, 55, 103, 197, 201, 227, 229, 439, 485, 652, 700; 2.213, 418, 556, 671; 3.61, 163, 283; 4.353, 626, 686, 698, 697; 5.106, 135, 389; 6.201, 213, 217, 387, 496, 663, 744; 7.75, 801; 8.292, 481; 9.148, 218, 338; 10.306, 841; 11.427, 496; 12.423, 489; 12.529, 750; Ach. 1.99, 448, 780.

Klotz, Christian Adolph, "Animadversiones in P. Papinii Statii Thebaida," Miscellanea critica (Utrecht, 1763), 58-99
• Discussion of difficulty in understanding the Thebaid and extensive emendations to all 12 books.

Schrader, Joannes, "Ad Statium," in Observationum liber (Franeker, 1761), 62 and 70
• On Ach. 1.753 ("iure pavent") and Theb. 6.677 ("maia crete").

Dommerich, Johann Christoph, Ad P. Papinii Statii Achilleida ex membraneis Bibliothecae suae anecdota (Wolfenbüttel: Meisner, 1758)
• A transcription of the commentary on the Achilleid in Gud. lat. 292.2.

Schmid, Konrad Arnold, "Achilleidos P. Papinii Statii pars," Ad Audiendam Plauti Fabulam Capteivei a quibusdam Primi Ordinis Alumnis In Auditorio Maiori Iohannei Die XVIII Octobris Hora Post Meridiem Quinta Publice Recitandam Patres Reip. Maxime Spectabiles Bonarumque Literarum Tutores et Fautores Invitat M. Conradus Arnoldus Schmid Iohannei Rector, Prog. Lüneburg (Lüneburg, 1756), 18-26
• A collation of a manuscript now in Wolfenbüttel (404.1 (1,13) Novi).

Crusius, Christian, "Varro, Prudentius, Terentius, Plautus, Sidonius, Statius promiscue emendantur," Probabilia critica (1753): 40-47

• On Silv. 5.1.93 (read "Nullaque funesta signatur lancea pinna", Theb. 9.23 (read "miramur"), and Silv. 1.2.227 (read "Hic thyrsos, hic plectra gerit" or "ferunt" for a reported "ferit"), and 1.2.189 (read "Raptor erat").

Biedermann, J.G., De virga medica ad Stat. Theb. II, 2 commentatio (Freiberg: Lit. Matthaean., 1750)

Dommerich, Johann Christoph, De scholiis veterum, earumque cum hodiernis analogia programma (Wolfenbüttel, 1749)

Heinsius, Nicolaus, Adversariorum libri IV, ed. P. Burman the Younger (Harlingen, 1742), 240-41
• Chiefly on Silv. 5.3, 5.5. and Statius' chronology (pp. 586-97). Emendations to: Thebaid 2.437, 3.644 (p. 160, both read "sanguine victo"), and 8.707 (p. 293, read "apicem Aetolae"); Silvae 1.1.18 (p. 240, read "exutis"), 1.3.83-89 (p. 488, brief discussion), 3.5.78 (p. 732, "Euboicis tenuisne ac"), 4.2.30 but perhaps 1.5.43 (p. 708, "in seriem"), 5.1.130 (p. 240, read "dares"), 5.3.12 (p. 148, read "verso"), 5.4.12 (p. 188, "vafer").

Burman, P., and J.P. d'Orville, eds., Miscellaneae observationes criticae novae in auctores veteres et recentiores, 42 parts in 14 vols. (Amsterdam, 1732-51)
• A combination of collations on, discussions of, and emendations to many passages (listed here), together with a discussion of Statius' style (at 1/2:153-56). 1/2 (1732) 153-268; 1/3 (1732) 317-63; 2/1 (1733) 62-84; 2/2 (1733) 217-39; 2/3 (1733) 405-7; 4/3 (1734) 388-97.

Dodwell, D., Annales Velleiani, Quintiliani et Statii, seu Vitae P. Pellei Paterculi, F. Fabii Quintiliani, P. Publii Statii (obiterque Juvenalis), pro temporum ordine, dispositae (Oxford, 1698)

Munckerus, Thomas, Mythographi latini..., 2 voll. in 1 (Amsterdam, 1681)

Cruceus, Emericus, Ad P. Papinii Statii Silvas Muscarium siue Helelenchus (Paris: Michael Soly, 1640)

Gronovius, J.F., Helenchus Antidiatribes Mercurii frondatoris ad P. Papinii Statii Sylvas (Paris: Pelé, 1640)

Cruceus, Emericus, P. Papinii Statii Silvarum Frondatio sive Antidiatribe (Paris: Du Pais, 1639)

Gronovius, J.F., Diatribe in Statii Silvas ('s-Gravenhage: Theodorus Maire, 1637)

Morel, Fréderic the Younger, In Papinii Surculi Statii Sylvas (Paris, 1601)

• On Statius' language, style, and meter.